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So the divorce that I thought was going to be uncontested...


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2014
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Decided, by the way, to cut my plates down to 2 for now.
Between the pending drama, career, and parenthood, I honestly don't think I can handle more than that right now.
Cut it down to one on demand fvckbuddy and one that I see some LTR potential with.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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atlantadawg said:
Decided, by the way, to cut my plates down to 2 for now.
Between the pending drama, career, and parenthood, I honestly don't think I can handle more than that right now.
Cut it down to one on demand fvckbuddy and one that I see some LTR potential with.
Holy fvck man , forget about your plates. This is the fight of your life.

Your future:
Probably EOW(every other weekend) parenting plan.
Remove from your house.
False domestic violence accusation.

All depend of how crazy is your future ex.

Do not move out of your house,become super dad,radio silence(do not talk to your future ex) except kids stuff.


Jun 23, 2014
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YawataNoKami said:
Pre-nups are useless
Correct. You guys need to speak with more Family Law Attorneys or hell, watch the Documentary Divorce Corp about the Prenup Scam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brznz2tif58

Pre-nups are NOT insurance, they are a pre-arranged way of handling assets at the end of the marriage that's done at the beginning of the marriage assuming everything STAYS RELATIVELY THE SAME at the end. A Pre-nup can easily be thrown out if the Woman becomes a Stay At Home Mom for the next 10 years and divorces you in Year 11 saying that her Marketplace Skills have been destroyed due to staying home for the previous 10 years. Her Attorney will argue to throw out the Pre-Nup and bring on Alimony, and I have cases I can link you guys to where the Judge did just that.


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2014
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YawataNoKami said:
Holy fvck man , forget about your plates. This is the fight of your life.

Your future:
Probably EOW(every other weekend) parenting plan.
Remove from your house.
False domestic violence accusation.

All depend of how crazy is your future ex.

Do not move out of your house,become super dad,radio silence(do not talk to your future ex) except kids stuff.
Already moved out months ago now. Have notarized document from crazy ex stating this was not abandonment and was mutually agreed to, etc.
Absolute worst case scenario on custody will be joint; I have been super dad from day one and will continue to do so. Additionally, crazy ex does not want the responsibility or hassle, so I know I'm not going to get any pushback on joint. Any and all communications with crazy ex are documented by the stage in the game, and I'm purposely never alone with her, ever, to avoid any false allegations, etc.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2014
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Old Europe
atlantadawg said:
I have been super dad from day one and will continue to do so.
Way to go! You are doing what the marriage/LTR/kids haters fail to do. You are being the change you want to see in the world. This is how it's done.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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atlantadawg said:
Already moved out months ago now. Have notarized document from crazy ex stating this was not abandonment and was mutually agreed to, etc.
Absolute worst case scenario on custody will be joint; I have been super dad from day one and will continue to do so. Additionally, crazy ex does not want the responsibility or hassle, so I know I'm not going to get any pushback on joint. Any and all communications with crazy ex are documented by the stage in the game, and I'm purposely never alone with her, ever, to avoid any false allegations, etc.
Ohh man............ Bold means nothing. Status quo is everything. She is with your kids , they live with her,she will get custody. Status quo my friend.

The List:
Original Author: Tom

WHY ARE YOU HERE?? This is not a silly question. You are about to learn a whole new meaning of the term,"rebuttable presumption," and why it applies exclusively to you in Family Court.

Trust me, you're in for the fight of your life. If you're not prepared, you can bet the other side will rebut you right out of fatherhood and into poverty. Your children, with your current and future finances, will be out of your life forevermore.

Your goal therefore, demands a strong offense. This requires dedication, support, "pro-active" planning, and lots of research. In other words, PREPARATION IS EVERYTHING!!

The following list is neither conclusive nor is it exhaustive. For that matter, not all of it will apply to you. Nevertheless, its intent is to get you to think, ask hard questions, and above all, to be prepared. Copy it. Print it. NEVER let your STBX see it.

What ever you do, NEVER LEAVE YOUR MARITAL RESIDENCE unless ordered by the court!! If you do, your STBX is free to do unto you as you are about to do unto her. It'll be a mistake that'll cost you dearly.

If you're not THOROUGHLY prepared, the other side will find your weakness and work you over. Their primary purpose is to "soften you up" and get you to give up custody WILLINGLY!! "THEY HAVE METHODS!!" They'll even recruit your attorney and get you to sign documents you'll
later regret. If you're not prepared, and if you fail to choose your attorney wisely, there'll be nothing left of you when they're done.

If your STBX files first, she's already plotted her next 10 moves against you. This is not where you want to be. If she files first, you can expect:

1) a restraining order that evicts you from your house and prevents you from contacting your kids.

2) to pay temporary child support, temporary alimony, community debt, and/or bills accumulated by your STBX during these proceedings. This can be 1 to 3 years. You'll be bankrupt well before trial.

3) to pay court costs and other fees, in addition to expenses mentioned above: GAL; Custody/Child Evaluator; Psychological evaluation; Your STBX's attorney fees.


Their goal is to "bleed you dry" and beat you into submission. You'll never see the last of their dirty tricks. It behooves you therefore to be very prepared very early.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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Part II


If you've got "skeletons" in your closet, prepare accordingly, ahead of time. Do likewise with your STBX's skeletons. Gather all incriminating info while you can. Never give her the opportunity to cover her tracks.

For starters, develop an EARLY GAME PLAN to win custody. Execute your play according to YOUR timetable. Pick your shots. Make them count. Timing is everything. Keep the other side off balance. This is very important.

Lay out a trap-line for your STBX. Perpetually work on setting her up for the fall. You know her weakness. Bait her!! Give her every opportunity to make a mistake. Spring your trap in front of the camera and in front of witnesses. Document everything.

Everything must be documented in a WELL-WORDED journal. What you write must be factual and correct. At trial, your journal will be a valuable source of events, dates, and patterns of behavior. Your journal should also contain surprises to keep the other side off balance. Most
importantly, your journal will discredit fabricated testimony and lies you can expect from the other side.

Along with your journal, gather supporting evidence with photos and videos. Put a trace program on the computer and a recorder on the phone. Don't be afraid to record phone calls. Make it your business to know where your STBX goes in cyber-space. Above all get witnesses, especially professionals involved with your STBX & kids. You may want to hire a PI. A visit to your local spy shop will be very worth while. Think of it as an investment.

Your journal, together with supporting evidence, will help you. More correctly, they will help your attorney. Remember, your attorney is only as effective as the information you give him. If he gets little from you, you can expect little in return.

Type and/or otherwise arrange journal notes well in advance of trial. Reserve plenty of time to review your journal with your attorney. You must bond with your attorney, and he must bond with you. Both of you must be "reading from the same page" between now and trial. Be sure save your original journal draft. You may need it.

YOUR JOURNAL IS THE TEMPLATE OF YOUR CASE!! Guard it carefully. It contains secrets the other side would love to have. Above all, BEWARE of so-called "neutral third parties," like the GAL or Custody Evaluator. These thugs are anything but neutral. They will specifically target their report and/or testimony to discredit everything you've written. To guard against subpoena, address each page to your attorney. Remember, the primary purpose of your journal is to rebut and/or otherwise discredit the lies and fabricated testimony that'll come from the other side. THIS IS OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE!!

Never sign anything the custody evaluator asks you to sign - even if it's a scrap of paper that states you agree to XYZ conditions. This is a trap. Anything you sign becomes a bona-fide legal document that will be used against you in court.

PLOTTING DATA (patterns of behavior) from your journal:

It's very important to have supporting evidence to back up your documentation. Photos and witnesses are ideal. However, you can't always count on people, nor can you count on having a camera when you need one. Therefore, you must build your case with what you have. YOUR JOURNAL!!

If done properly and consistantly, your journal becomes the heart and soul of your case. It is filled with important data. This data shows your STBX's pattern of behavior over time. In other words, you can scientifically predict how your STBX will behave based upon the data you've collected. Remember, when plotting scientific data of any nature, you can expect surprises. Remember, surprises are what keeps the other side off balance.

Data from your journal can be plotted on a graph, a pie chart, or bar chart. For comparison, it's a good idea to use all of the above. You'll need Excel software.

Plotted data are much easier to intrepret, both for the judge and your attorney. Plotted data show large blocks of evidence at a glance; ie, parenting history/behavior. This helps rebut the built-in bias of the system, and scientifically supports your bid for custody.

Keep in mind, a single "judgement error" will NEVER get the judge's attention. However, a "PATTERN" of well-documented judgement errors, supported by evidence, will make a difference.

Remember, neither the judge nor your attorney want to sift through endless streams of relatively "meaningless" journal data. Consider your audience. It's up to you to make things as easy as possible for them both.

SET YOURSELF UP TO WIN!! Pay attention to detail. Follow through on leads. Don't get side-tracked!! Use only what works for you.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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Part III


1) Get involved with a network of parent educators.

2) Make time for play dates and/or parties. Invite parent-chaperones who will observe you as a Superdad in fine form. Make sure mothers are invited. Ideally, they should be solidly married, above reproach, and will not be disparaged for having an affair with you.

These are great sources for collateral witnesses.

2) Enroll yourself and/or your kids in classes/counseling/treatment as necessary: Parenting classes; Co-parenting classes; Anger managment; Couseling for kids caught-in-the-middle; enroll in a Children's First program; Alcohol/drug treatment. Read contemporary books and literature
on the above subject matter. Take the initiative. Become informed. Do whatever it takes. Don't wait 'til it's too late.

3) The most important witnesses are court-appointed professionals, so-called "neutral third parties." They include; the home study evaluator, the forensic evaluator, the custody evaluator, the psychologist, the play therapist, and the GAL. Tread lightly with these people. They are
anything but neutral. These thugs are "GOD" in determining custody decisions. Keep in mind, the judge is gonna rule whatever they recommend. They live by one fundamental principle, "Dads be damned."

Whatever you do, NEVER agree to any form of binding mediation. You'll be giving up all your rights to further litigation. You'd just as well sell your soul to the Devil.

From the beginning, you must "attempt" get these witnesses on your side. They are the "tie-breaker." Truth be known, it's their job to insure the race isn't even close, much less a "tie." Nevertheless, do your best. Be sure to document everything.

a) It's their job to not like you.
b) It's their job to fabricate lies about you.
c) It's their job to soften you up and trick you into giving up custody before trial.

Remember "rebuttable presumption?" Some state's statutes declare both fathers and mothers have an equal right to parent their children. In this phase, that right is summarily taken from you. In other words, the game is rigged. It should come as no surprise, gender discrimination is rife within the Judicial Branch of Government.

With that in mind, you might consider hiring a private custody evaluator. The idea is to bring conflicting opinion/testimony with you to court. This is one sure way to minimize a GAL's highly biased testimony/report.

Additionally, make sure to get documentation/history of any violence, both physical and/or verbal/psychological. Is your STBX any threat to herself, to you, to your kids, or to anyone else? Evidence of this nature is critical to rebut an already biased GAL report/testimony.

I've heard of ONE (1) favorable recommend from a GAL. This dad was a school teacher. He was thoroughly professional and very well connected. Additionally he graduated with "honors" from parenting classes and had become a state-certified foster parent. In other words, he had credentials the rest of us don't have or can't get. The GAL liked this dad because he was "one of them."

In family court, the average "Joe Six-Pack" has a 90% chance of losing. That's why your journal and witness list are of the utmost importance.

Here's another example. Risky? Hell yes! But the results are what counts.

Both Parties agreed, together with the judge, to allow the final custody decision to be handled by a custody evaluator. Dad's attorney was familiar with this evaluator and requested that she hear testimony. Stbx's attorney also agreed with the request.

The evaluator met with both attorneys prior to taking testimony. She strongly advised that the Parties settle ahead of time. (Note: This is why you never agree to binding mediation.)

At this critical moment, Dad's attorney revealed the existence of a detailed journal together with a substantial body of evidence. He suggested the Parties walk away with dignity and share custodybetween them. As a result, Dad's STBX agreed to sharing both physical and legal custody without the evaluator deciding for them.

Dad's guess is that his attorney had spooked his STBX in prior courtroom encounters. She gave up without a fight, certainly not because she wanted to. Of that, Dad is sure.

The lesson here is that Dad's attorney had taken the initiative to thoroughly study the journal well in advance. As a result, Dad's attorney was convinced that the journal would tip the balance in an occasion such as this.

Thus: a detailed journal + a good attorney + strategy = Victory

There was another dad that "bought" his STBX out. He got the house, the kids, and everything for $70K. Still another dad got out of paying alimony for a mere $11K. I realize this sounds like a lot all at once. But over time, it's a bargain. Remember, let your attorney handle the negotiating process.

MOVING ON: Your WITNESS LIST must be exhaustive. Other than court-appointed professionals, people that see you with your children and/or otherwise know you personally are going to be your best witnesses. Remember, not everyone will support you, nor will they be available when you need them.

Potential witnesses include: Extended family; neighbors; day care, school professionals; parent volunteers; medical professionals; adult activity leaders.

The rest is right here:


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2014
Reaction score

Are you sitting down?
Papers signed yesterday: 50/50 custody, no monthly child support obligation (Though I'm on the hook for a percentage of private school, aftercare, summer activities, etc. Was doing that already, so no big deal.) and $50k coming to me to make me whole on equity from the house.
In other words, whoo hoo!!!!! No garnishment, no indentured servitude for the next 10 years, made whole on the house, etc. Everything I wanted going into this.
Spent just under 7 hours in mediation (What a fvcking racket; the mediator spent at least 3 hours of that time playing on her phone while we were in individual discussions with each other or the respective attorneys.) and worked it all out.
My attorney made me sign a waiver, because she thought we should take it to trial to go after her retirement, etc., but I told her to go pound sand. The prospect of spending another year and another $20k on this for the distant possibility of ending up better than I am already was ludicrous to me, and I'd make the same decision 100 times out of 100.
So, will officially be a free man within 30 days.
Been fvcking a 27 year old through all this, but bored with her already.
4 other plates in play. Bring it, the world is my fvcking oyster!!!! :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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So.....once again, the moral of the story is to take what a woman says with a grain of sand! ;-) Good for you Dawg.

My exwife did like yours did.....first claimed she wouldn't contest anything and be fully cooperative, no lawyers needed. Then things changed and she's hiring a lawyer making big threats and claims. In the end my deal came out pretty fair and I was better off.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2012
Reaction score

Congratulations! Sounds like you handled the divorce exceptionally well. Enjoy your freedom!



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Mauser96 said:
(if no kids in the pic, be RUTHLESS) .

Because your ex (ya know, "the one") will be.
Even if your ex isn't, her lawyer will be. That's his job.


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2014
Reaction score
LiveFreeX said:
Why did you marry this woman?
Lol, it was 10 years ago, man.
Something of an understatement to say I'm not the same person then that I am now.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
that's one thing i can honestly say i don't want. I love my kids to death, but if we got a divorce, i would not even contest custody. As long as I can see my kids when I want, which her being a good mother she won't have an issue with, she can have them. Barbecue she's a much better parent than i am.