First, I know I kinda hyped that up a bit with the Title, but there IS a reason.
Stay with me or just hit the back button, because this thread is a little
bit long. For a good reason - Let me lay it out for you:
The secret weapon to instant perfection
What I'm going to show you isn't a great method at all.
In fact, it's not even a method by itselfs.
It does, however, become one when you combine it with
other methods. I'll get to this in a second.
First, for those of you who doesn't know what I mean
when I say "method", what I mean is just when:
Someone is using a prepared routine of any kind to have advantage
with their attraction and seduction.
And guys, I know you all do this. Especially the people who's new to
the board. You spend time on the internet, buy book and take workshops
to improve your way of interacting with women in terms of attraction
and seduction.
Even when you talk about "Inner game" - that's a method ASWELL.
Methods and routines that follows this scheme:
Inner (game):
(Routine -->) Thought --> Action --> Results
External (game):
(Routine --> ) Action --> Results
This is what we should do from now:
Action --> Results
Seriously. And I know you'll get mad at me by saying that.
It's not about inner game. It's about beliefs. And if you believe
that you gotta change something in your mind to become successful
with women, by adding weird tactics and methods that doesn't even
work, you're lost before you even start.
This is how you do it:
My method for you, to improve yourself, is simple:
Start taking shortcuts by forgetting methods and routines.
Seriously, it's simple. Stop spending your time learing rituals and
routines, and tap in to what real seduction, attraction and self
improvement means:
Getting results.
So, instead of learing C+F, DLV, AMOG, PUA, DFS, DF93, 2234 and
all other secret language and what it does and what it means, forget
about it all for a second:
Yeah, there I said it again - It's idiotic. I know it helps and improves
you, but for most of the time, it's just stupid and time consuming.
You're taking a longer path instead of just aiming at the results.
What YOU are doing most of the time, is spending it with practice on
how to succeed instead of just going out there and getting the results.
Believe me, it took about 3 years before I understood this. And, it's for your
own good. fe
Stop analyzing and learning "how to" do stuff. Go out and do them. And
don't come back telling me why it didn't work. This is about results,
and no matter what's happening you're getting the result.
Next time you get a phone number, don't come back and ask what do
do with it - CALL UP and ASK OUT. It's that simple.
And, when it comes to picking up women you don't know in the middle
of the street during day time:
Yeah, it does feel weird, and most guys will never be able to do that.
Not in their entire life. So, it's nothing weird if you can't do it either or
you felt like you had nothing to talk about. You will, next time. So, don't
feel bad about it.
Anyway, guys, that's it. What do you think? Would you benefit from this or
have I just spent the last 15 minutes wasting time? ;-)
Stay with me or just hit the back button, because this thread is a little
bit long. For a good reason - Let me lay it out for you:
The secret weapon to instant perfection
What I'm going to show you isn't a great method at all.
In fact, it's not even a method by itselfs.
It does, however, become one when you combine it with
other methods. I'll get to this in a second.
First, for those of you who doesn't know what I mean
when I say "method", what I mean is just when:
Someone is using a prepared routine of any kind to have advantage
with their attraction and seduction.
And guys, I know you all do this. Especially the people who's new to
the board. You spend time on the internet, buy book and take workshops
to improve your way of interacting with women in terms of attraction
and seduction.
Even when you talk about "Inner game" - that's a method ASWELL.
Methods and routines that follows this scheme:
Inner (game):
(Routine -->) Thought --> Action --> Results
External (game):
(Routine --> ) Action --> Results
This is what we should do from now:
Action --> Results
Seriously. And I know you'll get mad at me by saying that.
It's not about inner game. It's about beliefs. And if you believe
that you gotta change something in your mind to become successful
with women, by adding weird tactics and methods that doesn't even
work, you're lost before you even start.
This is how you do it:
My method for you, to improve yourself, is simple:
Start taking shortcuts by forgetting methods and routines.
Seriously, it's simple. Stop spending your time learing rituals and
routines, and tap in to what real seduction, attraction and self
improvement means:
Getting results.
So, instead of learing C+F, DLV, AMOG, PUA, DFS, DF93, 2234 and
all other secret language and what it does and what it means, forget
about it all for a second:
Yeah, there I said it again - It's idiotic. I know it helps and improves
you, but for most of the time, it's just stupid and time consuming.
You're taking a longer path instead of just aiming at the results.
What YOU are doing most of the time, is spending it with practice on
how to succeed instead of just going out there and getting the results.
Believe me, it took about 3 years before I understood this. And, it's for your
own good. fe
Stop analyzing and learning "how to" do stuff. Go out and do them. And
don't come back telling me why it didn't work. This is about results,
and no matter what's happening you're getting the result.
Next time you get a phone number, don't come back and ask what do
do with it - CALL UP and ASK OUT. It's that simple.
And, when it comes to picking up women you don't know in the middle
of the street during day time:
Yeah, it does feel weird, and most guys will never be able to do that.
Not in their entire life. So, it's nothing weird if you can't do it either or
you felt like you had nothing to talk about. You will, next time. So, don't
feel bad about it.
Anyway, guys, that's it. What do you think? Would you benefit from this or
have I just spent the last 15 minutes wasting time? ;-)