Stéphane 100 journal approach


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
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Thanks for the advice Kamille! It almost sounds like we come from the same city! I'm also in a small billingual city. I'm just going to keep doing my best, I never had a girlfriend, but I don't let it put me down. I'm no longer the shy guy, and i'm getting a lot more confident everyday.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
I know its been a while, ive been acting AFC lately, and I havent been approaching girls. Well its time to ****ing change that, thank god I bought an Ipod its changing my mood so much.

FR: I was waiting for the bus, when I seen this cute lil black girl HB8.5.

Me: Hey, can I ask you a question?
Her: Sure.
Me: Would you ever date a guy in a wheel chair?
Her: I don't know...
Me: Yeah, right you would use him for free parking.
Her: lol
blah blah
Me: How old are you?
Her: 17
Me: That's pretty young, i'm 19.
blah blah
Me: Hey, let's exchange numbers.
Her: I don't know..
Me: Why not?
Her: ok it's XXX-XXXX
Me: ok awesome
Her: whats your name again?
Me: Stephane, you?
Her: X, alright cya
Me: bye.

I don't know if its fake seems like she expecting a call because she asked for my name, but her IOI were a lil low or she was shy.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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Stéphane said:
I know its been a while, ive been acting AFC lately, and I havent been approaching girls. Well its time to ****ing change that, thank god I bought an Ipod its changing my mood so much.

FR: I was waiting for the bus, when I seen this cute lil black girl HB8.5.

Me: Hey, can I ask you a question?
Her: Sure.
Me: Would you ever date a guy in a wheel chair?
Her: I don't know...
Me: Yeah, right you would use him for free parking.
Her: lol
blah blah
Me: How old are you?
Her: 17
Me: That's pretty young, i'm 19.
blah blah
Me: Hey, let's exchange numbers.
Her: I don't know..
Me: Why not?
Her: ok it's XXX-XXXX
Me: ok awesome
Her: whats your name again?
Me: Stephane, you?
Her: X, alright cya
Me: bye.

I don't know if its fake seems like she expecting a call because she asked for my name, but her IOI were a lil low or she was shy.
good work. keep on sarging.


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah, keep it up man...I like hearing all these places you're going to and approaches you do. I"m in a small fvucking town too, so I"m looking for good places to do approaches outside of bars or clubs.

Damn, you're only 19...give it a year or so, you'll be telling us what to do in no time man.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
I rulz I was able to set up a date with this black girl, and she's pretty hot.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Date went horribe, brought the HB8.5 girl to a restaurant, and then right after I payed the bill. She said well my sister was right... 19 is too old for me (she's s 17), then I was pissed off, and she was like your pissed off right? Then she said well there another guy and we haven't really broke up, your a nice guy stephane, we can still hang out and stuff, you still want to go for that movie after. I was just so shocked and pissed off, I didn't know what to say. I said cya, and left. Too bad I ****ing payed the bill before she said this. Looks like she was looking for a free meal. **** women, there all hoes.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
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Anyways haven't updated this in a while, but might as well recap on everything that happened.

1. ****ed a 30 year old HB
2. Went on 4 dates.
3. Still no relationship

Anyways, let's start. So one day, my old roomate leaves town to return to her country. I tell her bye, ect, I tried to kiss her, and she said your not trying to kiss me are you? I said of course not, why would I do that, jeez you give yourself too much credit, bye.

She leaves, and then she keeps sending me messages on facebook, i'm thinking ok wtf, I just say cool.

Then she's like i'm returning to your city for a weekend, we should hang out. I was thinking ok cool.

Then she got here, she bought me a 12 pack of beer (I told her to buy me a 6 packs lol) We start drinking, everything going pretty great, I was thinking about sex, but I though it would be impossible because she;s a lot older then me.

Anyways, we walk to the bar, and we're having some crazy eye contact. I keep eyeing her, and then she finally says it. "Are you afraid of me?". I kind of laughed inside, and I just went for the kiss. She pull backs. I go for it again, finally got it.

She didn't like kissing in the bar, but I kept it going. Then we went outside, and we started making out again. Then we return at our place (she rented a room for the weekend)

She's like hey let's go to my room for a beer. I laughed grab, a beer, and a box of condoms. Then I finally get to her room, and we go straight to the sex. Didn't even drink our beer, lol.

Then she left, and she invited me to some city for a few days. I went, and met her there. We had lots of fun, had lots of sex, and then we parted ways. She returned to her country, and i'll probably never see her again.

I cared for her, and she really cared for me too. We known eachother for three months before things happened.

I'll never see her again, back to the dating game... Tired of dating bimbos, this one was really smart, she camed from an ivy school.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Well done dude, from reading how u started off with, u certanly improved and r going on a lot more dates and getting f closes. Also good to c u went back to real life game lol, i use to online game to and i didn't like it, because its no where has near the rush u get from the real life approach to the end.

Keep gaming man till u get what u want out of this, which i am guessing for u is a decent chick.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
So went to his new club in gatineau called Volt, lots of underage girls... Anyways, I come across a girl that gave me a quick glimpse, and I said hi. Then I tried to make some moves, but then she would always turn her face... She was a virgin... I couldn't escelate it farther got her number, and left... (She wasn't underage going at university of toronto)

Then my friends we're really drunk and they camed across some girls that were laughing at them, and then my friend said he was a virgin (I was thinking wtf..). Then one girl ask your not a virgin are you? I just grab her ass, and then she's all wet, I could smell it...

Anyways, she was kind of fat, and I wasn't turned on but her friend was an HB 9. So, I told her that i'll bring you home if you bring your friend with us... Anyways, she agreed, but then said you don't mind catching stds do you? Then I turned my back on them, and then me and my friends left...

F*ck that im not catching stds...

Then I opened a chick on the street.

Me: Hey how you doing?
Her: pretty good yourself?
Me: blahblah
Her: blahblah
Me: you coming home with me tonight..
Her: Blahblah *interrupt
Me: tomorrow night then?
Her: blahblah *interrupt
Me: Next week, next month.
HB friend: She's got a boyfriend.
Me: Hey, your not jealous are you? Don't worry you can also come home with me tonight.
*everyone laughing
Me: Alright we got to go.

Anyways, today I received a poster of new york city from the mail, I guess that the girl in the US that I was fvcking sent it to me. I also got a call from a girl that I dated around a month, wondering how I was doing. I didn't call her back for a 2nd date because she didn't seem that interested but we made arrangements for a 2nd one.

Will let you all know how it goes.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
Definitely some good approaches in here. Keep up the good work.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Stéphane said:
Date went horribe, brought the HB8.5 girl to a restaurant, and then right after I payed the bill. She said well my sister was right... 19 is too old for me (she's s 17), then I was pissed off, and she was like your pissed off right? Then she said well there another guy and we haven't really broke up, your a nice guy stephane, we can still hang out and stuff, you still want to go for that movie after. I was just so shocked and pissed off, I didn't know what to say. I said cya, and left. Too bad I ****ing payed the bill before she said this. Looks like she was looking for a free meal. **** women, there all hoes.


can't breathe

ayoo, I love this story, you shoulda qualifed the black chick more, I hope this doesn't turn you off to black women yo



Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
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Might as well throw in my field report in here. So I live in the market, and I felt like seeing some hot girls, and costumes. I headed towards Tila's alone for the hell of it, girls we're giving me the eyes the whole night.

Walk towards the bathroom this girl screams, omg I love it. (my costume) Was walking towards the bar area this girl keeps staring at me. Was walking towards the dance floor asian girl, and this bumblebee keeps eying me.

I didn't really go out to approach girls, because I feel like girls don't make me happy in general, unless I know them really well. Anyways, I decided to approach the girl at the bar area, she was staring me down might as well.


Me: Hi (looking at the dude), how you doing man, what's your name?
Him: don't remember
Me: cool
Me: Hey what's your name (looking at the girl)
Her: XXX
Me: What?
(couldn't hear it, then the guy says, Ailee.
Me: Well Ailee, is it ok if I steal you for a second, also asked her friends, and I steal her for a second.
Her: Hey, my name is not Aileee it's Y(nameless for these boards)
Me: Oh ok, what are you dressed up as.
Her: oh you know that girl from wizzard of the oz.
Me: oh ok, it looks really cool on you, but I don't know if I could ever date a girl that watches walt disney movies all the time!
Her: haha, hey i'm going to take a shot, you want to come?
Me: Sure
Anyways at this point she's turning her back on me, and talking to her friends
Me: Hey, i'm going to leave soon I want to dance, are we taking a shot soon? (me looking away)
Her: Yeah just in a few mins, just waiting for some people.
(I just leave) I wasn't going to wait for her friends, and be all left out when she's got her back turned on me, plus her interest levels we're dropping.

HB2: the bumblebee

Me: Hey, how you doing, should we introduce ourselves or flirt at eachother from a distance.
Her: hehe, i'm X
Me; Cool, nice to meet you, do you want to dance
Her: Sure! Let's go
Dancing and stuff, and then she's like
Her: Hey, do you know we're we can get E
Me: No, I don't do that stuff.
I kind of get turned off, and leave.

HB1 Again:

Me: Hey, how you doing!
Her: I though you left!
Me: No, just went for a few drinks silly. (me touching her face, and grabbing her)
Right now we're at close proximity, and it looks like she expects me to kiss her, but then...
Me: Hey, i'm not going to kiss you a in a club, you can give me your number, and we can meet again.
Her: I don't give my number.
Me: That's why I wanted to EXCHANGE numbers.
Her: I have to go see my friends.
Me: Ok, fine.


Some girl is smiling at me in a nurse outfit after two seconds I left the set, she was holding a doctor operation game costume.
Me: Hey, sweet costume!
Her: Do you want to play!
Me: Uh, how do you play?
Her: You try to take out the pieces without touching the backboard, and if the light doesn't go on you did it right!.
Me: (me doing it right) wow this is pretty cool, whats your name?
Her: I'm X just holding this for a friend, yours?
Me: Y
(friend comes)
Her: Hey I have to to the bathroom, cya later. (smiling)
Me: Bye

At this point I was tired, and decided to head out home.

I overhear about these girls talking about how they can`t get any hot guys.

Me: hey, sorry for overhearing, but did you say something about all the ugly girls get all the hot guys.
Her: It`s ****ing true all the ugly girls, get all the ugly guys.
(then she goes on about her life story, saying that she doesn`t have high self esteem, and that she been hurt twice)
Her: Hey, we`re going to liquor store, you should come.
Me: I`m kind of tired (I could of probably taken her home with me), I live like a few seconds from it.
Her: Omg, that`s awesome.
Me: Anyways, cya

Not a bad night for someone who didn`t really try. I guess I could of got laid if I would of just went straight for logistics, but didn't really feel like bringing girls at my place.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Hey guys,

It haves been a while since I when on these forums. When I first came here I was an AFC who had a lack of success with women, but now I am confident, sexual, and I know how too get girls wet.

Girl 1:

I am taking Salsa lessons everywhere, and this girl is maybe a HB6.5 but she haves the personality of a HB10 and it glows. Anyhow, after finishing Salsa I decide too get her number.

Me: Your a great dancer.
Hb6.5: thanks
Me: You know what you should give me your number so we can practice our Salsa.
Hb6.5: Yeah, it`s xxx-xxx-xxxxx
Me: Cool, I will talk to you later

Call her same night.

Me: Hey, HB6.5 how are you cutie.
Her: *giggle good
Me: I just wanted too call you because I thought you were really hot today, and we need too set up a date.
Her: *giggle omg, I want too I can`t I am going to my parents this weekend
Me: Nooo, you can't go to your parents just stay here.
Her: *giggle I ....can't
Me: Ok, maybe I will send you a text mid way so that you don't forget me.
Her: *giggle ok
Me: Have a good night
Her: bye

Anyhow, after she camed back we did go on our date and I did kiss close her, and I am eventually going to f*ck.

Girl 2:

I was learning Korean from there this hot Korean girl HB8.5 that goes there every week. I decided too get her number.

Me: Anyung ha se yo (hey in english)
Her: Anyung!
long conversation...
Me: Hey do you want too come to nightclub this weekend? You should give me your number.
her: Sure it's xxx-xxx-xxxx

Same day I text her, hey sexy hae (you're hot in english) thanks for coming to the meetup.

Her: Sexy hae? you're joking right.
Me: No you are sexy, and I want too teach you some salsa moves, and cook you some italian food.
Her: ok I expect!

Anyways, we been texting each other a lot but I have been too sick too see her. She is really interested.

Girl 3:

Last night went to a club with japanese friend and he brought french girls I didn't know before.

Anyhow, fast forward to the Subway before we left off last night.

Me: Hey would you like too stay in contact?
Her: Sure!
Me: What's your number?
Her: It's xxx-xxx-xxx
Her Subway arrives and she runs for it
Me: Hey I got the wrong number!
She runs back here
her: it's xxx-xxx-xxxx
Me: Sorry I made you miss your subway lol
Her: It is cool haha
Me: Take my number too its xxx-xxx-xxxx
My subway arrives
Me: Cya!