I'll concede that this alpha male-rule held fast in the days when we settle things with clubs and other blunt objects, but those days are no more.
I don’t think the Alpha Male thing ever held fast in the sense of attracting women. (Example: savanna baboon: females choose males with male-female affiliation.)
it doesn't matter what type of society exists.. If society ever failed people would resort to their basic instincts and the alpha male would dominate. So the question is who really is in control the man that hides behind society or the one that naturally doesn't have to?
Would the alpha male dominate? Most people would be the same size out in the ‘wild’. No steroids, protein powder, cattle farming to keep some of these guys super large. We would all be the skinny guy (although we would be cut) running around the wilderness. This makes more sense to me, I see skinny cut guys running around with super hot feminine women all the time.
The ‘large muscle’ thing, I think, has it’s parallels in breast implants and such. Girls may like to look at large muscles, but that is generally not where the attraction stops.
Besides, humans are MUCH more social than many animals. Usually, the ‘Alpha Male’ dominates through subversive measures, like having a great idea, rabble rousing, etc. We don’t take well to being dominated. (Neither do women! Look at feminism!)
Deep Dish:
'Alpha male' doesn't explain why chicks go for imaginative/creative skinny guys (like yours truly) over much hunkier men.
Exactly. If people were to see you, they may even misinterpret that they must be imaginative/creative and nice to get girls, when that is just your personality!
This business is about improving our batting average. It's a continuum rather than an all-or-nothing situation.
Yes, the “alpha male” gets more girls that Mr. Nerd, but is it due to the fact that he is Mr. ToughGuy, or is it due to the fact that he just gets out there more?
Sometimes, girls are very interested in you when you first meet, even though you are not alpha, or act tough, or whatever. Why would they short-change themselves and settle right away?
Von Neuen:
But don't limit your understanding of the theory of Darwinism to just the Alpha Male facet, as there's more to it than that.
Yeah, I know. I looked into it, and the science is definitely more complicated then the popular “news headline” interpretations of it. Things like sexual dimorphism throw a great big monkey wrench into the process, leaving us scratching our heads.
I know people’s definitions of alpha differ, but what I am talking about are the people that run around, acting like Mr. ToughGuy, thinking that doing that gets girls attracted to them, and that it is the only thing that girls are attracted to.
I think that interpretation of it is dead wrong.
Guys who define the alpha male as whatever (like Jesus was an alpha male, etc., etc.) I have no problem with that, because they just end up re-defining the alpha male as someone whom they respect and admire.
Posted by Oxide:
I agree with the Alpha Male idea, but not the physical characteristic of it, but the idea of the certain mindset he posses.
For me Alpha male is (...)
Being the alpha male is fine, I have no problem with that. My question to you is: Do you think that all these things are the MAIN direct difference between getting the girl and not getting the girl?
There have been a few times when I have been “alpha” in the group, and have not gotten the girl. There have also been times when I was NOT “alpha” in the group, and GOT the girl. This seems to make no difference, the idea has no ground to stand on in relation to women. It can not even be explained beyond the simplistic pop-Darwinism.
Posted by jakethasnake:
If there were to be a nuclear war tommorrow and organized society as we know it would crumble, then most of us would probably have no choice but to bow down to the might of the alpha-leader, for our own survival. But the fact is that that isn't likely. So yes, the type of society (at least from a discussion standpoint) is quite relevant.
I don’t even think that there would be a Mr. Alpha-leader! At least, not to the extent that some people worship the Alpha-Male and give him superhuman qualities.
Posted by Santos:
In nature the one male dominates over all the other males and gets all the females to himself. He displays his power and fights for his dominance.
This is not always true. Things like sexual dimorphism, and female preference come into play. In some species, the females secretly mate with the so-called ‘beta’ males unbeknownst to the alpha.
There is not ONE alpha-male. There's hundreds. For every one alpha-male (DJ), there are five weaker males (AFCs).
Um, maybe we hang with different crowds, but I don’t see the mass weakness like you do. Out of the people that I hang with, none of them is really a leader, or an alpha in the traditional sense of taking control of everyone, yet, in other senses they would be considered alpha because they do what they want to do. But guess what? Their ‘pool of females’ or whatever includes most of the hottest girls.
I think the weaker males are outnumbered. Rather then alpha-male, I think it would be more correct (but still wrong) to say alpha-GROUP. As I find the dorkier guys to hang together and have to fight (in their own way) for the one or two attractive girls that happen to venture into their circle.
Each alpha-male controls a few females but not EVERY SINGLE ONE!
Is it really this way? All of the people that I meet that ‘think’ they are controlling all these girls, people just laugh at them behind their backs. They aren’t controlling anybody. Sure, you may have a few girls that like you, but that is just nature, not your ‘alphaness’.
There is one fundemental difference between human beings and the rest of the animal kingdom. We are far more intelligent. We have the ability to be judgemental, to analyze and to experience emotion.
This means women do not only judge us on our appearance, but on other factors as well. The strongest male doesn't always win anymore. Also, different women have different tastes in men. One woman's alpha-male is another woman's chump.
I think being an alpha-male just means being a DJ. You can not possibly be the BEST human being on earth, but strive to be your own personal best.
If you are the ALPHA-MALE out of all your friends who you go clubbing with, then you are the alpha male. You will land the best female out of a particular group. Does that mean your mates won't get with the rest of that group? Not neccesarily.
No offense, but this is one of the silly misconceptions of alpha-ness. Just because you lead your friends to go clubbing, does not mean you will get the ‘best’ female of a particular group. It has little to do with it. Hell, if anything, I would say the ALPHA-FEMALE picks the best looking guy out of the group. (Best looking in the masculine sense.) But still, I know that even that may be far from the truth.
When it comes down to it, I really think that GIRLS should be the ones concerned about alpha. I ALWAYS see the alpha female with the guy that every girl thinks is hot. Sounds weird, but boy, do I have stories…
Posted by 00Kevin:
These rejects of men that you speak of must give their women something that satisfies these natural instincts. These women must be able to sense alpha qualities in these men or they wouldn’t be with them.
Today women are forced to settle with only a few of these qualities.
If you notice, you are now defining the alpha male as anything that women want in a man.
How do you know what the natural instincts of women are? Explain this to me. Hell, I am a man and I couldn't tell you
exactly what the natural instincts of a MAN are!
Posted by jakethasnake:
You should refrain from attempting to villify others before you make any contributions of your own, you muck-raker. That brownsugah's stale as all hell... be gone.
Shh, don’t scare people away! Like I said, we don’t want this to be a spite war!
Posted by Julius_Caesar:
I believe that the alpha male, in a group, is simply the one who controls the group, in a group of comp wizzes the alpha male is the one who can code in the most languages, or the man who knows the most about FreeBSD. (...) and generally the comp wiz alpha will have his choice of the rare girl that is apart of the group. So, I think that alpha males are very real, just not concretly definible. (...) I think that women want the guy with the most power, the alpha, because of course, they want to be with the best, just like we want to be the the most attractive, they want to have children with the highest probablity for success in life. (...) but you want the best thing for you children, NATURALLY.
When you look at a woman, do you consciously consider how ‘fertile’ she is, and how well she could raise a child? Of course not! Why would females look at your mastery of FreeBSD and get wet? Or become attracted SIMPLY because a guy is smart, or successful?
When I say attraction, I mean gut level attraction. When you just look at a girl and how she acts and you become drawn to her. Like that.
Sure, sometimes the ‘sexiest’ guy HAPPENS to be the guy who can “code in the most languages”, and that may be the case for you, but sometimes he is not. I see where you are getting at, but the leader of the group does not get the best girls SIMPLY because he is the leader, there are other factors at work.