Here's my findings for the Thread and OP, since I went from BluePill to RedPill, a guy who didnt want marriage and kids to a MAN who is married with a baby-girl becoming a RedPill Dad. My surrounding is 25 years old to 40 years old single mens and single womens (60%) to the married bluepill and redpill women and men with kids (40%).
Okay, to answer the thread now!
1. Its not because you don't have a kids that women are ''crazies'' ... Alot of the single 40's women i know are pure fun, intelligent etc.. However, they are emotionnally DAMAGED (they maybe had a trauma, a reason not to have a kid or they don't understand why they can't keep a guy... is it due because they all career-women?)
2. Female who don't have kids around 40... are in literal PAIN when they find out someone has a kid, and its worst the younger the ''new parents'' are. Kids are part of the female-biological imperative, an imperative society tries to crush (jealous single female, need to have more workers)
If you pay attention, you notice the pain, and its for BOTH Females : that a voluntarily not having kids and those who want but cant.
The pain is less for those who decided to be no-kids female.
Like anything... it's how they handle the situation that matters and keep them ''sane''
In short again: It's not because female don't have kids they are crazies, its because of a emotional damage that lead to a decision or they are crazies and cant keep a guy. Female are biological geared to having kids, they grew up being TEACH by society (due to a lack of male figure) that Education and Career was BEFORE kids, and than at 35's they can start thinking about kids but thats when their biological clock at ''Crisis mode''
Personnally, i've stopped discussing my kid at tables cause it hurts the people around me who don't have kids (and wished to have one), i only mention i am a happy father, here's my kid pic, than move on