Just a little question for you: who are you? I don't know. Chances are few people do, because you're here reading this. What gets you known? What do people know you as, and what social proof attracts the ladies? The word is reputation.
I knew of a lot of people that got attractive girls but had the rep of dog sh1t. Reputation really means jack and I knew this because I went through this stuff in HS. Believe me, rep is maybe 20-30% of the reason why people in HS get women.
Reputation is what people know you as. As I have learned from experience, getting a decent reputation is not very easy. Most people either have a loser reputation, or don't have one at all. A reputation (rep) is very important for your social life in high school. Guys gravitate to strong, positive men who seem to hold a certain authority... girls like to be seen with popular people.
I got a very excellent rep in about a months' time. I pissed it all away six months later because I tried to be different and admitted I masturbated. Trust me, when my rep was high (to the point where I was just a few votes shy of homecoming rep for the 10th grade class) no girls ever went up to me.
1: This is important. You don't want to be a boring old fart with nothing interesting to say right? And people just HATE negative people, they bring everyone around them down. Be glad of who you are, that you found my post, and that you found me. Be happy that you are one step closer to having some of the best years of your life: HS, college, and retirement.

Remember to be happy, and don't let crap get you down. Don't bother people with your problems, and never focus on the past. Focus on the future, and what you're going to do better.
I agree with this. Be happy with what you do. HS is not hard. At all. There is absolutely no stress involved unless you slack off to the last minute. Even then you can get by. I hardly ever did homework and graduated with a 3.3 GPA including about 25 credits of college credits. There is no reason for you not to be happy in HS.
Don't be letter B. Don't buy those crappy canvas sneakers from K-Mart for $10. Take pride in how you dress. If people never have spoken to you but they've seen you, they will get an idea of what you're like by how you dress. If you dress good, the ladies will say "wow, this guy takes care of himself, that's someone I want to be seen with". If you dress like a bum, people will say "having him around when I'm trying to get a date is like trying to get a date holding a smelly baby diaper". I'm serious. People want to look good around you, you should do your part and look your best too.
Agreed but this is more of a requirement for life. Thanks to the skater fad going on (well at least in my area), more people would rather pick the K-Mart canvas sneakers than the And1's. Basically its all about your style. If your style is suave then get the nice stuff. If you're grungy and into that skating sh1t, then wear it. The clothes reflect you. If you dress like a prep and you skateboard, you are a poser. If you dress like a skateboarder and try to be a prep, the preps and skaters both will laugh at your ass and deservedly so. If you're a football player, wear sh1t like jerseys and shirts of various football camps you went into.
3: Please don't be like everyone else and wear shirts pregnant women couldn't fit into. Just look good. Just because you wear EcKo doesn't mean in any way, shape, or form, you are dressing good. Just look nice, and brand names usually do that. Normally, more money spent means you get better stuff. Hey, it's capitalism at it's best. So don't be afraid to spend money. But spend money and BE ORIGINAL. Don't get a pair of shoes because everyone else has them, get a pair of shoes because they look good. Be an independent force!
True. I noticed that AE preps and Goodwill skaters are a dime a dozen. For the AE preps, they have to have that navy blue with white/gray horizontal stripes. For the skaters, you got to have a coat with sh1tloads of patches all over it.
4: This is not a one man job. Find the easiest to talk to people, and chat it up with them. Invite them over your house for something. Just be very easygoing. Don't care what others think of you. Just make AS MANY FRIENDS AS YOU CAN. That way, word will spread faster, you have more people to chat with, more people who will try to get to know you better.
Excellent advice and one that I can vouch for. I had probably at least 100 friends in HS. In every class, there was someone that I could talk to. In 9th grade for about 3/4 the year I was a nobody. Teachers didn't respect me and some even treated me bad. As soon as I got friends, it all turned around. Its funny but I had a few teachers in 11th grade that I had from 9th grade and it was shocking. They were all nice, we joked around, and they treated me with respect. I noticed I did much better in their classes as well. Basically because I was popular.
5: I recently joined football. All of a sudden, all the losers who joined got all the attention because they walked into school one day, wearing a jersey. That showed they had somewhat of a life. That showed that they ran because they loved it, it showed they had a passion for something. That in itself is worth talking about. But if one of those losers even scores a touchdown.... imagine the ruckus you hear from the ladies:
Bzzt. Wrong. I played football because I wanted to play it but it does jack to your rep. The ladies don't care. There was one time that during a fumble, I scooped and scored. I got a huge applause and cheering from the audience. Man, the rush was just phenomenal. Then on that Monday, other than my football buddies, nobody mentioned it. The ladies still ignored me like they did before. I was even starting varsity and had a letter jacket. If you are playing because you want women, you are wasting your time. Play sports because you love the game.
REMEMBER: Once in a while, people want to bring you down out of jealousy, and that's human nature. I mean, Jesus was a god, and they crucified him, it's our nature. These attacks are harmless and done by dorks who are like you were. People will always try to take you down. Shrug it off.
Man, you were doing so great with the article but now its going downhill
Yes, people are jealous. I was on top of the world socially ('cept for the ladies but at the time I liked being popular) and then I admitted I beat my meat. Most people before would always deny it. It was something new and original, just like what was suggested in the quote below. For some reason, this was huge news. Pretty soon people admitted to whacking it and people said I started it. I did. People then somehow assumed that I was the kingpin of whacking off. My rep plummeted. At least girls would talk to me once in a while. Now they would avoid me.
Most of my main core of friends took advantage of me and my newfound 'pathetic' style. Pretty soon they began to say I was gay because I would never ask women out (how could I when the interest was never there?) and soon it just turned into me being a loser. My friends would ask girls out for me but they were so ugly and even offered to pay them to go out with me. They always said no. Then they'd laugh their asses off. I wasn't sure of their intentions then but now I realized they were being c0cks and just wanted to have fun. The girls would always feel sorry for me (ouch)
How to get your name going: Try the following things to get your name circulating:
- Be the first to create a style, a poineer of sorts
- Don't be afraid to speak your mind ever.
- Stand out like at a dance, or do something that people talk a lot about (sports, exceptional macking skills).
- Have a healthy sense of humor.
- Be your own person, and don't let others get you down because of it. You are a special, unique individual who deserves a shot. Everyone gets a shot, but few work hard for it. Have the strength to reach for your wishes.
If it was only true, if it was only true.