ALL EMOTIONS INCREASE TESTOSTERONE... to a point, after the intial reaction of fear and anger towards the situation dissappear and you regain control of yourself the testosterone will try and compensate for your lack of experience...
You can stimulate testosterone by getting angry and scaring yourself(surprise) on a regular basis as well... though with that at your back and a desire to do it, testosterone is a side benefit.
Sadness is not REALLY an emotion, it is a feeling, more a what's the word... lack of? No, it is a deficiency of something in your life. Sadness, fear, and loneliness are the most toxic emotions... they create nothing good, unless you use them to your advantage...
I get a rush whenever I catch myself failing, I invite the feeling of crying I always get a good laugh at myself, anger shows me always what I was not prepared for, and fear is clearly something I have no control over(yet)... So all emotions in essence can give you energy, and bad energy depending on the use. A DJ must use his own energy to gather greater energy.
Kind of like how you can keep doing new things and get a total rush when you are locked inside with a bunch of friends drinking, laughing, telling stories, and pranking eachother awake... than you emerge 4 days later and the sun hits you and it feels like your eyes are burning in the sockets... than your short spring break is over and it's time to get back to work for a full day.