STOP asking a woman out multiple times!! Yeah YOU! READ THIS!!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I have been reading a lot of threads asking about what to do when a woman doesn't respond/or is busy when asking them out on a first date.

Remember something..if the woman who gave you her number wants to see you...she will make time and see you. No matter HOW BUSY she is, if her interest level is high enough and she likes you enough SHE WILL MAKE TIME..even if its on her lunch break for a quick cup of coffee.

Women who flake, don't respond, and can't confirm when they will be free for that first date...ARE NOT AS INTO YOU AS YOU THOUGHT..she has LOW INTEREST. DROP HER and move onto the next.

Check this out

I have a home girl out here in LA that came over my pad today with 2 of her female friends for the hockey game. I was kicking it with them all day and we got into the topic of dating. I have known my home girl a real long time and shes a really hot blonde, a solid HB9, we have a lot of respect for each other. Her friends are also solid HB8's. They all go on tons of dates with guys all the time. I'm not trying to get at her or her friends because I like to keep a few hot female friends as just that...FRIENDS. Social proof etc etc.

Okay so...

We got into the topic of men asking them out on first dates, how long they wait to contact them after the number close, how often they text them, what they say etc...let me tell you...

They told me the guys that they are most attractive to and the ones they will physically fvk around with are the guys who do the following:

-Guys that wait a few days after the number close to contact them usually 2-3 days later.
-Guys that don't OVER text like a sissy girl and put emo icons like similes, winkies, tongue faces etc. That sh*ts for the girls.
-Guys who don't send paragraphs trying to make conversation.
-Guys who won't bend over backwards to set a date.

Basically she (and her other attractive female friends) love when a guy they just met sends a simple text saying "Hey its Spiegel from friday, when are you free this week?" Boom simple. Not hey baby hows your day going, isn't the weather beautiful, you are so pretty btw! NO! All horse sh*t.

They literally showed me text messages of guys that they are currently talking to with no intent of going out with lol...its fu*ked up yeah but its funny..

These guys are literally writing PARAGRAPHS to the girls and the girls are responding with simple texts like "oh yeah?" "yes" "thats cool" lol..

They told me they love when they test to see if a guy they just met is really needy by giving him a fake excuse when he asks them out.. (what c*nts I know) lol. But the guys that they actually REACH OUT TO, are the guys that respond like this:

Guy: Hey its Spiegel from Friday night, when are you free this week?
HB: Hey! I am actually not sure yet...I have a lot going on, can I let you know?
Guy: Cool. let me know.

That is the guy they call/text to go out with a few days later.

Not this guy

Guy: Hey its Spiegel from Friday night, when are you free this week?
HB: Hey! I am actually not sure yet...I have a lot going on, can I let you know?
Guy: Okay, let me know! :) I am actually free Friday and Saturday so if either of those days work let me know!


They showed me texts of guys that in between dates would ask them how there days going, and what they did today, all this f*king nonsense. My god STOP, just STOP! I felt bad for these guys. Now I'm guilty myself sometimes but they told me sometimes they show each other what the guys text them and all come up with a response to write him back JUST TO LAUGH WHEN HE RESPONDS BACK lol.....some c*ntish sh*t right there but hey it is what it is ya know.

In Conclusion

I got some insight from some HB's today, girls I am VERY comfortable with, they all are real cool with me because they know I don't tolerate the bullsh*t they pull so I am respected in the group..

But guys seriously you got her number GREAT. You hit her up with a simple text/call. If they don't respond or give you some BS you say "Ok cool. let me know." and if they give you the I am busy card. You reply with "Ok cool, hit me up when your free." THAT IS IT!!!!

The more you write, the more you reach out, the more you show you care, you f*king lose. Stop caring. Write less, reach out to the minimum, just to set up dates.

PLEASE guys wake up and take the hint, keep on plugging away, plenty of women out there!! :rockon:

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Great insights OP!


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
Reaction score
great post man, this is usually my technique, but its great to hear some reinforcement on the idea. Sometimes I can feel that needy urge to send a text coming on. Need to squash it before it gets me Nexted!


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
100% spot on. You can't join women in their communication styles, there has to be a distinction between man and woman. I mean this goes beyond communications styles too. If i'm with a girl that is drinking mimosas, i'm still going to have Scotch. But if I go out with my buddies and everyone is drinking beer I may have beer with them. But if my girl decides to have beer, i'll still drink scotch.

Girl i'm seeing now has me using an app called Viber, it's all about smilies and icons and such. I just send her text messages on there and don't use any of the emoticons. Mostly just replies too...

It can be confusing because with your guy friends you celebrate doing things together, that's what it's all about. But with women you cannot yield to their ways. You have to maintain your masculinity and individuality.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
AFAIC Women who are interested in you won't confuse you, and will move a mountain to see you.

I will add these threads which I keep in my courtoom files.

We, as men need to stop putting up with female bullsh*t and enforce a ONE STRIKE RULE. Just like a woman wouldn't flake out on Brad Pitt or Channing Tatum, a man wouldn't flake out on Kate Upton or Sofia Vergara. If she's unsure about seeing you or is hesitant, playing games, etc., delete her number. If she doesn't confirm the date, delete her from every platform.

Actions speak louder than words. A woman can say she wants to see you all she wants, but when the time comes and she flakes, it's all bullsh*t.

Case closed.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
That's great info, right there, especially that you saw the text messages right from the belly of the beast. I agree 100%. Keep it simple, direct, and short. Interest trumps all, and let it go when shıt's not going your way. That is huge, right there. Just let it go and stop grasping at straws.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I agree my bros. Just way too many guys beating a dead horse with these broads.

Listen, if she is interested you won't have to post a thread on here asking about won't have to question every little detail. SHE will make it known that SHE is into you.

Play it cool guys, practice approaching a new girl everyday! Just know women are a dime a dozen, plenty out there! If one doesn't work out, onto the next!

3agle 3yes

Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
nismo-4 said:
AFAIC Women who are interested in you won't confuse you, and will move a mountain to see you....We, as men need to stop putting up with female bullsh*t and enforce a ONE STRIKE RULE....If she's unsure about seeing you...If she doesn't confirm the date, delete her from every platform.
I don't agree with this, there are legitimate reasons why women can't see you.

Especially if you've just met her once. I could imagine the f*cks I never would've had if I deleted a b*tch's number because she didn't meet up with me at the first opportunity.

As for the OP, all the things mentioned are obvious to me, but this mostly applies if you haven't f*cked her yet...if you have then you have a little leeway.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2013
Reaction score
3agle 3yes said:
I don't agree with this, there are legitimate reasons why women can't see you.

Especially if you've just met her once. I could imagine the f*cks I never would've had if I deleted a b*tch's number because she didn't meet up with me at the first opportunity.

As for the OP, all the things mentioned are obvious to me, but this mostly applies if you haven't f*cked her yet...if you have then you have a little leeway.
Does this mean I shouldn't have deleted that girl from my facebook after she evaded my asking her out by replying with the single word response 'hello'?

3agle 3yes

Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
:-) said:
Does this mean I shouldn't have deleted that girl from my facebook after she evaded my asking her out by replying with the single word response 'hello'?
I remember that thread, yes, you made the assumption she was rejecting you softly.

No amount of experience will give you the ability to read another person's mind. Think of it this way:

You asked her out, she replied ambiguously by responding with "Hello".

1) You assume she "rejected" you so you deleted her, All opportunities with her are over.

2) You're not sure what she meant, so you joke about her "air-headed" response and ask her again. She turns you down overtly this time. All opportunities with her are over.

What's the difference between 1 and 2? With 2 you gave yourself one more chance to f*ck her. You receive the SAME negative outcome as you would if you asked her only once so why not ask her again just in case?


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Harry Willmington and Corey Wayne preach the same stuff right here! I did this to one of the girls I had cold approached. I asked her when she was free to get together and then she says she's going out of town so I tell her to let me know when she's free. About a week later she texts me wanting to hang out.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2013
Reaction score
3agle 3yes said:
I remember that thread, yes, you made the assumption she was rejecting you softly.

No amount of experience will give you the ability to read another person's mind. Think of it this way:

You asked her out, she replied ambiguously by responding with "Hello".

1) You assume she "rejected" you so you deleted her, All opportunities with her are over.

2) You're not sure what she meant, so you joke about her "air-headed" response and ask her again. She turns you down overtly this time. All opportunities with her are over.

What's the difference between 1 and 2? With 2 you gave yourself one more chance to f*ck her. You receive the SAME negative outcome as you would if you asked her only once so why not ask her again just in case?
In that case, I'm definitely glad I stuck with the first option.


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2008
Reaction score
The guy friend of my sister who was very average looking at best adored this girl at his work who was well out of his league. He kept asking her out for over a year and she kept saying no. Eventually she said yes and they ended up getting married. So there is something to be said for persistance

And there is something to be said that sometimes girls will take the guy who is a definite yes over a guy they may like more who may be a no for them

Remember doesn't matter how good looking a girl is, they still have insecurity issues and don't like getting rejected just like everyone else


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
Peterpack said:
The guy friend of my sister who was very average looking at best adored this girl at his work who was well out of his league. He kept asking her out for over a year and she kept saying no. Eventually she said yes and they ended up getting married. So there is something to be said for persistance
Thing is, relationships that start this way leave the pursuer at a disadvantage. She blew him off because she was entertaining, in her eyes, better options. He was Mr. Fallback when she decided she was ready for a "provider." She will have his nuts in a vice in this marriage.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
Love this

Nothing like a few home truths to wake you up on a Monday lol

That sad truth is that so many guys just don’t get it , especially younger guys in theyre early 20’s

They think you need to be in touch with you feminine side sending all this lovey dovey crap to get a woman wet couldn’t be more wrong

Infact you need to do the complete opposite be a **** and as offensive as you like and watch how much more you get laid

I hate texting women cos i know i cant trust my text game 100% of the time and as MTNMAN says up there sometimes i crave the need to send a needy texts to chicks i like

Its cost me so many hot chicks in the past its not worth thinking abou
Even now I caught myself doing it to a chick last week starting to type out paragraphs of text

I read it back to myself almost died of shame and just thought wtf am i doing lol switched my phone off instead


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2008
Reaction score
G_Govan said:
She will have his nuts in a vice in this marriage.
Oh yeah she does :)

BUT he has his trophy wife and he's happy. I think they have 3 kids now

Some guys are happy not being the dominant person in a relationship just like some girls love being dominated


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Just hung out with the same group of girls again tonight. ONCE AGAIN were telling me stories of guys just FAILING.

Tonight we were all drunk and the girls brought up the topic of a guy that was trying to slam my home girl and how she has ZERO interest and her girlfriend literally said:

"Oh this guy is so desperate its sad, lets just text him and lead him on and never do anything with him lol!!"

Take the hint guys. If she is interested she will make time for you, she will counter offer if she is legit busy, she will make herself available to you. Don't tolerate the ****i$h behavior! Know when to bounce!


Don Juan
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
Fck. I was totally "that guy" texting all that bs with the last girl I dated and her interest level went from sky-high initially to almost nothing when things ended. No real reason either, she just got bored/lost interest with the whole thing and I'm certain all that texting in-between crap was part of it.

But I'm making steps in the right direction, just two weeks ago I was trying to set up a 1st date with a girl before the weekend and she ignored the request and instead made some comment about something I had mentioned. My response? NOTHING. Went ghost.

A WEEK later she texted me, I almost forgot who it was lol. Set up a date that night and fcked her. I bet if I had kept trying to pursue and all that bs it probably would've come across as needy and nothing would've came of it. As it was she was probably intrigued I was the only one not to bombard her with desperate texts.

Now, I do have a counterpoint regarding texting and all that jazz. I think for times when you have short interactions with the woman, or maybe you msg'd her online...from my experience it's good to first build some rapport via text. If you talked to a girl for 4 minutes at a party on a Friday night, and you wait till Monday to text her....she might not even know who the fck you are! She's probably talk to 27 other dudes in between then. I think it's best to put your foot in the door and get the ball rolling ASAP if you haven't build enough rapport in the initial interaction.

However, if you chatted with a girl for a while already...built a connection, had a date or whatever then ya I definitely agree all that in between stuff is just BS and only hurts your game.

I'm still recovering from being a constant over-texter while dating/gaming, and I'm making strides to improve and this thread only reinforces the steps I've been taking! Thanks!