So, what do I do now?


Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
I need for some experienced DJs to decode this message and give me some advice on what to do.

Please refer to this thread --->

to get an idea who this chick is and how I met her.

Anyway, she finally sent me an email back... and this is a summary of the email.

* She said 'don't think I'm giving you the cold shoulder, work has been crazy (and went into some details about what's been happening at work)

* Her phone was shut off for two days

* She's not ready to start any sort of relationship, especially because I'm so far away (I'm 60 miles away, I live in big city and she lives in smaller town)

* She'd like it very much if we kept in touch

* She mentioned hanging out at the amusement park since we both love rollercoasters

* She wants to plan to meet up soon

* She apologizes again for not getting back with me, and she tells a quick story how she didn't call her best friend for a month and her friend thought she died

* She ended with "talk soon"
I know this probably sounds amateurish to the more experienced guys of SS. I'm really not interested in doing cold approaches, or dating four or five chicks. I do like to build my confidence and learn the art of not being needy.

The girls says she's not interested in starting a relationship, but would like to meet me soon. She apologized for not getting back to me. She's sending me mixed signals.

How should I proceed? For the men that heard this kind of reply before, does it sound like if I keep in contact and show her what I offer, could something develop? Since she sent me this email today, should I wait three days to reply... and when I do reply, I should definitely call, right?

Basically, I would like to see her again. I would like to show her I'm someone she should definitely keep around, and I want to show her (eventually) that I want to tap that a$$ and not just be a friend.


Max Power

Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
Her interest level is low. She has probably friendzoned you, but wouldn't mind having you as one of her admirers.


Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
Max Power said:
Her interest level is low. She has probably friendzoned you, but wouldn't mind having you as one of her admirers.
Okay, I'll take that into consideration. Would you recommend that I just not contact her again?

Max Power

Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
If you want to waste your time you can contact her again.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
mistake by the lake
c0nfus3d1ne said:
I need for some experienced DJs to decode this message and give me some advice on what to do.

Please refer to this thread --->

to get an idea who this chick is and how I met her.

Anyway, she finally sent me an email back... and this is a summary of the email.

I know this probably sounds amateurish to the more experienced guys of SS. I'm really not interested in doing cold approaches, or dating four or five chicks. I do like to build my confidence and learn the art of not being needy.

The girls says she's not interested in starting a relationship, but would like to meet me soon. She apologized for not getting back to me. She's sending me mixed signals.

How should I proceed? For the men that heard this kind of reply before, does it sound like if I keep in contact and show her what I offer, could something develop? Since she sent me this email today, should I wait three days to reply... and when I do reply, I should definitely call, right?

Basically, I would like to see her again. I would like to show her I'm someone she should definitely keep around, and I want to show her (eventually) that I want to tap that a$$ and not just be a friend.



what you have to realize is that YOU ARE being needy. and your confidence is not gong to increase by being stuck on ONE women.

- you dont want to do cold approaches ...FINE.
- you dont want to talk to four or five girls...FINE

but if you ask me this is something that you HAVE TO DO. Cold approach anyone and everyone. talk to all different types of chics. the reason why i suggest this is because it seems that you get attached to ANY type of female that shows you a bit of interest.

find out what YOU actually like and not just sit and hope others like you.

and you def. need to spin plates and talk to as many women as possible. this wreaks of neediness and no confidence.

above all, you need to be confident in yourself before you expect others to be confident in you.


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2007
Reaction score
I disagree with the replys. What have you got to lose. She is leaving the door open, she is just busy. There are girls I have wanted to date, but have not had the time. girls are the same way. just don't get your hopes up, and game her like any other woman. Don't get tunnel vission. She might not want a relationship, but she might want sex, or it could be an Anti-slut defence. Some people are just flaky. Don't let her be your only prospect, and take your time replying to her messages. She isn't the only busy one. Keep other paths open, but don't burn any bridges-that's my philosophy.

Max Power

Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
volkme68 said:
I disagree with the replys. What have you got to lose. She is leaving the door open, she is just busy. There are girls I have wanted to date, but have not had the time. girls are the same way..
Yeah, that's true. But when you hear the whole, "My phone was shut off for two days" story that's a red flag for me.


Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
I just don't understand why women do this. If she don't like me, don't want anything to do with me, then why keep **** going by saying we should hang out? I don't understand this at all. I'm just trying to think back if I ever did **** like this to a girl. I know there were some ugly girls who wanted to be with me and I never kept things going by giving them the thought we could still meet up. I'm just about done with girls. Obviously, this game is more complicated than I ever imagined.

But I also think it's almost impossible for anyone to give me true advice because you never saw her, you're reading snippets of a conversation, and in general you just wasn't there.

Thanks for thr advice... it seems like the general consensus is I've been rejected. And I'm not stuck on this girl. I hoped to use this as a learning experience to better myself. I know what being stuck on one girl is all about. I can be a lot worse. Maybe on the faceless internet, I come off as being something that I'm not.