Everyone tell a 16 year old not to do steroids is dumb because we already have steroids in our bodies called horemones. Horemones are like steroids but not as much as you need to get big. Thats all taking more steroids is for.
Chewy Bagel I ment I only gained 20 pounds in the whole school year so far in like 4 months. Thats along time and if you divide it you see that its only 5 pounds a month. I want to gain about 60 or 70 pounds for football next year so my coach will play me varsity.
14yearoldmonster Ill see if my friends brother can get halo with the other thing (de-bol?).
Chewy Bagel I ment I only gained 20 pounds in the whole school year so far in like 4 months. Thats along time and if you divide it you see that its only 5 pounds a month. I want to gain about 60 or 70 pounds for football next year so my coach will play me varsity.
14yearoldmonster Ill see if my friends brother can get halo with the other thing (de-bol?).