Society is fvcked


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Amsterdam, NL
Pause for a second there.

Can we stop beating a dead horse here?


Call me feminist but your point would have been more convincing without
"manginas" "shamers" "taking turns to ride the alpha guy" and the "wh0re" name-calling.

Ice pointed that out too.

It could have been an interesting debate and although I played advocate of the devil to some extent, I won't argue with the fact that men produce more testo and have a stronger sex drive than women.

So yes, I actually AGREE with your point.

Studies about frequency of sex in same gender relationship offer a clear illustration of that gap: lesbians in relationships report less intercourse than gay men in relationships and fewer partners. It tells you something about male vs female sex drive doesn't it?

So not only I AGREE, but I back it up with data. Just ask if you'd like the references the aforementionned studies.

We agreed on 75% YET it escalated into a argument.


For any dialog to be truly successful, you can’t discount the feelings and observations of the “other side,” or else you risk your own feelings and observations being discarded by the people you are trying to reach... even when there's an overlap between your opinion and theirs.

So yes, it pissed me off because the macho rethoric you used is obscuring a potentially interesting debate.

This forum is supposed to be a place for guys to help each other out with dating tips, not a place to flat out insult a guy's girlfriend... or any girl for that matters.


I don't go by calling ANYONE an 'old wh0re' because I'm in no position to judge ANYONE for their life choices.

Much less, make offensive assumptions such as the ones you made (btw do imagine saying half of what you implied about my girl IRL without getting punched? You'd never dare say that to a guy in a bar, don't do it here. It's lame and you know it.).

Yes, I love my girl and I'm proud of being her man.

And God, I feel stronger for it. I can't just let it fly.

Here it's said. I can only wish that you find this kind of love in your life.

Now back to the big picture:

Women are not without faults and neither are men. Over-simplifications and generalizations are a dead-end when discussing love, sex and relationships.

One of my best friend is a former adult entertainer AND a caring mother of two who raised two succesful sons AND a talented artist whose music has brought joy to countless people.

So, even just for her, I wouldn't let anyone judge someone's worth based solely on their number of partners. I can imagine that in joining sosuave you have inherited a certain ideology: "men are either alpha or betas with manginas, women are either qualiity potential LTRs or slvts. "

Challenge it, for your own sake.

I would sincerely like to warn you against adopting an ideology which nothing else than a Manichean view of the world.

Instead, embrace its diversity and its complexity.

Or at least be more humble when giving advice to the OP.

Your emotions got in the way....

("wait so guys have emotions too? is he a feminist or what?")

You admit that your feelings were hurt:

I got the same feeling when I saw the bull$hit being spouted in this thread that men are wimps if they can't handle women that get around, calling it insecurity. So I acted on it and gave my own reply in kind. If it hurt his feelings, that's too bad.
I blame that on cognitive dissonnance. Suddenly someone was trying to tell you that things were not as simple as you thought they were. And deep inside, you know there far more complex that you care to admit.

For all we know, and we're not omniscient Gods, this 20 years whom we have never met may turn out to be an amazing, loving girlfriend and mother some years down the line. Yes, even in spite of a series of ONS in College.

Who knows?

I have been dating women, a lot of women for half of my life. Don't worry for me, I CAN identify red flags. I have gained some solid common sense along the way. So yes: sleeping with that many guys at her young age is indeed an impressive body count for her age. It would tick me off.

But absolute truths based on pop psychology can affect somebody's life. Act responsibly when you post and avoid labelling or insulting people.

Take care


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
South Africa
Seems like the guys on this website love sluts probably because sluts are the only thing they can get. just saying.

Gray The Prince

Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
SamTheHobit said:
Seems like the guys on this website love sluts probably because sluts are the only thing they can get. just saying.
Lol, you have NO room to talk about ANYBODY. Just saying. :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2010
Reaction score
Rollo Tomassi said:
ANDREW DICE CLAY: Hey, is that your chick there?


DICE: Damn she's pretty hot!

GUY: Yeah,..

DICE: You been together a while?

GUY: About 6 months.

DICE: Nice. She faithful to you?

GUY: Oh yeah.

DICE: She good in bed?

GUY: *nods head enthusiastically*

DICE: She suck a good d!ck?

GUY: (laughing) Oooh yeah,..heheh,..

DICE: I suppose the next question would be, "How do you suppose she got that way?"

If you had a GF who was smoking hot, well adjusted mentally, loyal, would make a good mother, came from a good family, etc. etc., but would only ever begrudgingly have sex with you, in missionary position only, never consider giving you head, and only once a month because she thought that sex was dirty and she didn't want to be thought of as a slut, would you marry her?

Every man wants a slut, he just wants her to be HIS slut.
Truer words have rarely been spoken here, Rollo. I'm almost 40, my GF is 40. I EXPECT that she has had a sexual past. I'm GLAD she has had an abundant sexual past, because she does things I never even heard about during my 10 year marriage to a (then) virgin. Number of sexual partners means NOTHING in and of itself, statistics be damned. It's the number of times someone has gone OUTSIDE their committed relationships for sex that is the REAL number to worry about.

Yes, I want her to fvck like a slut, and I want her to be MY slut. :rockon: