I'm not disagreeing with what you wrote.....but some of you guys need to chill out and stop taking online dating so seriously.
Read number 5 again please, I use to be one of those guys, and quality wise you can't compare to the field
It comes off so wierd how you guys bash online dating and how trashy the women on it are, and then turn around and spend all this time and energy composing elaborate essays, rants, analysis, and strategies on how to obtain said trashy women. If it doesn't work for you then why keep banging your head against a wall?
mmh it has been good to me(sometimes slow, sometimes busy, right now its busy season for me), if it hasn't I wouldn't be doing it for 3 years, wouldn't have had 100's of dates/bangs/hooks up etc.
Equally retarded are guys who brag how easy online dating is and everyone else thats struggling is a loser.
nothing to brag about, I'm more impressed with a guy pulling a chick from the bar then online, that requires more game.
Here's my advice....stop giving a f*ck whether you're failing (or succeeding) with women, whether online or in real life.
That's the dumbest crap I've heard, if we didn't care about improving ourselves, not just our lives but with the opposite sex, why bother coming to this site? why even learn seduction?
If you're doing well with it, congratulations have a f*cking cookie.
Can I get some milk too?
If you're struggling, then get ripped, take pictures of you at the pool with your friends and some girls. Otherwise, quit getting your panties in a bunch when women aren't throwing themselves at you. You're not rich, famous, or model good looking....deal with it.
Yeah that's it the old "get buff or ripped" mantra, cause all that matters is looks to get laid or land a girlfriend!
like having your shyt handled, or a personality doesn't matter at all
There problem solved in less than 50 words. Go out, get laid, and FFS get on with your life.