Society is fvcked


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
what i don't get, and this peeves me with young men. I never was like this even at my worst... guys say "you know having sex and all is great, but I am not like that, i want to be MARRIED". AND THEY ARE like freaking 19-21 years old lol. Like dude, you know, you can want to get married, and still have sex with women, it's not like you have to take 1 career path over the other or something. marrige should not even be in your ****ing vocabulary until you are 27-28 years old, and you should not seriously consider it until you are 30. you don't have **** to offer, you have not made anything of yourself, and you have not gotten the best option you can. you are literary settling for the first girl that is half ass reasonable, you haven't sowed your oats yet, you haven't developed a true palate for what you do and do not like when it comes to women, etc. i can go on and on.

the OP, is the guy you see his wife doing armature BBC gangbang porn and posting videos on spankwire and **** in 10 years.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 7, 2011
Reaction score
Hold up your are 20 years old and want to settle down. HaHaHaHa ha wow thats sound like some straight of bullsh!t sorry. Someone sexual history is there business. Your 20 and she 17 why are you even wasting your time with a girl so young smh. Oh well you live and your learn


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
Waa. One girl is a slut, so I built a bunker so I'll have some safety when society succums to the 2012 Slutpocalypse.

Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
slaog said:
In his eyes shes a skank. Just because you don't mind womens past it doesn't mean everyone else should. He only found out about her by doing some detective work.
So let's get this straight.

Let's say you have a girlfriend, and you're treating her well, giving her no reason to suspect you of anything wrong...

You come home one day and find that she's gone through your computer files, your journals, your cell phone, etc...

It's okay because she's just doing some "detective work"?

Seems like this is the reason police need a search warrant to enter your home. So they can't just barge in without any proof or reasonable suspicion to do "detective work". If there's reason to suspect you of cheating (you're getting calls at 2am, you smell like another girl's perfume, etc)..then okay I can understand a girl (or guy) getting paranoid and looking through your stuff.

You don't want to think that every time you leave your house, your girl is going to be doing "detective work" to find something wrong with you. Hey if you dig deep enough, you can find dirt on anybody. Seems like a terrible way to live your life though.

Like the other guy said, it sounds like some girl (or multiple girls) must have broke your heart some time in your life.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
South Africa
slaog said:
In his eyes shes a skank. Just because you don't mind womens past it doesn't mean everyone else should. He only found out about her by doing some detective work.

Where does this idea come from that checking somebody out its a defensive thing that AFC's do. Its something anybody with a brain would do. If you're buying a new car you'll check its history.. if you're one of the smart people. If you're one of the naive you'll believe everything the salesman is telling you.

When you know what the woman is like then thats that. The detective work is done early in the relationship and you can either move on or not.

Just like wearing a condom, its taking the safe option.
Finnaly some common sense.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
men or women don't snoop through people's ****. especially someone you aren't married to. that's not "common sense" that's chumpish and insecure. If you don't have the balls to ask someone something, then you don't need to know the answer. If you want to know if she is a ***** that bad, ****ing find out like a man does, ask her or even better, notice her behavior.

do you really want someone snooping through your ****? everyone has habits that aren't really marketable. I like gangbang porn (and my computer files confirm this lol), I have like 398348393 serial numbers on my laptop for damn near everything, do I really want my GF going through my outlook folder and reading every last email I have with all my clients? or what about that "my baby" saved phone number name I have from like 5 years ago that I forgot to delete (who the hell is your baby, so you are cheating on me?) hell no, personal is personal for a reason. Frnakely I don't want to see the **** in her email, or her phone.
It's no different then my clients in my business. nothing is wrong with wanting to know who you are dealing with. It's how you go about getting the information that raises red flags. I tell all my clients I have PAGES of references (and I do), we have an elance account and a guru account which are both spotless, the guru account being one of the highest on the entire site which I am more than happy to provide to a client. A client that, when you tell this information to, or even if you don't, they go and start snooping on the internet for information about you.. that's not a client i want, under any circumstances, lol, why would you want to deal with someone who automatically assumes the worse in every thing they partake in?? when you start snooping through your SO's phone, you are already assuming the worse. that's not someone i can date. You will find dirt, or **** you perceive as dirt, beucase that's what you are looking for.

i don't do hard drugs anymore and haven't for a while. I remember one day, about 4 years ago when I was AA, I was a sponsor to this guy. He was about 10 seconds from relapsed, and called me, damn near needle in arm, and asked me to come get him. i did. I let him / made him stay at my house for a few days. I didn't think anything of it. He is actually still clean today thank god. Anyway, about a week later, not a week maybe 3 weeks but a few days later, this chick i was dating, while i was in the bathroom taking a shower getting ready to go out, came to me when i got out and was like "why didn't you tell me you do drugs, i don't date drug addicts". long story short, i forgot to get the drugs from the guy, when he came in my house and he stashed them in my kitchen draw.. about an 8ball of dope, and had completely forgot about it. It hit me what happened, and i didn't even bother explaining myself to the woman i told her to get out and never called her again. I mean it wasn't open she had to look for that ****, i called the guy and asked where he put it, she was digging for gold in my house while i was in the shower. that's not appreciated. Not only that, the fact that she knew what it WAS in the first place (black tar heroin, not something that the avg joe can look at and know what it was), told me that there was more to this cat then met the eye. She found what she perceived as dirt, could not possibly have been further from the truth versus what actually went down and in the process outed herself. she was a hot little thing too. That's why you don't search for "dirt" on people. grow up people.

even when she found it should could have played it off, like look, dont' get mad at me, but i need to ask you something. I was looking for X and I found this. I have a brother or sister or cousin that does this, I know what it is. I'm not going to assume the worse, can you explain to me what this is? and that would have been that. But because she was looking for dirt, and she "found" dirt, she was like a ha! i knew he was too good to be true or i knew somehting was wrong, etc. Things are quite often not what they seem. The irony of it was, when I actually Was using drugs, my house was cleaner than an operating room lol. you'd have had no freaking idea.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
Mantis Toboggan said:
So let's get this straight.

Let's say you have a girlfriend, and you're treating her well, giving her no reason to suspect you of anything wrong...

You come home one day and find that she's gone through your computer files, your journals, your cell phone, etc...

It's okay because she's just doing some "detective work"?

I've no problem with that because I've nothing to hide.

Mantis Toboggan said:
Like the other guy said, it sounds like some girl (or multiple girls) must have broke your heart some time in your life.

If you want to believe that you can. I already answered that.

If a fathers daughter came home with a guy then its likely he'd want to investigate who the guy is. Is that because he got hurt by another daughters boyfriend or is it because he's looking out for his daughter and being a responsible parent?

I've stricter standards than most people and I make no apology for not trusting a girl who I've just met.

Go back and look at my previous posts and you'll see I'm not that negative towards women and have always said there's plenty of quality women out there but I also think its wise to be cautious of new women for various reasons.

Some people are paranoid and will not trust anybody. Thats one extreme the other extreme is pretending everybody is telling the truth and turning a blind eye to them. I think what I'm saying is very balanced, good advice. Theres enough sob stories on this site of guys who have been stung badly for being too naive with women.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Amsterdam, NL
- There's a world of difference between being too naive and getting all revved up when you find out your girl has slept with other guys before you.

- Virginity is overrated. Many posters seem worried about girls having too much baggage or being used goods. Having little or no experience sexually can be just as disastrous for a relationship.

And really, how can you think a girl's having sex is "damaging her" and yet give it to her? Oh wait, double standards? When you do it to her, it's fine. But everytime she had sex with someone else before she lost a bit of value? Not a very healthy way to look at sex. It seems to be like the only getting damaged here is your fragile ego.

- Deal with it, girls have sexual urges and they do sleep with guys. Why turn into Talibans and get all shocked? As far as I'm concerned, the one thing that's a REAL red flag is wether or not she practiced safe sex consistently and got tested regularly for STD's. In short, it's ok she had fun as long as she did it responsibly, for her own sake and that of other's.

- Society is not more or less fvcked or morally corrupted than it ever was. Don't make such generalizations on the state of the world based on one experience with a girl.

- I don't see how your looks or athletic abilities are relevant to this topic. :confused:

- If you should walk away from this thread with one valuable piece of advice: your ego is still way too fragile for a relationship at this point. You'll be ready when you can deal with the fact that people do have a past and that a girl chose you over any other she's slept with or could sleep with. Don't take this as an attack, I have been there myself and it only revealed my insecurities.

- IF you decide to stick with her, don't hold her past against her and make her apologize or feel like crap about something she did before you knew her. Her experiences made her who she is now for better or for worse. Make her feel guilty and ashamed and she'll only resent you for it.

- Historically, I guess it's fair to say that men have been terrified of women's sexual urges and have done their best to keep their legs crossed (genital mutilation, religious and moral injunctions etc.) Granted, a man surely wants to raise his own children and promote his own genes rather than some other dude's. Yet, why stick our head in the sand and deny the fact that women are sexual creatures too? Contraception has made it far less risky for them or us to engage in recreationnal sex. There's not a damn thing you can do to turn back the hands of time.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
Blusher said:
- There's a world of difference between being too naive and getting all revved up when you find out your girl has slept with other guys before you.

- Virginity is overrated. Many posters seem worried about girls having too much baggage or being used goods. Having little or no experience sexually can be just as disastrous for a relationship.

And really, how can you think a girl's having sex is "damaging her" and yet give it to her? Oh wait, double standards? When you do it to her, it's fine. But everytime she had sex with someone else before she lost a bit of value? Not a very healthy way to look at sex. It seems to be like the only getting damaged here is your fragile ego.

- Deal with it, girls have sexual urges and they do sleep with guys. Why turn into Talibans and get all shocked? As far as I'm concerned, the one thing that's a REAL red flag is wether or not she practiced safe sex consistently and got tested regularly for STD's. In short, it's ok she had fun as long as she did it responsibly, for her own sake and that of other's.

- Society is not more or less fvcked or morally corrupted than it ever was. Don't make such generalizations on the state of the world based on one experience with a girl.

- I don't see how your looks or athletic abilities are relevant to this topic. :confused:

- If you should walk away from this thread with one valuable piece of advice: your ego is still way too fragile for a relationship at this point. You'll be ready when you can deal with the fact that people do have a past and that a girl chose you over any other she's slept with or could sleep with. Don't take this as an attack, I have been there myself and it only revealed my insecurities.

- IF you decide to stick with her, don't hold her past against her and make her apologize or feel like crap about something she did before you knew her. Her experiences made her who she is now for better or for worse. Make her feel guilty and ashamed and she'll only resent you for it.

- Historically, I guess it's fair to say that men have been terrified of women's sexual urges and have done their best to keep their legs crossed (genital mutilation, religious and moral injunctions etc.) Granted, a man surely wants to raise his own children and promote his own genes rather than some other dude's. Yet, why stick our head in the sand and deny the fact that women are sexual creatures too? Contraception has made it far less risky for them or us to engage in recreationnal sex. There's not a damn thing you can do to turn back the hands of time.
No offence the first part of this post reminds me some answer from a woman,it's not a matter of ego some guys posted in this same site some stats where divorce rate and random crap from women were proportional to the number of sex partner they had.
Not hard to realise,just see which countries have the slvttiest women and u'll see those are the same countries were marriage is a bet.

Sincerly all the cultural "accomplishment" we got in the last 20-30 years in the sexual relationship field are nothing more than crap.
I'm talking about "women love sex as much as men and if you don't like a hor it's a double standard etc".
We're programmed to desire a woman that is "ours" read that our as "nobody else pushed his d1ck inside her".

And about him reminding her of her past,you're right in that case nothing good for him would come from that,however making sure girls in general realise that spreading legs 24/7 have conseguences would save us all many problems.

All the guys here seems to be cool spinning plates because it's not them going to marry that girl at 35,but they fail to remember that maybe someone else is spinning their future wife and that mouth is gonna kiss their children.

Maybe this is not a modern vision and it's completely possible that my culture is not as advanced as the ones of the guys here but at least I don't bvll**** myself.


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
I think that you can't handle the idea that women are their own persons, and they are not going to be virgins until they meet YOU. As you get older, you realize, if you have any intellectual honesty, that women of, say, 30 years of age, are going to have had sex with a dozen men or more. They are no more willing to do without, or marry an inexperienced lover than you are.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Amsterdam, NL
Danger said:
Shamers and manginas, follow the logic without getting your feelings hurt.

  1. Testosterone is the major component of sex drive.
  2. Men have many multiples of testosterone in their system than women do.
  3. Men are thus hornier and will go after sex far more than women do.
  4. When you encounter a woman who has sex as often as a man, due to the above, there is almost certainly something unbalanced.
  5. Avoid the unbalanced. Call her a wh0re or worthless or what have you, but avoid her. She will only cost you.
Absolutely!It's also know that elevated levels of dopamine trigger the production of testosterone. Meaning that when a girl falls in love with you (just an assumption, bear with me) her levels of testosterone hence her sex drive will sky rocket. Therefore you should avoid her at any costs following your brilliant logic. And it's true, she will cost you energy. You're damn right to stick to the ones who will have sex once a week missionary style. Or do you do guys instead? Wouldnt be surprised, get out of the closet dude, your last message was speaking volumes about your confused sexuality.

Boohoo, be afraid, be very afraid of women who like sex. rotfl


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Amsterdam, NL
Danger said:
Uh oh, someone is commited to a wh0re. So sorry bro but don't worry, I'm sure we've all had a piece of her and give you some advice.

Did you ever wonder why the hot monkey-sex with a new girl wears off over time? Could it be that Dopamine is only a temporary production? So if she is equaling you in sex partners, it means she is hopping from one dopamine event to another. Think about it.

You jersey shore lovers amaze me in how you can't see anywhere past the next five minutes.
Abslutely, it wears off to some extent. It does for men too. If you know everything about teststerone you should know that married men for instance have lower levels of testosterone.

Equalling me in sex partners would indeed be worrying given the age difference.

In the meantime, think about why you hate women so much. mummy didnt love you maybe?

As for calling anyone a *****, I'd be glad to make you eat those words anytime.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Amsterdam, NL
Danger said:
So you're saying a man's testosterone will level out to be the same as a woman's of the same age? Regarding men and women of similar age, as a general rule the man will always have a significantly higher sex drive than the woman. All you are attempting is to muddy the waters instead of admitting the truth.

Let's count everything in bold we have so far.....

  1. Insulted me.
  2. Nervous "rotfl" to release his tension on the subject.
  3. Defends his wh0re by making threats.

Looks like I hit the mark.

So tell me, how many c0cks has she gobbled? Has she done the migrant worker gangbang yet?
I was merely helping you find your sexual orientation so you wouldn't have to deal with women anymore. Obviously you seem to hate them to no end.

As for your circular reasoning, it is indeed laughable.

You have done your fair share of insulting. Now, you're Holier the Thou?

Pointing out you're probably gay is not per se an insult whereas wh0re is a deprecating term so yes. Not to mention the xenophobic last sentence of your post.

You're only worth contempt at this point. I hope you find peace someday. Until then...


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Danger said:
So you're saying a man's testosterone will level out to be the same as a woman's of the same age? Regarding men and women of similar age, as a general rule the man will always have a significantly higher sex drive than the woman. All you are attempting is to muddy the waters instead of admitting the truth.

Let's count everything in bold we have so far.....
  1. Insulted me.
  2. Nervous "rotfl" to release his tension on the subject.
  3. Defends his wh0re by making threats.
Looks like I hit the mark.

So tell me, how many c0cks has she gobbled? Has she done the migrant worker gangbang yet?
gobble gobble gobble gobble lol.. that's all i got


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Amsterdam, NL
Thanks for the humbling lesson.

I guess I should break up with my loving, dedicated, clever and moral girlfriend simply based on some offensive assumption you made. :confused:

Back to the original point I made : stop freaking out when a woman has/had a sexual life. You're twisting it out of proportion to vent your frustrations.

For god's sake, get a life.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Danger said:
Your irritation and anger at that assertations tells me everything I need to know about you.
He's just defending the image he has of his girl. You're trying to paint her out to be some kind of ***** (we don't know either way), and it's making him angry.

Would you not be angry if some dude started making fun of your girl? Or would you just sit there and take it?


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Danger said:

Apparently I hit enough of a nerve that you do not get it.

You are taking black or white. Of course a girl will have had a sexual past. But there is a context to everything. It does not mean it is ok to grab just any old wh0re.

If you love wh0res then by no means should you break up with one if you are commited to her. Good for you mate.

You got your panties all twisted up when I made a simple logical argument that women who have higher counts then men are generally trouble. Your irritation and anger at that assertations tells me everything I need to know about you.
Not that I particularly care about the argument. I kind of enjoy watching it. But your first post called everyone of an opposing viewpoint a "mangina" and a "bunch of college girls".

Hell, it almost provoked me into writing a reply before the other guy did. But then I realized that I don't feel like talking about this anymore, so I deleted it.

Not that I feel like looking through the thread again, but I think more people are sh*tting on the OP for reading through is girl's private stuff. Not necessarily calling his girl an angel. A 17 year old girl whose banged 20 guys obviously has some issues. But the OP went about getting this information in the gayest, neediest way possible.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Danger said:
Bottom line, if you're going to get personal with someone when they state logical facts to form an opinion, then you better be ready to get some heat in return. He has to face reality.
Agreed. We still don't have much in the way of facts though. Keep in mind that his opinion of his woman and the reality can be two separate things.

We all look at the world through rose colored glasses.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
ANDREW DICE CLAY: Hey, is that your chick there?


DICE: Damn she's pretty hot!

GUY: Yeah,..

DICE: You been together a while?

GUY: About 6 months.

DICE: Nice. She faithful to you?

GUY: Oh yeah.

DICE: She good in bed?

GUY: *nods head enthusiastically*

DICE: She suck a good d!ck?

GUY: (laughing) Oooh yeah,..heheh,..

DICE: I suppose the next question would be, "How do you suppose she got that way?"

If you had a GF who was smoking hot, well adjusted mentally, loyal, would make a good mother, came from a good family, etc. etc., but would only ever begrudgingly have sex with you, in missionary position only, never consider giving you head, and only once a month because she thought that sex was dirty and she didn't want to be thought of as a slut, would you marry her?

Every man wants a slut, he just wants her to be HIS slut.