Some girls are destined to be single or femcels


Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
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Single, yes. Femcel? I doubt that more than 3% of women are actually involuntarily celibate. I know one femcel. She's ugly and has a gross flabby body and has been unemployed most of her adult life living at home with her parents. She could get sex if she wanted to, but she doesn't even have the motivation to do that.

There are fat 400lb pigs out there that still get plenty of d!ck.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
How do you figure that?
Both femcels and incels face a mental regressive deadlock that keeps them from making positive decisions. Instead, they remain in a victim mindset that is fueled by arrogance and bitterness. Yes, a femcel can get sex, but she is basically beyond repair from her regressive state. An Incel can always break free from his curse and escape inceldom. It’s not just about sex lol.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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That's not how I read it. And you may live in a city of millions, but how many people do you actually meet on a day? And how many of these people would you date?

I think their demands - decency and 'brains' - are quite a low threshold. Shouldn't be too difficult, but they might be surrounded by opportunistic *******s.

If we're talking about 'ridiculous demands', every female Tinder profile wants a man over 6 feet tall, even when they are under 5 feet themselves. Those demands make no sense, whereas demanding that a man has decency and brains is merely showing you have standards.
Bro, how are you missing the point here? Those nurses were collectively saying that there were no men to date with "brains" in a metro area with a population well into the millions. Do you not understand how ridiculous that is? These women are literally saying that there are no passable/decent men to date. I really don't know how to explain to you how insane that is, this isn't like we are talking about some small town in a rural community with less than 50k people lol.

In a metro area with well over a million people, there are going to be plenty of men that would otherwise meet these standards. I guarantee you that these women would probably reject a plumber or electrician or just about any man that didn't have a college degree, which means jack squat today btw. If they wouldn't reject a man for that reason, I guarantee you that they'd reject men for other trivial things and then wonder why they were still single.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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I agree that there are plenty of involuntary solitude women around large USA metro areas.

Your point about the nurses struggling to date in a USA metro of millions of people does show how fussy they are.

It's true that women can be especially fussy yet put up big notch counts. It's not difficult for a woman to reject 99% of men and yet have had 10+ sexual partners in a 5+ year time frame.
Exactly, you are grasping the point that I was getting at, which the other poster did not seem to understand. This degree of fussiness is honestly not all that unusual either, I've seen many examples of this. A woman could have a basic checklist that a man meets on paper but then reject him for some sort of quirk or personality trait that she doesn't like. It could be something like the tone/manner of your laugh, your sense of humor being incompatible with hers, etc. These are basic personal compatibility issues that go much deeper than surface level dating requirements/expectations. However, there can be very nit picky requirements where these women are rejecting tons of men that are otherwise acceptable relationship material. These are very specific things that I'd have difficulty citing but I've seen women reject men for silly reasons.

Years ago I had gone on a few dates with this woman that ended up getting nowhere. She was incredibly obnoxious and I honestly am kind of amazed I didn't hit her, it was so frustrating. Anyway, she'd make little comments about how I'd repeated myself or already told her something. Or another comment about how I'd say something a certain way and start nit picking it. I should have immediately cut this woman off but I was young and didn't know any better. This is a good example of the stuff I'm talking about, where women are going out of their way to look for things to reject you over.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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This degree of fussiness is honestly not all that unusual either, I've seen many examples of this. A woman could have a basic checklist that a man meets on paper but then reject him for some sort of quirk or personality trait that she doesn't like. It could be something like the tone/manner of your laugh, your sense of humor being incompatible with hers, etc. These are basic personal compatibility issues that go much deeper than surface level dating requirements/expectations. However, there can be very nit picky requirements where these women are rejecting tons of men that are otherwise acceptable relationship material. These are very specific things that I'd have difficulty citing but I've seen women reject men for silly reasons.
Female fussiness has reached extreme levels. Female fussiness is fueled by female abundance.

Female abundance is exacerbated by swipe apps and social media. In the pre-internet era, it would have taken a lot for a woman to get abundance. She would have had to be at bars or events a few nights per week and on first/second dates the nights she was not at bars looking for prospects. Even doing this, a woman would not have gotten near the level of abundance that a woman gets on a swipe app or Instagram today.

Women today have longer dating checklists than they had 20, 30, or 40 years ago.

Nurses in a metro area of 1 million+ would have enough prospects.

This is a good example of the stuff I'm talking about, where women are going out of their way to look for things to reject you over.
Many women also happen to work in Human Resources, which does this exact thing with job applicants. The whole point of HR for jobs is to screen out people. A lot of women apply the HR methodology to dating.

reject a plumber or electrician or just about any man that didn't have a college degree, which means jack squat today
Plumbers and electricians can be good prospects. Some women are silly to reject them. They can make some good money.

The bachelor's degree has been watered down since at least the 1990s. Millennials started to enter college in the early 2000s. The bachelor's degrees that Millennials have gotten and that Gen Z is obtaining are less valuable than a pre-1990 bachelor's degree. A higher percentage of Millennials got bachelor's degrees than predecessor generations. More of something in a market diminishes its value.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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Female fussiness has reached extreme levels. Female fussiness is fueled by female abundance.

Female abundance is exacerbated by swipe apps and social media. In the pre-internet era, it would have taken a lot for a woman to get abundance. She would have had to be at bars or events a few nights per week and on first/second dates the nights she was not at bars looking for prospects. Even doing this, a woman would not have gotten near the level of abundance that a woman gets on a swipe app or Instagram today.

Women today have longer dating checklists than they had 20, 30, or 40 years ago.

Nurses in a metro area of 1 million+ would have enough prospects.

Many women also happen to work in Human Resources, which does this exact thing with job applicants. The whole point of HR for jobs is to screen out people. A lot of women apply the HR methodology to dating.

Plumbers and electricians can be good prospects. Some women are silly to reject them. They can make some good money.

The bachelor's degree has been watered down since at least the 1990s. Millennials started to enter college in the early 2000s. The bachelor's degrees that Millennials have gotten and that Gen Z is obtaining are less valuable than a pre-1990 bachelor's degree. A higher percentage of Millennials got bachelor's degrees than predecessor generations. More of something in a market diminishes its value.
There's been a lot of stats coming out recently showing young men are dropping out of college or not enrolling in the first place. This is in stark contrast with what we saw in the 90s and on, where more and more were enrolling. Women naturally go along with what they've been programmed to do, but men are more likely to recognize that college may not be for them and that it could actually be a bad thing. Then you have these college educated women that think they are super intelligent who refuse to date men that don't have a bachelor's. There's been some recent articles I've seen about women lamenting that there are no acceptable men and they will cite the gender gap in college, where there are more women than men both enrolled and graduating.


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2023
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Before social media it was guys who usually had the more exciting lifestyles. We are more adventurous and outgoing in general. Females would get together and just talk about boys. Because of this natural dynamic, females had to go out to get attention and ignite their dating life. They had to put out more effort and were more “boy crazy.” They actually had to have some level of game.

Social media and online dating killed all of that. Now females think they can just show up and magic will happen. But that’s not how serendipity works.

You can’t attract what you demand, you can only attract what you are.

Modern dating violates all laws of natural and universal serendipity. That’s why people often meet romance at unexpected places.

The universe doesn’t follow humans, humans have to follow universal laws.

And this is why most romances fail. The woman isn’t rejecting you for you. She’s rejecting her lack of serendipity. She was never supposed to meet you. The two of you have zero chemistry. The two of you were manufactured by a fake serendipity dating system created by society that goes against all universal principles of attraction.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Both femcels and incels face a mental regressive deadlock that keeps them from making positive decisions. Instead, they remain in a victim mindset that is fueled by arrogance and bitterness. Yes, a femcel can get sex, but she is basically beyond repair from her regressive state. An Incel can always break free from his curse and escape inceldom. It’s not just about sex lol.
Yeah, but it seems that your so-called femcels need to give other guys a chance rather than being chad's slumpbuster. They do not have a legit probem worthy of any consideration. They are just to fussy. Whereas incels really have an issue.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
Yeah, but it seems that your so-called femcels need to give other guys a chance rather than being chad's slumpbuster. They do not have a legit probem worthy of any consideration. They are just to fussy. Whereas incels really have an issue.
Two pointers to that.

1). Women have to invest their bodies when it comes to relationships. When you have to invest so much with the repeated trauma from failed relationships, why bother anymore?

2). Most men are dog shvt quality. What is she going to get out of dating an incel or boring beta male loser? Stability? Women already have stability in today's world. In addition, you have a lot of men that are good at putting up an act until she gives up her p-sleeve. This only gets worse as she gets older and acquires more baggage as well.

Combine those 2 points and you can see why femcels are really reluctant to date men.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Two pointers to that.

1). Women have to invest their bodies when it comes to relationships. When you have to invest so much with the repeated trauma from failed relationships, why bother anymore?

2). Most men are dog shvt quality. What is she going to get out of dating an incel or boring beta male loser? Stability? Women already have stability in today's world. In addition, you have a lot of men that are good at putting up an act until she gives up her p-sleeve. This only gets worse as she gets older and acquires more baggage as well.

Combine those 2 points and you can see why femcels are really reluctant to date men.
Femscels sound like they are spoiled rotten for their own goods after horing up and going after chads then crying when they hit the wall. Its like a spoiked kid crying that they have to work like everyone else and blaming the patriarchy.

The boring guys should just collectively quit and let society go to ruin because there is nothing in it for them. Guys to maintain the grid, infrastructure, plumbing, etc... See how society will work with women and a few celebrity or suave chads when everyone eventually else says the heck with it? Already you have 2/3rd unhappy guys who will probably be like that.

You see the problem with your arguments is they may have worked in the 00s, but there is just too many guys in the same boat to just speak like that.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
Femscels sound like they are spoiled rotten for their own goods after horing up and going after chads then crying when they hit the wall. Its like a spoiked kid crying that they have to work like everyone else and blaming the patriarchy.

The boring guys should just collectively quit and let society go to ruin because there is nothing in it for them. Guys to maintain the grid, infrastructure, plumbing, etc... See how society will work with women and a few celebrity or suave chads when everyone eventually else says the heck with it? Already you have 2/3rd unhappy guys who will probably be like that.

You see the problem with your arguments is they may have worked in the 00s, but there is just too many guys in the same boat to just speak like that.
Do you want a boring NPC pushover GF or bitter feminist? You will probably say yes because of scarcity, but you will later get sick and tired of both of them. The guy's occupation doesn't mean shvt if he is annoying and huge turn off to be around. Y'all complain about careerist women, but bring up the job stuff for men lol.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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The guy's occupation doesn't mean shvt if he is annoying and huge turn off to be around. Y'all complain about careerist women, but bring up the job stuff for men lol.
You call maintaining the grid "job stuff"? You don't care about the grid?


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Everyone contributes in some manner. Just because they do a certain occupation doesn't mean they are literal gods.
That's a strawman as you have no rebuttal. You just sound like a male feminist that thinks every women is entitled to the top 20% of guys even if she's 3/10, single mother with five kids and is justified in feeling bitter that she's just being used as a chad's slumpbuster and can't get a chad-tier guy to commit. That's your femcel you want to champion? Go ahead. But nobody is going to take you seriously.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Hell, how fussy do you have to be to want a suitor with decency and brains? What is wrong with these nurses? Just eliminating the idea of dating uncouth dummies, what sheer arrogance.
You are missing the point. When women say they want a man with “decency and brains” they don’t actually mean that they want someone who is smart and a good person. If those were their actual criteria, they wouldn’t be single.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
That's a strawman as you have no rebuttal. You just sound like a male feminist that thinks every women is entitled to the top 20% of guys even if she's 3/10, single mother with five kids and is justified in feeling bitter that she's just being used as a chad's slumpbuster and can't get a chad-tier guy to commit. That's your femcel you want to champion? Go ahead. But nobody is going to take you seriously.
So lets go piggy back to my original question. Do you want a boring pushover NPC or a rabid feminist for a gf or wife? My ultimate guess is no if you take away a scarcity mindset. Why is it okay for you to have mental standards for your partner, but a woman should just put up with a dvck head beta male energy guy because he's an electrician? When you go in as a male into dating, the worst you have to lose is money from your bank account. Women have to meet a person that is physically stronger than them which can lead to a lot more potential risk.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
You are missing the point. When women say they want a man with “decency and brains” they don’t actually mean that they want someone who is smart and a good person. If those were their actual criteria, they wouldn’t be single.
Honestly, I think a lot of women that are perpetually single don't even really know what it is they want or are looking for. Many have really odd expectations for men that they may be dating, which results in them eliminating hordes of men, some of whom may actually be good matches for them that they could enter into relationships with. Something I've seen a lot on apps/dating sites is "Can't be a Trump supporter" lol. It could even be them rejecting men that don't drink, who in reality would make good relationship material. One that I've seen a lot is women with degrees refusing to date men that don't have a degree. As I was mentioning earlier, this really doesn't mean anything today but women probably view men without a degree as less intelligent than they are.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
Honestly, I think a lot of women that are perpetually single don't even really know what it is they want or are looking for. Many have really odd expectations for men that they may be dating, which results in them eliminating hordes of men, some of whom may actually be good matches for them that they could enter into relationships with. Something I've seen a lot on apps/dating sites is "Can't be a Trump supporter" lol. It could even be them rejecting men that don't drink, who in reality would make good relationship material. One that I've seen a lot is women with degrees refusing to date men that don't have a degree. As I was mentioning earlier, this really doesn't mean anything today but women probably view men without a degree as less intelligent than they are.
My issue is that you cannot complain about women having standards when the RP constantly complains about careerist, masculine, and etc type women that they refuse to date. It's even to the point where men are willing to sacrifice their first world privileges to live in some El-Tropico shvt hole for a non-American woman.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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My issue is that you cannot complain about women having standards when the RP constantly complains about careerist, masculine, and etc type women that they refuse to date. It's even to the point where men are willing to sacrifice their first world privileges to live in some tropico shvt hole for a non-American woman.
I'm not complaining but discussing some observations of mine of women who are perpetually single. A really good insight into this is the TV Sex and the City. All 4 of the characters struggled with their relationships with men and were constantly dealing with drama. The reason why this TV show was so successful was because the audience, women related to one or more of the characters.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
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I had mentioned this to @SW15 but years ago I had a family member that worked at a hospital in a major metro in the northeast. Anyway, this family member told me about all of these young nurses, mid 20s through early 30s, lamenting about being single and struggling to find a relationship. I then listened further and these nurses were saying how there were no decent men in the area nor any men with "brains" that they could date. So, in a metro area with a population well into the millions there are not any men that met there criteria? These women were single because their fussiness was to the degree where they literally eliminated the vast majority of men as viable suitors lol.
Completely normal.

I took this 43 year old divorced women out to a nice dinner for her bday last weekend. She was really dressed up with makeup and I was dressed down a little sloppy because we were friends. I’ve tried to make some hard moves on her years ago and she rejected me hard each time, so I didn’t see the need to dress up.

Anyway at dinner, she told me she won’t talk to a guy in a club unless the guy is 6’1 and Brad Pitt look alike. Any other guy that tries to talk to her, she will brush off. I was surprised, I mean, maybe at 23 you could have that power, but at 43? And divorced? I don’t think so.