The best method ever! (Works every time!)


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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LostAndConfused said:
If your "just doing" the wrong thing what good is it?
Exactly. That was the jeapoardy question this morning at work. "those who don't learn from the past are..." (fill in the blank)

AFC Savior

Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
Interceptor said:
OK, I appreciate your effort.
But, you're asking guys who are clueless on "just doing" when they have NO idea WHAT to do.
I re read your post, and I can't for the life of me find anything remotely helpful.
The thing that I believe you seem to be saying is :

Learn the Principle

Abide by the Principle

Absorb and integrate the Principle
But you seem to advocate Integrate and Apply the Principle to guys who have no idea what the Principle even is and what they mean.

You seem to be saying "Forget going through Step 1 and then Step 2, etc, just go immediately to Step whatever."

We need to identify what it is we want.

ie'" I just want to be a better conversationalist."

"Just do it" Method:

Guy: "So, hey, do you like World of Warcraft?"
Girl: "huh? What's that?"

Guy: "'s a (meekly) a"

Girl: "A game?"

Guy: "Uh..never mind."

More like the "um...just do what exactly? Method"

The guy needs to have some sort of blueprint to understand Social Dynamics, a social cvalibration needs to be conceptualized in his mind.

Without the concept, he cannot apply Principles.

Without the Principles, he cannot apply a tactic, and without tactics..he'll never be able to strategize his approach in connecting and attracting and gaining the woman's interest in him.

If we want to "hack away the unessential" we need to have something to hack away from first.

I say go back and write down your points, then try to give examples for each principle , and the results you shoudl be getting from each techique or principle. That way you have it better develped and conceptualized in your mind frist, and then you can teach it to others and help them awaken this in them.

It's kind of like saying : "The best way to learn how to fight, and use Martial Art for fighting is go out there and do it."

Huh? WTF?

That's bad advice.

We have no idea how to fight, and no idea how to apply a Martial Art to different fighting situations, and the advice is to 'just do it".
Do what?!

Now do you see?

If you say it took you three years to get to this point, what did you have in those three years?
Or one day three years ago you sucked, and right now today you just out of the blue said "just do it".

There's a lot more to it than that.

Learn how to conceptualize your ideas, and learn how to better transmit them.

We're open to it, honestly.
Any help I can give, just ask, man.
You're on the right track, but you need to dig deeper.

Take care.

you are wrong there by just a little bit

it is better to learn what works and what doesnt through EXPERIENCE - it will be easier to apply don juan skills in all future situations......meanwhile if you read and learn, and then go out, the AFC will be too nervous to apply what he learned

actually GETTING OUT THERE is how you overcome social anxiety


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Um, well I disagree.

So go fly a 747.

Seriously, Go out there, and I dont know ...push some buttons..find out how to turn on the engines ...and make the thing fly.

Go on, now..
Follow your own advice.
Fly a 747.

You can do it.

Cant you? All you have to do is try.


Ok, go out and 'do' MMA.

Go ahead. I'll give you the gloves and shorts and throw you in the ring.

Great experience.



Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
I've been burned by doing things I know I SHOULDN'T do.. so in that sense experience just reconfirmed "yeah, they were right. You shouldn't have done that" and I've had successes doing things I had learned about prior, trusting that my new knowledge would pay off, and it did.. even though my "rookie instinct" would be to do the opposite and ignore what I had learned.

In any case... I'm not flying a 747.

Triple T

Senior Don Juan
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
What your referring to ego, is when a guy gets all his gaming down and it becomes second nature to him.
This is when it becomes just ACTION, no thinking or very little involved.

But before most of the people on this board can do that (myself included), they must learn the process of seduction and such. ex: c+f etc.

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Triple T said:
What your referring to ego, is when a guy gets all his gaming down and it becomes second nature to him.This is when it becomes just ACTION, no thinking or very little involved.

But before most of the people on this board can do that (myself included), they must learn the process of seduction and such. ex: c+f etc.
:up: rep points for this kid.

Good job, T.
PS. Take note, he's only 15, fellas. Important to consider this for any 'holier than thou, know it all' wannabees out there.

Good job, 3T!


New Member
Dec 28, 2007
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Yeah dude you could just be at the point where you have developed the natural inner DJ. Personally all the content out there has helped me immensely, not just at the surface level with routines and what not, but the beliefs and attitudes.. the right and wrong ways of thinking.

Some also appreciate a system or methodology, I know I do. I view this whole thing as another discipline.. like business or fitness etc. Knowledge can be power.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Guys, it's about learning these basic mechanics.
And understanding 'attraction' and 'seduction'.
It's all human nature. It is primal.
But when we are disconnected, emasculated, reprogrammed, and toxified by bad social conditioning, abuse..whatever...the question still remains "What do I do?"

So you could just go out there and 'do it".
But most guys have no idea what to do.

Guy 1: "Talk to her. Go on."

Guy 2: "Well...well..ww-w-what do I say?"

Guy 1: "I don't know. Just talk to her!"

WTF is that?

Seriously. Can you honestly say this is helpful in any way?

How do you learn things? If you learn thing this way, you are only making things more difficult for yourself.

The advice is not worded correctly. It is misguided. Because there has to be background info FIRST. The MECHANICS need to be INTRODUCED.

That's why Principles, and the foundation of understanding attraction is important.
Maximize and reach your potential in Life and as A MAN, then you will have that second nature working for you.
Do things right.

AFC Savior

Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
you cant compare gaming girls to anything else - its a unique concept

girls are not a sport, they are not an airplane, they are not a just go out, do your thing, nobody is dumb enough to get 100000 rejections and 0 smart functioning humans, we end up figuring out what to do and what not do to - by DOING not by READING


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Dude, who said anything in this thread about ONLY "READING"? just go out, do your thing, nobody is dumb enough to get 100000 rejections and 0 successes...........
If 'do your thing" would WORK for EVERYONE, there would be no need for this site, current relationships would be PERFECT, and you would have no reason to be here.


Well I'm here to tell you there is such a magic wand. Something that will make you almost completely irresistible to any woman you "point it" at. Something guaranteed to fill your life with love, romance, and excitement.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Squiggly Sponge

Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Like the previous posters have said, if you're doing the same thing over and over again and aren't getting the results... there's no point. My man Benjamin Franklin says it best though:

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." (Even grasping this principle is difficult... hell I can vouch for that!)

One could interpret the post as another way of saying "try harder" (and be more proactive), instead of "learn what works... then try harder!".

I think the post is maybe better directed towards people who know the principles, and need a kick in the ass (inspiration :) ) rather than those who have no clue... lest you want them to repeat their submissive behaviors. For those guys, and myself as well, I've got another quote:

"Action is character." - F. Scott Fitzgerald

... so let us start building some character!

Still though, I don't think you actually need to know that much to succeed. Even just knowledge of the core principles of embracing ones sexuality (being a man), and the correct mindset (without knowing all the methods), should be good enough to put you above a great deal of guys out there. With that arsenal you'd easily be well equipped to go out on the field and get results, just let experience take care of the rest. But then some people focus on all the methods and then when things go wrong they're back here on the site - asking what to do next.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Interceptor said:
If 'do your thing" would WORK for EVERYONE, there would be no need for this site, current relationships would be PERFECT, and you would have no reason to be here.


Yeah. After one of my big mistakes that I made out of habit (not trusting what I had learned) I AT LEAST knew immediately what my mistake was, and I immediately trusted what I had learned and let that carry me through. I still made some mistakes, but I had read and absorbed enough (and really thought about it) that it at least carried me through.

What I'm saying is my experiences could have been much worse if I hadn't had at least a little new programming hard-wired into me. I had to rely on what didn't necessarily come naturally, and I got to actually see what I had learned be verified in the "real world".

If a guy has his shyt together already, is a natural (and I think a lot of us ARE naturals, we just don't believe it) then fine. But a lot of guys jump into things they are not prepared for.

Ever hear of BPD? I have. And I'm not the only guy here that got involved with one because he had NO CLUE what they were or how they operated. You could just "go for it" and get lucky and watch your world fall apart. It happens all the time.

If you're going to "go for it" it helps to know WHAT you're "going for" and WHY you're "going for it" in the FIRST PLACE.... that way you can RESPOND instead of REACT. Then you know if what you've "gone for" turned out to be what you were "LOOKING FOR".

If you have low self-esteem, or do not understand men/women, or are looking for a girl to save you from loneliness, or WHATEVER... then you're going for the WRONG THING and what you FIND will NOT BE what you're "highest self" wants and you'll be MISERABLE because of it because you DON'T KNOW what it is you'll just take it "because it has a pvssy".... because you don't know WHO YOU ARE.

And you'll go through life reacting as if this is the first time in history these things have happened to a man... they aren't. Everything that can possibly happen between a man and women, every dynamic, game, shyt test, heartbreak, whatever... it's happened zillions of times throughout history and all you have to do is learn to be AWARE of what history has meant to other men so hopefully you can LEARN from their mistakes and at the very least, make less mistakes of your own.

That's my take.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
AFC Savior said:
you cant compare gaming girls to anything else - its a unique concept

girls are not a sport, they are not an airplane, they are not a just go out, do your thing, nobody is dumb enough to get 100000 rejections and 0 smart functioning humans, we end up figuring out what to do and what not do to - by DOING not by READING

Interceptor said:
I say go back and write down your points, then try to give examples for each principle , and the results you shoudl be getting from each techique or principle. That way you have it better develped and conceptualized in your mind frist, and then you can teach it to others and help them awaken this in them.

It’s rather simple. Say you are in high school and there is a dance coming up and there is a girl you want to take. You go up to her and ask, “hey, do you want to go to the dance?” Same thing in a club. Go up to woman and ask, “wanna dance?” Just go for it, don’t plan it, study it, think about it - just go for it.

Same with meeting a woman just about anywhere. Just take the situation at hand and go from there. There is no universal way to go about it.

For instance once I was on a light rail commuter train and there was a drunk on board with an open bottle of wine which smelled really bad. I told the guy that he should put the cap on and hide it away because a transit cop might pop up at any moment. The guy thought I was picking a fight or something and get really belligerent. I calmly told him I didn’t care what he did but there was a good chance the transit cops would get on at the next stop. The next stop came up and he jumped off.

There was a woman sitting in the next seat over and she was looking at me almost admiringly. I just looked at her and said, “some people” an then she made some comment about how she can’t believe guys like that. One thing led to another and before my stop came up, about 45 minutes later, we had set up a date.

See there was no planning, no method, I just went for it. I didn’t expect to ask her out or anything but as our conversation developed I figured we might enjoy spending time together.

Another time I was going into this place just as a woman who caught my eye was leaving. Without even thinking about it I just blurted out the first thing that came to mind, “Damn I got here just a little too late.” She stopped and we talked briefly and agreed to meet back there in a few days.

I never think about what I’m going to do or say. I just go with whatever is happening.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
yeah but most women think you're a celebrity and treat you that way because you're so handsome. :crazy:


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
potato said:
It’s rather simple. Say you are in high school and there is a dance coming up and there is a girl you want to take. You go up to her and ask, “hey, do you want to go to the dance?” Same thing in a club. Go up to woman and ask, “wanna dance?” Just go for it, don’t plan it, study it, think about it - just go for it.

Same with meeting a woman just about anywhere. Just take the situation at hand and go from there. There is no universal way to go about it.

For instance once I was on a light rail commuter train and there was a drunk on board with an open bottle of wine which smelled really bad. I told the guy that he should put the cap on and hide it away because a transit cop might pop up at any moment. The guy thought I was picking a fight or something and get really belligerent. I calmly told him I didn’t care what he did but there was a good chance the transit cops would get on at the next stop. The next stop came up and he jumped off.

There was a woman sitting in the next seat over and she was looking at me almost admiringly. I just looked at her and said, “some people” an then she made some comment about how she can’t believe guys like that. One thing led to another and before my stop came up, about 45 minutes later, we had set up a date.

See there was no planning, no method, I just went for it. I didn’t expect to ask her out or anything but as our conversation developed I figured we might enjoy spending time together.

Another time I was going into this place just as a woman who caught my eye was leaving. Without even thinking about it I just blurted out the first thing that came to mind, “Damn I got here just a little too late.” She stopped and we talked briefly and agreed to meet back there in a few days.

I never think about what I’m going to do or say. I just go with whatever is happening.
not only does this not seperate you from other men but it's boring to do it that way...

at least for me anyway, i'd be damn bored if i talked to women so plainly... i show women my creativity - they show me their tits...

AFC Savior said:
girls are not a sport, they are not an airplane, they are not a just go out, do your thing, nobody is dumb enough to get 100000 rejections and 0 smart functioning humans, we end up figuring out what to do and what not do to - by DOING not by READING
when i was younger, before i knew anything about the inner workings of the pick up - i could score maybe 1 out of 20 girls i went after. this was with no knowledge of pick up skills (gained from this site and tons of others). now i feel i can game any girl when given the chance... this is a result of two things... 1) all the combined knowledge i've choosen to digest and remember from all the seduction material i've read. 2) the experience i've gained which enables me to develop the style i've developed on my own. so i actually don't disagree with the OP, but think his advice should be targetted at the people who have knowledge of a lot of the seduction ideas that enable guys like me to give women no fighting chance against my charm.

why in the world would you choose to fail dumbly when you can already learn what to avoid and succeed smartly?

You essentially upped your VALUE in her eyes by showing her that, if she wants you, she has to at times do things that you like to do. You are SOMETHING after all. You are NOT FREE. If she wants to hang with you, it's going to cost her something — time, effort, money.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
Inner game is not a technique, gimmick or method. Its the way you view yourself and the world around you. EVERYBODY has inner game whether its a negative one (eg "I cant for the life of me pick up women") or positive (eg "I respect and love who I am so fvck everyone who doesnt"). The reason you see things as you do now is because of experience and knowledge. You're suggesting that people just try to experience without the knowledge. Sure it can be done but it takes a hell of a lot longer than if you also have knowledge.

If you could communicate your experiences to people then they would instantly see things the way you do. Unfortunatly language is rather bad at that, hence the reason we have music, poetry and art. So the only thing we can do to help people on this board is provide the knowledge. They need to live through those experiences themselves.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
bukowski_merit said:
whatever creativity i feel like using partna
What? Do you write poetry? sing? Express clever things? dance?


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
potato said:
What? Do you write poetry? sing? Express clever things?
i mostly just play with their words and make them laugh until i can turn it sexual.

i do write poetry and music, but i don't really use that as a conversation piece. then women want me to write something about them. which i won't do, so i normally don't even bring it up.

however, the wordplay i learn from writing poetry and music does contribute to my ability to be creative on the fly.

What happens, IN HER MIND, is that she comes to see you as WORTHLESS simply because she hasn't had to INVEST anything in you in order to get you or to keep you.

You were an interesting diversion while she had nothing else to do. But now that someone a little more valuable has come along, someone who expects her to treat him very well, she'll have no problem at all dropping you or demoting you to lowly "friendship" status.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
