Texting causes problems


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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P.s. my jokes by text always get laughs


Starkwell said:
Well, here's another long winded anti text rant from Harry Wilmington. I think Harry should disable his text messaging feature on his cell phone because he feels that it is not of any use. Text messaging is a powerful tool, if you use it correctly, it will work to your advantage everytime.....
Text messaging doesn't kill relationships, guys themselves do.
No one is wrong here.

Do you know how many text messages women get these days? Just notice an average women at the bar and see how many times her iPhone goes off. Would you call and tell her that you had a great day and found $5 on the ground? Then....why would you text that? That is what most men do. They want to build some connection to the prospect without the fear of rejection.

I have success with asking a girl out on dates via text, but talking to her allows you to see her interest. Her "ums" and "mmhs" go a long way. The main point in setting up a date is to gauge her interest in you. Texting won't suffice.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2012
Reaction score
Big City, Small Town
BeginningDJ said:
No one is wrong here.

Do you know how many text messages women get these days? Just notice an average women at the bar and see how many times her iPhone goes off. Would you call and tell her that you had a great day and found $5 on the ground? Then....why would you text that? That is what most men do. They want to build some connection to the prospect without the fear of rejection.

I have success with asking a girl out on dates via text, but talking to her allows you to see her interest. Her "ums" and "mmhs" go a long way. The main point in setting up a date is to gauge her interest in you. Texting won't suffice.

Again, you are blaming text messaging for guy's poor game. If he decides to call her on the phone, he could easily say the same thing to her or if they meet in peson.

You didn't read or understand what I wrote. I said that if text messaging is used correctly, it works to your advantage. And it does.

Long or boring texts, long boring phone conversations, or a boring date is the guy's fault. Don't blame the tools for the guy's lack of game because he has none.

If a girl is into you, she won't use a text as an excuse not to hang out with you.

Texts also works with IL just as the OP found out that this paricular chick had no interest in him.

***Message from below***

BeginningDJ said:
Read what I posted again, dear Starkwell.

Poor game is poor game, regardless of what exchanges take place.
Texting doesn't prevent you from being successful, no one is disagreeing with that. If she find you the best option, texting will be in your favor, along with Facebook messaging, Skype, relaying the message through her friend. The point I was trying to make is that you need to hear what her interest level is by hearing what she says.

Again, you did not read my message very well or understand it. You are a beginning dj.

You can gauge IL by text messaging. It is a great indicator of high or low IL.

When that chick said to me after she replied to my text, that she wanted to "feel my hands on her t!its, my tongue on her cl!t," etc, etc... that would be some pretty high IL on her part. Wouldn't you think? I would think so.

You don't need to hear what a chick tells you to gauge her IL. You go by what she does to show you IL, her actions, how she responds to you in different forms of communication. That shows you what IL she has high or low.

If she has low IL via text, common sense tells you that it won't be any higher with any other form of communication.

The OP found that out through his text.

So please re read my post again.
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Read what I posted again, dear Starkwell.

Poor game is poor game, regardless of what exchanges take place.
Texting doesn't prevent you from being successful, no one is disagreeing with that. If she find you the best option, texting will be in your favor, along with Facebook messaging, Skype, relaying the message through her friend. The point I was trying to make is that you need to hear what her interest level is by hearing what she says.


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Personally, I am not sure if texting does kill relationships with women or not, though I am leaning towards they definitely can damage "em. I am a non-texting type. The only time I initiate a text is when I want something, or am looking to meet up with someone. Last night, I tried to joke and failed. Confirmed why I don''t try to do everything through texting. And oh, gal I texted and I are fine after 'nother day, though her comment that I don't take her seriously comes to my mind on and off now, but I am not sweating it too much.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Starkwell said:
Victory Unlimited said that "Texting is a POOR excuse for an actual phone conversation with a girl." That is totally false. Chicks love to text and you should incorporate that into your game if you are smart. Chicks act more freely with text messaging. They will say things they normally wouldn't say to you face to face or by phone. They will be more sexual through text and you can get them thinking about you throughout the day. When I have a chick telling me through text that she wants to "feel my hands on her t!ts, and my tongue on her cl!t, and later my d!ck in her mouth, and then deep inside her. I would say that is a great conversation with a girl, wouldn't you? Because later on, I will be in her pvssy for most of the night. And yes, my friends, that is through text messaging, it is not a poor excuse, and it certainly didn't kill a relationship.

Don't blame communication, or great tools we have available for us to use, as a way to make excuses for a guy's lack of game or personality. Because you could blame everything under the sun. In the end it is the guy, pure and simple.

It gets to be quite nauseating seeing the same anti text garbage over and over again, mostly by the same people who always want to blame a text for a guy's failures with women.

Text messaging doesn't kill relationships, guys themselves do.
The texts you are describing is when the girl is into you.

I think the main issue Harry is trying to at is texting can be very judgemental, can be interpreted in so many ways, you try to be funny and witty and it doesn't work. Plus, it can make you vulnerable, you expect a response back 30 sec to something witty you think you said and it takes 3 hours.

My issue with text is when she says she loves you, misses you, can't live without you, wants to screw you, cries about you, wishes you never left her, she could be screwing another guy while she is texting all that. Or trying to get you to respond emotionally so she can show her girlfriends or the guy she is chasing how much power she has over you and value she has.

If it works for you, great, I personally don't like it unless she initiates or its used to set up a meeting. Perhaps I suck.

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
@Starkwell: Wow, you wrote a LOT! Let's see how much of it I can respond to:
Starkwell said:
Well, here's another long winded anti text rant from Harry Wilmington. I think Harry should disable his text messaging feature on his cell phone because he feels that it is not of any use.
You're probably right. To be honest with you, I rarely use the phone in the first place - the only time I tend to talk with girls is when they call me or text me. GIRLS are supposed to be the chatty ones on phone, not men.

The only reason I advocate calling vs. texting is because, if you're not directly in front of them, you have to communicate with them in some way to ask them out. That's it. Other than that, I don't call, text, email, or instant message chicks to raise interest level unless I'm meeting them on an online dating site, where you have to message them first to get their number. Heck, I'll go one step further: I don't become friends on Facebook with any of the girls I date either. And when they ask about it, I tell them straight up that they don't need to know everything that's going on with me, nor do I need to be seeing what's up with them all the time.

I say all this to say, I keep my communication with them limited purposefully when I'm not around them so they can spend that time wondering about me (i.e. being a mystery), asking themselves why I'm not so readily available (i.e. being a challenge), and be even more excited to see me when we DO meet up. It's also the reason I'm able to hook up with 90% of these chicks by the second date - when I go NC between dates one and two, they're so ready for me to give them my attention that they're down to do ANYTHING I want to do, including sex. Being a chatty Kathy or a texting Tom doesn't help a guy do this, or keep her interest long-term.
Starkwell said:
Text messaging is a powerful tool, if you use it correctly, it will work to your advantage everytime. These guys like to go on and on about how bad texting is, probably because it never worked out for them, and then they try to give their "spin" on it to the rest of us. But for the guys who use it to their advantage, and know how well it works for them, laugh at how totally wrong and how "green" these guys really are with women.
And I agree with you. However, if you look at the majority of the posts on these boards, they usually involve some story about a text message situation going bad - either they said something that was taken wrong, or they got all panicky when she suddenly stopped sending messages back. I'm all about doing things to lessen a guy's stress level, and texting seems to be one of those things where guys are quick to over-react to stuff.

Now, you could argue that I could be saying "BAD texting KILLS relationships," and encourage guys to get better at texting. However, I believe a guy actually needs to get better at communicating with women in person FIRST before they figure out how to be better at texting because it's their in-person self that a girl is going to have to deal with. A guy can be an "ace" at texting but horrible at actual human interaction, which will only make a girl see a guy's future text to her as a misrepresentation of who he really is. I've used text to get dates before, but again: my texting style is very limited, and I only do it when they've hit me up with a text FIRST. If they're in a meeting and trying to set up a date with me, obviously that would be scenario where I'd message them, but it's very, VERY limited, and I only use very straight forward text so I won't accidentally say something that gets taken the wrong way.
Starkwell said:
Texting itself does not kill a relationship, it is the person that kills the relationship, pure and simple.
You might be right. With that said, though, if a guy is bad at texting, he should stop using it until he gets better interacting with women in person. There's no need for him to continue using a form of communication that he is bad at if he's not getting the results he wants. Again, he can learn about how to do it later, but at the end of the day it's not the best form of communication to use with a woman. Which, by the way, leads me to this other thing you said...
Starkwell said:
Chicks love to text and you should incorporate that into your game if you are smart. Chicks act more freely with text messaging. They will say things they normally wouldn't say to you face to face or by phone. They will be more sexual through text and you can get them thinking about you throughout the day.
If guys really did every single thing to get a chick that they claim to like, we'd all be single. Know what else girls claim to like? Nice guys; someone sensitive; a guy that's vulnerable and not afraid to cry; a guy who will watch the occasional chick flick; a real gentleman... I could go on.

The point is, just 'cause a girl claims she likes something doesn't mean she wants the guy she's dating to do it. Personally, I don't give a crap about a girl wanting me to message her - I WANT that desire in her to be there so that she's even happier to see/hear from me when I see her in PERSON. I don't ever put myself in a situation where I have to be at her beck and call every time she feels like it - and that's one of the things text messaging does. That's why I let them know from day one that I'm not much of a phone person, and that I only use it to set up appointments with people/friends or dates. I don't set up expectations in them that I'm going to be texting/calling them all the time, but I somehow still managed to get laid - proof that all that extra communication isn't necessary.

Furthermore, I don't care how care-free girls sound via text, I want them to say it in person. You know what's nice? Having a girl text you things like "I want you to feel my boobs and lick me down, then later I'll suck on your d!ck." You know what's even BETTER? Having a girl actually riding you hard while she's whispering that same sentence into your ear. And girls WILL say this stuff in person if they're comfortable with you and confident in themselves. I don't want a girl who can only give these sentiments via text - her sexy text is not gonna suck my d!ck in real life.
Starkwell said:
It is up to the guy, if he has poor game, then he will fail regardless of whatever method he uses. I wonder if Harry would blame the iPhone for a terrible conversation that a guy has with a girl. You could even blame the guy's own voice for what he says. Right? If you send long or lots of boring texts, or if you if bug a chick all day by calling her, or if you are boring on a date with her, then she will lose interest in you faster than a fly on a turd.
That's true - again, that's why I keep interactions with the girls I'm seeing limited when I'm not around them. Ironically, I find that when you haven't text or called a girl up during the days in between dates, it allows you to build up enough experiences to where you don't sound boring to her when you're on the date because you have things to talk about. On the other hand, if you're hitting her up everyday, you'll always be seen as boring when you meet up because you've already told her all the new stuff you had going on during the times when you weren't together.

In summary: a phone is a great tool to use to set up dates, and a horrible tool for everything else associated with trying to attract a woman. While you claim that "Text messaging doesn't kill relationships, guys themselves do," I argue that the amount of miscommunications that can result from text messaging doesn't validate the extreme usage guys think they should be doing with it. It might not kill relationships, but it's definitely assisting with its suicides.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
Harry Wilmington said:
On the other hand, if you're hitting her up everyday, you'll always be seen as boring when you meet up because you've already told her all the new stuff you had going on during the times when you weren't together.
I don't agree with everything concerning this... but this, this right here is the biggest gem guys need to remember.

When it comes down to it - texting is a tool, not a medium of communication. I find use in it, but a guy cannot by any means start conversing about all the interesting things that happen through texting.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
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Trump said:
The texts you are describing is when the girl is into you.

This is the main problem with so-called "Text Game".

You guys 1) don't have tight Game, 2) are texting all-fucking-day long, and, most critical, 3) are messaging with chicks who have low (or marginal at best) IL.

Trust me. If you're a Prize with tight Game, you can get away with sending the sporadic C&F/sarcastic/etc. text/message to a very interested girl you have time with... why? Because a chick with high IL will eat it up!! You can fucking send a "8===D" to a VERY HIGH IL girl and she'll be like "Ohh, he's so sweet! He's thinking of me!" Why?

1) She has high IL.
2) She knows your personality and knows that you do/say shit like this in person.
3) See #1.

You can't be doing C&F, sarcastic, mean shit to chicks who don't even know your name! You picked up a number at the club last night and you're already laying it thick with the C&F? Dude! She doesn't even remember you!

Learn to gauge IL through alternate methods and put off messaging/texting to a bare minimum.

If you 1) don't have tight Game, 2) spend all your fucking time texting and 3) are trying to "text game" chicks who don't really dig you, you're just wasting your time.

Plus there's the whole Buffers thing...


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2009
Reaction score
yall are writing essays over whether texting is good or bad. it is not that serious.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
omega05 said:
yall are writing essays over whether texting is good or bad. it is not that serious.
I agree with this. If you know what you are doing, texting can raise interest. If you don't know what you're doing, it can hurt.

If you're a guy who likes to text, text. If you don't want to, don't. It's that simple.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2012
Reaction score
Big City, Small Town
Trump said:
The texts you are describing is when the girl is into you..
Yes, she was into me and I was in her. But you can also use text messaging to see if a girl is into you or not.

Trump said:
I think the main issue Harry is trying to at is texting can be very judgemental, can be interpreted in so many ways, you try to be funny and witty and it doesn't work. Plus, it can make you vulnerable, you expect a response back 30 sec to something witty you think you said and it takes 3 hours.
Yes, but that also can happen over the phone and in person conversations as well. Maybe your c0cky and funny approach didn't work out so well and she took it as an insult. Maybe she didn't catch on to your sarcasm. Maybe your wittiness wasn't that funny. It is how the guy acts, and what he does, is what matters. Saying that texting is "killing relationships" is not accurate because it is the guy's crappy overall game is what did it. See what I am saying?

That is how you can gauge a chicks IL. If she is taking 3 hours to get back at your witty text, then she is clearly not interested in you, and you should move on to someone else. That saves you a lot of time and trouble. If she has high IL she will answer your text as fast as she can. It isn't the text that is the problem. It was her overall lack of interest that is the problem. Then we have people on here who always want to blame it on the text.

Trump said:
My issue with text is when she says she loves you, misses you, can't live without you, wants to screw you, cries about you, wishes you never left her, she could be screwing another guy while she is texting all that. Or trying to get you to respond emotionally so she can show her girlfriends or the guy she is chasing how much power she has over you and value she has.
She could tell you in person or over the phone that she misses you, loves you, wants to screw you, etc, and still be the screwing other guys. A text doesn't make one damn bit of difference. A hoe is a hoe my friend. Again, the text itself isn't the problem with what you describe. It is the girl herself that is the problem. The text is just an excuse to use for a lack of a bad game or the chick being a hoe.

This is just insecure thinking on your part and you are listening to insecure writers who continuously preach this garbage over and over again.

You are overanalyzing everything and just making assumptions of what could or couldn't be. That is a crappy way to think and is a reason that a lot of men fail with women. Real men don't care about **** like that. They could care less what she thinks and they certainly don't worry about outcomes that may never happen.

By worrying about crap like this, you as a man, are handing the power over to her. You are afraid to text her because you think she might "show her friends or some other guy". You are worrying about what she is thinking all the time, so you automatically go in with less of a game, and make yourself more vulnerable by putting higher value on her.

So, you are afraid to text her because you are a timid guy. Meanwhile, another guy with great game is getting her all hot and wet, then she loses interest you, and then she forgets all about you while screwing that guy, all because you were afraid to use all the tools that are provided to you. See how silly that is?

If you were being a real man, she wouldn't be chasing another guy, she would want to be with you. Right? You would also want her to show her friends what awesome texts you sent because they would be jealous of what a real man she has. That is what being a real man is all about. You want to be that real man that women want. Being afraid to text them, or engage them with all the tools provided for you, is a great way to be left out in the cold with nothing.

That is why these useless anti text rants are laughable and these "what if" outcomes are a bunch of crap. All just a bunch of excuses to use because your overall and your texting game sucks.

Bad game is bad game, no matter how you use it, or what you use. That is why you need to have a great overall game to keep the chick interested and not be boring or lame.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
Starkwell said:
Well, here's another long winded anti text rant from Harry Wilmington. I think Harry should disable his text messaging feature on his cell phone because he feels that it is not of any use. Text messaging is a powerful tool, if you use it correctly, it will work to your advantage everytime. These guys like to go on and on about how bad texting is, probably because it never worked out for them, and then they try to give their "spin" on it to the rest of us. But for the guys who use it to their advantage, and know how well it works for them, laugh at how totally wrong and how "green" these guys really are with women.

Victory Unlimited and Harry Wilmington are both wrong. Texting itself does not kill a relationship, it is the person that kills the relationship, pure and simple. First of all, they weren't in a relationship. If anything else, it is the text messaging that saved this guy from being with a chick that has no sense of humor and one that never had much interest in him in the first place. Otherwise, she would of wanted to chill with him regardless of what his text said. The text was her excuse not to chill with him, but she would of used another one to use anyway, so please don't blame a text for the lack of interest on her part. Why would you want to chill with a chick who has no sense of humor or one that has low IL? Anybody care to chime in on this? The text showed him what this chick was all about. She has zero sense of humor and clearly wasn't interested in this guy. Text messaging is the best way to gauge IL pure and simple.

Let's look at this another way Harry. He could of said the same thing over the phone, or even in person, and she still would of taken it the wrong way because she couldn't catch on to the sarcasm, or used it as an excuse to not hang out with the guy. If a chick is into you she doesn't take things the wrong way and still would find what he said to be funny. She certainly wouldn't of used it an a excuse not to chill with him. Chicks with low IL will use anything you say, or do, as a way not to hang out with you, regardless if it is through, text, phone, or face to face conversation. Once again, it is the guy, not the texting.

Victory Unlimited said that "Texting is a POOR excuse for an actual phone conversation with a girl." That is totally false. Chicks love to text and you should incorporate that into your game if you are smart. Chicks act more freely with text messaging. They will say things they normally wouldn't say to you face to face or by phone. They will be more sexual through text and you can get them thinking about you throughout the day. When I have a chick telling me through text that she wants to "feel my hands on her t!ts, and my tongue on her cl!t, and later my d!ck in her mouth, and then deep inside her. I would say that is a great conversation with a girl, wouldn't you? Because later on, I will be in her pvssy for most of the night. And yes, my friends, that is through text messaging, it is not a poor excuse, and it certainly didn't kill a relationship.

It is up to the guy, if he has poor game, then he will fail regardless of whatever method he uses. I wonder if Harry would blame the iPhone for a terrible conversation that a guy has with a girl. You could even blame the guy's own voice for what he says. Right? If you send long or lots of boring texts, or if you if bug a chick all day by calling her, or if you are boring on a date with her, then she will lose interest in you faster than a fly on a turd. It is the guy who fails or succeeds with women.

Don't blame communication, or great tools we have available for us to use, as a way to make excuses for a guy's lack of game or personality. Because you could blame everything under the sun. In the end it is the guy, pure and simple.

It gets to be quite nauseating seeing the same anti text garbage over and over again, mostly by the same people who always want to blame a text for a guy's failures with women.

Text messaging doesn't kill relationships, guys themselves do.

Hard to argue with this! Don't blame the hammer if you smash your own thumb.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2012
Reaction score
Big City, Small Town
Hello Harry, and Happy Holidays to you. I see that you have written a lot here in rebuttal to my previous comments with your false claims about "texting kills relationships". I'm glad to see that you finally agree with me on some of my points though, but you are way off the mark and terribly misinformed Harry, about the rest of them. Now, I don't have time to respond to each one of them, but I thought I would touch up on a couple of them, just to give you, and the rest of the guys here some insight Hopefully, this will end this silly notion you have, because all this "texting kills relationship" stuff is really getting to be monotonous. Don't you think?

Harry Wilmington said:
The point is, just 'cause a girl claims she likes something doesn't mean she wants the guy she's dating to do it.
Your point is wrong Harry. When a girl is into you, and wants you, that is exactly what she wants, and what she wants you to do to her.

Harry Wilmington said:
Personally, I don't give a crap about a girl wanting me to message her -
Neither do I. I text a girl when I want, not when she wants. That is what being a real man is all about.

Harry Wilmington said:
I WANT that desire in her to be there so that she's even happier to see/hear from me when I see her in PERSON.
Again, when the girl is into you, the desire will still be there. Your false claim of sending a text won't kill that desire as you claim. She will have more desire, when she is turned on, or when she is thinking about you even more from that text. If you knew anything about women and the female mind you would know this already.

Harry Wilmington said:
I don't ever put myself in a situation where I have to be at her beck and call every time she feels like it -
This is what you don't understand about text messaging, game, and women in general Harry. You use text to get down to business and straight to the point with the girl. There is no situation to be in. It is what you want, not what she feels like, and you don't have to be at her beck and call. Guys with no experience talk like this, and make excuses for things they don't know about, or things that don't work for them. That is why you advocate this all the time in your postings.

Harry Wilmington said:
and that's one of the things text messaging does. -
I'm sorry Harry, it does not. You as a man, are under no obligation to chit chat with useless texting, just as talking on the phone, or in person. If you get down to business and straight to the point, it will work wonders for you, just as it does for other experienced men on here, who all agree with me, and not with you.

Harry Wilmington said:
That's why I let them know from day one that I'm not much of a phone person, and that I only use it to set up appointments with people/friends or dates.
And you are being lost in the shuffle, while other men with real game, are screwing the women you want to be with, while you sit on the sidelines being a spectator. You wait with your iPhone in your hand, to set up the dates with the chicks, but then they start flaking on you, because other guys catch their interest instead. Because they were being real men getting what they want, while the insecure guys just sit idle and stand by waiting with their iPhone in hand. Sounds familiar Harry? This happens all the time to guys who are afraid to use all the tools that are provided for them, and worrying about what women think of them, because they were too weak and timid to be a man. You advocate this in all your postings Harry. That is wrong.

Harry Wilmington said:
I don't set up expectations in them that I'm going to be texting/calling them all the time,
There are no expectations to set up with them. You don't need to be texting or calling them all the time. If you get down to business, and to the point, it works wonders. That is something you don't understand.

Harry Wilmington said:
but I somehow still managed to get laid -

So you say...

Harry Wilmington said:
proof that all that extra communication isn't necessary.
We haven't seen any proof of that Harry...only your words. Again, if you compact your game and use it wisely, there isn't much extra communication to be used. If you knew that, and had experience with it, you would understand that, and wouldn't be spouting your false "text relationship killing" threads.

Harry Wilmington said:
Furthermore, I don't care how care-free girls sound via text,
Well, you should care Harry, because it really amps them up when you do that, but you wouldn't know anything about that because you don't text them. Right?

Harry Wilmington said:
I want them to say it in person.
Doesn't matter what she uses to say it Harry, as long as she is sucking your d!ck. Right? That should be your goal. Not what method she uses before she performs the act. Again, when they are into you, they will say it to you in any form of communication. Doesn't matter which one, as long as the interest is there. That is why your claim is false about text messaging.

When they are not into you, you won't hear it at all, that will be perfectly clear. A text message never had anything to do with it. It was their lack of interest pure and simple. You are using very feeble points to support your argument, and you are all over the place, as well as contradicting yourself.

Harry Wilmington said:
You know what's nice? Having a girl text you things like "I want you to feel my boobs and lick me down, then later I'll suck on your d!ck."
You are an anti text messaging guy Harry, so you don't believe in or care about texts like that, as you just said above. Right? Yes, it is nice having those texts, which completely contradicts everything you have been saying about "texting killing relationships" in all these threads. I'm glad you finally agree with me and see how my point is correct, and how yours is wrong. Doesn't sound like those words killed the relationship...does it?

Harry Wilmington said:
You know what's even BETTER? Having a girl actually riding you hard while she's whispering that same sentence into your ear.
Yes it is Harry, but with the text, she will be thinking about that long before she is doing that to you in person. Again, a text didn't kill it, it just made it better. She was anticipating doing that to you before she was actually doing it, which make it even better. Right Harry?

Harry Wilmington said:
And girls WILL say this stuff in person if they're comfortable with you and confident in themselves.
Well, of course they will Harry. They will also say it to you in a text, so then you can go over and have sex with them,. after the texts got them all hot and wet, while they were waiting for you and thinking about what they want to do to you. Not sure how a text would kill that as you claim.

Harry Wilmington said:
I don't want a girl who can only give these sentiments via text - her sexy text is not gonna suck my d!ck in real life
If you knew anything about women Harry, or had women wanting you, after you got her sexy text, she would be sucking your d!ck in real life, because she wanted you. Her sexy text is just a preview of what is about to come.

Again, if you understood any of that, knew the game, and had real life experiences with this, you would know better than not to spout off a bunch of crap, telling other men on this site, that "texting is killing relationships" or is "hurting their chances with women" all the time. You are just putting up more mind blocks and obstacles for these men with women, making them feel very weak and timid about themselves, by preaching this stuff over and over. You are making them feel more inferior than they already are with women, and that is wrong.

I'm not picking on you Harry, but when I see all these threads of yours on here about text messaging killing off relationships, which are totally false about what you are saying, and then you have some guys believing this stuff, then yes, I'm gonna call you out on it, and set things straight. Guys that have experience with this know better, and they know that "text messaging does not "kill relationships", it just enhances your game.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
Durham Cali
Despite being in all bold, that wasn't very convincing. You could even be right, but this post is low on content and high on arrogance.

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
@Starkwell And I quote:

"You would also want her to show her friends what awesome texts you sent because they would be jealous of what a real man she has. That is what being a real man is all about. You want to be that real man that women want."

I never thought I'd see the day I'd hear another man say "REAL MEN USE TEXT MESSAGES TO GET WOMEN." Thanks for my "laugh of the day." I'll respond to your BOLD words once I finish cracking up :crackup:


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
You guys are tackling everything BUT THE PROBLEM!

Your problems have nothing to do with contacting/texting/whatever a girl. Makes no difference how you order a pizza as long as it gets delivered.

I honestly have to question what your standards in america are for women? You jokingly allowed her to walk all over you. Hey man, if I ask you to make me lunch, I don't want a ****y/funny joke, bust it out Submarine style and show me your skills. Maybe if you guys would stop rewarding these stupid fvcking tarts with jokes/hugs/and touchy feely bs, they would actually learn something useful. You are a man, later you will be the husband and she might be your wife if she shows you what she can do around the kitchen. What did you qualify this woman with? Nothing... you let her disrespect you and then YOU said sorry. I don't think feminism is the problem anymore, now its pretend PUAs who put pvssy on the pedestal instead of 'woman's skills' and accept bad behaviour. If she had turned it around on you and told you to cook her a dinner, I'm pretty sure you would have agreed.. so whats her fvcking problem? Her attitude. Put a stop to it now..

Goto Uzbekistan or Kazak... or just come here to China, if you ask a girl to make you a sandwhich, she should be happy she can do something for you to prove she is qualified to marry. She just indicated that she is a typical spoiled american b1tch... what the hell do they teach women in school there?

I would have said to her: "If you are coming over to my room, it better be with bread and butter"

Go foreign only, stop feminism, ditch garbage women AND get the sandwhich you deserve!
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