Don Juan
You're 22, you have your whole life ahead, why be depressed? You have as many shots as you like, what I suggest is that if you're interested in a love based relationship, then choose a woman preferably 25yrs or younger with no exes.
Further reading:
When a Woman Turns 27
I honestly believe that age 27 is a very monumental turning point for a single woman. When they turn 27, they're faced with the reality that age 30 is approaching. For a woman who's married with at least one child, this isn't really an issue. For a woman who has at least one child, it may or
I was kidding. But let's say I wanna bang hot young chicks and maybe have kids later with one. (Marriage/Monogamy is optional here) Now I'm not experienced and "high-value" yet, but with each year I'm getting older it'll get more difficult to get them as well.Hi Arrow,
Depressing?...Nah...quite laughable actually...In actual fact your biggest danger is prematurely loosing your shaft at unworthy targets...Few Men peak before 28 years old,many don't get into their Dating stride until say 37 and can stay there for as long as their Health,status and Mazoomah lasts.
I find this age-debate confusing, since no matter when you are in your life, it's just not good timing.