So whats going on here...

Learning Curve

Senior Don Juan
Feb 7, 2023
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@TheGambino I think you got too greedy. She has her schedule, your schedule, and her boyfriends schedule to work around. Take advantage of opportunity when it presents itself. Don't worry so much about playing these tit for tat, I am the prize, all about me power play games. This is a different ball game than getting a chic that is actually single.
Yeap This.

Women with boyfriends that want to cheat are more careful and they are usually undeceive if they want to do it, especially for a second time.

All you need is a gentle push and no need to have take-aways like that. A gentle message stating your schedule, and for her to get back to you that's all.

Guys take this take-aways to the extreme, and think that they apply to every situation. They don't. You have to adapt to every situation.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
Yeap This.

Women with boyfriends that want to cheat are more careful and they are usually undeceive if they want to do it, especially for a second time.

All you need is a gentle push and no need to have take-aways like that. A gentle message stating your schedule, and for her to get back to you that's all.

Guys take this take-aways to the extreme, and think that they apply to every situation. They don't. You have to adapt to every situation.
That’s solid advice thank you sir


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
Hmm @Glassguy i agree. That text when I said I don’t do maybe confirmations for a meet up let’s leave it for another day made her probably a bit scared or some sh*t. She deleted me from her private Snapchat posts, but not from Snapchat. She doesn’t send snaps anymore of herself anymore and posts a picture of dinner with her guy with a heart. She lost some interest I guess. Fcked that I handled it this way and shouldn’t send the text about 2 hours is a bit short which made her doubt to visit.

Now my only play is to run into her and talk again. I know the answer here.

Ofc running more plates.

The Diver

Master Don Juan
Aug 25, 2017
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and she sends heart emojis. Another week later I ask her to come over again and she says okay thursday 7 but i only have 2 hours max because i got to go to work.
I say well thats a bit short and try to give her different time, and another day to chose from which she replies. ''both days don't really fit to be honest'' I reply with the take away. Well if your busy lets do it some other time which she replies okay.
You should have taken the two-hour offer. You never know; it could turn out to be a few hours. And if not, you had a great two hours. Win-Win.
I think from your other posts, you often play it 'too hard to get" trying to present yourself as a high status man , and end up shooting your foot.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Stop trying to date her. If she only has 2 hours then she only has 2 hours. She lives with her boyfriend.

Trying to play these nonsense games simply is fvcking yourself out of fvcking her.

I don't understand what your goal is here.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
You should have taken the two-hour offer. You never know; it could turn out to be a few hours. And if not, you had a great two hours. Win-Win.
I think from your other posts, you often play it 'too hard to get" trying to present yourself as a high status man , and end up shooting your foot.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

This is a lesson in what NOT to do with a random chick who is DTF.

She is going to have limited time, if that is a problem then find a woman who doesnt have to sneak around when her boyfriend isn't there.

She probably didn't reply because you are creating needless barriers for her to get around and she is probably like's simply not worth it. You job is to make things easy for her in the situation she is in, not trying to play dumb games and make her jump thru a bunch of hoops, then complain and wonder why nothing is happening.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

This is a lesson in what NOT to do with a random chick who is DTF.

She is going to have limited time, if j that is a problem then find a woman who doesnt have to sneak around when her boyfriend isn't there.

She probably didn't reply because you are creating needless barriers for her to get around and she is probably like's simply not worth it. You job is to make things easy for her in the situation she is in, not trying to play dumb games and make her jump thru a bunch of hoops, then complain and wonder why nothing is happening.
@BackInTheGame78 @thediver @Glassguy

I know you guys are right now I wasted it. Since then she watches my stories on snap but doesn’t send anything anymore. Can I reach out or should I just wait to see her randomly again?

I think texting is a bit thirsty now. We’re n.C. since 1,5 weeks now


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2022
Reaction score
We’re n.C. since 1,5 weeks now
You're in No Contact, but she probably isn't.

She's likely moved on and not giving it further thought

On a different but related note, in general you're "too thirsty" as you put it.

i.e., not just in regards to this particular women.

That's not meant as a personal attack, rather an observation.

It's sometimes easier to see these things from the outside looking in, or after having gone through them yourself and having had the benefit of hindsight + time passed & reflection.

I believe I've had some of the same types of behaviours and thoughts processes as you in the past based on how and what you write about (may have just manifested a bit differently)
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Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Any ideas whats the best course of action here and also whats going on in her mind?
You didn't meet her randomly.

She made it happen.

She was curious about you and had a night with you.

Now she's not longer interested in you.

Maybe being polite because you're neighbors, maybe she wants to keep you as an orbiter, who knows.

This one's done.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
You didn't meet her randomly.

She made it happen.

She was curious about you and had a night with you.

Now she's not longer interested in you.

Maybe being polite because you're neighbors, maybe she wants to keep you as an orbiter, who knows.

This one's done.
@taiyuu_otoko your right. She parked her car in front of my house twice in a row at the same time I get home. She made it happen i realize, your on point.


Sep 10, 2014
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@taiyuu_otoko @Canadian_Man one more text ? Hey how are you and ask to meet up
I really don't get you.

Are you a masochist?

You had it easy, decide you wanted to make it as hard as possible on yourself and she bailed because no women wants that stress in her life, now you freak out and want to make something happen at all costs?

Like seriously, WTF is wrong with you?

Literally all you had to do is not create needless obstacles for her and things would have been fine, but you did and now you somehow want to figure out how to "unfvck yourself" after you fvcked yourself.

It doesn't work that way with women. after you fvck yourself in that way, all you can do is learn from it and not so the same thing again.

Except you don't actually seem to learn from it because you are more interested in trying to play a role and project a persona instead of just being fluid and adapting to situations as they come.

Excess rigidity ends up costing you in many aspects of life, not only with women. Fluidity is what you need to start adapting. You don't always have to try to "prove you are alpha" to these women. They see thru it.

Just let sh!t happen. Goddamn how many times can you get in your own way with women before you learn from it and stop?


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
I really don't get you.

Are you a masochist?

You had it easy, decide you wanted to make it as hard as possible on yourself and she bailed because no women wants that stress in her life, now you freak out and want to make something happen at all costs?

Like seriously, WTF is wrong with you?

Literally all you had to do is not create needless obstacles for her and things would have been fine, but you did and now you somehow want to figure out how to "unfvck yourself" after you fvcked yourself.

It doesn't work that way with women. after you fvck yourself in that way, all you can do is learn from it and not so the same thing again.

Except you don't actually seem to learn from it because you are more interested in trying to play a role and project a persona instead of just being fluid and adapting to situations as they come.

Excess rigidity ends up costing you in many aspects of life, not only with women. Fluidity is what you need to start adapting. You don't always have to try to "prove you are alpha" to these women. They see thru it.

Just let sh!t happen. Goddamn how many times can you get in your own way with women before you learn from it and stop?
I understand but she’s still attracted to me has to. I saw how she was around me so I can fvck her again. But should I text or just forget about it and see what happens when I see her again in the street in front of my house?

That’s all I want to know. I read your post and I will not make those mistakes again.

Thnx all for the feedback.
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Don Juan
Oct 1, 2022
Reaction score
The perceived sliver of hope, no matter how small, is part of what is keeping you engaged.

However, the risk-reward analysis makes this pretty clear cut.

Logically speaking, your chances of succeeding in "making something happen" by "doing something" are very low at this point, and your cost of trying is higher than you think it is.

For your own mental peace, you are better off:

-Not texting again

-Not trying again

-Not checking out whether she's parked near you again and wondering what that means

-Not any of it

-Assume that there's no hope, that it's over, and move on.

Your energy would be better spent on your work, your hobbies, your health, and other women.

In the unlikely event that she throws herself at you, then treat that as a bonus, but don't hold out hope for it.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
I understand but she’s still attracted to me has to. I saw how she was around me so I can fvck her again. But should I text or just forget about it and see what happens when I see her again in the street in front of my house?

That’s all I want to know. I read your post and I will not make those mistakes again.

Thnx all for the feedback.
You see what you want to see far too often. None of that matters. Women play chess, most guys play checkers.

If she wants something to happen she will reach out to you. You don't do anything, you simply wait.

And then you make things easy for her.
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Don Juan
Feb 21, 2019
Reaction score
I think 1) you are way too invested in this woman. And 2) you might still have a chance, especially if she stalks your stories. But you need to play your cards right.

Some things you could do: Post a story with another woman; Be more mysterious. She probably have figured you out, and besides that your eagerness repulsed her. Bring back the playa vibe.

If you really want to text her, I would suggest a photo ping that is not too much of an investment but rather gives out value and/or triggers an emotion. It could be related to something about her interests but it could be better if it’s a slight joke-tease (but it shouldn’t come off as passive-aggressive).

However, this is not a direct advice, and the best course of action might really be to move on, level up, meet other women, and wait her to come back.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2019
Reaction score
If you get involved with someone who has a boyfriend, you'll pay the price sooner or later.
I don't know why guys prefer to suffer all of this for a pu$$y another guy is fvcking at the same time. You think you're the man because you're stealing a schmuck's girlfriend for a few hours. You're the next in line, schmuck!


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
If you get involved with someone who has a boyfriend, you'll pay the price sooner or later.
I don't know why guys prefer to suffer all of this for a pu$$y another guy is fvcking at the same time. You think you're the man because you're stealing a schmuck's girlfriend for a few hours. You're the next in line, schmuck!
Idgaf about that bro