Super Silent Treatment


Don Juan
Apr 18, 2003
Reaction score
Been seeing a girl for about 1.5 months and dating her for about two weeks. Story of our relationship is constant GAMES. Non-stop "see who can break the other person" games over little bull**** things in which I always win. She knows that I (for some ****ed up reason) absolutely love these games and always win them. I am ALWAYS 100% ****y-******* to her and rarely open up. She gets really frustrated with me but always comes back.

Now she has given me the silent treatment for almost a week and I never gave in until I finally sent her a text asking her how she is doing (still ****ily), and then two days later an e-mail asking (less but sitll ****ily) if she is alright. She is still ignoring me as of yet.

Is **** like this salvagable? She must be legitimately flaming mad at me and I think it's because I just maintained as a ****y ******* the whole way through. Should I cut the cord or ignore her for another week? I really REALLY don't want to cut the cord but am willing to if it is the only sound option.

I admit that I've been a jerk too much, but now that I've sunk my own ship is it too late to save it without being perceived as a clingy, whiny b*tch?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
What did you do to get the silent treatment.
If you react, its how she will always act in future.
Sit on it for now. You texted her, balls in her court now.


Don Juan
Apr 18, 2003
Reaction score
I texted her then two days later e-mailed her and still no response after a week of this ****.

If I wait anymore I feel like she is just walking all over me. Wouldn't it be the right move to send her one more e-mail 2 days from now saying "either you tell me what's up or it's done"?

Or just reciprocrate her silent treatment like I did for days beforehand until she caves in?


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah dude the only way to win at this point is to go dead silent.

You fvcked up by messaging her at all which I'm sure you know already.

Never break frame.

You are the man, you lead, she follows and if she doesn't fvck her send that b!tch out the door.

Winning the game is all that matters not because we men naturally give a damn about that but women do and when you win with them at stupid bullsh!t games that they love so much they'll do just about anything to suck your c0ck.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
You didn't answer my question. What did you do that set her off?

I believe in three attempts in most situations. Give it 7 days from the last email you sent... nothing forcing. You don't want it to show you've been really affected by it.

If I were in the situation I would text 'Brat... I need you to text me back so I know you haven't been kidnapped.'

Shows you're not affected by her silent treatment... you just want to make sure she's not dead lol. That's me though.


Don Juan
Apr 18, 2003
Reaction score
She got intimate with me and afterwards really tried to open up by sayinig how awesome I am. Then I just am ****y and never reciprocrate (I never, ever give her any compliments, support, etc).

Then she decides to do this. I NEVER* "gave in" by texting her or e-mailing her. When I did these two things I will still somewhat ****y. I just was asking what was up. We are both on spring break now.

Here is the timeline:

Day 1: She starts to ignore me.

Day 4: After completely ignoring her, I send her a ****y text asking what's she's up to.

Day 7: After ignoring her more (now we're on spring break), I e-mail her telling her I haven't heard from her in a while and if her break is going alright (but still a hint of ****iness).

Break lasts 2 weeks. Ignore her for two weeks is really the best option here? If so I am so game.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2008
Reaction score
KontrollerX said:
Yeah dude the only way to win at this point is to go dead silent.

You fvcked up by messaging her at all which I'm sure you know already.

Never break frame.

You are the man, you lead, she follows and if she doesn't fvck her send that b!tch out the door.

Winning the game is all that matters not because we men naturally give a damn about that but women do and when you win with them at stupid bullsh!t games that they love so much they'll do just about anything to suck your c0ck.
Is he a man?

His constant mind games and absolute jerk-dome doesn't constitute him to be a man.

I say good on the girl for getting sick and tired of his sh!t.

Wish no woman for this guy till he stops acting like a 12 year old.

And his not winning the game. He has TOTALLY ****ED IT UP! And now his crawling back to her with desperate attempts for contact. Guess who got played back Beatch.

Small victories doesn't guarantee you'll win the WAR - Sun Tzu

He probably doesn't know what C+F is either. It probably came out as egotistical and self centered. C+F is a wonderful tool when used right, doesn't chase away girls.


Don Juan
Apr 18, 2003
Reaction score
zen, I haven't been a man. I've been a total jerk. And this is me potentially pushing her over the edge for good (which I've thought I've done several times in the past but she keeps coming back).

I don't TRY to be a jerk but have been pretty consistently to her now that I look back. I'm trying to learn how to stop being a jerk and start being a man. Given this situation, which might not even be salvagable, do I give her the silent treatment for as long as it takes (either until she breaks or "dumps" me)?

I can always put the ball BACK into my court however by telling her in a few days that she either "tells me what's up so we can deal with it or I can leave." Isn't this what a MAN would do to end these silly games? Or would it not be credible given my history of loving these stupid games and insisting that I win them like the jerk I've always been.


Don Juan
Apr 18, 2003
Reaction score
I'm almost positive that given my previous behavior (ignoring her for so long then giving her two semi-****y, terse messages asking what's up) that I HAVE to demand that she either tell me what's going on or that it's over.

If I hadn't had messaged her at all then continuing to ignore her would be the best strategy, but now that I did I have to put the ball back into my court.



Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Dude you've already established for a long time what you are to her ie the jerk.

If you start acting differently now ie being a man or being nicer or whatever the fvck she will not be greatful and she will not come around.

A jerk, a true jerk would say whatever and go fvck other chicks on his rotation and if she came around and called you up/texted you or whatever then great she wants your c0ck again which is no surprise since you the jerk always get your girl.

In anycase this is the frame you have with her and you must maintain it to get what you want from her.

You can't change into a DJ with her now where the jerk and the nice guy is more balanced.

You've got to be who she knows you as to stand a chance at winning.

So keep ignoring her for fvck's sakes and while you're at it go game other girls.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2008
Reaction score
KontrollerX said:
A jerk, a true jerk would say whatever and go fvck other chicks on his rotation and if she came around and called you up/texted you or whatever then great she wants your c0ck again which is no surprise since you the jerk always get your girl.


So keep ignoring her for fvck's sakes and while you're at it go game other girls.
True, the whole mind set of a jerk is to keep plates spinning. It's a numbers games, add and remove (plus and minus) and it works for the jerk. Only if the Jerks only intention is to get laid and his honest about it. Also to be emotionally unattached (un-involved) with the girls.

Thats the state of the jerks game.

mb121, however didn't intend to hurt the girl's feelings (we know so, because he believes he fcked it up). I bet you when he is with her he enjoys her company and at the moment does miss it to some extent. Also bet he doesn't have any other plate spinning (if he does, he doesn't find it worth while in comparison), because he values her to some extent (a mistake if he wants to stay a Jerk). Or simply put in this case "win some, LOSE some".

He however Doesn't want to stay a jerk. Doesn't want to spin plates. Doesn't want to be un-emotionally unattached. He says so himself. That his solid a decision and that is a step forward of being a man (sticking to decisions).

mb121, sorry but the prognosis is dim. You have to let go. Only she will decide is she wants you back or not. "win some, Lose Some".

Let you on to something. When i was younger, i was the ultimate jerk. I got laid like there is no tomorrow, then i stopped.

Because being a jerk was a really tough game to play. Yes guys gave me respect, but i kept having to add and remove so many times it just wore me out. I hurt some many girls. At one point, it become near impossible to stay the jerk, all girls finally knew the guy i was and it became harder. I stopped.

Your only mistake was that you let the games you play stop being fun. She played along because it was fun, but then she saw that you'd not let her win at least once or twice, it stopped being fun. Letting win didn't mean you lost anything, you just made the games fun.

Next time let them win once in while, laugh about it. Pat her on the back and encourage her. She'll stay!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
If you don't open up eventually, your relationship won't last more than six months.

As for waiting, I'd give it 3 days max. You haven't been going out for more than a month and you're already giving each other the cold shoulder. Give the "jerk" personality a rest if you want to actually have a real relationship. You drop the ****y down a few notches when you know you've attracted a girl. From there on, you create an emotional connection and encourage comfort.

Drop the ****y and open up a little. Take a small step that ventures into the vulnerable and unknown. You'll be surprised at what you might find.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
If you quit wanting her, she'll probably want you again.


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2008
Reaction score
It's pretty obvious what is happening here. You're alienating her. It's not AFC or "weak" or beta-male to bond with someone. The fact that you're not opening up and falling back on this ****y funny sh*t all the time probably is painting a picture and sending off red flags that you're very insecure.


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
Dude, you are putting up a constant front. ****y and funny is good. But you also have to be real.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
KontrollerX said:
Dude you've already established for a long time what you are to her ie the jerk.

If you start acting differently now ie being a man or being nicer or whatever the fvck she will not be greatful and she will not come around.

A jerk, a true jerk would say whatever and go fvck other chicks on his rotation and if she came around and called you up/texted you or whatever then great she wants your c0ck again which is no surprise since you the jerk always get your girl.

In anycase this is the frame you have with her and you must maintain it to get what you want from her.

You can't change into a DJ with her now where the jerk and the nice guy is more balanced.

You've got to be who she knows you as to stand a chance at winning.

So keep ignoring her for fvck's sakes and while you're at it go game other girls.

I agree with continuing to ignore her. BUT, I think you should call her up and say: "Look I'm done with this stupid game. If you wanna get with me then cool. If not I'll see you around."

Either keep ignoring her until she gives in. Or grab your balls and tell her you don't wanna play these stupid games and if she doesn't want to or still doesnt call you back. Fvck her and move on


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
This is why your primary mode of contact should be the telephone. This is also precisely why women use txt. Because its a game and they can use it to their advantage and choose to ignore something they don't like.

Either forget about her or be a man and call her, stop emailing/txting because your playing right into her hands by doing so.