By the way, so everyone can keep their history in perspective.
Egypt invented papyrus, basic engineering (pyramids, sphinx), brain surgery, and more, while Europe was a big group of tribes fighting each other, SELLING EACH OTHERS AS SLAVES.
China invented gunpowder, silk, and more while, again, Europe was fighting itself.
Timbuktu was the richest city in the world, and a trade capital for most of the Old World. Meanwhile, Europeans were killing each other, and the continent was a sh*thole.
Before the Romans invaded the majority of Southern Europe, it was also a sh*thole.
Europe experienced a Dark Age lasting about almost 900 years, where technological advance was stagnant, life expectancy was frighteningly low, and there was little standard of living to speak of. Top that off with a plague that wiped out a third of its population.
The parallels to modern-day Africa aren't hard to see. Africa has been a mess since the beginnings of colonialism (while tribalism was being pushed down in favor of Europe-backed gov'ts) and continues to be one. That's a 400~ year Dark Age. AIDS, like the bubonic plague, has and will kill millions of people.
Notice that Europe (the white man) and the rest of the world switched positions of power over the past 400-500 years or so. This does not prove white superiority, or imply that white people always pull Black people UP, not DOWN. I can argue that Europeans "helped" African colonies because the colonies were tribal and uncentralized (Germany and France in Roman times) and that a more structured, powerful entity (Rome) helped establish infrastructure and a government with its enormous wealth.
These supposed proofs of Black incompetence are one of many iterations of HISTORICAL CYCLES that have occurs since the dawn of time. Domination by the "white man" will cease once China and India fix up their act, help develop Southeast Asia, and take over the world with a larger, better trained, and cheaper workforce.