Female Plate Theory
Female Plate Theory
For as often as I've mentioned women being natural plate theorists, I don't think I've ever gone into detail about it. I completely disagree with idea that women will only ƒuck one guy at a time. I could outline several women I know from experience in this, but really, observing behavior will bear this out every time. I will however agree that they are predisposed to, and are socially encouraged to, seek monogamy, but as in all things female the talk rarely matches the behavior. Sexuality is a woman's first best agency and even the homeliest amongst them know this, even when they're just complaining about other women using it.
The principle that a woman's first priority is to seek out security is true, and we'd be wise to bear this in mind when evaluating motives for behavior, but their methodology is what's in question here. There is an understandable confusion for guys in this respect. On one hand women present a constant facade that the fear of being perceived as a slut (i.e. ƒucking more than one guy at a time) is primary to their self-respect and respectability. However, this has to be tempered with the desire to experience a variety of men in order to ensure the security/provisioning from the best among them. So in order to facilitate this women must practice a kind of calculated hypocrisy that is socially reinforced by the gender as a whole as well as some men (usually those so optionless as to excuse the behavior in order to get to her sexuality, or guys so conditioned that they overlook it as normal).
It is socially acceptable for a woman to blatantly spin plates. Does this sound outrageous? While a woman who makes her sexual practices a bit too overt runs the risk of being perceived as a slut (which is dubious in this age as it is), most relatively attractive women covertly have a constant bullpen of starters ready to go to bat at any one time. These are the attention providers, the "maybe" guys. And it makes little difference in terms of available options which she chooses at any given time, the very fact that she has five or six of them pursuing her is enough to boost her sense of self-worth, her social status within her same-gender peers, and give her the confidence to drop any one of her plates at a moments notice for any reason knowing that 2 or 3 more guys stand ready to take his place, no questions asked.
In addition, this practice is socially reinforced by women doing the same thing and the social contrivances constructed to excuse the behavior. It's the unspoken rule of a woman's prerogative, she can always change her mind. This is a powerful tool for women; in any situation, if a woman doesn't chose to be sexual it is necessarily forced, even when it's after the fact. Either the "Jerk" forced her, physically or emotionally, or she had thought she wanted to, but later reconsidered - it makes little difference. In all social situations the default is to side with the feminine, the "weaker sex" - women, from sympathy or empathy, and men, from a desire to eventually become intimate with them.
In either instance, the feminine prerogative is socially reinforced. That's important to understand because even by my focusing on it here as a male, my motives for doing so become suspect. That's how embedded this dynamic is - to question it risks ostracization. However, I also understand that for the greater part of women, this dynamic isn't a conscious effort on their part. In fact I'd suggest that it's so thoroughly recognized that women default to it autonomously. Also, this is a good example of the first principle of power; when you have power, always feign powerlessness.
So, with a firm understanding that their behaviors will for the most part be excused, they are free to practice the feminine form of plate theory unhindered by social reprisal. The feminine plate spinning involves much more than sex though. Remember that attention is the coin of the realm in female society. The capacity to command attention determines self-esteem, peers status, sexual selectivity, and a host of other factors in a woman's life, so spinning plates becomes more than just a "which guy am I gonna bang tonight" prospect. This dynamic and these factors are what makes women natural plate spinners. Even when a woman has no intention of ever becoming sexual with a "maybe" guy, his attention still has some value to her.
Now, combine all of this with women's native language - covert communication - and it's natural for a guy to assume that a woman will only ever become sexual with one guy at a time. This serves the latent purpose of keeping him in a kind of stasis. If he assumes women will only be sexual under the condition of commitment she is free to spin plates as she pleases and sample at will what she sees as in her best interest at the time. If the carrot looks good enough the guy will patiently pull the cart until such time as another, better carrot comes along. Either way he's in that stasis. If a guy were to see her social and psychological machinations for what they are, he'd never pull the cart - so it serves women best that men think commitment should always be required for intimacy, even in the face of her behavior directly contradicting this.
Lastly, this social dynamic serves as a very effective weapon for women against each other. As I've stated before, competition anxiety between women is something men can exploit for their own plate spinning, but the reason it is useful is because women so readily use it against each other. For a woman to say another is a "slut" translates into an overt betrayal of this unspoken social contrivance. She essentially is saying, "the rules are that women require commitment for sex, but here's one who'll never be worthy of any guy's commitment because she wont play by the rules you suckers think she will." She is disqualified for a man's commitment and is, at least in the accusing woman's mind a reduced threat in this feminine competition. She becomes exposed in the same game they're all playing and in being so loses attention and therefore esteem. It seems petty to guys, but it's really gender warfare. Think of how many times an exceptionally attractive woman, that is completely anonymous to a group of women you happen to be with, berate her based on appearance alone. "She's must be a tramp if she dressed like that." This is feminine competition anxiety. Ask a woman to name the most attractive female actress they can think of. Odds are it will be a woman (who as a guy you'd never think of) who presents the least threat of this anxiety.
Gentlemen, as I'm fond of saying, women will ƒuck. They may not ƒuck you, they may not ƒuck me, but they will ƒuck someone. The girl who bangs the hot guy at the foam party in Cancun on Spring Break within 5 minutes of meeting him is the same girl who want's you to believe that they'll only ƒuck one guy at a time and then after commitment. All women are sexual, you just need to be the right guy at the right time for the job.