The average wedding costs over $30K


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score

my opinion: :eek: :down:


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I'm surprised it's that low lol, women are the biggest spenders in the country. Women spend money literally like it grows on trees and rarely do they invest in anything that has any type of appreciation attached to it.

When you marry a chick, now her spending becomes YOUR spending:

- When she's depressed, she wants to shop, with YOUR money.

- When she's depressed, she wants to over eat, with YOUR money.

- When she's happy, she wants to shop, with YOUR money.

- When she's happy, she wants to over eat, with YOUR money.

They love to Travel, ALL THE TIME. The chick literally every month flies to some state clean across the country or takes like 6 vacations a year. That's another solid $10,000 - $20,000 a year spent on plane flights, recreation, etc.

Go into a woman's closet and it looks like a small boutique store. Shoes everywhere, clothes everywhere, and she consistently buys more and more shyt that she rarely even wears.

And don't get me started on the Weave. Black chicks spend $500 to wear a piece of hair that will last about 2 weeks. That's a solid $1,000 a month or $12,000 a year on WEAVE.

Besides pvssy and having a companion, I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me the "benefits" of being in a relationship or being married to an American chick. She financially ruins you (during and after the relationship), she cheats on you and blames it on YOU (you don't spend enough time with her cause you are slaving away at a job trying to provide), she steals your kids from you with stupid child custody laws, etc., etc., etc.

I have recently within the last month or so just stopped dating women. They are in my phone and I can easily go sit around getting LAID all day and night if I wanted. I just don't like these pieces of shyt anymore. I would rather focus on my damn business portfolios and investments.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Spot on Tenacity.

I chuckled about the travel expenses. I see lots of hot women in airports, but how many are actually paying for their own trips? Very few. It's daddy, the boss, the bf, the fiancé, the husband, or her sugar daddy that pay for her travel most of the time.

But back on topic, yes, expensive weddings are ridiculous. Some people would say just give the couple $30k for a house down payment instead. But I'm not sure that is the answer either. They will put that down on some $350k+ house and then take out a mortgage for the rest for THIRTY YEARS lol.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
I wish my wedding was 30k lol traveling expenses were about 30k

It is what it is. And usually u get a good chunk back in wedding gifts.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Reason #438 not to get married: The average wedding costs $30k.

Tradition says that the bride's family is supposed to pay for the wedding, but with the way prices have gone up, I hear that this is seldom the case anymore unless her father is wealthy.

Backbreaker has a good point on the wedding gifts though, you usually make out pretty well on those. Especially since a lot of people just give cash these days.


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
Please show me where it says a man needs to agree to this. Are men being held hostage now? WTF, Backbreaker you suck or have 0 balls. What happened to just saying NO. Obviously your wife doesn't respect you or your opinion, you are just blackground noise to her wants and needs.

My wedding cost me less than 10 AMERICAN DOLLARS. Less than 10... infact it cost less than two. One for the govt stamp, one for the piece of paper. Done and done. I had my wedding feast that night between me, my wife and my mother the way I wanted it, at PIZZA HUT. My mother paid. Call me what you will, I did it my way and had the wedding I WANTED with MY favorite food (PIZZA) and my wife happily agreed to it.

My friend spent over 50,000 dollars 'reluctantly' on his bride (not including diamond and gold rings 30k). I say reluctantly because he originally didn't want to spend that money, why did he end up doing it? Because he has NO FVKING BALLS AS A MAN TO STAND UP TO A WOMAN. The wedding was a total disaster, the food was inedible (Chinese) and he wanted the entire night to be over from the start. She spent the entire night wearing him as arm candy to impress her guests (she's 6 years his senior). .He's scared to spend time away from home and needs to 'check in' every hour... In my marriage, I'm the leader... to quote Ameroleader G.W.B - "I'm the decider" and if you have to ask, the answer is always NO.


I've been married 5 years now with NO PROBLEMS, my wife is 10 years younger than I am and still beautiful. Grow some fvcking balls men.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
Let's add to the list that she may not even legally be your wife, she may still have two other husbands in other States!

Yes, that happens men, in real life.. Right here to your resident SoSuave brother who to my knowledge is the only guy on here who unknowingly "married" a bigamist. :wave: That would be me.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Dear MDJ,
Live Free has it right....The Groom who agrees to this frivolous waste of money,has signed his freedom away as surely as a Judge signs off on the freedom of a convicted criminal...These weddings are often based on the crazy Fantasies of his future Mother in Law...I have been married twice,though a Christian I used a Registry Office,very tasteful and cost very little...But there is one big difference between me and most of the Young People today,I took my Brides back to really nice Homes...Marriage in modern Society is a Farce for all but a few lucky ones!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2010
Reaction score
Central Time Zone
My last LTR rode me hard to get married, and want to know why? Facebook! She'd sit on there and say "such and such started dating around the same time as us, and they're engaged now!" or "so and so started dating after us and they're already married!!". Nevermind we hadn't even been dating two years yet.

Really opened my eyes. It's like a big competition with all these women trying to one-up each other with bigger more glamorous weddings, check-ins, pictures, likes, etc.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
My wife has a huge extended family and I have ust out every toy or gadget u can imagine lol we have a capichino machine lol neither of us drink coffee so we just told everyone if u r going to get something just write a check.

If my family wasn't so damn ghetto I would have turned a profit on the wedding. I sPlit with my father in law and I think I only lost like 15k at the end of the day and didn't get **** from my family

My friend is getting married in September they spent 22k on their wedding I'm going to give her a 5 thousand dollar ccheckanf that's just me. It'd gonna be like 200 people there. They will come out ahead

Cost of weddings unless u have a 50k us wedding is a non starter most people break even or make money when its said and done


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
LiveFreeX said:
Please show me where it says a man needs to agree to this. Are men being held hostage now? WTF, Backbreaker you suck or have 0 balls. What happened to just saying NO. Obviously your wife doesn't respect you or your opinion, you are just blackground noise to her wants and needs.

My wedding cost me less than 10 AMERICAN DOLLARS. Less than 10... infact it cost less than two. One for the govt stamp, one for the piece of paper. Done and done. I had my wedding feast that night between me, my wife and my mother the way I wanted it, at PIZZA HUT. My mother paid. Call me what you will, I did it my way and had the wedding I WANTED with MY favorite food (PIZZA) and my wife happily agreed to it.

My friend spent over 50,000 dollars 'reluctantly' on his bride (not including diamond and gold rings 30k). I say reluctantly because he originally didn't want to spend that money, why did he end up doing it? Because he has NO FVKING BALLS AS A MAN TO STAND UP TO A WOMAN. The wedding was a total disaster, the food was inedible (Chinese) and he wanted the entire night to be over from the start. She spent the entire night wearing him as arm candy to impress her guests (she's 6 years his senior). .He's scared to spend time away from home and needs to 'check in' every hour... In my marriage, I'm the leader... to quote Ameroleader G.W.B - "I'm the decider" and if you have to ask, the answer is always NO.


I've been married 5 years now with NO PROBLEMS, my wife is 10 years younger than I am and still beautiful. Grow some fvcking balls men.

Here's how to use this BRILLIANT post on a first date:

You: I was reading this HUUUGE argument on the internet the other night, about the costs of weddings.

Her: Weddings?:cheer:

You: Yep, a bunch of guys were complaining about how much weddings cost, but there was this ONE GUY who said he only spent $10 on his weddings, and he's still happily married. That's kind of how I feel. What do you think?

If she says anything OTHER than "yea, I agree...



Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
LiveFreeX and taiyuu_otoko,

Lol, I still don't get this "I'm a real man approach" if you guys actually get freaking married. All of this, "I run my household like this and that" is all fine and dandy but you do realize you are under a contract right? The contract pretty much (unless you are living off the woman) guarantees a financial loss if she decides to opt out of the contract.

It's like if you wanted to be a "real man" why didn't you just do so without signing your life away, which is what you did? I don't see how being a real man that's strong, independent, etc. correlates with being married. The entire act of marrying a chick means you are supplicating.

You see I will always be a real man, because I'm not under contract. I can go, come, lay, as I please. If a chick doesn't like that, there's the door. Married men can't do that sir.

Also as a side note, $10 on a wedding? You didn't spend $10 on a wedding because you didn't HAVE a wedding. Which okay, you can say you saved money, but that's a very cheap way of approaching the situation IF you are actually going to say "I Do" to a person. Basically just going through a drive-thru and signing a few papers is a very cheap way, but hey, a number of people do it. But you can't say you spent $10 on a wedding because there was no wedding.


Don Juan
Mar 16, 2004
Reaction score
Spot on tenacity. I will also add that the spending habits of women have contributed to the debt saddled economies of today's western world. And hence the poor economic predicament. Not only that but politicians won't reign in the government spending because they know they will always get the female vote by promising goodies without regard to any fiscal responsibility

QUOTE=Tenacity]I'm surprised it's that low lol, women are the biggest spenders in the country. Women spend money literally like it grows on trees and rarely do they invest in anything that has any type of appreciation attached to it.

When you marry a chick, now her spending becomes YOUR spending:

- When she's depressed, she wants to shop, with YOUR money.

- When she's depressed, she wants to over eat, with YOUR money.

- When she's happy, she wants to shop, with YOUR money.

- When she's happy, she wants to over eat, with YOUR money.

They love to Travel, ALL THE TIME. The chick literally every month flies to some state clean across the country or takes like 6 vacations a year. That's another solid $10,000 - $20,000 a year spent on plane flights, recreation, etc.

Go into a woman's closet and it looks like a small boutique store. Shoes everywhere, clothes everywhere, and she consistently buys more and more shyt that she rarely even wears.

And don't get me started on the Weave. Black chicks spend $500 to wear a piece of hair that will last about 2 weeks. That's a solid $1,000 a month or $12,000 a year on WEAVE.

Besides pvssy and having a companion, I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me the "benefits" of being in a relationship or being married to an American chick. She financially ruins you (during and after the relationship), she cheats on you and blames it on YOU (you don't spend enough time with her cause you are slaving away at a job trying to provide), she steals your kids from you with stupid child custody laws, etc., etc., etc.

I have recently within the last month or so just stopped dating women. They are in my phone and I can easily go sit around getting LAID all day and night if I wanted. I just don't like these pieces of shyt anymore. I would rather focus on my damn business portfolios and investments.[/QUOTE]


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Our wedding cake costs 1600 dollars lol but we had to feed 150 people. It had white icing and was a chocolate cake lol the symbolism wasn't lost on people with her being white and me black

Cake was ****ing awesome tho lol o had like 5 pieces


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
The most ****ed up thing about the wedding to me wasn't even the cost it's that... U really can't enjoy it. The whole time I have to make sure my Mon who can't hold her liquor doesn't drink I have to keep my dad away from all the hot white girls lol I went to use the bathroom I come back and my son has crawled under some table of people I don't know lol and half the people there I had never met and I'm t talking to every one and all I want to reallybdo is spend time with my new wife :(

I didn't really enjoy it until we got on the plane for our honeymoon and we both let our hair down


Don Juan
Aug 22, 2013
Reaction score
It's even better when you are a part of a wedding, and they try to load some of their expenses onto you. Hell, for a friend's upcoming wedding I was expected to shell out almost a grand, just because I agreed to be part of the 'wedding party', whatever that is.

I have decided to politely decline all future wedding invitations unless they happen to be close family members, which I have few.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
Why would any man agree to get married? What is the benefit? I can't think of any.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Tenacity said:
LiveFreeX and taiyuu_otoko,

Lol, I still don't get this "I'm a real man approach" if you guys actually get freaking married. All of this, "I run my household like this and that" is all fine and dandy but you do realize you are under a contract right?
Nobody said anything about being a "real man" or "running your household."

It's all about qualifying properly. Nothing else.

Figure out what's important to you. Sort through the girls you meet. Keep the ones that pass. Ditch the ones that don't.