Something I have noticed


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2005
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I have a question for the board. Did you guys ever notice this too? Are black men naturally better DJ’s? I would say of all my friends, my black male friends do best with the ladies. They are the ones that seem to get the HB 9’s and 10’s and the ones that get the ONS on a more regular basis

The reason I ask this is not a racist by any means, just an observation with some biological theories.

I know it has been biologically proven that on average black men produce more testosterone than the other races, and I guess I was wondering if this extra “test” gives them more confidence or, makes them more masculine to females.

What do you guys think? Does test lead to confidence which leads to girls?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 29, 2004
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Not necessarily. There are DJ's and Symps from every race. Ive hung out with blk men who are good with women, ive hung out with blk men who are symps that couldn't get a woman 2 save their life, same thing goes for other races. It all depends on the mentality the individual has. However I have noticed that white men tend to be extremely self conscious and afraid to go up to a girl and speak her mind, while blk men have no problem speaking their mind which is somethin I, as an Indian man, like to do as well(maybe thats kinda why i prefer black women).


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
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Ya, and the reason for that is that most chick (black or white) think that black guys are REALLY SEXY. and on top of that black chicks are 3x sluttier then the white once


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
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I grew up around alot of black guys and hardly any were the shy type. If they were interested in a girl they had no problem letting her know about it.

Faded Image

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
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Fort Bragg, NC
Ya, and the reason for that is that most chick (black or white) think that black guys are REALLY SEXY. and on top of that black chicks are 3x sluttier then the white once
I've been around many types of women; black, white, asian, hispanic and to say black women are 3X sluttier is so condescending. How can you even justify a statement like statement like this without knowing what HE)) you're talking about..


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2005
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I don't think this post is dumb, and I never intended it to be racist.

If you don't like what you are reading, pass it on by.

I think it is a legitamate question since:

#1 Testosterone is what makes males males

#2 It is proven that African Americans produce more testosterone than the other races

#3 From my expericence, women seem to have a better sexual connection with Black Men than with White Men and a better connection with white man than Aisan men. It is also proven that asian men produce lest test than White men. So, a trend seems to follow.

Plus according to the Lifestyles Penis size survey (the largest and most accurate one ever conducted) it has been determined that Black men do infact on average have the largest penises. Funny that penis size is also associated with testosterone levels.

So again my question is: is the reason that women seem to be more attracted to black men due to the fact that they are more masculine or have more of the hormone that make men men?


Don Juan
Feb 20, 2002
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somewhere in-between where I started and where I a
#1 Testosterone is what makes males males

2 It is proven that African Americans produce more testosterone than the other races
Sources please! Even though If you had any I would disprove them out of sheer common sense.

3 From my expericence, women seem to have a better sexual connection with Black Men than with White Men and a better connection with white man than Aisan men. It is also proven that asian men produce lest test than White men. So, a trend seems to follow.
Exactly, your experience. Since when has one's individual experience justified a generalization about a entire group of persons. Unless you're a geneticist, you're experience means ****!

Also, I want a source about you're "asian men produce less test than white men" bollocks!

Plus according to the Lifestyles Penis size survey (the largest and most accurate one ever conducted) it has been determined that Black men do infact on average have the largest penises. Funny that penis size is also associated with testosterone levels.
ha ha. Nuff said.

So from where I'm looking, you're at 1 out of 4.

Look dude, in no way am I trying to look for an argument. The bottom line is, you're post promotes racial sterotyping that if anyone of reasonable intelligence happens to comes across, they will think you're ignorant.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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St. Louis Area
It could have something to do with this rap and hip-hop crap, and how it glorifies "da 'hood." And also let's consider the fact that it seems, at least to me, that all hip-hop "artists" are black men, expect for Eminem (there may be others...I don't like rap so I don't try to know).

So...since this rap stuff glorifies being bad, most of the singers are black, and women usually prefer "bad boys," it follows that just by being black, you're automatically associated with that.

It's popular culture working in their favor.

I'm white, so I'm not being biased (as what I've said does not favor me). I'm simply stating how things seem to me right now.

How many black nerds have you met? I've only met one, and that was long time ago.



Senior Don Juan
Aug 29, 2004
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Faded Image is dead on right. In my opinion there are slutty girls and good girls of every single race whether they be black, white, latino, asian, indian, or whatnot. Ive dated mostly black women and couple slept with me the first date, couple never gave me any coochie at all. Heck my ex girlfriend was a 26 year old virgin out of Compton and we kissed, fooled around but never got to the real thing and we were together for more than 6 months. Actually it was me showin my desire for sex that caused us to break up cause I was buggin her about it, plus I was too much of a symp. Same goes for all other races of girls. Ive known guys that have been cheated on by their girlfriends(who have happened to be white) and who have slept with white/latino/asian girls on the first date. Bottom line is this, if u follow the DJ bible to a tea, then any girl(black, white, latino, or asian) will be faithful to you.


Jan 19, 2005
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I was going to say, what study ever proved black males produce more testosterone? This is just another stupid myth. Truth be told, most white women don't find black men attractive. It's kind of stupid not to like someone for their race, but it's a fact.

Alpha males are Alpha males, period. I'm a white guy, and I was a champion boxer. I know a black guy who was 10 times the golfer I am. Who cares about race? Being black doesn't make you harder than a white dude. Being white doesn't make you smarter.

Quit with the stupid stereotypes and understand people are people, and we don't fit into stereotypes.

i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Abbott
It could have something to do with this rap and hip-hop crap, and how it glorifies "da 'hood." And also let's consider the fact that it seems, at least to me, that all hip-hop "artists" are black men, expect for Eminem (there may be others...I don't like rap so I don't try to know).

So...since this rap stuff glorifies being bad, most of the singers are black, and women usually prefer "bad boys," it follows that just by being black, you're automatically associated with that.

It's popular culture working in their favor.

I'm white, so I'm not being biased (as what I've said does not favor me). I'm simply stating how things seem to me right now.

How many black nerds have you met? I've only met one, and that was long time ago.

It's obvious who doesn't listen to rap here...:rolleyes:

It doesn't matter what race you are...if you look good, you look good. If you got it, you got it. I WOULD say, though, that black guys tend to have more confidence in themselves, so that helps elevate them above the less confident people. Part of this is because of the hip-hop culture...

I'm asian...I used to be real quiet and shy (though I've been told by girls that "if I did the right things, girls would be all over me)...but I've become a big fan of rap and I find myself with more confidence. Who knew. Maybe everyone should listen to rap once in a while (which ISN'T all about guns and b*tches all the time). :D


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2001
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I wouldn't say that any race has better DJ's than others.
I will say this though, every race will have girls that are interested in them right off the bat because of that.

In my observation the non-black women that are interested in black guys tend to be more aggressive with their interest than say the non-asian women that are interested in asian guys or non-latina's interested in latinos, non-white women interested in white guys.

When you have been pursued aggresively by attractive women that tends to make you more confident.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
The average black man has a bigger c0ck.

The average asian man is richer than a black man.

The average white man...well, is average.

Take a look at the word "AVERAGE". It only applies if you're average. Do you want to be average?

Problem solved.


Don Juan
Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
Canberra, Australia

Sources please! Even though If you had any I would disprove them out of sheer common sense.
I dislike your attitude. You cannot disprove scientific research simply because you don't like it, you actually have to conduct the same experiment with a different sample and produce conflicting results, or conduct another experiment to challenge the foundations of the study. Your sheer "common sense" accounts for absolutely nothing in the scientific world.

For everyone interested in racial differences in testosterone levels, I can tell you a bit about it. When considering simple free testosterone levels, research is conflicting. Some studies find significant differences, others do not. However, simple free testosterone is merely the amount of testosterone that is floating freely through your blood and not actually being used. Testosterone binds to SHBG (sex-hormone binding globulin). Whilst research is conflicting regarding racial differences in free testosterone, it is consistent in finding racial differences in SHBG. African americans typically have around 25% more SHBG than caucasion americans. This means that they are more able to make use of their free testosterone. In other words, there most certainly IS a biological racial difference relating to testosterone, though it is not as clear-cut as simple blood hormone levels.

For sources, see:
Ellis L, Nyborg H. (1992). Racial/ethnic variations in male testosterone levels: a probable contributor to group differences in health. Steroids. 57. p 72-5.

Winters SJ, Brufsky A, Weissfeld J, Trump DL, Dyky MA, Hadeed V. (2001). Testosterone, sex hormone-binding globulin, and body composition in young adult African American and Caucasian men. Metabolism. 50. p 1242-7.

Abdelrahaman E, Raghavan S, Baker L, Weinrich M, Winters SJ. (2005). Racial difference in circulating sex hormone-binding globulin levels in prepubertal boys. Metabolism. 54. p 91-6.

And more that I couldn't be fvcked listing. Find them and check their references for more if you are interested.

Despite what popular culture and "common sense" may tell you, there most certainly are a wide variety of very real biological (ie: genetic) differences between races. The differences are not only in the colour of our skin and our height. It is not racist to acknowledge scientifically factual differences, and to call someone racist simply because they are noting such differences is simply stupid. It's exactly as stupid as calling everyone here sexist because we acknowledge the difference between males and females. There are many, many people, both male and female, who would claim that there are no gender differences beyond our genitals. Who is more stupid? Those who blindly attempt to claim pure inherent equality for fear of prejudice, or those who acknowledge the differences inherent in different groups of people, either as a function of race, gender, culture, religion, etc?


As to the post topic, I would agree that more white women are attracted to black men and black men attracted to white women, than white men are attracted to black women and black women attracted to white men. There's a reason for this: in nearly every culture in the world men are more attracted to girls with lighter skin, and girls are more attracted to men with darker skin. The difference in shade doesn't have to be huge, as in between whites and blacks, but more often can be slight, as in the difference between a tanned person and a pale person. The reason is complex and related to genetic fitness, because skin tone is correlated with certain sex hormones, which in turn determine physical health and propensity for diseases. Lighter skin on females indicates better physical health and better genes, and for males, darker skin indicates these qualities. These differences occur within races, not across races, so it doesn't mean that white men are sickly and black women are prone to disease, nor that white women and black men are invulnerable to health problems. But it does mean that among a given race like caucasions, paler women have better genes and are more feminine, and darker skinned men have better genes and are more masculine.

I could go into a lot more detail but it's unecessary. The point is that genetically speaking, it makes sense that females of any race will be more attracted to darker skinned males, and vice versa.


Jan 19, 2005
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I think you A-holes need to stop watching so many Spike Lee movies. Black men don't have bigge c0cks, white men aren't's all bullshyt.

I'm 6'5 250 lbs...I fought amateur for 2 years...I never lost a fight to a black guy.....but so what? It was because I was a better fighter, or had more stamina..not because of my skin color

People who walk around thinking they're tough because of their skin color are bound to have some surprises. Not all white guys are insecure little wimps. There are plenty of us who can hold there own against anyone...

All this crap sounds like racist bullshty, just like someone said it was going to turn into....mods should close the thread.


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
I think you A-holes need to stop watching so many Spike Lee movies. Black men don't have bigge c0cks, white men aren't's all bullshyt.

I'm 6'5 250 lbs...I fought amateur for 2 years...I never lost a fight to a black guy.....but so what? It was because I was a better fighter, or had more stamina..not because of my skin color

People who walk around thinking they're tough because of their skin color are bound to have some surprises. Not all white guys are insecure little wimps. There are plenty of us who can hold their own against anyone...

All this crap sounds like racist bullshty, just like someone said it was going to turn into....mods should close the thread.


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Read the post. He quoted several sources, and there are plenty of other statistics that say that black men are GENERALLY better endowed.
It has also been acknowledged that statistics speak in terms of numbers and generalities, so whilst not being incorrect as statistics, there are always plenty of deviants from the norm. I have met very intelligent and very stupid people of EVERY race. Reading your post, I don't doubt you are a very masculine white guy, nor that there are black guys out there who are effeminate and perhaps even have small penises (who'da thunk it!). That's not the point.

It is not racist to observe notable physical differences. It is racist to judge a person or discriminate or treat them differently because of their race.
Being a non-racist is not trying to pretend we are all the same, it's saying we are equal AND different; diversity is the spice of life.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 29, 2004
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If there is a reason why some black men are natural DJs, I think it comes from a combination of factors. Many black men go trhough racism both overt and covert whether it its when it comes to being denied for a promition, denied a job, followed around in the store, not being offered a loan, etc. They face discrimination/racism not only from whites but from latinos and asians as well. So when they approach a white/latino/asian woman they come with confidence/nothing to lose attitude cause they know if she rejects him, he can chalk it up to her being racist(whether her reasons for rejecting him were racist or not) and it won't affect his mindset. However,I have noticed from friends and other people that when it comes to dating black women, black men are more likely to become AFC with her. With blk women, they are afraid of rejection and always want to please her which leads to AFC/symp behavior. would u guys tend to agree with this?