Don Juan
This post took alot of time and effort to compose and is worth reading all of it, hop you enjoy
This post is also made to show everyone the other side of a DJ, a DJ is not only a woman seducer, he is also a successful and happy person, and this is his alphabet...
Ever wonder why you just couldnt go talk to that one chick youve been dying to talk too, or why you didnt join that basketball team in school, or even why you didnt join a school club, aside from the obvious reasons, look at the people you hang out with, are they the type who just complain about everything and do nothing? if thats the case, you need new friends! a Don Juan hangs out with optimistic, happy people, not sad depressed fools!?!? if you make it a goal to hang out with people who are always cheerful and and are of action, youll soon find that all the negative things in your life diminish gradually. like the old saying, "you can never bring your friends up, but they can always bring you down"
so go out and meet people with similar goals and ambitions, be a happy person, somebody people love to be around, and trust me, girls will notice, like cheese to a mouse, so what are you waiting for?
Because nobody else will! a Don Juan is a person who does not doubt him self, how can you believe in anything else in life if you cant even believe in yourself and your abilities?? nobody is perfect and that is a given, but give yourself enough respect to actually do something that you want, whether it be talking to that hot chick across the room, or getting a job, college, etc..., believing in yourself is tied in with your own self esteem, after all, you are your own worst critic! dont doubt yourself, commend yourself for having faith in your abilities to even make a move and try in whatever you do, after all, we are defined by our actions, and if you are full of self doubt, how will your inner Don Juan shine?
so next time you see an opportunity, believe in yourself, because if you dont, why would anybody else?
Confidence is a necessity in anything you do. Confidence is the result of how you view yourself, you view your self low, your confidence will be low, you view yourself highly, your confidence will be high and shine, its a self fulfilling prophecy. How do you get Confidence, its not easy, but not impossible. Take a look at yourself, are you fat? go work out, are you afraid of talking to girls? go talk to some, are you afraid of social gatherings? go to a few parties and social events and make an effort to get rid of your fears because they are the anchor to your social life boat. Youve heard this over and over again, so whats stopping you from doing it? YOURSELF! so kick your inner wussy in the pvssy and be a man for christ sakes!
No matter how bad things seem, giving up on yourself only worsens the situation! stop, take a look at whats going on, and analyze what is the problem in the situation? why would you consider giving up? your mind will flood with answers! instead of thinking "im such a loser, ima give up!" think,"how can i get out of this situation, what are my options beside giving up?" your mind will flood with millions of answers!
never give up or into anything you or believe in. dont be a flake, have some core values, beliefs, and morals, and live by them, dont be embarassed because you dont fit into some social stigma! giving into something that you dont believe in is the ultimate self disrespect! a true Don Juan doesnt take disrespect from anybody, why should he have to take it from himself?
if you find yourself failing, giving up might seem like common sense, but common sense is not so common people! instead of saying "ive failed a million times!" try "ive found a million ways that dont work!" youll feel much better because you narrowed the chances of failure next time you try! in school we are taught that mistakes are wrong and they make you look dumb! well from experience, mistakes are a gold mine, they teach you some of lifes golden lessons. you should feel even more motivated to do something after failing at it, you better the odds, heh, giving up isnt even in a true Don Juan's vocabulary!
Half the posts on these forums are about people complaining about how they failed and how they missed opportunities. well you know what, posting them here will not bring them back! what happened has happened and cannot be reversed! a true Don Juan doesnt complain and b!tch about yesterday, and doesnt put things off until tomorrow, no he lives in TODAY!
complaining about what happened yesterday will only waste your today and tomorrow will never come, because tomorrow never comes, there is only today! your mad you didnt talk to that HB9 yesterday, boo hoo, get over it and move on! that chick at school is looking sexy, but you dont feel like talking to her today, maybe tomorrow... yeah tomorrow for sure!!! (tomorrow) *repeat last sentence* so people, stop living in yesterday and dreaming of tomorrow, and please, do something today before it becomes yet another regrettable yesterday!
A true Don Juan doesnt disrespect his mom or talk back to his dad, no he enjoys their presence and tries to learn from them. parents are like unexplored gold mines! they have been through everything you have and have a ton of knowledge and wisdom for the taking! yes they may not be up to date on current media and the like, but they are full of valuable information on life lessons!
a true Don Juan also has many friends, male and female! go out and meet new people, network, you never know how people might be able to benefit you until you need them! you see that nerd by himself eating lunch on the school steps.. go talk to him! you are no better then they are, and you never know, they might be CEO of a huge company in the future when you need a job! so go and make new friends, and have fun, talk to your parents, ask them how was it when they grew up, get to know them, you will appreciate them much more because they love you, and they are raising you to the best of their abilities, you werent born with instruction after all! so go and meet mom and dad in a whole new light! because there will come the day that they wont be with you anymore and you will regret not getting to know them!
Do you feel bad? depressed? well try helping those who are less fortunate then you! after all, you have a roof over your head, food on the table and clothes on your back, and rich enough to have a computer with a decent internet! YOU ARE FORTUNATE! so go help those who arent as blessed as you are. you will feel great and its a place to meet people and interact with your community. a true Don Juan doesnt take his community for-granted and does his best to give back to his community.
So go out and volunteer at the shelter, the less fortunate dont only eat on thanksgiving and christmas
If going down to shelters and helping isnt your thing, you can give back in many other ways! try tutoring down at the teen center or at your school, helping people is a rewarding experience and is a great place to meet new people...and girls wil notice when your at the mall and little tommy runs up to you and thanks you for helping him with his english homework
like the key to their hearts....and other places
What is a person who doesnt have dreams? ambitions? goals? a L-O-S-E-R!!! and women hate men who just go through life with nothing in mind!
your dreams are your future and if you dont hang on to your dreams, you will have no future! dream, and then take actions to make those dreams a reality, because dreams are basically a rough draft and actions make them a final draft! dreams are a plan to your life, if your failing to plan, your planning to fail! no successful person in the world has accomplished anything without dreaming! if people make fun of your dreams and your goals in life, dont worry, its just that their planning to work at taco bell the rest of their lives, and your dreams and personal goals are outside of their mental box! so dont worry, these people should never influence you! you should always be smart enough to dream, but stupid enough to cast aside peoples criticism. After all, what is a Don Juan without dreams??
Ever notice those people who are always saying, "you cant do this, thats impossible" "yeah right, youll never get her, shes too good for you!" or "dont even try that, its waaaaay to hard"
IGNORE THESE PEOPLE!! if you listen to them, you are fueling them, never listen to these gloomy Gus's, they are just saying how they feel about themselves and their abilities, but somehow portray it into you. A true Don Juan ignores people who discourage him, he laughs at people who tell him he cant do something, and uses it as motivation to do it
so next time somebody tries to discourage you, just walk away, leave, and go do it, do it, do it, do it, and dont think twice! you win, you win, you fail, at least you tried!
This post is also made to show everyone the other side of a DJ, a DJ is not only a woman seducer, he is also a successful and happy person, and this is his alphabet...
Ever wonder why you just couldnt go talk to that one chick youve been dying to talk too, or why you didnt join that basketball team in school, or even why you didnt join a school club, aside from the obvious reasons, look at the people you hang out with, are they the type who just complain about everything and do nothing? if thats the case, you need new friends! a Don Juan hangs out with optimistic, happy people, not sad depressed fools!?!? if you make it a goal to hang out with people who are always cheerful and and are of action, youll soon find that all the negative things in your life diminish gradually. like the old saying, "you can never bring your friends up, but they can always bring you down"
so go out and meet people with similar goals and ambitions, be a happy person, somebody people love to be around, and trust me, girls will notice, like cheese to a mouse, so what are you waiting for?
Because nobody else will! a Don Juan is a person who does not doubt him self, how can you believe in anything else in life if you cant even believe in yourself and your abilities?? nobody is perfect and that is a given, but give yourself enough respect to actually do something that you want, whether it be talking to that hot chick across the room, or getting a job, college, etc..., believing in yourself is tied in with your own self esteem, after all, you are your own worst critic! dont doubt yourself, commend yourself for having faith in your abilities to even make a move and try in whatever you do, after all, we are defined by our actions, and if you are full of self doubt, how will your inner Don Juan shine?
so next time you see an opportunity, believe in yourself, because if you dont, why would anybody else?
Confidence is a necessity in anything you do. Confidence is the result of how you view yourself, you view your self low, your confidence will be low, you view yourself highly, your confidence will be high and shine, its a self fulfilling prophecy. How do you get Confidence, its not easy, but not impossible. Take a look at yourself, are you fat? go work out, are you afraid of talking to girls? go talk to some, are you afraid of social gatherings? go to a few parties and social events and make an effort to get rid of your fears because they are the anchor to your social life boat. Youve heard this over and over again, so whats stopping you from doing it? YOURSELF! so kick your inner wussy in the pvssy and be a man for christ sakes!
No matter how bad things seem, giving up on yourself only worsens the situation! stop, take a look at whats going on, and analyze what is the problem in the situation? why would you consider giving up? your mind will flood with answers! instead of thinking "im such a loser, ima give up!" think,"how can i get out of this situation, what are my options beside giving up?" your mind will flood with millions of answers!
never give up or into anything you or believe in. dont be a flake, have some core values, beliefs, and morals, and live by them, dont be embarassed because you dont fit into some social stigma! giving into something that you dont believe in is the ultimate self disrespect! a true Don Juan doesnt take disrespect from anybody, why should he have to take it from himself?
if you find yourself failing, giving up might seem like common sense, but common sense is not so common people! instead of saying "ive failed a million times!" try "ive found a million ways that dont work!" youll feel much better because you narrowed the chances of failure next time you try! in school we are taught that mistakes are wrong and they make you look dumb! well from experience, mistakes are a gold mine, they teach you some of lifes golden lessons. you should feel even more motivated to do something after failing at it, you better the odds, heh, giving up isnt even in a true Don Juan's vocabulary!
Half the posts on these forums are about people complaining about how they failed and how they missed opportunities. well you know what, posting them here will not bring them back! what happened has happened and cannot be reversed! a true Don Juan doesnt complain and b!tch about yesterday, and doesnt put things off until tomorrow, no he lives in TODAY!
complaining about what happened yesterday will only waste your today and tomorrow will never come, because tomorrow never comes, there is only today! your mad you didnt talk to that HB9 yesterday, boo hoo, get over it and move on! that chick at school is looking sexy, but you dont feel like talking to her today, maybe tomorrow... yeah tomorrow for sure!!! (tomorrow) *repeat last sentence* so people, stop living in yesterday and dreaming of tomorrow, and please, do something today before it becomes yet another regrettable yesterday!
A true Don Juan doesnt disrespect his mom or talk back to his dad, no he enjoys their presence and tries to learn from them. parents are like unexplored gold mines! they have been through everything you have and have a ton of knowledge and wisdom for the taking! yes they may not be up to date on current media and the like, but they are full of valuable information on life lessons!
a true Don Juan also has many friends, male and female! go out and meet new people, network, you never know how people might be able to benefit you until you need them! you see that nerd by himself eating lunch on the school steps.. go talk to him! you are no better then they are, and you never know, they might be CEO of a huge company in the future when you need a job! so go and make new friends, and have fun, talk to your parents, ask them how was it when they grew up, get to know them, you will appreciate them much more because they love you, and they are raising you to the best of their abilities, you werent born with instruction after all! so go and meet mom and dad in a whole new light! because there will come the day that they wont be with you anymore and you will regret not getting to know them!
Do you feel bad? depressed? well try helping those who are less fortunate then you! after all, you have a roof over your head, food on the table and clothes on your back, and rich enough to have a computer with a decent internet! YOU ARE FORTUNATE! so go help those who arent as blessed as you are. you will feel great and its a place to meet people and interact with your community. a true Don Juan doesnt take his community for-granted and does his best to give back to his community.
So go out and volunteer at the shelter, the less fortunate dont only eat on thanksgiving and christmas
If going down to shelters and helping isnt your thing, you can give back in many other ways! try tutoring down at the teen center or at your school, helping people is a rewarding experience and is a great place to meet new people...and girls wil notice when your at the mall and little tommy runs up to you and thanks you for helping him with his english homework
What is a person who doesnt have dreams? ambitions? goals? a L-O-S-E-R!!! and women hate men who just go through life with nothing in mind!
your dreams are your future and if you dont hang on to your dreams, you will have no future! dream, and then take actions to make those dreams a reality, because dreams are basically a rough draft and actions make them a final draft! dreams are a plan to your life, if your failing to plan, your planning to fail! no successful person in the world has accomplished anything without dreaming! if people make fun of your dreams and your goals in life, dont worry, its just that their planning to work at taco bell the rest of their lives, and your dreams and personal goals are outside of their mental box! so dont worry, these people should never influence you! you should always be smart enough to dream, but stupid enough to cast aside peoples criticism. After all, what is a Don Juan without dreams??
Ever notice those people who are always saying, "you cant do this, thats impossible" "yeah right, youll never get her, shes too good for you!" or "dont even try that, its waaaaay to hard"
IGNORE THESE PEOPLE!! if you listen to them, you are fueling them, never listen to these gloomy Gus's, they are just saying how they feel about themselves and their abilities, but somehow portray it into you. A true Don Juan ignores people who discourage him, he laughs at people who tell him he cant do something, and uses it as motivation to do it
so next time somebody tries to discourage you, just walk away, leave, and go do it, do it, do it, do it, and dont think twice! you win, you win, you fail, at least you tried!