Texting causes problems


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Okay, hey guys.

In college. Taking it slow with this one girl. No relationships on my mind as of now. Earlier today 'round 4 I told her let's meet to eat at her place for dinner. She said yea. Went for a run. Came back to a text saying she wants to eat 'round 8. I texted back, as long as you make me a sandwich, cool. She responded, I'm not making you a sandwich, and that she was serious. I have asked before and she has laughed haha. I responded jokefully, I'm serious too. Prepare US a sammich. She responded no, I don't find it funny anymore. So don't come over.

It is now past 8. I have not responded, nor do I plan to go over to her place. What do you guys think? What should I do?


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2012
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Tell her that she's being unreasonable, a sandwich won't make itself and let her know she can use your kitchen because you're cool like that?


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2012
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She has probably figured out youre a prick and is now playing mind games with you.


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Haha, indeed.

She just texted me, are you in your room?

I replied yep.
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Senior Don Juan
Oct 17, 2012
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Philadelphia Suburbs
Peacebewithyou said:
Haha, indeed.

She just texted me, are you in your room?

I replied yep.
You should have gone over anyway and said, where's my sandwich? Jokingly lol. She would have laughe and then you two could have gone out for food.

If she was still upset when you got there, give her a tight hug. "Come here, somebody is having a bad day. I'm going to solve it."


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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That's retarded. It seems she moved the time, then jumped at the first opportunity to kill the meeting. Hot and cold usually means crappy IL.

Since she doesn't wanna make a you sandwich anymore, offer her your bologna in her warm buns smothered with extra mayo.

Try goin cold, she seems whacky.


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
I received a text from her saying she had come to my room. I had left to go somewhere else by then. didn't respond. she found where I was and I asked her if she was done being sensitive? she smiled, and then I told her she received an extra 3 hours to make me a.....stopped there and I made her smile.

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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On the Frontlines
Some of the confusion here comes from not having enough Intel (information). Sarcasm and some other more subtle forms of communication can be LOST thru texting. And "NO"...emoticons can't always save you, either.

Texting is a POOR excuse for an actual phone conversation with a girl, just like a phone conversation is a POOR excuse for actually having a face-to-face conversation with a girl.

NEVER rely on only ONE mode of communication while you're on a mission to attract, engage, and execute dates/relationships with women.

Instead, vary your methods and work to master ALL of them. That way, you'll increase your chances of success with women. In other words, don't be one of those guys who "specializes" in texting only because you're inept at effectively communicating with women by alternative means.

You'd be surprised how easily you can set yourself apart from the average guy by daring to freer and more versatile with both your communication methods and your communication style.



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Sounds like you went to the well one too many times with the sandwich joke.

The whole "B!tch, make me a sammitch" gag is well known in popular culture, and let's face it, it's kind of disrespectful. I'm not surprised she got sick of it. Texting had nothing to do with it

By the way, a simple "just kidding" probably would have got you out of it.


Sep 18, 2009
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My airhead roommate two years ago made "B1tch make me a sammich" jokes. Soon as his fag @$$ started saying them, I no longer found them funny. Ever.


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2012
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Okay, so to we returned to her room around 12 after her finding me. Some kissing and hugging. I asked her why she was so sensitive to the sandwich joke. She responded it was rude and unoriginal haha, so you guys are correct. She switched to talking about her thoughts on religion, and other stuff. I partly listened. I always do with her. She noticed, so she switched to me never taking her seriously....I tried to respond with kisses and hugging, and she responded, but not as well as other nights.

Any opinions on my situation?

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Peacebewithyou said:
Okay, hey guys.

In college. Taking it slow with this one girl. No relationships on my mind as of now. Earlier today 'round 4 I told her let's meet to eat at her place for dinner. She said yea. Went for a run. Came back to a text saying she wants to eat 'round 8. I texted back, as long as you make me a sandwich, cool. She responded, I'm not making you a sandwich, and that she was serious. I have asked before and she has laughed haha. I responded jokefully, I'm serious too. Prepare US a sammich. She responded no, I don't find it funny anymore. So don't come over.

It is now past 8. I have not responded, nor do I plan to go over to her place. What do you guys think? What should I do?
Ah yes, another GREAT example of how texting KILLS relationships!

In this case, we have the common issue of "text miscommunication." He sends her a text as a joke, and she, perhaps not yet knowing his sense of humor, assumes he's serious and trying to tell her what to do. Now, we here know he's joking because he said "I responded jokefully..." However, I'm pretty sure his text to her didn't start with the words "I'm jokefully saying the next sentence I send you." Meaning, he's making the assumption that what he's texting her is so absurd-sounding that she'll have no choice to take it as a joke. And she didn't.

This is why I keep telling you guys, texting KILLS relationships. It is a form of communication that has the least amount of sensors attached to it, meaning you can't use your eyes to see a person's facial expressions when they're saying something, nor can you HEAR the way they're saying it to gauge that their joking. All you can do is read some random lines of text and make an assumption of what the other person means, and when you're first starting out with a girl it's very easy for her to assume NEGATIVE meanings from your text.

Once you set the date, you should've gone ghost. And when she text you "Hey, I'll see you at 8," if you DID decide to go the text route, a simple "ok" would have been better than trying to come up with something witty that could be taken out of context. Jokes over text messages rarely go well, maaaaan!


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
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Victory Unlimited said:
Some of the confusion here comes from not having enough Intel (information). Sarcasm and some other more subtle forms of communication can be LOST thru texting. And "NO"...emoticons can't always save you, either.

Texting is a POOR excuse for an actual phone conversation with a girl, just like a phone conversation is a POOR excuse for actually having a face-to-face conversation with a girl.

NEVER rely on only ONE mode of communication while you're on a mission to attract, engage, and execute dates/relationships with women.

Instead, vary your methods and work to master ALL of them. That way, you'll increase your chances of success with women. In other words, don't be one of those guys who "specializes" in texting only because you're inept at effectively communicating with women by alternative means.

You'd be surprised how easily you can set yourself apart from the average guy by daring to freer and more versatile with both your communication methods and your communication style.

This dude has more little green lights than my Christmas tree, lol
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Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
Harry Wilmington said:
Jokes over text messages rarely go well, maaaaan!

Holy flaming ʂhitballs did I learn that the hard way a few months ago. 5, 10, 30 mins, 1 hr, and no reply, and I was thinking "oh ʂhit she didn't find that funny did she?"

So Harry's right..chill with the texts and make them VERY short.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2012
Reaction score
Big City, Small Town
Text Messaging DOESN'T Kill Relationships...Guys Do

Harry Wilmington said:
Ah yes, another GREAT example of how texting KILLS relationships!

In this case, we have the common issue of "text miscommunication." He sends her a text as a joke, and she, perhaps not yet knowing his sense of humor, assumes he's serious and trying to tell her what to do. Now, we here know he's joking because he said "I responded jokefully..." However, I'm pretty sure his text to her didn't start with the words "I'm jokefully saying the next sentence I send you." Meaning, he's making the assumption that what he's texting her is so absurd-sounding that she'll have no choice to take it as a joke. And she didn't.

This is why I keep telling you guys, texting KILLS relationships. It is a form of communication that has the least amount of sensors attached to it, meaning you can't use your eyes to see a person's facial expressions when they're saying something, nor can you HEAR the way they're saying it to gauge that their joking. All you can do is read some random lines of text and make an assumption of what the other person means, and when you're first starting out with a girl it's very easy for her to assume NEGATIVE meanings from your text.

Once you set the date, you should've gone ghost. And when she text you "Hey, I'll see you at 8," if you DID decide to go the text route, a simple "ok" would have been better than trying to come up with something witty that could be taken out of context. Jokes over text messages rarely go well, maaaaan!

Well, here's another long winded anti text rant from Harry Wilmington. I think Harry should disable his text messaging feature on his cell phone because he feels that it is not of any use. Text messaging is a powerful tool, if you use it correctly, it will work to your advantage everytime. These guys like to go on and on about how bad texting is, probably because it never worked out for them, and then they try to give their "spin" on it to the rest of us. But for the guys who use it to their advantage, and know how well it works for them, laugh at how totally wrong and how "green" these guys really are with women.

Victory Unlimited and Harry Wilmington are both wrong. Texting itself does not kill a relationship, it is the person that kills the relationship, pure and simple. First of all, they weren't in a relationship. If anything else, it is the text messaging that saved this guy from being with a chick that has no sense of humor and one that never had much interest in him in the first place. Otherwise, she would of wanted to chill with him regardless of what his text said. The text was her excuse not to chill with him, but she would of used another one to use anyway, so please don't blame a text for the lack of interest on her part. Why would you want to chill with a chick who has no sense of humor or one that has low IL? Anybody care to chime in on this? The text showed him what this chick was all about. She has zero sense of humor and clearly wasn't interested in this guy. Text messaging is the best way to gauge IL pure and simple.

Let's look at this another way Harry. He could of said the same thing over the phone, or even in person, and she still would of taken it the wrong way because she couldn't catch on to the sarcasm, or used it as an excuse to not hang out with the guy. If a chick is into you she doesn't take things the wrong way and still would find what he said to be funny. She certainly wouldn't of used it an a excuse not to chill with him. Chicks with low IL will use anything you say, or do, as a way not to hang out with you, regardless if it is through, text, phone, or face to face conversation. Once again, it is the guy, not the texting.

Victory Unlimited said that "Texting is a POOR excuse for an actual phone conversation with a girl." That is totally false. Chicks love to text and you should incorporate that into your game if you are smart. Chicks act more freely with text messaging. They will say things they normally wouldn't say to you face to face or by phone. They will be more sexual through text and you can get them thinking about you throughout the day. When I have a chick telling me through text that she wants to "feel my hands on her t!ts, and my tongue on her cl!t, and later my d!ck in her mouth, and then deep inside her. I would say that is a great conversation with a girl, wouldn't you? Because later on, I will be in her pvssy for most of the night. And yes, my friends, that is through text messaging, it is not a poor excuse, and it certainly didn't kill a relationship.

It is up to the guy, if he has poor game, then he will fail regardless of whatever method he uses. I wonder if Harry would blame the iPhone for a terrible conversation that a guy has with a girl. You could even blame the guy's own voice for what he says. Right? If you send long or lots of boring texts, or if you if bug a chick all day by calling her, or if you are boring on a date with her, then she will lose interest in you faster than a fly on a turd. It is the guy who fails or succeeds with women.

Don't blame communication, or great tools we have available for us to use, as a way to make excuses for a guy's lack of game or personality. Because you could blame everything under the sun. In the end it is the guy, pure and simple.

It gets to be quite nauseating seeing the same anti text garbage over and over again, mostly by the same people who always want to blame a text for a guy's failures with women.

Text messaging doesn't kill relationships, guys themselves do.