The awkward moment when Europe brings in a threath to itself

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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speed dawg said:
Diversity for thee, not for me.

Russia isn't the only one that holds a piece of that patent.
Exactly that goes for every individual pushing dieversity and multicolonizism. Politicians and wealthy who push for immigration should build apartments and put the diversity in their neighborhoods and school districts first and until then stop seeding diversity in white working class neighborhoods. Sometimes I'm not sure who I'm more angry with, the elites and liberal a$$holes pushing this stuff or the majority that does nothing to oppose it and takes it right up the butt.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
Stagger Lee said:
Sometimes I'm not sure who I'm more angry with, the elites and liberal a$$holes pushing this stuff or the majority that does nothing to oppose it and takes it right up the butt.
What are we going to do to oppose it? We are completely crippled in this regard and no one will unite because of the public consequences. I'm not risking being fired when I have a family to support.

Remember though, people only want to die-versify areas with money. There are plenty of 100% white areas in KY and WV that can't be diversified because no one will go there. So really the only way to stay un-die-versified is to not broadcast money and resources everywhere. This confirms my theory that liberalism/socialism is ALL firmly based in jealousy and envy. Even still, you have to have a big group to do that. That's why you have white flight, because no one can afford to take huge losses on their real estate so when one house in a neighborhood falls, they all do.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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speed dawg said:
What are we going to do to oppose it? We are completely crippled in this regard and no one will unite because of the public consequences. I'm not risking being fired when I have a family to support.
The average person doesn't even care about immigration and even will deny it is or could be a problem. They vote for Obama and other democrats all the way down to the local politician level, which is voting for immigration and sanctuary cities for aliens. People could sign up for numbersusa, maybe send some easy faxes to their congressmembers. There's no consequences for telling politicians you want immigration law enforced, and you want less legal and illegal immigration.

The reasons there can be consequences for opposing anti-white progressivism is because whites are not united, not the other way around. Whites are still 62% of the population and own allowing this crap to go on. Even smaller towns in KY are getting muslim refugees seeded there. Go to Refugee watch website and see all the white towns all around the country being seeded with somalians and other muslims and immigrants.

The republican congress recently was going to withhold funding to DHS to block Obama's illegal amnesty and benefits for illegal aliens executive action. But the public would not support the republican congressmembers doing that. Congress can shut must of this stuff down with the power of the purse and with legislation but the public is not supporting that.

Remember though, people only want to die-versify areas with money. There are plenty of 100% white areas in KY and WV that can't be diversified because no one will go there.
So really the only way to stay un-die-versified is to not broadcast money and resources everywhere.
The government isn't putting illegal aliens and refugees in upper middle class and higher areas. It's putting them in working class, middle and lower middle class white areas. Of course they can't dieversify every poor rural area and there would be no need to ruin what is already in ruins. But the cities are being dieversified in non- upperclass areas and the suburbs of northern and previously very white areas.

You can live in a nice area, but the dieversity is still infesting most areas of the city, still costing you in tax expenses for numerous reasons, still taking up jobs, still causing living expenses to rise, still clogging the roadways where half the drivers are now towel heads or one of the 50 shades of brown.

This confirms my theory that liberalism/socialism is ALL firmly based in jealousy and envy. Even still, you have to have a big group to do that. That's why you have white flight, because no one can afford to take huge losses on their real estate so when one house in a neighborhood falls, they all do.
Yes it's about jealousy and envy but if you're white and male, progressives are still jealous even if you have a minimum wage job. Not everyone can afford to or is in a position to white flight. Like I said, so many immigrants or aliens have been let in that there's few places to fly to, very exclusive areas of the city or rural backwaters with no jobs and opportunities. Don't you see the elites are making it so there's no way out but for the wealthiest? They're actually making thing worse for themselves too but as long as it's not as bad for them as it is for everyone else then it's good for them.

Just one example, everyone should pressure congress to pass H.R. 140 (the birthright citizen act) should-foreign-citizens-be-given-us-citizenship-because-their-parents-decided-visit-disney . That alone would be a big solution.
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speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
Stagger Lee said:
Don't you see the elites are making it so there's no way out but for the wealthiest?
Of course I do. And your point about corresponding with your politicians is a good idea (and actually voting, which many whites don't do, especially on local levels). But outside of that and joining the militia and having plenty of guns, I'm not sure what else we can do to stop the onslaught. People have their minds made up already, it's not like they just need to see some facts and then they'll change their mind and finally wake up. People actually have to start caring.

There just seems to be no one in power over this madness. Whites are retreating everywhere. I think the answer is enough whites standing up to the crap, but that will cause a war in the street. Are we prepared to fight it?

No, I think white people are going to have to overcome this some other way. I wish I knew what that was.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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Fact is, a mere 200 years ago WHITES made up 1/3 of the world's population. Now it's 8%. When WHITES are gone, or are .0001% then the entire Earth becomes a giant anthill just Existing. It really is Orwell's "Two legs bad, Four legs good!" being played out right before our eyes. Orwell Really Was Prescient, and he absolutely understood Marx or Marxism i.e. the Only Real Unit of Value being Work and that any value created in excess (of basic necessities keeping the worker ALIVE) should be distributed, a political Decision, as determined by the intellectuals (professors, priests).

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
Poonani Maker said:
Fact is, a mere 200 years ago WHITES made up 1/3 of the world's population. Now it's 8%. When WHITES are gone, or are .0001% then the entire Earth becomes a giant anthill just Existing. It really is Orwell's "Two legs bad, Four legs good!" being played out right before our eyes. Orwell Really Was Prescient, and he absolutely understood Marx or Marxism i.e. the Only Real Unit of Value being Work and that any value created in excess (of basic necessities keeping the worker ALIVE) should be distributed, a political Decision, as determined by the intellectuals (professors, priests).
Well, it's not because anyone defeated them or killed them off, at least in terms of war. Whites killed each other by the thousands during WW1 and 2, but other than that, they've never been defeated by force of arms. At least when united. But due to jealousy and envy of each other, we've managed to push ourselves to the brink of extinction. Just look at the Cold was simply over WHO HAD THE MOST SH*T. Complete insanity. White people lost their souls and sense of self a long damn time ago, I've decided.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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speed dawg said:
Of course I do. And your point about corresponding with your politicians is a good idea (and actually voting, which many whites don't do, especially on local levels). But outside of that and joining the militia and having plenty of guns, I'm not sure what else we can do to stop the onslaught. People have their minds made up already, it's not like they just need to see some facts and then they'll change their mind and finally wake up. People actually have to start caring.

There just seems to be no one in power over this madness. Whites are retreating everywhere. I think the answer is enough whites standing up to the crap, but that will cause a war in the street. Are we prepared to fight it?

No, I think white people are going to have to overcome this some other way. I wish I knew what that was.
I know what your saying. I know it's not likely to happen but all these problems could be solved quickly if people would unite and act. In a few years when you become the minority it will be too late even if you unite.

It's not rocket science or like going to the moon. All the fixes are known and the bills are already written, reform illegal and non-citizen birthright citizenship, enforce current immigration law, end the fraudulent refuge program, mandate E-verify etc, and watch the illegals self deport and quit coming.

There's no denying progressive liberals have infested every level, education, media and the government. But no one is even ever put up even a token opposition to it. For example, when I was in a community college sociology class some years back all the girls in the class did was bash males. A few punk males even agreed with them and the rest kept quiet. I was the only one that said anything against it. After I said something, I notice that some of the guys were agreeing with me but they didn't say anything till I did. Sure it probably didn't endear me to any of the girls but I didn't want them anyway. The instructor was a male and I got an A in the class. What did it hurt me to say there was too much male bashing going on? No one is even putting up even a safe token resistance, not even so-called conservatives.

But due to jealousy and envy of each other, we've managed to push ourselves to the brink of extinction. Just look at the Cold was simply over WHO HAD THE MOST SH*T. Complete insanity. White people lost their souls and sense of self a long damn time ago, I've decided.
You got it right there. Whites are doing all this stuff or allowing it out of pure jealousy for each other. Liberals don't care about females, liberals don't care about gays, liberals don't care about "people of color". They just use them all as a tool against the object of their real jealousy. The Nazis didn't do anything in WWII that the Japanese didn't (or the commie Russians didn't do). But you tell me why whites let the Japanese slide and remain an ethnocentric nation and proclaim themselves a one race nation to this day. But then they torture us in the west and use females and every nationality there is to replace us? And the average Joe doesn't care because it's happening because as long as it happens to every other fellow, then it's all GOOD. Jealousy.

I don't know. Liberal progressive are just like bullies. They found whites and males to be the easiest target. If you stand up to a bully they either desist or go find another easier target to bully.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
Agree with all. Concerning this:

Stagger Lee said:
It's not rocket science or like going to the moon. All the fixes are known and the bills are already written, reform illegal and non-citizen birthright citizenship, enforce current immigration law, end the fraudulent refuge program, mandate E-verify etc, and watch the illegals self deport and quit coming.
You know what I think it is? They always talk about the Greatest Generation of WW2 vets, and then their kids, the baby boomers, ruined America. That's true in my opinion. The BBers got hit in the area it hurts the most - their image/status/reputation. Just check out all our parents. Funny enough, they all have big egos and are strong-willed people, I take it because that was instilled in them by their parents. But none of them have a sense of themselves, because they never wanted for anything. They never had to develop that self-esteem. So now, they want to avoid being 'shamed' at all costs because that is what matters to them, deep down. Therefore, you get no opposition to PC crap.

Me? I enjoy being shamed. That's when I know I've got the upper hand. And I, like you, question all the PC crap publicly. You do have to know your audience though, and make sure you don't go over the top. I try to keep it to just defending my own race/gender, and not insulting anyone else's. That still pisses people off to high heaven though.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
speed dawg said:
Agree with all. Concerning this:

You know what I think it is? They always talk about the Greatest Generation of WW2 vets, and then their kids, the baby boomers, ruined America. That's true in my opinion. The BBers got hit in the area it hurts the most - their image/status/reputation. Just check out all our parents. Funny enough, they all have big egos and are strong-willed people, I take it because that was instilled in them by their parents. But none of them have a sense of themselves, because they never wanted for anything. They never had to develop that self-esteem. So now, they want to avoid being 'shamed' at all costs because that is what matters to them, deep down. Therefore, you get no opposition to PC crap.
I will say this about the Baby Boomers, the early ones seemed to come in two classes when it comes to progressive liberalism, pretty decent and radical, but I think the latter baby boomers born in the late 50's to early 60's are worse about supporting progressivism. And then Gen X wasn't much better and the later generation are fools.

But I'll agree baby boomers are about the most selfish and jealous group. Selfishness and jealous is what's really motivating all this stuff.

Me? I enjoy being shamed. That's when I know I've got the upper hand. And I, like you, question all the PC crap publicly. You do have to know your audience though, and make sure you don't go over the top. I try to keep it to just defending my own race/gender, and not insulting anyone else's. That still pisses people off to high heaven though.
I'm pretty much the same way. I don't even have anything against Hispanics and Mexicans, Asians or even muslims and Africans per se, but I'm not going along with the fallacy we're all the same or dieversity is a strength. I think they should just stay in their countries, stop screwing things up in the West and make it or break it on their own. And I don't support the West meddling positive or negative in their internal affairs either. I'm the one that's actually for real multiculturalism. Not the false kind of balkanization and dilution of multiple cultures within a nation's borders. And I'm against more immigration no matter where it's from.

Right now the West makes 3rd worlder problems our problems and feeds and helps them multiply against their natural abilities, trains and arms them even. The West creates a problem for itself that wouldn't exist on its own.


Apr 22, 2015
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( . )( . ) said:
I'm a homosexual drag queen. I'm a self hating white sh!tlib hopped up on a steady diet of Hollyweird too. Hmmph just like us. You learn something new every day
Hmmph Who knew? :up:

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Poonani Maker said:
These self hating white gentile sh!tlibs smugly celebrating their own genocide for a few lib-credit preening points are unreal. Are they honestly thinking once blacks and browns reach critical mass that they'll all of a sudden adopt the same impulse control and curse of altruism for other races that afflicts 100+ IQ white Europeans and we'll all just "coexist" like in some Hollyweird fantasy? :crazy:

I'm guessing their gated community PC schools decided to ditch history on the former Rhodesia, South West Africa, South Africa and Haiti.


Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
( . )( . ) said:
I'm guessing their gated community PC schools decided to ditch history on the former Rhodesia, South West Africa, South Africa and Haiti.
Good thing is, 63% of the US population is white, so at 350 mil, that's about 220 million white people. The white population of South Africa never reached more than 4 million I don't think. And, they were always a severe minority there, even around 1900. So in essence, 220 million is a pretty formidable force, hard to wipe them out all that quickly.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Good thing is, 63% of the US population is white, so at 350 mil, that's about 220 million white people. The white population of South Africa never reached more than 4 million I don't think. And, they were always a severe minority there, even around 1900. So in essence, 220 million is a pretty formidable force, hard to wipe them out all that quickly.
They can't completely wipe us out. Their real goal is more of the same they've been doing the past 50 years but worse.. To make life miserable for males and whites and just use and abuse us. And take away our freedom, make us poorer and the lowest class of citizen. Then it doesn't matter if you still exist or not.

Mass immigration is the main way they accomplish it. When the liberals have full control of the government. We'll be no better off than the whites in SA.

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