Yes, and the irony is hilarious. What tends to happen - for both men and women - is they date a loser or 3, get burned, become jaded, come on here (or go to their friends), cry, assume everyone is this way (based on their judgemental views with only a certain type they are attracted to), try to develop game and become players - only to keep attracting the same type of person they hate. In fact, they become this person so they CAN attract them. They're just going around in circles. All these girls people keep complaining about, analyzing to death, and trying to out-game are LOSERS. Otherwise, none of this would be happening. All they're doing is trying to find ways to attract losers. Look at all the club game posts, for instance. The only club game they need is getting beat down by a club. :trouble:
Its no different than girls who complain about bad guys. The whineage displayed on here is EXACTLY the same - as are the "victim's" mindset, thought patterns, and so-called plan of attack.
IE: "Man, these *****es are so dumb and worthless... l I KNOW! I'll become a complete moron, play games, act like a douchetard, and dumb myself down to appease them. Awesome! Why didnt I think of this super-duper plan before? No more finishing last for me, *****es!"... 3 months later: "WHAT THE ****?!? These *****es are so dumb and worthless! I hate women; theyre all evil and only looking for **** wrapped around in monies..." <--- YOU
They never find any good women because theyre not looking for them - only to complain about trashy sluts and crazy *****es instead. The same ones they keep seeking after and trying to attract, which coincidentally, is what theyre constantly *****ing about. These patterns never end. The vicious cycle keeps going round and round. They never stop to think, "hey, maybe I should STOP SEEKING AFTER MORONS, and have some standards".
But, you also gotta figure that people who do this tend to be crazy. They actually like the drama, games, uncertainty, challenge, constant *****ing, being miserable, and so forth. Then you add in the various issues people admit to having, such as low self esteem, mental issues, and all these things, and it starts to make sense. Women who do this are the same way.
So, basically, its to be expected. Hence, its all you see. Thats just the kind of place it is, and the people it attracts. Otherwise the stories wouldnt always be the same.
Whatever. Crazy *******s. Its time to play Skyrim, like a champ alpha burrito. Get hit by a bus.