..all frakin' Hell broke lose!
An army of ZOmbies ose up from the graves and randomly attacked unsucpecting innocent people! Hordes and hordes of the Devil's minions came lurching hungrily at any perosn they saw, reaching for their them with their rotted, skeeltion like claws and sharp fangs! With a taste for flesh ,they cam upon Penkitten!
"Oh no!Penkitten's in dnager! Wemust rescue her!'
As Penkitten was trapped inside the Sefora boutique counter, with dozens of rotting, reeking flesh erating zombie began scratching her lusting for her flesh, her now bare, and bountiful bosoms boucning in the melee!
"Get away from me, you hideous Zombies! Someone please save me!"
After Inteceptor came crashing in through the window, and unleashed his 12 gauge Boom Stick!
They were dropping like flies. otted piesef of corpses went flying into the air!
When poised, suave ,and debonair Interceptor scooped up Penkitten and latched on to the rope form the ceiling and said "Hail to the King, baby!!!"
And all of a sudden the rope snapped!
And suddenly........