Your conversation is fine, but it's not going to make you stand out or ignite any feelings in her.
You do a good job (better than most) at relating your own personal experiences to what she is saying (so many guys just ask question after question). But you need to go a level deeper. Ask her to explain why. Why does she like something? What made her decide to do something? How does it make her feel?
I would send max 10 messages to a girl and then ask her out.
Messaging in app is initially only so she can get a high-level sense that you are normal, understand how to talk to people, and aren't totally uncalibrated. If she doesn't agree to a date after that, you are wasting your time on any continued dialogue with her.
I didn't like the first girl in your txts. She loved talking about herself, but once you invited her out, she didn't exactly say yes or no, but essentially complained that she didn't want to have to go into the city and then changed the subject after you offered to come her way. She's also trying to get you into her frame by setting the terms of where you'll meet. You failed a couple things here. First, your invite was a bit weak. You said "perhaps meet for drinks?" Ditch the perhaps, and make it a statement and not a question. Also qualify why you are asking if you can. "Hey, I've enjoyed talking to you but I have to go meet a friend now. We should meet for drinks and continue this conversation! I'm free Thursday at 7pm." When she responded with the "As long as I don't have to go into the city," I would have suggested a specific place and a specific time. I wouldn't go too far in her direction, half at most, and I wouldn't talk about that.... I'd just pick a place and wait for her response. If she changed the subject, that would make me ghost her because she isn't interested and only wants a penpal. If she said " maybe, I don't know, not sure, etc", then I'd take the offer away and say, "sounds like you are busy, same as me. Let's just do it some other time." Do NOT keep talking to a girl who doesn't directly accept your invite once you put it out there! Do not allow her to redirect the conversation. Girls who do this are bored and lonely but don't want to meet in person (for a variety of reasons including low interest or serious mental disorders). Waste of your time! You are on OLD to meet girls, sleep with them, and maybe have a relationship, not keep them entertained over text.
The last girl... Don't sweat it. That's how 40-70% of your matches will go. Girls on OLD are flakes. Dont assign blame to yourself for that. However, NEVER double text like that. You responded to her, she didn't answer. Don't text again a day later. It's needy and shows you have few options, or think she is much higher value than you. Get into the mindset that girls should prove themselves to you. You aren't some beggar just hoping they will talk to you. You msg me, I msg you back, and Tou don't bother replying. Well then you aren't interested and I'll move on to some other girl who is.