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Strippers... DJable or lost cause?

Lost Savior

Don Juan
Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
I know girls at strip clubs are pretty much being paid to flirt with guys. Well... more like we're paying them to flirt with us. But is it even possible to be a DJ to a stripper?

At first, I thought it would be practically impossible. I am fully aware that the girs who danced perhaps get hit on every damn day by hundreds of guys, so how could me, a person many consider to be shy, would stand any kind of a chance? Oddly, being myself and destroying that "shy" persona may have done something.

Well, it started last night. It was my bro's bachelor party, and I had no intention of meeting anyone. I just wanted to watch some girls, get drunk, and have fun. So there were 2 strippers who sat on both sides of the bachelor (my bro) and I found myself sitting next to one of them. Might I add, both were extremely attractive. There were guys who came along to the part who were visiting from the mainland, and they were having their fun, acting quite obnoxious, really. Anyway, one of the girls had to go back to work, and the bachrlor went off to get more dances. So I found myself chatting with the stripper who was sitting next to me. She was quite nice, and we started chatting. Being the somewhat shy person I am, I wasn't trying to hit on her, and she made it clear that she wanted to get me messed up. And so I bought her 2 drinks, and bought myself a couple of drinks as well. We were goin on about how mixed drinks and beer were weak and the strong stuff .

After 2 drinks, she wanted another, but I told her that I had no money left (well, I had 20, but it was sure as hell not enough to get me an her drinks). Then one of the most amazing things happened, she offered to buy ME a drink. I was shocked, I thought about it for a few secs than accepted. She was telling me how she likes me cause i'm not like other guys who can't hold their liquor and don't try to come on to her. We were talking a bit, how she goes to school and stuff, and then she decalred that I was her new drinking partner. I was surprised myself that I was actually able to hold on to myself, cosidering what I drank that night.

Unfortunately, she had to leave cause she was busted for not dancing at the table like she was supposed to at the time, so she had to go. As I was leaving, I stopped by her table and said to promise her that i'll come back to visit her. Now.. old me would just say "sure! i'd love to!" and walk off, but not only did I say that, but I told her that maybe we should hang out sometime, outside of the club. She said yes, and when I asked for her number, she told me she had already given it to my soon-to-be-brother-in-law a while ago, when him and some of his friends were giving her attention. I told her that i'd call her, and she was like "you better promise me that you'd call!" And me, never to turn down an atteactive girl, I promised her and meant it. She then gave me a few kisses on the cheek and I left.

She was a girl that I didn't even think about being shy around. However, I do feel like i'm heading into the "nice guy zone" with her, and I don't even know if she has a boyfriend or not. But I did get her name.

Now, you'd figure that at this moment, i'd be calling her, but nooooo. My brother in law refuses to give me her number. The bastard seems to want to keep the number for himself and his friends, even though, he's already married and has a kid. I was pestering him the whole day, and no. He says "sure, sure, i'll give it to you." But nope. Now i'm getting really pissed. I don't want to break a promise I made, and I feel like there's something special about her (beside her looks) that attracts me to her. I didn't get much time to talk with her about her interests, but I did find out that we are both going to school and pursuing the same degree (Liberal Arts), though at different colleges. So that's one common ground.

Is it wrong of me to be hopeful that this girl really has a genuine interest in me?


Don Juan
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
I'd say go for it, just always keep your gaurd up ya know.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2002
Reaction score
I hate to burst your bubble, but strippers often give out their phone numbers. Why? Because they want YOU to call them up for sex--the kind of sex you PAY for. Get it?

Put 2 and 2 together. She gave her number to your bro-in-law. She said to get the number from him. If she really liked you, she'd have given you her number personally. All her talk about how she likes talking to you because you're different is probably BS.

And that little kiss-on-the-cheek thing is also what strippers do. They're professionals. Don't fall for their crap.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
The second you buy ANYTHING for a stripper (drinks, lapdances, etc)...you may as well stamp CUSTOMER across your forehead in big, red ink.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
Reaction score
All strippers kiss customers on the cheek.

It will actually work out to your advantage to not spend any money on these sluts.

Once you've gotten her number do not go back to the club just to visit her. unless you want her to think your a creep.

Austin Allegro

Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
London, UK
I'm only going from what I saw in a BBC documentary about strippers, but what struck me was this: strippers are in many ways 'Female DJs'.

The strippers at this club in Aberdeen talked to the camera about what they did, and to a woman they played men for fools - they would flirt, lead them on, give out numbers etc and it got to the stage where men were buying them jewellry (which they promptly sold), giving them diamond engagement rings, etc etc.

They even gave tips like how to spot a wealthy man - play with his tie and surreptitiously look at the label to see if it is an expensive tie. These women are major golddiggers, so be VERY wary.

Lost Savior

Don Juan
Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
I'm fully aware that girls at strip clubs are in it for the money, and I do have the utmost control in not being led on (not too much to do serious damage to my life, anyway). I wanted to call her and hope that she actually did have an interest in me. If she showed ANY sign of a goldigger or tease, I would have simply deemed it a "friendship" (or if she turns the other cheek, just NEXTING her) and not pursue after her, nor give her money to pay for her "schooling."

I'm aware of the downsides, but seeing as I have been alone and she's the first girl that has made a real impression on me (hell, even the nice strippers i've met with before weren't as nice) in a long time, I figured that since i'm a mature person who can control himself, I could at least give it a shot.

I do appreciate your honest opions on the matter.


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
Strippers have some major issues. As good-looking as they are, they're in many ways more insecure and unstable than other non-stripping women. Once you spend money to see them naked, they will no longer think of you as a potential mate. I met a stripper and befriended her. I tried having sex with her, but it was impossible. Sometimes she sleeps over at my house, and I only let her when no other chick is sleeping over. I've basically used her just to be seen with some chick. I might as well use her for something.

I no longer go to strip bars. They're just a waste of money.


Aug 17, 2003
Reaction score
Da World
I have boned a few strippers. It's not easy. These chicks KNOW game and if yours isn't tight, you are a lost cause.

1) Use Neg Hits - Feel free to be a little more cruel than usual. This girl is a professional pedestal biotch. You need to knock her off that sh!t. It's pretty easy to neg these girls actually, because they are not used to it. I neg them for having such a shady job and ask why they couldn't find any "real work". Of course I say it half-joking so I dont straight-up insult them. I also neg them for having fake titties and being superficial. Works like a charm.

2) Qualify her - Do the whole Senor Fingers thing (Link HERE) and find out if she can cook, is adventurous, is rich enough to support you, etc. I like to add my own personal touch and I say that Beauty is fleeting so what else can she bring to the table. hehe

3) Be Aloof - Act very unimpressed and don't give her all of your attention.

4) DON'T BUY HER ANYTHING - Be C&F and get her to buy YOU a drink!

5) Don't let her touch you. Tell her that she has to pay you everytime she does. I love doing this!

Pull all of this off with confidence and a sense of humor and she won't be able to resist. Also, it helps to be dressed nice so there is initial attraction.

Good Luck!!


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
Let me tell ya, I went through a Bishop Don Magic Juan phase in my life and most strippers are very unstable. If you must go this route although I'd advise against it (unless you want a friends with benefits), take Ninja Pimp's advice.


Make money on the side with her. Tell her you'll find her private shows with rich patrons and take a percentage of all she makes. That works for me! :D


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
A lot of it depends on the club, too. Some places, the girls are more willing to have fun with their job than others. You can usually tell.

Don't give them anything. :)


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, Pa
Strippers are doable but the minute she starts asking for money, acting insecure or just acting flakey cut her a$$ loose. I have never met a stripper who didnt have some deep psychological issues (and Ive known quite a few)! If you're the type of guy who can hit it and not catch feelings I say go for it. If you're trying to LTR a stripper your in for a ton of drama. There may be a few who aren't head cases, but I have yet to meet them.


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2000
Reaction score
Originally posted by Lost Savior
I'm aware of the downsides, but seeing as I have been alone ...
Stop right there! That's your REAL problem. You have been alone.

Your issue has nothing to do with strippers. It about you being desperate.

The reason your brother won't give you the number is because he too knows that you're desperate. He's protecting you from yourself.

Don't let your desperation cloud your better judgement.

Stop feeling lonely.
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Lost Savior

Don Juan
Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Survivor
Don't let your desperation cloud your better judgement.
So what do you think I should do? Just lay off and rethink the whole situation? I made a promise to someone, and even if things may turn sour, I have every intention on fullfilling my end of the bargain.

I recall reading somehwere that if you wait too long to get into contact with a girl after meeting her, the longer you wait, it's possible that the chances of her forgetting about you become greater, considering the line of work that she's in.

I'm fully aware that she gets oogled on by guys every night she works. I'm fully aware that she could be a goldigger. I know of the emtional stress and jealousy that would arise should I date her while she continues on with her job as a stripper. Hell, a stripper I met was happily married. So I know it's possible to date one.

I've learned through obervation on warning signs of being whipped. I did tell her that I do not drive, nor do I own my own car, yet she continued on talking to me. Aside from buying her 2 drinks, I gave her only $3 while she was dancing at her spot when I was on my way out. So she didn't really make out like a bandit for the 30-45 min she was sitting with me at the booth.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by Lost Savior
when I asked for her number, she told me she had already given it to my soon-to-be-brother-in-law a while ago, when him and some of his friends were giving her attention.
Does this raise a red flag with anyone here? :confused:

Did you ever consider that your brother-in-law may be doing you a FAVOR?


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2000
Reaction score
Originally posted by Lost Savior
So what do you think I should do? Just lay off and rethink the whole situation? I made a promise to someone, and even if things may turn sour, I have every intention on fullfilling my end of the bargain.

I recall reading somehwere that if you wait too long to get into contact with a girl after meeting her, the longer you wait, it's possible that the chances of her forgetting about you become greater, considering the line of work that she's in.

I'm fully aware that she gets oogled on by guys every night she works. I'm fully aware that she could be a goldigger. I know of the emtional stress and jealousy that would arise should I date her while she continues on with her job as a stripper. Hell, a stripper I met was happily married. So I know it's possible to date one.

I've learned through obervation on warning signs of being whipped. I did tell her that I do not drive, nor do I own my own car, yet she continued on talking to me. Aside from buying her 2 drinks, I gave her only $3 while she was dancing at her spot when I was on my way out. So she didn't really make out like a bandit for the 30-45 min she was sitting with me at the booth.
Excuses. Excuses. You act as if none us have seen any of these bullsh|t rationalizations before.

What do I think you should do?

I think you need to deal with your lonliness and desperation, quite frankly.

Right now, you're like a starved rottweiller who has been given a few table scraps of female attention and now you're hooked.

Wipe the drool from your mouth.

Do not follow her home.

Yes, strippers are people too. But I think its in your best interest to break that "promise" of yours and not make any effort to contact her.
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