Stéphane 100 journal approach


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Today I sort of approached 2 people in the day. I was holding the door for this girl, and she gave me a big smile, and said thank you. I said No problem, but I wanted to start a conversation, but it was freezing.

I then went to the book store, and saw a HB6, and I wasn't really interested. I noticed she had an accent, and made fun of her for it. She was embarassed she went to england for 2 weeks, and had returned with an accent. lol.


Don Juan
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
How are those herpes treating you man? Didn't you start a thread about how you got herpes?


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah. I got herpes, but it's not a big deal it seems like the outbreaks are pretty much gone for now.

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
Get on valtrex if youre not already, my best bud has it and he's been with his girl for a year now and she doesn't have it.(yet) He also got it from making out with a girl, not even oral sex or anything. Be careful out there guys.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
I needed a passport picture in order to get a student card for Ottawa. I took a picture, and I had to wait 30 mins in order it got ready. I was bored, and scouting the area for hot girls. I only found one hot employee. I approached

Me: Hey do you have a sense of style?
Her: I guess, lol.
Me: Cool, i'm going to hire you as my fashion consultant. What do you suggest?
Her: Well, what you looking for?
Me: Well, i'm going to Ottawa, and I want something that attracts girls, but not too much because that could be a problem
Her: lol, well ok come here.
Her: What about this? Red my favorite collor. (I should of built comfort on this.
Me: Nah
Her: What about the blue one?
Me: Blue makes me look gay
Her: lol
Her: Well what about the brown one? (she said it with a sexy look, IOI?)
Me: These shirts suck.
Her: lol, I agree not much here. Let's see what about jeans.
Me: I don't know i'm pretty fussy i'm wearing sylver right now.
*She's checking me out
Her: What about these jeans.
Me: nah, no thanks, but you know what your pretty cool
Me: You should give me your number.
Her: What about e-mail?
Me: Number or nothing.
Her: Well, aren't you going to Ottawa.
Me: Yeah, but just for a week.
*Hand in pen, paper, and she writes it
Me: I'm stephane btw.
Her: cool (or something)

This was probably my weakest close. I was blushing a little, and sweating. I'm not use of day game, and I don't feel like I built enough comfort. She's probably going to be a flake. Well, you never know maybe she was just a little nervous because other people we're watching us. I also feel like I didn't build enough attraction, and I didn't kino that could hurt my chances.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
1st set: They opened me, three girls were dancing, and giving me lots of IOI's. They were licking there lips giving eye contact, and just looking at me sexualy. I approached, and all three girls started grinding on me. I wasn't attracted to any of them so I didn't proceed to close.

2nd set:
Me: Hey, you look pretty bored. Mind if an Acadian joins for you for company.
Her: No way, where you from?
Me: X
Her: Z
Me: No way that's aswome *start kinoing and hugging
then we get into a deep conversation, but I get bored and eject because she had a boyfriend. This approoach wasn't a total lost because it built major social value, when girls saw me.

3rd set:
Was walking on the dance floor, and these girls were giving me sexy looks again. It was girls that saw me approach on 2nd set. They grabbed me, and we started dancing. I had two girls grinding on me, and then they said something, and left. I see them later outside. I approach. I don't remember what I said, but they were eating it up one girl even gave me a friendly punch. My target was the tall asian girl, and I tried to number close but my pen exploded. lol. I walked to my bud, and asked if I could use his cell phone for a sec. I used it, and saved the hbfriend (because the hbtarget didn't have a nunber) number in his cell phone.

The girl was showing major signs of IOI's, when I hugged her it looked like she expected me to kiss her, but I gave her a kiss on the cheek lol. I really want to follow up on this girl she was cool.

4th set: Me, and my buds couldn't find a cab. I approach these girls, and say.

Me: Hey does it always take this long to get a cab in this city?
Her: Yeah, welcome to Ottawa.
Then we talk for a while I forget what I said. Then my bud told me we had to go, I kinoed the girl I was targeting, and left. I should of numbered close this girl, she was kind of cute.

Anyways, pretty cool night. Natural game is the way to go, I just follow the mystery m3 model as a guideline

Ok I tried to reach the hbtarget by calling the hbfriend.
1st call:
Me: Hey, it's that stephane guy you met last night. I tried to get hbtarget number.
hbfriend: We met a lot of guys last night, and a lot of guys tried to get hbtarget number. She's amazing.
Me: hmm k, is she there?
Her: no, but you sound awesome *giggle.
Me: I am awesome.
Her: I'm drunk right now, and my friend tickeling me. *giggle.
Me: cool.
Her: i'll let hbtarget know that you called her.
Her: you sound amazing, and god I hope I remember this conversation.
Me: k cool ttyl.
Her: bye

2nd call:
Me: Hey it's me, how you doing?
?(some dude): Who's this.
Me: Stephane, is hbfriend there?
?: You got the wrong number.
Me: Well, what's the number I called.
?: It's XXX anyways I g2g.
Me: hmm k bye.

*at this point im pissed off, and rip the number appart. 10 secs later I get a phone call.

Me: hi
hbtarget: hi it's hbtarget, is stephane there?
Me: it's me
hbtarget: how you doing?
Me: Wow, I just ripped hbfriend number appart. I'm doing good I guess you?
hbtarget: Yeah, i'm sorry my friend was really drunk that night, she was flirting with this guy on the phone, and I didn't know it was you.
Me: it's cool.
Hbtarget: My friend wants to speak with you.
Me: hmm ok.
hbfriend: I'm really really sorry about last night please forgive me. I'm a good person blah blah. I was drunk blah blah.
Me: it's cool no need to appologise.
*this goes on for like 2 mins
Then after 2 mins I get hbtarget back on the phone.
*skip all the fluff talk.
Me: Anyways, we should hang out soon because im leaving sunday.
Her: Sunday that's short.
Me: What about thurday or friday.
Her: i'm really busy, looking for appartements, and might be leaving for montreal this weekend.
Me: k cool i'll just call you back later in the week.
Her: Alright cya.
Me: Bye.



Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Anyways today I went to rideau, I was looking for an overcoat, and I was pretty bored. I went into a phew stores, and they didn't have overcoats my size. I finally found a cool store with stuff my size. I went in, and the cute cashiere approached me right away. I told her I was looking for an overcoat.

She was telling how I look like a model, i'll just use you as my manequin, after a while I couldn't take it anymore. I said you offely compliment a lot(I didnt think these compliments were sincere, but you never know). She said well don't you get them a lot from other girls, then I said yeah I guess, but not this much. We laughed, and she continued, at the end she said when you move to Ottawa in May come see me for clothes. I was like hmm ok. I didn't close because I couldnt tell if she was flirting to get me to buy more.

Then I was lost on the 3rd floor, I approached a girl. We talked for a while, and she said she had a boyfriend. It was cool we had a good conversation, and she seemed cool.

Then I got lost again on the bus, I asked this girl for directions, we talked for a while pretty much standart conversation, and she facebook closed me. lol. She was like how long you in ottawa for? You have facebook? Pretty funny.

I find girls in Ottawa are really agressive, in new-brunswick you hardly see this kind of thing go on.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Alright I met this girl on the train last time going to Ottawa. I stayed away from her because she had a boyfriend in jail, and had lots of issues. Anyways our train gets delayed for 10 hours, I try to convince the girl to go clubbing in Montreal with me. She's like no nlah blah I don't have a ID. I'm like hmm ok whatever.

She's like let's go to the bar right there. We go there, and she buys all my liquor. She spends around 75$ in liquor (she bought expensive wines, and stuff). At this point i'm really wasted, and i'm like let's go clubbing. She still doesn't want to, i'm like ok i'll go by myself.

I go clubbing by myself to the Opera, and damnnn that club is hot. I never seen such a good looking club. When I went to enter, I just realised the entrance fee was 20$!!!!!!!

I spent 20$, and started to look around a bit, I didn't have time to go sarging or anything because my train was leaving. I called a cab returned to the train station, talked to a girl while I was drunk let's call her HB8.5.

I wake up the morning after in the train, I take breakfast, and hb8.5 calls my name from behind. She wanted to eat breakfast with me, I said alright. We ate breakfast, and had a cool convo, told me she had a boyfriend blah blah. Then she suggests we eat lunch together too.

They never serve lunch on the train, and we stopped at Campbelton. HB8.5 had the great idea of calling her brother to get us dixie lee. She calls her bro, and he actualy drove here in time to get us dixie lee, I was highly impressed.

So we're eating together, and I got a free lunch.

Recap on events today, both girls had boyfriends, both girls bought me stuff. Was this a sign of IOI's, and they wanted me to make a move? Because HB8.5 started to distant herself from me towards the end. The girl that bought the wine hooked up with a drug dealer later. She had so many issues, that;s why I didn't make a move, and her boyfriend wans to kill me just for talking with her.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Not really an approach, but it could of been. I'll throw it in here. I went for a CT scan (I'm really sick atm), the girl was getting ready to inject dye into me. She sticked the needle into me, then called me for the CT scan. Inside the CT scan room she said your going to feel a weird heat when I inject the dye for the 2nd picture. I was like hmm ok. While I was taking the scan everything was feeling normal, then I got a weird feeling. I almost got up, it felt like I would have a heart attack. I couldn't describe it till later on.

Her: Are you ok?
Me: Yeah, it just felt weird.
Her: Yeah, almost like you need to urine right?
Me: Nah, more like an orgasm
Her: LOL
Me: Yeah, anyways i'm going to go, holy cow is that a picture of my brain?
Her: No, that's the other guys brain.
Me: It's huge!
Her: lol, cya
Me: bye

Anyways, today the same day I was feeling like ****. I went to the emergency room, and it was taking forever. I found a table, and just slept on it. They finally called my name (everyone was looking lol), I entered. Yay my doctor was a cute one. She was offly touching me a lot for someone that was trying to figure out where they sticked the needle in my back. Anyways, she said that there going to check my test results, and come back in a phew hours. I was like hmm ok. I passed out on the hospital bed, and she camed back.

Her: Your test results camed in, and your brain is fine. blah blah blah I know we said a phew days but you should be better in a phew days from now.
Me: cool, I just don't want anymore tests.
Her: There isn't anymore tests lol
Me: I did them all?
Her: yeah lol
Me: What about new machines?
Her: none lol
Me: What about prototypes?
Her: Maybe, in 6 months lol.
Me: Fine, if i'm not better in 6 months i'm coming back to see you. ok!
Her: ok lol, your funny.
Me: cya
Her: bye

Hmm have anyone ever tried to close a doctor before?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
keep up man,,,I cant believe how smart you are on your feet for
being a virgin... I think you are a natural gone shy for whatever reason..
keep it up bro... you are inspiring many people with your adventures..
go out and have some fun...


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Haha, thanks. I don't know about been a natural, but I do feel like I could get a girlfriend if I really wanted to. I'm just concentrating on making some money right now. From now on I only approach for the sole purpose of meeting someone!


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Just an update I stopped approaching for a while because i'm broke as hell, and there's no hot chick at my community college. I'm probably going to university of Toronto next year so you should hear a lot more approaches from me. When I was at Ottawa I atleast approached one girl a day, it's a lot easier in a bigger town.


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
hey bro, nice work there man. Really inspiring. Just seems that at the first sign of an obstacle u seem to eject. Maybe you should be a little more persistant? I don't mean desperate. Just try it, if it works, it works, if not, at least you tried it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
I'm going to the club stay tune.... for results. I'll try to be more persistant.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
I've camed to the conclusion that it's impossible to game girls in New-Brunswick unless your lucky. Tonight, i've approached around 50 women, and none of them wanted to get picked up. I tried the mystery M3 model, I tried been myself, I tried the direct approach, nothing worked! I tried canned material 'Are you sepose to floss before or after you brush?', jealous gf opener, girls fighting opener, best friend test, been myself, and nothing worked. The best thing I got out of that night was that I met some cool guys, and they invited to a party. Then I noticed there wasn't a lot of girls there, so I didn't do anything. Talked to the guy hosting the party, and he was a Financial Planner, and I told him about how I am pursuing a CFA. He's a CFP for royal bank, and I might be able to do my intern in a month from now, so the night wasn't a total loss. I just don't understand why girls are so difficult to approach here, it's like they try to make you feel bad for approaching them.Oh, I also got a kiss after 50 approaches, but then she felt like a slut, and left. [I made my move too fast, that was my fault]

Give me advice! I might attend one of those dating seminars, I have no shame when I approach now, but I either just suck at it or the women here are crazy lol.


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2008
Reaction score
Stéphane said:
I've camed to the conclusion that it's impossible to game girls in New-Brunswick unless your lucky. Tonight, i've approached around 50 women, and none of them wanted to get picked up. I tried the mystery M3 model, I tried been myself, I tried the direct approach, nothing worked! I tried canned material 'Are you sepose to floss before or after you brush?', jealous gf opener, girls fighting opener, best friend test, been myself, and nothing worked. The best thing I got out of that night was that I met some cool guys, and they invited to a party. Then I noticed there wasn't a lot of girls there, so I didn't do anything. Talked to the guy hosting the party, and he was a Financial Planner, and I told him about how I am pursuing a CFA. He's a CFP for royal bank, and I might be able to do my intern in a month from now, so the night wasn't a total loss. I just don't understand why girls are so difficult to approach here, it's like they try to make you feel bad for approaching them.Oh, I also got a kiss after 50 approaches, but then she felt like a slut, and left. [I made my move too fast, that was my fault]

Give me advice! I might attend one of those dating seminars, I have no shame when I approach now, but I either just suck at it or the women here are crazy lol.
It sounds to me like you're midjudging how to play the game in a small city Stéphane. Basically, it's all about networks. Girls in my town only go out with guys they've been introduced too or who are somehow a part of their networks. So keep approaching the guys and going to their parties.

I usually choose to not go home on the first night with a guy I meet in my bilingual city because there's a 90% chance I will meet him again. So I think you should start working girls for the long term, rather then try to do the pick up all in one night. Keep approaching the girls and keep it light and fun and when you feel like you've got a good vibe going, leave. Then reapproach your target at about closing time. Invite her to the afterparty. If that doesn't work, there's always the next run in to bank on. Have fun - you live in the perfect city to "spin plates".

Use the fact that you will likely run into these girls again to your advantage to create and increase attraction. You can try being enigmatic (not too much, I hate the guys who try too hard).

Another thing you want to be wary off in a small city is that you will very rapidly get a reputation. Acquaintances were trying to play the "approach as many girls" as you can card, and it ended up being counterproductive for the simple reason that all the girls knew they were players. You want to create value, but you also want the girl to feel like she is special, not just another story in your journal.

And also, it was a tough night for guys this weekend, what with the hockey tournament and all. My group of friends got bombarded with approachers. We had fun, but, yes, indeed, some of my friends did make them feel bad for approaching. I thought about this forum and how hard it is for you guys and just joked around and had fun with the guys (letting it be known I had a bf).