The Complete Guide to a Successful Reputation


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
hyphy bay area, ca
Before you kids say: "Isn't this the same post Whatsupwiddat made abour a year ago?" let me say yes. This post flat out sucked in its original state and I really felt I needed to revamp it completely. My gift to you, is an actual successful work of writing, complete with working smiles, and prettier VBB code to make it easier to read. Enjoy.

Guide to a Successful Reputation
Created solely by Sebastian (Whatsupwiddat, AC/DC)

Just a little question for you: who are you? I don't know. Chances are few people do, because you're here reading this. What gets you known? What do people know you as, and what social proof attracts the ladies? The word is reputation.

Your reputation is what people know you as. As I have learned from experience, getting a decent reputation is not very easy. Most people either have a loser reputation, or don't have one at all. A reputation (rep) is very important for your social life in high school. Guys gravitate to strong, positive men who seem to hold a certain authority... girls like to be seen with popular people.

That's where I come in.

I'm going to show you how to achieve that state. To have a good reputation, you need to have a few things, and I'm going to explain why. Here are the main 5 items I want you to remember:

2) Clothing that is moderately priced, and in good repair, keeping in hold with current styles.
3) Your own force in the world, a personal sense of style.
4) A decent relationship with the popular kids
5) Join a sport, preferably a spectator sport.

1: This is important. You don't want to be a boring old fart with nothing interesting to say right? And people just HATE negative people, they bring everyone around them down. Be glad of who you are, that you found my post, and that you found me. Be happy that you are one step closer to having some of the best years of your life: HS, college, and retirement. ;) Remember to be happy, and don't let crap get you down. Don't bother people with your problems, and never focus on the past. Focus on the future, and what you're going to do better.

2: IN this day and and, most people either:

A) Look good in their clothes.
B) Look BAD in their clothes.

Don't be letter B. Don't buy those crappy canvas sneakers from K-Mart for $10. Take pride in how you dress. If people never have spoken to you but they've seen you, they will get an idea of what you're like by how you dress. If you dress good, the ladies will say "wow, this guy takes care of himself, that's someone I want to be seen with". If you dress like a bum, people will say "having him around when I'm trying to get a date is like trying to get a date holding a smelly baby diaper". I'm serious. People want to look good around you, you should do your part and look your best too.

3: Please don't be like everyone else and wear shirts pregnant women couldn't fit into. Just look good. Just because you wear EcKo doesn't mean in any way, shape, or form, you are dressing good. Just look nice, and brand names usually do that. Normally, more money spent means you get better stuff. Hey, it's capitalism at it's best. So don't be afraid to spend money. But spend money and BE ORIGINAL. Don't get a pair of shoes because everyone else has them, get a pair of shoes because they look good. Be an independent force!

4: This is not a one man job. Find the easiest to talk to people, and chat it up with them. Invite them over your house for something. Just be very easygoing. Don't care what others think of you. Just make AS MANY FRIENDS AS YOU CAN. That way, word will spread faster, you have more people to chat with, more people who will try to get to know you better.

5: I recently joined football. All of a sudden, all the losers who joined got all the attention because they walked into school one day, wearing a jersey. That showed they had somewhat of a life. That showed that they ran because they loved it, it showed they had a passion for something. That in itself is worth talking about. But if one of those losers even scores a touchdown.... imagine the ruckus you hear from the ladies:

"OH MY GOD HE SCORED! INCREDIBLE! He's gonna be the source of attention! I want his attention! He's obviously great, I want to be a part of that!"

And if you do that all with a smile... WHAM. Chick magnet. It's really incredible what hard work like football can bring to you.

REMEMBER: Once in a while, people want to bring you down out of jealousy, and that's human nature. I mean, Jesus was a god, and they crucified him, it's our nature. These attacks are harmless and done by dorks who are like you were. People will always try to take you down. Shrug it off.

How to get your name going: Try the following things to get your name circulating:
- Be the first to create a style, a poineer of sorts
- Don't be afraid to speak your mind ever.
- Stand out like at a dance, or do something that people talk a lot about (sports, exceptional macking skills).
- Have a healthy sense of humor.
- Be your own person, and don't let others get you down because of it. You are a special, unique individual who deserves a shot. Everyone gets a shot, but few work hard for it. Have the strength to reach for your wishes.

Reach for the stars. You can do it only if you believe. So don't ever give up.



Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2002
Reaction score
Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Not only is this post right on the money but it's also extremely applicable for me right now starting college in 3 weeks. With hundreds of new people becoming a part of my life in the next month, my reputation is more important than ever.

Thanks for your post man, I've already bookmarked it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score

I saw popular kids do soem crazy stuff at my school, and thought it was a bit childish, but in reality if u do what u want and dont care about others, that is where attraction comes in. so go and sing karaoki, go breakdance , go dance with that hot chick. its your life, dont piss it away.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by AC/DC
5) Join a sport, preferably a spectator sport.

5: I recently joined football. All of a sudden, all the losers who joined got all the attention because they walked into school one day, wearing a jersey. That showed they had somewhat of a life. That showed that they ran because they loved it, it showed they had a passion for something. That in itself is worth talking about. But if one of those losers even scores a touchdown.... imagine the ruckus you hear from the ladies:

"OH MY GOD HE SCORED! INCREDIBLE! He's gonna be the source of attention! I want his attention! He's obviously great, I want to be a part of that!"

And if you do that all with a smile... WHAM. Chick magnet. It's really incredible what hard work like football can bring to you.


Join a sport just to improve you rep? Why? I know a lot of people that joined the team just for that purpose and thier rep didn't improve. Yeah, they had a passion for it, but they were still the same people as before, just with a jersey. Don't think that just because you join a sports team, you will become insanely popular and will have chicks swarming...If you do think that...You are in for one hell of a wake up call. As far as "imagine if a loser scores a touchdown..." Score one touchdown and see if the chicks swarm on you. Now, I do understand that you will get swarmed if it is a game winning touchdown (or in my case, field goal) but if it's during a normal game...You'll get a "congrats" from people, but not an "oh my god, fuck me now!" from the ladies.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
I have to agree with crazy. If people are that shallow to like you because you wear a jersey then do you really want them as your friends? I used to play basketball and it didnt do much, people just asked if you won and that shyt. Back then i was really shy, but now people are suprised casuse im much louder than i was and i make them have a good time. Once school starts this year everything will go my way....i guarentee.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2003
Reaction score
You don't necessarily have to join a sport, but you gotta be involved in something if you wanna get your face out there. If sports aren't your thing, then participate in some active clubs, run for student office, whatever as long as you're involved in something. And no, just because you made the football team it doesn't mean you will instantly gain some huge rep. But it helps project that you have a life outside of everyone else's go-to-school-and-come-home routine. Being involved shows that you are indeed good for something. This was one of my favorite posts.

Dig the Funk

Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
Can't really comment on the post itself since I never really cared about my rep, but I do believe that most of the things listed would come naturally to any half-decent DJ, no? Just being charismatic and passionate and having all the rest of the DJ traits would not only serve as a foundation for a great rep but actually create one. It's self-sufficiency, babe. Nice guide, though. OOh, one more point: not being afraid to speak one's mind may not exactly win the masses over. Most people are panderers (to steal Bill Maher's word) and invading their comfort bubble with earth-shaking opinions could alienate. I guess it's up to the individual man to weigh integrity against agreeability.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
In this Economy?
this really just sounds like ideas for ppl that care too much about what others think

sports is good to meet many ppl with similar interests but once HS progresses its not just the "jocks" that are popular. some of the jocks never are even popular.

dunno maybe its a small town thing?

4) A decent relationship with the popular kids
never could understand why ppl wanted to befriend popular people so badly. mainly becuase the only trait they care is their "popularity."

its pretty shallow

wanting and becoming friend with the people YOU think are cool is so much better then becoming friends with who EVERYONE ELSE thinks is cool
Apr 18, 2003
Reaction score
Fayetteville, Arkansas
originally posted by AC/DC:Don't get a pair of shoes because everyone else has them, get a pair of shoes because they look good. Be an independent force!
I tried that a year a go, I went expensive and bought me some Nike Vince Carter Shox the first ones which were black and red and were 175 dead presidents. I thought I was original by buying the expensivest basketball shoes during that time, and then a week later all the rich kids had em. I was pissed and started telling all my rich friends who had em, to quit copying me.

I quit wearing them and then let one of my friends borrow them for his P.E. class. Original yes, but sometimes it can catch on to other people he he.

5: I recently joined football. All of a sudden, all the losers who joined got all the attention because they walked into school one day, wearing a jersey. That showed they had somewhat of a life. That showed that they ran because they loved it, it showed they had a passion for something. That in itself is worth talking about. But if one of those losers even scores a touchdown.... imagine the ruckus you hear from the ladies:
Man If you join football for some b*tches you are a loser....

Nevertheless nice post, now go and reply to my thread called Don't Sweat It at the Tips forum.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
hyphy bay area, ca
I joined football because I like it.

That part just talks about where it gets you socially.


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo New York baby!
AC/DC blurbed:

~Before you kids say: "Isn't this the same post Whatsupwiddat made abour a year ago?" let me say yes. This post flat out sucked in its original state and I really felt I needed to revamp it completely. My gift to you, is an actual successful work of writing, complete with working smiles, and prettier VBB code to make it easier to read. Enjoy.~

Doubt it, but maybe you can surprise me.

~Guide to a Successful Reputation
Created solely by Sebastian (Whatsupwiddat, AC/DC)~

Its ****ty already.

~ Just a little question for you: who are you? I don't know. Chances are few people do, because you're here reading this. What gets you known? What do people know you as, and what social proof attracts the ladies? The word is reputation~

I am Anthony GRRR, I know more about myself than most [this statement is true in that I know myself better than others know me, and I know myself better than most know themselves, for those of you keeping score]. I'm reading this to make sure you don't mentally handycap and NB's like you did with your C+F post. Anything can get you known, it depends on your crowd. Just about any strong emotional social proof.

~Your reputation is what people know you as. As I have learned from experience, getting a decent reputation is not very easy. Most people either have a loser reputation, or don't have one at all. A reputation (rep) is very important for your social life in high school. Guys gravitate to strong, positive men who seem to hold a certain authority... girls like to be seen with popular people. ~

Actually most have a nuetral rep, which is far different than no rep. No rep means you can slide into any catagory you so choose simply based on first impressions... neutral rep means you are already known, and must actually take action to change your current status. Duh. Yes, rep is important, yay, you got something right. Actually people in general gravitate towards different stimuli, depending on their own insecurities... but in general, people follow leaders and lead followers.

~That's where I come in.~

I'm going to show you how to achieve that state. To have a good reputation, you need to have a few things, and I'm going to explain why. Here are the main 5 items I want you to remember:

2) Clothing that is moderately priced, and in good repair, keeping in hold with current styles.
3) Your own force in the world, a personal sense of style.
4) A decent relationship with the popular kids
5) Join a sport, preferably a spectator sport.

1: This is important. You don't want to be a boring old fart with nothing interesting to say right? And people just HATE negative people, they bring everyone around them down. Be glad of who you are, that you found my post, and that you found me. Be happy that you are one step closer to having some of the best years of your life: HS, college, and retirement. ;) Remember to be happy, and don't let crap get you down. Don't bother people with your problems, and never focus on the past. Focus on the future, and what you're going to do better. ~

Boring is bad, as is focusing on anything but the here and know. They key is to live in the present with the future in mind... basically, strive for ultimate happyness, but never forget where you stand at any given time.

~2: IN this day and and, most people either:

A) Look good in their clothes.
B) Look BAD in their clothes.

Don't be letter B. Don't buy those crappy canvas sneakers from K-Mart for $10. Take pride in how you dress. If people never have spoken to you but they've seen you, they will get an idea of what you're like by how you dress. If you dress good, the ladies will say "wow, this guy takes care of himself, that's someone I want to be seen with". If you dress like a bum, people will say "having him around when I'm trying to get a date is like trying to get a date holding a smelly baby diaper". I'm serious. People want to look good around you, you should do your part and look your best too.~

Actually there are far more generalizations to be made about how people wear their cloths:

-They look sexy
-They look acceptable
-They look taboo
-They look sloppy
-They look the same as the person next to them
-They look Clean-cut

The list goes on. There are many kinds/levels of 'looking good.' Always do your best to dress for the moment, diversify your wardrobe. Get a rep for dressing well, and good things will come. ALWAYS put effort into how you look, self improvement and rightious presentation of image is what DJing is all about.

~3: Please don't be like everyone else and wear shirts pregnant women couldn't fit into. Just look good. Just because you wear EcKo doesn't mean in any way, shape, or form, you are dressing good. Just look nice, and brand names usually do that. Normally, more money spent means you get better stuff. Hey, it's capitalism at it's best. So don't be afraid to spend money. But spend money and BE ORIGINAL. Don't get a pair of shoes because everyone else has them, get a pair of shoes because they look good. Be an independent force!~

Blah blah blah, yadayada, akljakjghajkghalkjhgha. Always be the 2nd best person in the room, and you can never go wrong.

~4: This is not a one man job. Find the easiest to talk to people, and chat it up with them. Invite them over your house for something. Just be very easygoing. Don't care what others think of you. Just make AS MANY FRIENDS AS YOU CAN. That way, word will spread faster, you have more people to chat with, more people who will try to get to know you better.~

I have 1 close friend, and 3 friends, and about 23908754398653 aquaintences. And when it boils down to it, its not who you know, its who knows you. I'm sure there are 100's of ppl who would consider me their friend, but they are not in my circle. Be nice to people, carry yourself well, have some pinache [like oscar shindler said, damn it!]. Never be rude to someone unless they have done something to affect you directly in a negative way. Ever.

~5: I recently joined football. All of a sudden, all the losers who joined got all the attention because they walked into school one day, wearing a jersey. That showed they had somewhat of a life. That showed that they ran because they loved it, it showed they had a passion for something. That in itself is worth talking about. But if one of those losers even scores a touchdown.... imagine the ruckus you hear from the ladies:

"OH MY GOD HE SCORED! INCREDIBLE! He's gonna be the source of attention! I want his attention! He's obviously great, I want to be a part of that!"

And if you do that all with a smile... WHAM. Chick magnet. It's really incredible what hard work like football can bring to you.~

Sports are not about women, they are about pushing yourself and achieving goals in a [usually] team-oriented inviornment. If you play football because you want chicks you probably suck at football and suck with women, because thats desperate. I do better with women than virtually every kid on the football team @ my school, and it obv has nothing to do with me playing soccer [who watches soccer, anyways]...

~REMEMBER: Once in a while, people want to bring you down out of jealousy, and that's human nature. I mean, Jesus was a god, and they crucified him, it's our nature. These attacks are harmless and done by dorks who are like you were. People will always try to take you down. Shrug it off.~

Actually this happens all the time. Be a man and deal with it.

~How to get your name going: Try the following things to get your name circulating:
- Be the first to create a style, a poineer of sorts
- Don't be afraid to speak your mind ever.
- Stand out like at a dance, or do something that people talk a lot about (sports, exceptional macking skills).
- Have a healthy sense of humor.
- Be your own person, and don't let others get you down because of it. You are a special, unique individual who deserves a shot. Everyone gets a shot, but few work hard for it. Have the strength to reach for your wishes.~

Speaking your mind, starting faulty trends, and being an extremist individual will all get you well on your way to being one of the biggest losers in school. Just do what you do, push your limits in positive directions as much as you can, and be true to yourself.

~Reach for the stars. You can do it only if you believe. So don't ever give up.~

I believe I can fly...
Apr 18, 2003
Reaction score
Fayetteville, Arkansas
I can tell..


Master Don Juan
Jun 24, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by AC/DC
Be glad of who you are, that you found my post, and that you found me.
You are ridiculous. You think you are among the master don juans, but no true master DJ is as arrogant, stubborn, or negative as you have made yourself out to be over and over again on this site.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
hyphy bay area, ca
Re: Re: The Complete Guide to a Successful Reputation

Originally posted by Zelemont
You are ridiculous. You think you are among the master don juans, but no true master DJ is as arrogant, stubborn, or negative as you have made yourself out to be over and over again on this site.
Shouldn't people be glad that they now have a sure-fire way to achieve the rep they've always wanted?

And you are ridiculous for pointing this out.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
ash nc US
My own experiences

Personally, I havn't ever really been some guy that nobody notices (i sure have felt that way sometimes) but overall, i was pretty "popular" as they say.

The fastest, most quickest way to get your name known and gain respect instantly is to make a pop. (hish status) chick like you. This happened accidentally to me back in my AFC days, and I was known by everyone who was worth being known by.

In regards to "reputation," there is NOTHING that you have to do in order to get a "good" one.

Well, okay, there are maybe 2 things.

1) dont FVCK UP your "default" rep
2) get your name known

Fact is, most peoples rep is either "unknown/no importance" or "known but with enemies"

Neither of these is a very "good" rep, unless your enemies are unknown or of little importance.

But a lot of people are always fighitn amongst themself, and if you stay neutral in taking sides, then you will create no enemies, and your reputation will SOAR!

Then through in your natural DJness, and your repuation will grow better and better.

Take Pook for example, has he ever been in a serious flamewar with anyone? Not that I know of(and correct me if im wrong) and he is one of the most respected people on this website.

Now of course, he gives extreme advice(which is his DJ-ness) and his reputation soars.

The small enemies he might have, nobody cares about.

The quickest way to get a good rep is to leave your ego at home.

Worked wonders for me, last semester. The less ego i was, the faster word about me spread. Like, quadratic increases.

i have girls from my old school, asking about me, because people from my NEW SCHOOL have been telling them that they know me.

And these are people that I dont even know...


Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2002
Reaction score
What's with the "I hate Sebastian, let's bash every post of his" thing going on around here??

I haven't seen much absurd from him, and if there was, it's a DJ's duty to aruge it politely and intelligently, not just saying: "yo so fulla shiat" and thinking that they're superior.

When people do that, who's the real arrogant?

Everyone's having a pre-conceived idea about this fellow, that is stopping them from enjoying his material and succeeding even further.

And besides that, everyone has flaws and says stupid things. Everyone has arguments. But only real men can actually grow and learn a lot from them. And this guy here did. He took some time off, and stopped to think about his ways, and then came back changed, and everyone comes throwing rocks at him.

Why don't you put all this bullsh!t aside and realize that this is an awesome post?

This guy is great, and we all have a lot to learn from him.
When I was newer to the forum, I had gotten into an argument with Anthony, and started to think that he was full of sh!t. But later I realized the mistake I was making, and now he's one of the DJs I admire and respect the most, and I'm pretty sure he respects me too.

And I could be loosing this healthy brotherly relationship because of my stupidity. Think a lot about that.

Sebastian, I'm more than glad to see this old classic revamped.
Popularity is one of the keys to succeed not only in high school, but in life.



Don Juan
Jul 14, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo New York baby!
BBB I cannot fathom how you read that post and found it to be worth your time.

As far as Oreo's post... staying neutral is fantastic advice for MAKING friends. But there comes a time in relationships [even those of a friendly nature] where you need to stand tall and stake your claim... earn some respect. I would suggest remaining nutral untill a topic [which is very important to you] presents itself, then make your opinion known. This will show you who is closest to you and who your real friends are. Never be confused between aquaintences and friends, it'll be your demise.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
ash nc US
Originally posted by MoAF
As far as Oreo's post... staying neutral is fantastic advice for MAKING friends. But there comes a time in relationships [even those of a friendly nature] where you need to stand tall and stake your claim... earn some respect.
yep, which is why it worked so well for me in a new school that I transferred to.

SupermanX- me and anthony havn't gotten into a flame war, flame war would be just pointless BS back and forth, even though we might have argued on some things we still gave at least SOME info.


Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by MoAF
BBB I cannot fathom how you read that post and found it to be worth your time.
Well, let me tell you. For me, there can never be a post about popularity, because becoming popular is unique to every single environment. For example, in my school, if you become a junkie and hang around with the other junkies you're already popular, even if you're a depressed geek.

For a newbie that comes to the forum, and sees a post like this, it kinda of lights some lamps inside his head. He stops to think, and analyze the social structure of his school, than relating the content to it, ending up finding ways of improving his social status.

For me, few of the things here apply, but for the newcomer this post may open some doors.
You know better than I do that there's no secret formula to popularity... each case is a case...

Sometimes I see the geeks in my class, and it's funny because they know everything about math,physics,chemistry and computer programming, but they don't understand 1% of the social structure from our school.

If a geek like one of those saw this post, he would start to grasp at how things work, and eventually find his way of becoming popular on his own...

But for us, we see that the things here are like, 10% responsible for our popularity... the rest we make it happen.

Popularity is a reward for our socialization effords. You're a man of action, I don't even have to tell this for you ;)
