The advantage of Approaching Senior Girls


New Member
Nov 30, 2005
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Heres how I see it: Most budding Don Juans have a fear of rejection. Taking the advice of the higher DJs, I decided to begin setting myself a quota of girls. I had some friends who are seniors, they would motivate me to approach random girls. The only problem was: I knew some of those girls. I made many AFC mistakes, and would pass off my awkwardness by saying, "I'm doing it for a bet." At a certain point, I snapped. I decided to go after senior girls for practice.

The Advantages
Going after a senior girl seems logical. First, she won't see your ugly mug next year, a big plus if the approach turns sour. Second, she will be intriuged by the fact that you have the balls to go after them. She may play along and even go so far as to go on a date w. you.:D
Also, word will spread that you are going after women way out of your league. People will, after a length of time, begin to respect you. Your reputation in school will grow. And plus, after awhile you will be so relaxed that you will ooze confidence, since you no longer care so much.

The Disadvantages
The only bad things that I see as happening are:
1) You may approach a senior girl w/ an insecure bf. He may threaten to hurt you, break bones etc. Luckily for me the guy who threatened me was AFC+++, I called him on his game, coward never showed up.
2) People may think you desperate. That may ruin your game. Make sure to read up on body language, and try to make light of your situation.

Personal Experience
After I began reforming my AFC ways, and began using Kino, C & E, etc., I noticed that many girls began giving me these looks of interest. As scared as I was I began approaching random girls, talking w/ them for a minute, then asking for their number. Certainly I got shot down often, but I did manage to get a few numbers (not calling em, just did it for practice). One day my friends psyched me into going after three senior girls. Of course by that point I just stopped caring, and began blatantly hitting up on the two senior girls at the same time. They were outraged and surprised...Especially when the first girl, threw me a pen I asked to borrow, watched me throw her pen in the garbage can and say, "sorry I dont take that kinda crap from ppl." but I noticed in their eyes a sense of, "wow this guy is either crazy or has Big, Big balls." On that same day i went to a senior class, sat next to a girl my friends told me about, and said, "Now listen baby, I don't have time to dilly-dally with chit chat. Give me your number so we can go out this weekend." She was shocked, and said, "I'm seeing someone right now." I then calmly said, "well listen then, when you break up with this guy, give me a call." then I gave her a wink and left. Although it didn't really get me anywhere substantially, it gave me a heavy adrenaline rush and bumped up my confidence.:cool:

Now go out there and hit on some senior girls, dammit!:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
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Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
This post could have been summarized.

If this is a "tip" should be in don juan tips.


New Member
Dec 7, 2005
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I went after a senior when I was a freshman...I was a HUGE AFC back then, and I had absolutely no idea what the hell I was doing. I thought that I could compliment my way into her pants, etc. Only one good thing came out of it: I started learning all about picking up chicks after my miserable failure, and I know that I would have no problem dating her today.


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2005
Reaction score
I made eye contact and exchanged smiles with a junior the other day she was drop dead gorgeous, Im a freshman, I would have approached but we were walking opposite ways and I couldnt think of anything. The next time i see her walking by I'm going to make eye contact and say:
Hey what was that! (with a big smile)
hopefully at least outta curiosity she'll say What?
Then Me: You walk right by me, smile, and there was some pretty good eye contact there too But you dont even have the common courtesy to introduce yourself.
If shes in the least intrested she would say my name is .....
Then I'll jus tell her my name and say i'll see you around with a friendly smile and go back to my group. Just to make a friend and mack on her later.

THIS WORKS Ive done it twice succesfully I got it from someone in a post i cant remember Credit to him but TRY IT! :D


New Member
Jan 19, 2013
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Im a sophmore and theres this gorgeous senior in my homeroom. Any tips on approach, im going for it on monday


Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
She'll laugh you out of the school, dude. :) Best forget it, basically, until you've got a big pile of money, 1/4 mill or more, cause that's what REALLY interests US women. Not the money itself, actually ,but the fact that you are "man enough" to get it and interested in her enough to spend some of it on her .But you are so far from that, in high school, that it might as well be on the moon.


Don Juan
May 24, 2012
Reaction score
Just go up talk to her. Just take it as a reference. If you never try you will never get anywhere.

She won't laugh at you, probably. ;) but seriously just go for it


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
The only girls I go after are Juniors and Seniors. Actually, that me rephrase that. The only girls I would consider a relationship with are Juniors and Seniors. Funny considering most of them have bf's. lol, I can still remember a few months ago when I finally thought "screw it, I'm going to go talk to her". She was a senior, cheerleader, I think she was in sports, and of course beautiful. I had seen her around the school for an entire year, but never talked to her. The day I did, I was sitting down in the cafeteria in my MCJROTC digi's (in my school people in ROTC are kinda overhyped/overrated) uniform and she was walking by.

Without even getting up and going to her, I looked at her and said "hey". She walks over, we talk for a minute or two. She leaves. Now, that I look back on it, there were SO MANY ways I could have "Watered the seeds", and extended our conversation, but of course then I was too nervous to realize it. Long story short, even though I didn't get her number, it feels good knowing I at least had the balls to finally talk to her.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2012
Reaction score
The Summerlands
Eph said:
The only girls I go after are Juniors and Seniors. Actually, that me rephrase that. The only girls I would consider a relationship with are Juniors and Seniors. Funny considering most of them have bf's. lol, I can still remember a few months ago when I finally thought "screw it, I'm going to go talk to her". She was a senior, cheerleader, I think she was in sports, and of course beautiful. I had seen her around the school for an entire year, but never talked to her. The day I did, I was sitting down in the cafeteria in my MCJROTC digi's (in my school people in ROTC are kinda overhyped/overrated) uniform and she was walking by.

Without even getting up and going to her, I looked at her and said "hey". She walks over, we talk for a minute or two. She leaves. Now, that I look back on it, there were SO MANY ways I could have "Watered the seeds", and extended our conversation, but of course then I was too nervous to realize it. Long story short, even though I didn't get her number, it feels good knowing I at least had the balls to finally talk to her.

In highschool, I was voted "Most Unique". I never really dated girls in my grade. This is because I was in every musical and always had thoughts racing through my mind about the geometry of the universe. I never slept, either, so I always walked around with huge bags under my eyes the color of lead, stumbling about like I was drunk and also spinning and doing weird movements with everything.

I still do that. It's almost like Johhny Depp's "Captain Jack Sparrow", but less pirate-like.

Anyways, I always dated/fvcked college girls. The hipster ones. I guess it was because I had insightful things to say? I dunno. I did a lot of musicals in the community, so I always have reeked of confidence because I do some pretty crazy sh!t in front of a ton of people.

Weird sh!t.

Just do whatever you feel like. I do agree that pursuing women above your leauge is a good idea.