that dj dan transformation

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Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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wolf116 said:
That comes automatically after putting on muscle.
I don't have it. Muscle is just muscle. Improves posture.

Metaphysical said:
him and his entire RSD crew admitted to faking being good with women to make a buck. he admitted it all and i've seen it all on videos. i've spent hundreds of dollars learning about this game. i've gone to workshops and been through enough mentors and gurus and students to find out that 99% of these GURU's are fakes. especially those big names you mention.
Agreed. I saw this one video (no I did not buy it) from David D's series. He brought in one of his dwarf friends who was wheelchair bound. Apparently, this dude bedded strippers by following David D's routines. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
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Transformation or not, it's lame to try to cash in on mens insecurities. This site was made so people could come and share info with each other, share experiences and support each other. Not so that you could learn stuff and make money off of it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
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manchester UK
Metaphysical said:
Stop overcompensating for your failures by putting others down. It's obvious you aren't liked here, despite how long you've been here for.

I am simply providing a product out there as well as showing guys what's possible. If you have a better and more impressive thing to show us, feel free to post it. Until then, keep your mouth shut and sit down.
Lol I'm not liked here yet you're the one who's been banned and has reappeared under several usernames?

Can't you see how arrogant it is that you're putting out a "product"? Christ almighty, you've put on some (really not that much) muscle and slept with some (not particularly attractive) women, and you're gonna write an ebook?

:rolleyes: KNOW in your heart of hearts that you're not really qualified to write an ebook on seduction. Hell, I know it about about myself and I feel I've 'improved' more than you and probably slept with more women than you.

I mean just look at those photos of you with your girls...You're an arrogant, egotistical, delusional fraud and I genuinly hope your ebook flops, as there are THOUSANDS of guys out there more qualified to write on the subject than you, who don't feel the need to make stupid internet videos so they can validate themselves with the responses of the sad virgins who have bought into your little cult.

PS: for the idiots going on about being "a hater".

1. I feel really sorry for you that you have adopted a term from such an insecure and morally questionable culture such as hip-hop and actually used it in a post on a somewhat intellectual website.

2. There are many, many ppl in this community who have achieved more, had more sex, sold more of their products and are just generally "better" than this fraud (apart from the 'selling of products' I would put myself in this category) whom I GREATLY ADMIRE. If I "hated on" DJ Dan in the jealous fashion you were making me out to, it stands to reason I would "hate on" these guys even more...but I don't. The reason I dislike DJ Dan is that he has achieved relatively little, yet is attempting to profit off other people's need for help. He is also a poser, a show off, arrogant, mysoginistic and egotistical - if you can't see this then you need your f.ucking head looking at.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2008
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The World
the dude in the wheelchair is some kind of a celebrity. i can't recall if he had his own radio station or what he was doing for a living. but a job with a high status like that and celebrity rights will get you a lot of gold diggers.

there are women out there who don't care what a dude looks like as long as he has money. they are willin to sacrifice everything for an extra buck or two.

i feel bad for that dude for being born with that disability, but no way in hell he lays strippers unless he pays them heavily. lol.

actually i am not sure what is the correlation between this obsession of guys and strippers.. 90% of the strippers ive seen were ugly. some guys just don't care what a woman looks like, as long as she's naked and showing body parts.

personally i'm more focused on how feminine her facial features look rather than how big her tits are.


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2008
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I salute his change. It's like when someone achieved something you pat them in the back like job well done. There is a certain stage you reach when you peak the game and I do not think you hit that peak, but hey you know yourself better than I do. I do not get how people bash this board and always come back when its time to sell their product.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
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L777 said:
Lol I'm not liked here yet you're the one who's been banned and has reappeared under several usernames?

Can't you see how arrogant it is that you're putting out a "product"? Christ almighty, you've put on some (really not that much) muscle and slept with some (not particularly attractive) women, and you're gonna write an ebook?

:rolleyes: KNOW in your heart of hearts that you're not really qualified to write an ebook on seduction. Hell, I know it about about myself and I feel I've 'improved' more than you and probably slept with more women than you.

I mean just look at those photos of you with your girls...You're an arrogant, egotistical, delusional fraud and I genuinly hope your ebook flops, as there are THOUSANDS of guys out there more qualified to write on the subject than you, who don't feel the need to make stupid internet videos so they can validate themselves with the responses of the sad virgins who have bought into your little cult.

PS: for the idiots going on about being "a hater".

1. I feel really sorry for you that you have adopted a term from such an insecure and morally questionable culture such as hip-hop and actually used it in a post on a somewhat intellectual website.

2. There are many, many ppl in this community who have achieved more, had more sex, sold more of their products and are just generally "better" than this fraud (apart from the 'selling of products' I would put myself in this category) whom I GREATLY ADMIRE. If I "hated on" DJ Dan in the jealous fashion you were making me out to, it stands to reason I would "hate on" these guys even more...but I don't. The reason I dislike DJ Dan is that he has achieved relatively little, yet is attempting to profit off other people's need for help. He is also a poser, a show off, arrogant, mysoginistic and egotistical - if you can't see this then you need your f.ucking head looking at.

Dude shut the fuk up and quit calling people out you fukkking turd. Your just jealous because DJdan looks better than you and gets more pu$$y than you.

I have a history with this L777 idiot. This is the same idiot who thought Johnny Soporno was some type of God because he had a bunch of pics with pornstars. The reason why he liked Soporno is because he can relate to that ugly turd, but he can't relate to good looking guys. L777 was that nerd that was picked on in highschool and woman never paid any attention to him and now he is trying to fight back behind a computer.

He was called out before and posted a phony pic of himself. The guy is a ****ing virgin loser who once said it was ok to be a virgin at 26. Don't pay attention to this idiot.

L777 stop calling people out. If your going to call people out who have the balls to post pics post one of yourself you fukkkkkkkking geek. Until than do yourself and everyone else a favor and STFU.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
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manchester UK
lookyoung said:
Dude shut the fuk up and quit calling people out you fukkking turd. Your just jealous because DJdan looks better than you and gets more pu$$y than you.

I have a history with this L777 idiot. This is the same idiot who thought Johnny Soporno was some type of God because he had a bunch of pics with pornstars. The reason why he liked Soporno is because he can relate to that ugly turd, but he can't relate to good looking guys. L777 was that nerd that was picked on in highschool and woman never paid any attention to him and now he is trying to fight back behind a computer.

He was called out before and posted a phony pic of himself. The guy is a ****ing virgin loser who once said it was ok to be a virgin at 26. Don't pay attention to this idiot.

L777 stop calling people out. If your going to call people who have the balls to post pics post one of yourself your fukkkkkkkking geek. Until than do yourself and everyone else a favor and STFU.
I'm actually done with this thread.

I didn't read this s.hit but I can guess.


I'm just going to ignore you and DJ dan safe in the knowledge that you are, in fact, two of the biggest and most delusional p.ricks I've ever had the misfortune to come across in my life, bar none.

If/when your maturity level catches up to your age, have a long hard look in the mirror, and you will have a little voice in the back of your head saying "What a complete and utter t.wat I am...time to change".

Only then can you even begin to play at the same level as me.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
this shyt is funny. Dj Dan you have a lot of growing up to do. That's great you brag about picking up girls. And? Nobody cares.


Sep 9, 2008
Reaction score
L777 = Virgin. :( Poor thing, post a pic dude. I want to see this keyboard jockey / "level" you are on. HAH! kthx

I bought his book and I'm currently reading it.. He's the real deal. I should know, the rawest playaz reside in Las Vegas and its a whole different field. He gets down into the REAL sh1t that matters to women. God I love it. Book is LEGIT. ;)

Seriously anybody hatin on the man is making a huge mistake. He is producing results. Are you? I doubt it. Post pix with proof like he does if you want to hate against it. Instead of hating like a geek doing the same exact things and getting no where and producing no results, give it a chance.DO WHAT WORKS. and what he does WORKS.. I can tell hes not in it just for the money, he definitely has a passion for this sort of thing because hes gone from Nothing to SOMETHING. And he pours his absolute every secrete that hes learned to pull sexy ass women who have game into his life and broke them down and got them sprung off him like a real boss does it and shares it all.. Everything that he has learned that worked from inner game to outergame to bedroom game packaged for only 28 bucks and with a damn guarantee. This aint no gimicks with routines or non of that crap BS that losers got to pull to be out of the ordinary to stand out for a lil bit and make u gotta be something youre not 24/7 which is tough, and always gotta think of wat to say this book breaks it all down what is really all about...... This is the real **** that real men real playas real pimps do on a daily basis making women see the difference between you boring ass weak men and THEM. So ya'll better check the book out and step your game up or get lost in these forums for good.. All im sayin!!
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Sep 9, 2008
Reaction score
Dude.. Im not dan. I wish i was though, haha. Listen whats your deal I didnt even mention you in my post? why are you attacking me? Jesus get a life!


lol nuf said.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
70Deuce said:
L777 = Virgin. :( Poor thing, post a pic dude. I want to see this keyboard jockey / "level" you are on. HAH! kthx

I bought his book and I'm currently reading it.. He's the real deal. I should know, the rawest playaz reside in Las Vegas and its a whole different field. He gets down into the REAL sh1t that matters to women. God I love it. Book is LEGIT. ;)

Seriously anybody hatin on the man is making a huge mistake. He is producing results. Are you? I doubt it. Post pix with proof like he does if you want to hate against it. Instead of hating like a geek doing the same exact things and getting no where and producing no results, give it a chance.DO WHAT WORKS. and what he does WORKS.. I can tell hes not in it just for the money, he definitely has a passion for this sort of thing because hes gone from Nothing to SOMETHING. And he pours his absolute every secrete that hes learned to pull sexy ass women who have game into his life and broke them down and got them sprung off him like a real boss does it and shares it all.. Everything that he has learned that worked from inner game to outergame to bedroom game packaged for only 28 bucks and with a damn guarantee. This aint no gimicks with routines or non of that crap BS that losers got to pull to be out of the ordinary to stand out for a lil bit and make u gotta be something youre not 24/7 which is tough, and always gotta think of wat to say this book breaks it all down what is really all about...... This is the real **** that real men real playas real pimps do on a daily basis making women see the difference between you boring ass weak men and THEM. So ya'll better check the book out and step your game up or get lost in these forums for good.. All im sayin!!
Only read the first two paragraphs.

But I have over 50 lays.

There's ways to get laid other than imitating a working class black man, "playa" :rolleyes:

This gangsta/playa/hip-hop s.hit is getting so old. When I visited the USA I was told by numerous girls that I reminded them of James really "70deuce" (some sort of fake gang affiliation no doubt) how can you even begin to compare yourself to me?

Regardless of whether you believe me or're not in the same league, as shown by the fact that you need to buy someone like DJ Dan's ebook.

Here's my advice: stop the gangsterisms, you sound like like an utter tosser.
FInd your own identity and stop sucking DJ Dan's nob...then go approach and get laid.

Hey, you didn't even have to pay for that advice either. :D


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2008
Reaction score
Lol. L777 just stop posting. Obviously this guy just wants to sell his book and is doing it so creatively that its going over your head.

Mod should close this.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2008
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The sad fact is that if DJDan can get that Ebook and transformation video to a mass audience, the more easily influenced and susceptible will buy into it.

It's a good financial plan, if a little seedy. Correction, Really seedy.

use the video for it's inspirational value, Kontroller said it best, change can come if you want it bad enough.

No way i'd pay 28$ for an ebook when the DJ bible is right here. But if some people decide to give their money away, doesn't make a difference.

I take solace in the fact that this book will never sell as much as Mystery's book, what originally got me searching for PUA styles


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
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for those of you who are skeptical about dan's book, AND if you have some free time right now, read the link above - the advertizement page for some guy's ebook.

Please take a look at it, you will laugh and cry = very entertaining page: you won't regret it!


Sep 9, 2008
Reaction score
L777 stop lying dude seriously, post pix or GTFO.

You're a keyboard jockey with 1,100 posts , over 50 lays HAHHAA..... How stupid do you think we are to believe that BS?


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
70Deuce said:
You're a keyboard jockey with 1,100 posts , over 50 lays HAHHAA..... How stupid do you think we are to believe that BS?
You've obviously never spent time in upper management. Got to have something to do all day.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
Alle_Gory said:
You've obviously never spent time in upper management. Got to have something to do all day.
Lol I'm a student, and 1100 posts over 3 years is one a day, and it tok me about 30 seconds to write this.

As if I'd post a picture for your benefit. This site is about getting laid without relying on looks, I guess the fact that I'm a 6"1' 190 soccer player can't hurt though right? Whether you believe me or not doesn't change the facts.

If you wanna waste your money then go ahead; you're even stupider than you first come across as being.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2008
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The World
DJVladdy said:

for those of you who are skeptical about dan's book, AND if you have some free time right now, read the link above - the advertizement page for some guy's ebook.

Please take a look at it, you will laugh and cry = very entertaining page: you won't regret it!
Is that your book DjVladdy?

I actually purchased the college domination book and I enjoyed it. The author goes very in depth with the college game as it relies to fraternities and sorrorities. I touched some of those subjects myself in my e-book but not as in depth. Also, his marketing is very good. He hired a professional web designer to do it. I plan to do the same now that I've made enough sales to reason and afford it.

So far, no refunds which i'm happy about. It means that people are getting all they expected from it.
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