Master Don Juan
Sounds like form was the biggest thing holding you back, am I right? My squat has gone know where recently and I saw that I lose my arch just below parallel. So I am doing a lot of stretching now and should resume regular squats soon. The last time I made a lot of progress I had no problem maintaining my arch all the way down and it definitely felt more natural. I mean my leg press has improved a lot more than my squat and I have barely done a leg press in 6 months. Hopefully this has been the problem...Thanks for posting up what helped you out.
Sounds like form was the biggest thing holding you back, am I right? My squat has gone know where recently and I saw that I lose my arch just below parallel. So I am doing a lot of stretching now and should resume regular squats soon. The last time I made a lot of progress I had no problem maintaining my arch all the way down and it definitely felt more natural. I mean my leg press has improved a lot more than my squat and I have barely done a leg press in 6 months. Hopefully this has been the problem...Thanks for posting up what helped you out.