I am almost insulted by this.
I'm black, and I think people need to get their heads out of their asses. Being black is a skin color, it is not a way of acting. You can act 'hood', or 'thug', or whatever other subcultural thing there is in urban America. I'm born in Europe, and I think it's ignorant when people either think a) I'm acting white because I speak proper English, dress normally, etc., or b) expect me to be thugalicious. The only thing that distinguishes racially different people is a handful of genes. People should make an effort to meet people from different races and make conclusions based on that, not to take what they see on TV or what Bill O'Reilly or some skinhead tells them and take that as the standard for an entire race of people.
I deign to use the word 'race' because people lump up people of the same race as somehow being the same. White South Africans and Danish people are the same race, but are definitely not the same people.
There's so much ignorance in the world, it's a little ridiculous.
I do agree that there's socioeconomic factors, but not because of race, but because of your POCKETBOOK. I know a rich Hispanic dude who pulls golddiggers everywhere, because he's actually rich. If you're black and rich, you can get gold diggers too (Kanye).