So anyway to salvage this? Call in a week?
Text in a week?
-With this bird, you don't do anything more until she gets back in touch. You've called and asked her out and she hasn't responded. If she does get back to you, you need to be light and with an air of zero fcks given. You also probably shouldn't mention meeting again either, unless she does. You have been far too over-eager already with this one.
-You have to learn to genuinely give zero fcks. When you do not give a single fck, your life with women becomes infinitely easier.
-Less with the compliments, and going on about what a nice time you had. She knows you had a nice time, don't be like every other guy on the block. I realise this is what they do in the movies, but it's not how real life works. Don't be soft and romantic, that's not what turns women on. Telling her what to do, telling her how sexy she is, leading the way and making decisions will turn her on.
-You don't ask the girl out again the day after a date; it shows her you have nothing going on in your life and you're basically waiting around to see her again. You wait until the next week. You text her, set a date, then you go about your business,
not giving a fck. Get a life outside of women, spin loads of plates. Women want a man who is desired by other women.
-What you do need to is date more girls. A lot more. With the greatest of respect, you really need the practice.
-You are coming from a place of scarcity and you reek of it. Women can smell weakness on a man like a shark can smell blood. Respect yourself, believe in yourself, be proud of yourself, otherwise no one else will.