Originally posted by Chimps
The only thing you guys can say you accomplished in life is screwing a bunch of random women. Here's a good question. Who the hell cares? Not me. All you have to show for your lives up to now is a bunch of nameless, faceless trophies. Nothing real at all.
That is a lie and a damn big one. I find it intriguing that people who become DJ's (i.e. people who just want to be attractive to women) are seen as superficial by others. I know that in GP.com DJ's are seen as people who want nothing in their lives except to have sex with women. But that couldn't be further away from the truth.
If you had actually taken the time to get to know the DJ site and the DJ Bible instead of just believing all the crazy, untrue rumours in GP.com, you would have noticed that this place is primarily about changing yourself and changing your life. This site is to men who want to be what they wanna be. Don't believe me? Go read Pook's
texts about how we should
stop considering women as the number one goals in our lives. Those posts are all in the DJ Bible. We should ALWAYS have our OWN lives as our number one issue instead of women-nailing. Anyone who claims that DJ'ing isn't about that needs to go to another site, because that is what being a DJ has been all these 2 and a half years I've spend here.
For example, here is something I wrote a few months back:
That post is not all about screwing a bunch of random women, now is it?
(Yes, I know that I am criticizing this place in that post, but the fact that most DJ's who responded agreed to the criticism shows that your stereotypias of DJ's are completely wrong)
Here is an interresting fact for you; I have never had a one-night-stand. Not once in my life. I mean, I am like every DJ, I like goodlooking women, approach them and want to get to know them, but I don't like to have random sex, I want to have dating relationships with them - which naturally includes sex. And same goes for many others DJ's in here. So you have it all wrong, dear mister chimp, and it really pisses me off to see you make such HUGE generalizations based on one single post (or stupid rumours that those pathetic whiners gossip in GP.com).
Okay, se there are SOME newbies who post "treat women like dirt" -type of posts. There has always been; these are the recovering AFC's who have just realized how much they have been screwed up by women. And don't tell me that women don't screw up nice guys; as a former nice guy I know very well that they do. Very badly. That is why recovering AFC's grow some hatred towards women. Just like I am now growing some hatred towards you for posting such ignorant and insultive statements. They will get over it and stop being angry at women. And I will also get over your insults. You know what I'm saying? Of course not, a person who judges 7000 people based on one single thread where maybe like 10 people are participating is a person who is already convinced that he is right before even hearing what the other side has to say.
But tell me, why SHOULDN'T the recovering AFC's get mad after being badly treated?
There are also some people here who want one-night-stands. That is what they WANT, what is wrong if they go get it? (Especially when women at bars are usually also looking for the same thing.)
You see, the idea of being a DJ is being the man you want to be, like I said earlier, and to me it means knowing what I want from my life in the future (I have already clear visions and plans of my future in my head and they don't involve only banging a bunch of chicks) and also knowing what I want from my life now - and of course actually
doing the things I want.
I already pointed out that more than anything else, the DJ site is about change. This site inspired me, a former fattie, to lose over 40 pounds of weight, it inspired me to actually start meeting women instead of just spending all my weekends playing computer at home and to start doing other meaningful things with my life. My grades rose from C's to B's - and even A's, depending on the subject. Haven't I accomplished something else than gotten myself trophies or whatever? And I do give at least SOME of the credit for doing all that to this site. It's ALL about self-improvement.
I spend several months in the GP.com forums at one point and I noticed a clear difference between the people in sosuave and the people in GP.com. In Sosuave there are a lot of arrogant and annoying people, yes. But they DO something with their lives. I find it amuzing that you claim that they don't, that they only want to have sex with bunch of random women, when in here people actually CHANGE their lives. In GP.com, the SAME AFC's come to WHINE. They come to whine ALL OVER AND OVER AGAIN ABOUT THE SAME ISSUES. Not understanding that the real issue is them having the wrong attitude.
Do us all a favor, chimp. Read the ENTIRE DJ Bible
http://sucs.org/~nicholas/djb/index.php, it's abit hard to find you have to roll down until you see "get a boost up" text, which is where the DJ Bible starts)
before posting again. Because you just don't know what you are talking about or who you are talking to. Or optionally go back to GP.com or other pathetic place where people whine all day long about the same issues without EVER trying to change their lives for the better.