thissucks003 said:
She looked at me wrong.....(Next!)
She was talking to another guy....(Next)
She didn't call me back....(Next)
She didn't show up.....(Next)
Every answer here is next. Why even ask a question?
EXACTLY! Why even ask the question? The reason the NEXT should be a default response is because this board is innundated with posts from guys wasting their time, effort an d money on situations that have NEVER and will NEVER bear fruit. Half the reason men seek out this forum is because they've frustrated themselves for far too long waiting around for a girl to respond to them when their energies would be far better directed toward fresh opportunities and better prospective women. THAT is why the NEXT is the default.
A woman starts yapping on her cell phone while you're on a date at the restaurant table? NEXT!
A woman makes a date and then flakes even after confirming it? NEXT!
A woman doesn't return a phone call? NEXT!
All of these situations and many more like them should absolutely be considered NEXT situations, because this is the default response of a man with options. Think of how many times men put up with a woman's behavior that they'd get into a fist fight with their best friend over for disrespecting him in that way? And the only reason guys will continue to tolerate it is because they consciously limit themselves to as few options as they've allowed to be conditioned into themselves over the course of their lives. Furthermore, as if this weren't enough, you reinforce this behavior and disrespect in women everytime you allow them to get away with it. If men were more apt to NEXT a woman for behaviors she thinks she's entitled to employ they just might become a bit more forthright in their actions or at the very least, think twice about them before falling back on their "feminine perogative" to change their minds.
Stop excusing this! How many guys would expect a woman to give him another chance were he to confirm a date and then her blow off? What guy wouldn't expect to be NEXT'd if he didn't return a phone call for a week or more?