The Badboy Myth

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
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Wherever I am.
You've heard it all before. Women want jerks. Stop being NICE!!

Yes indeedy, it's probably the most common pattern for recently liberated chumps is to invert their personalities like this. They are fed up with being played, taken advantage of and treated like discarded emotional tampons. And that's understandable. It's a cold, cold world out there if you are the type who just constantly gives and never gets.

So off the chump goes, firing negs and insults like missiles at all the stupid hoes who cross their path. The reasoning behind this is that women are secretly masochists who enjoy being mistreated, insulted and maybe even abused a little. After all, who hasn't seen a hot babe crying over some jerk who cheated on her? So the chump adds that to his arsenal as well.. "Must cheat on teh b!tches.. DONE!"

The problem behind this thinking is twofold

(1) Guys who are exposed to this much whining from women are accustomed to being an emotional doormat. This taints their view of women in general, but they don't realize how their behavior acts as a filter. If she saw you as a man, instead of a girlfriend, she would NEVER let you see her crying over some loser. How the majority of women interact with you says a lot more about you than it does about them!

(2) Using this perspective to seduce only deepens your misleading beliefs. Assh0les will definitely get laid, but you won't find a quality woman among the bunch! They will all be psycho nut-cases, mental midgets or just plain wh0res. And so the cycle continues, until one day the guy realizes he is not happy, and spite begins to set in as a dark shadow on his blackened heart. He will never admit it in a million years, but he HATES women as much as he lusts for them! It is a toxic mix of desire and contempt which paves the way to the Dark Side.

Eventually, our former "nice guy" begins to adopt a completely different mindset:

• Successful Relationships are a myth
• Women lack integrity and honor
• Women are essentially worthless for everything except sex
• Having any kind of deep emotions for a woman is a sign of weakness
• Favors, compliments and tokens of appreciation are for faggots

And guess what? All these beliefs just snowball into a giant wad of negativity which further taint his interactions with women. Don't worry though, his real lesson will come soon enough

The Catalyst

Eventually, despite his terrible outlook, our hero will meet a girl who really strikes his fancy. She will have EVERYTHING he ever wanted, not just physically, but something about her will really just grab him and shake up his whole world. In other words, he will fall HARD! But of course he won't lose his cool, for he is far too "DJ" to make that mistake again.

So he finally gets in her pants and everything is sweet for about 5 minutes. It doesn't take long for a women of substance to realize she is shagging a mirage of a man. He played all the right games on the surface, but once she unraveled him, the ugliness beneath was exposed! So she ditches his monkey ass, feeling disappointed because he had such potential.

And this is where the guy is REALLY devastated. It's a defining moment for him, and life places him at a fork in the road.

The Left Path

It's essentially the same route he has been traveling for so long, except darker. In fact, most of it is underground and never sees the light of day. It is cold, lonely and terribly monotonous path. Yet it's hard to imagine any other way when you've gotten so used to operating on a certain frequency. You've constructed this vehicle of spite and bitterness for yourself and even though it makes you miserable, it feels like home!

The Right Path

This was how our chump originally started out. Giving and giving so much of his energy that there was none left for himself. He lived and breathed for women and they just walked all over him! The very thought of taking this route angers our hero and the bitterness rises like vomit to his throat as he resolves to NEVER make that mistake again. But he knows that what he has been doing so far is not working either, so there MUST be another way.

The Middle Path

As he ponders his fate, another path is revealed to him. It's a little hard to notice at first, because so few people find it that it has become over-ridden with weeds, shrubs and ferns. But the path is clearly distinguishable if you squint at it.

It appears treacherous from the get-go. There are so many obstacles in your way. All the limiting thoughts and set ideals in your head are the tangled vines and thistles which impeded your progress. This is when you get fed up, pull out the machete and start hacking away at all the nonsense. You sweat and toil at the start, for the path is an uphill battle. But eventually the undergrowth clears and you realize you have reached the top of a small mountain.

Our former chump rests from his vantage point and sees where the other two paths actually lead.

The left path ended up in a dark, ashy pit of despair, not unlike Hell where the wailing and gnashing of teeth could be heard from a great distance. If you listened close enough you could hear the lost souls huddled together, reciting venomous mantras day and night.. totally convinced they were happy and enlightened, yet totally fooling themselves. A great chill went up our hero's spine, realizing the disaster he had averted.

The right path ended in slavery. All who chose that direction sold their souls and their dreams for a pretty face. They gave it all up for someone who would eventually lose respect for them and take away their reason for living once they left. Most of these chumps couldn't handle it and gave up on themselves, some committed suicide and other walked the land in a zombie state.. half man, half dead inside.

New Horizons

Our hero wiped the sweat off his brow and observed the chaos below him. For the first time in many years, he took a deep breath inhaling the scent of freedom. It was sweet and inviting and he closed his eyes, filling his lungs with endless kilometers of eucalyptus, pine and dozens of other scents he had yet to discover.

It was at this moment that he rejoiced and shook off the shackles of limiting labels like "Bad Boy" or "Nice Guy". He was a dynamic, ever-changing MAN, in complete tune with his spirit and nature, and this opened up a million paths before him.

He was finally free to do what he wanted. He could be his nice self without getting trampled on. He would dismiss those who disrespected him. All this because he learned to love and value what he was.

Now NOTHING could faze his sense of purpose as he directed his gaze towards his next objective, a distant monument built brick by brick on his aspirations, a kingdom he would one day rule, and share with a worthy queen.

What's next?

Will he live happily ever after?

LOL, put that crack pipe DOWN! Life is a bitter-sweet mix if you haven't figured it out yet. There will always be pain, suffering, joy and bliss at every turn. It is up to us to be bigger and beyond all of this. Inhale and Exhale, Yin and Yang, Light and Darkness all make reality what it is.

Love it, live it, suck it up! All these sensations are a unique gift that most people are too blind to accept! There is no light without darkness, no laughter without tears. It's only when we step outside of ourselves and look at things objectively that we can map our paths, and even better, find traveling companions who like us, have their eyes set on this prize called LIFE.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2008
Reaction score
Great Post! I've noticed here that too many fall for the either the Left or Right Path.

I participially don't like those ex-jerks who have a large amount with success with women and come here to claim a title of a complete man, spewing bitterness about women and their lack of worth.

The Middle Path ever entertaining, constantly change, moving and allows you to Grow. That is the path all men should take.

Great post, hope it will inspire many!


Don Juan
Mar 29, 2008
Reaction score
This is a great post.

Probably one of the best I have seen here in my short time.

You choose what man you will be with every action or inaction that the opportunities of life offer you. Choose wisely.

Good journey to you all.


Don Juan
Mar 29, 2008
Reaction score
True. I guess that is what this whole site is about. Thinking and acting like a real man. Real men aren't jerks or chumps; they are in between and only have the positive characteristics of both.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
Good post, I have much further to still go and am looking forward to the journey.



Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
I, for one am not a jerk, and never have claimed to outright admire the Jerk or the "Bad Boy" but am simply astonished at the idiocy, ignorance and sheer stupidity at women like Sunny who continually fall for these Bozos. The Bad Boys seem to have some kind of secret power for SEXUALLY attracting attractive women and being able to easily, with little fanfare, no dinners, or flowers, strip them of their little pink thongs in the wee hours of the night, while their cells are ringing incessantly from the AFCs calling from their lonely rooms at 3am, while "Jessica" is getting hammered from behind, and about to climax for the 3rd time, from an ex con on probation.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Let me give you one ex-bad boys perspective Jack.

Like you say, no fanfare, no flowers - women like a challenge and the bad-boy doesn't need them. Drives 'em crazy.

Also,most women don't want an out & out psycho bastard - apart from a few real loons, they don't fall for rapists, child molesters or serial killers. Rather the type that has some good in him somewhere, if only they, and only they, could bring it out. Like Captain-Save-Ho in gender reverse.

And they promise EXCITEMENT and DRAMA! Young women don't want to be bored, and what could be more exciting than having a boyfriend who is playing real life cops and robbers?

Being a bad-boy/criminal takes a lot of balls, whether you agree or not. Laughing off the idea of prison, which terrifies most men, is hawt.

Women love sex. Bad-boy suggests sex with him will be really exciting and dangerous. Even the 'Good Guy' as advertised in this thread will struggle to compete in this area.

Btw idiocy, ignorance and sheer stupidity all mean the same thing. You can call them dumb, and many 'wise up' or get bored (often around the time the biological clock says find a good provider), but they got what they wanted at the time. A rollercoaster ride. A scary movie. Experience. Good sex. Drama.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
JackPrescott said:
I, for one am not a jerk, and never have claimed to outright admire the Jerk or the "Bad Boy" but am simply astonished at the idiocy, ignorance and sheer stupidity at women like Sunny who continually fall for these Bozos. The Bad Boys seem to have some kind of secret power for SEXUALLY attracting attractive women and being able to easily, with little fanfare, no dinners, or flowers, strip them of their little pink thongs in the wee hours of the night, while their cells are ringing incessantly from the AFCs calling from their lonely rooms at 3am, while "Jessica" is getting hammered from behind, and about to climax for the 3rd time, from an ex con on probation.
Did you ever think that these women who are getting played, are CHOOSING these men, because something is wrong with THEM?

That's right. These chicks NEED Mr. Wrong so that they can work out what is wrong with THEM.

The same reason you keep getting hung up on Ms. Wrong who is being hammered by Mr. Wrong. Its because something is wrong with YOU, that you need to work out. Then you will be attracted to Ms. Right, and same with all the other little girls getting played. When they become Ms. Right in the head, they will attract and be attracted to Mr. Right (in the head).


Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
JackPrescott said:
I, for one am not a jerk, and never have claimed to outright admire the Jerk or the "Bad Boy" but am simply astonished at the idiocy, ignorance and sheer stupidity at women like Sunny who continually fall for these Bozos. The Bad Boys seem to have some kind of secret power for SEXUALLY attracting attractive women and being able to easily, with little fanfare, no dinners, or flowers, strip them of their little pink thongs in the wee hours of the night, while their cells are ringing incessantly from the AFCs calling from their lonely rooms at 3am, while "Jessica" is getting hammered from behind, and about to climax for the 3rd time, from an ex con on probation.
That's all sadly true, yet couldn't the same be said with the genders reversed? How many punk wussies try to treat a hoe like a housewife and are willing to put their wallets (and lives) on the line for a two bit slvt who is probably screwing their best friend?

I think its just human nature to crave what is outside of our grasp. Some of us just take it wayyy too far.

The secret power to which you refer is fueled by one's need for external validation. In this respect, girls will look at a guy as a project instead of a prospect. "Oh I can change him!" is a common approach amongst girls that have yet to grow into women. They don't quite grasp the idea that you can't do an Oprah makeover on someone's soul. Either your desires align, or they do not... so simple, yet such an elusive mystery to someone who falls in love with the images they project on people.

Unfortunately, neither gender is immune to this affliction, and that's why places like SoSuave exist.. to stamp out this illness and promote awareness which is the breeding ground for self respect and some common damned sense.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
Señor Fingers said:
Love it, live it, suck it up! All these sensations are a unique gift that most people are too blind to accept! There is no light without darkness, no laughter without tears. It's only when we step outside of ourselves and look at things objectively that we can map our paths, and even better, find traveling companions who like us, have their eyes set on this prize called LIFE.
Yea, without ugly chicks we wouldn't know who the fine ones were. Without fat chicks we wouldn't know which ones would be skinny. Without a bad day we wouldn't know when we had a good day. They'd all be the same. How boring would that be.


Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Nighthawk said:
Let me give you one ex-bad boys perspective Jack.

Like you say, no fanfare, no flowers - women like a challenge and the bad-boy doesn't need them. Drives 'em crazy.

Also,most women don't want an out & out psycho bastard - apart from a few real loons, they don't fall for rapists, child molesters or serial killers. Rather the type that has some good in him somewhere, if only they, and only they, could bring it out. Like Captain-Save-Ho in gender reverse.

And they promise EXCITEMENT and DRAMA! Young women don't want to be bored, and what could be more exciting than having a boyfriend who is playing real life cops and robbers?

Being a bad-boy/criminal takes a lot of balls, whether you agree or not. Laughing off the idea of prison, which terrifies most men, is hawt.

Women love sex. Bad-boy suggests sex with him will be really exciting and dangerous. Even the 'Good Guy' as advertised in this thread will struggle to compete in this area.

Btw idiocy, ignorance and sheer stupidity all mean the same thing. You can call them dumb, and many 'wise up' or get bored (often around the time the biological clock says find a good provider), but they got what they wanted at the time. A rollercoaster ride. A scary movie. Experience. Good sex. Drama.
In a handbasket. The SS DJ goes home alone, while the ex con with a coke habit impregnates the HB9 at the bar.

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
you just posted the walkthrough of my life senior! awesome post!:rockon:


Don Juan
Mar 29, 2008
Reaction score
JackPrescott said:
In a handbasket. The SS DJ goes home alone, while the ex con with a coke habit impregnates the HB9 at the bar.
You decide and create your own reality. If you choose to observe and feed the negative then you will invite negative things to you.

Seek a positive way and you will invite positive things to you. It starts with YOU.


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Commando said:
You decide and create your own reality. If you choose to observe and feed the negative then you will invite negative things to you.

Seek a positive way and you will invite positive things to you. It starts with YOU.
Perfectly stated.

If your electromagnetic energy is wrought with immaturity and weakness that is what will gravitate to you.

The opposite is true as well.

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
Yes, the Journey from chumphood to manhood IS a perilous one...

Great Post, Senor!

And a very TIMELY one also. I've found that people (in this case, "men") often go the path of LEAST resistance throughout their life. And usually it's only when the pain of one lifestyle path becomes TOO great, that they THEN choose o finally SERIOUSLY consider the other.


The Chump will remain a chump until he FINALLY "owns" the knowledge that THAT way of life is doing him much more harm than good------so he becomes The Jerk.

Then, the Jerk will remain a jerk until HE finally "owns" the knowledge that THAT way of life is NOT working-----and ONLY (usually) getting him "just" pusssy, and NOT anything of any lasting value with just "one" woman------so he THEN begins to seek that Middle Path that you have referenced.

And THAT path, my friend, has MORE obstacles along the way than any of the others... Why? Because he now no longer has the Bliss of Ignorance that he had when he was a CHUMP, But instead, he NOW has the Burden of KNOWLEDGE that he acquired during the process of him becoming the Jerk.

Therefore, it could very well be that it is his newly formed AWARENESS of the power that he holds as a man, and his newly acquired WILLINGNESS to wield that power MORE responsibly that will make this middle path INITALLY more difficult for him to follow.

But, as he CONTINUES on this path, the more comfortable he will become "walking it", because as time goes on, the more familiar he will become with the MAN he is now.

And the positive nature of that familiarity will breed a COMFORTABILITY---a CONFIDENCE------and a COMMITMENT to achieve his ultimate goal of becoming a better, and more holistically successful MAN.

Again, GREAT POST my friend.:yes: day.


Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
iqqi said:
Did you ever think that these women who are getting played, are CHOOSING these men, because something is wrong with THEM?

That's right. These chicks NEED Mr. Wrong so that they can work out what is wrong with THEM.

The same reason you keep getting hung up on Ms. Wrong who is being hammered by Mr. Wrong. Its because something is wrong with YOU, that you need to work out. Then you will be attracted to Ms. Right, and same with all the other little girls getting played. When they become Ms. Right in the head, they will attract and be attracted to Mr. Right (in the head).

You are a woman, your opinion here on SS is a joke, but thanks for playing.

Basically, Ms. Right will always fall for Mr. Wrong and leave Mr. Right in the Friendszone.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
I'm glad other people see it as a journey as well.

Happy chump ---> Unhappy chump ---> Happy jerk ---> Unhappy jerk ---> Happy man ---> __________ .

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
Fingers is right!

Nice Guys often pick partners who appear to be projects, and indeed, they do at times pick some pretty messed up people. The fact that these partners may have challenges — they are single moms, they have financial problems, they are angry, addictive, depressed, overweight, non-sexual, or unable to be faithful — is precisely the reason Nice Guys invite these people into their lives. As long as attention is focused on the flaws of the partner, it is diverted away from the internalized toxic shame of the Nice Guy.

The Nice Guy makes his partner his emotional center. His world revolves around her. She is more important than his work, his buddies, his hobbies. He will do whatever it takes to make her happy. He will give her gifts, try to fix her problems, and arrange his schedule to be with her. He will gladly sacrifice his wants and needs to win her love. He will even tolerate her bad moods, rage attacks, addictions, and emotional or sexual unavailability — all because he "loves her so much."

I sometimes refer to (enmeshing) Nice Guys as table dogs. They are like little dogs who hover beneath the table just in case a scrap happens to fall their way. Enmeshing Nice Guys do this same hovering routine around their partner just in case she happens to drop him a scrap of sexual interest, a scrap of her time, a scrap of a good mood, or a scrap of her attention. Even though they are settling for the leftovers that fall from the table, enmeshing Nice Guys think they are getting something really good.

On the surface it may appear that the enmeshing Nice Guy desires, and is available for an intimate relationship, but this is an illusion. The Nice Guy's pursuing and enmeshing behavior is an attempt to hook up an emotional hose to his partner. This hose is used to suck the life out of her and fill an empty place inside of him.
*Robert A. Glover, Ph.D.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.
