Hey peoples.
ive seen on some people on boards (me including) that have a problem with excessive sweaty palms / armpits / other
This is a medical condition (dont panic!) called hyperhidrosis.
Its embarrasing, yes.
And dont you just hate hand-shaking,
then seeing the person you hand-shaked recoil and wipe it off on their clothes, as if you had AIDS?
You arent alone, in fact 1% of the entire population has it.
And it is said to be genetically passed down (family thing)
Wikipedia article about it
My main problem with it is ice-cold, clammy hands at times
(especially during school mass, once a month, which is a catholic school)
There are treatments but you NEED to search for message boards and sites about this thing.
There are side effects that can be worse than living with sweaty palms/face/pits/other
-Ive heard of someone that was paralyzed from surgery, while trying to fix the palms.
-Ive heard of complete dryness on on side of the body, but perspiration on the other.
You get the idea....
What ive found that helps.
-Not pleasuring youself (seriously)
-Getting comfortable with your surroundings. Become out going and have lotsa friends.
-MAxim topical treatment. (search google for "maxim hyperhidrosis")
My story.
When i reached 7th grade I somehow had it.
I musta just woke up one day and every day my pits would be soaking at about 10Am in skool and
my palms were always clammy.
I dediced to search the internets and found some info then found MAxim. MAxim worked perfectally on my pits and about a year later, i didnt need. Now i dont need it at all for my pits. It must be from getting comfortable and reading sites like this.
If i never found it, there is a pretty good chance i would be a outcast and smelly. (sweaty pits are smelly)
-Today- The only problem i have is with my palms, but it doesnt bother me as much because i had it much worse and i think of the people that have things WAAAY worse than you and me combined.
This is not a plug, but an informing page about HH.
You know when someone helps you out, and youre back on your feet, you have the urge to do the same thing that they did for you to another person? thats kinda what im going for here. I want there to be less outcasts, even if theres just that one person...you hear me?
And seriously respect
and dont even presume to understand what its like to have this
if you dont have this at all....
ive seen on some people on boards (me including) that have a problem with excessive sweaty palms / armpits / other
This is a medical condition (dont panic!) called hyperhidrosis.
Its embarrasing, yes.
And dont you just hate hand-shaking,
then seeing the person you hand-shaked recoil and wipe it off on their clothes, as if you had AIDS?
You arent alone, in fact 1% of the entire population has it.
And it is said to be genetically passed down (family thing)
Wikipedia article about it
My main problem with it is ice-cold, clammy hands at times
(especially during school mass, once a month, which is a catholic school)
There are treatments but you NEED to search for message boards and sites about this thing.
There are side effects that can be worse than living with sweaty palms/face/pits/other
-Ive heard of someone that was paralyzed from surgery, while trying to fix the palms.
-Ive heard of complete dryness on on side of the body, but perspiration on the other.
You get the idea....
What ive found that helps.
-Not pleasuring youself (seriously)
-Getting comfortable with your surroundings. Become out going and have lotsa friends.
-MAxim topical treatment. (search google for "maxim hyperhidrosis")
My story.
When i reached 7th grade I somehow had it.
I musta just woke up one day and every day my pits would be soaking at about 10Am in skool and
my palms were always clammy.
I dediced to search the internets and found some info then found MAxim. MAxim worked perfectally on my pits and about a year later, i didnt need. Now i dont need it at all for my pits. It must be from getting comfortable and reading sites like this.
If i never found it, there is a pretty good chance i would be a outcast and smelly. (sweaty pits are smelly)
-Today- The only problem i have is with my palms, but it doesnt bother me as much because i had it much worse and i think of the people that have things WAAAY worse than you and me combined.
This is not a plug, but an informing page about HH.
You know when someone helps you out, and youre back on your feet, you have the urge to do the same thing that they did for you to another person? thats kinda what im going for here. I want there to be less outcasts, even if theres just that one person...you hear me?
And seriously respect
and dont even presume to understand what its like to have this
if you dont have this at all....