Alright BigWilly,
Sorry for such an aside. I think it has relevance in the whole concept of this post though.
They are advising him to dump her over something that happened BEFORE she got involved with Will.
Yes and each one of them said that the past tends to repeat itself. I agree.
The entire point of my story was to show that one should never make assumptions about people based on one situation because sometimes people DO act out of character once in awhile.
Alright key words,
So she could be a complete hor who is acting out of charater and pretending to like him while being something better? Yeah been there done that. Never wanted to be but people are people. Anyone who is single and been in the field has encounterd this.
Maybe the fact that I wasn't interested in a relationship made him value me a bit more, who knows
So you wore the pants. My point on the concept of fvck buddies from my first post. One of them wants the other.
My arguments aren't the ones based on assumptions. I am listening to the facts as Will has presented them and basing my advice on those facts combined with what I know about how females behave
what you know, okay same as what I said. My response was my opinion as I have seen it. Go back and re-read the opening post then look at your responses. It is all one-sided assumptions. What I responded with is the actual situations that I was in.
I am a female, afterall, but one of those rare ones that are more rational than emotional.
Okay all girls are rational, according to them. Honestly before you reply with some hatred go back and re-read all the posts (I had the respect to do the same to you) and go ahead and seriously pick out what is wrong. Just because you disagree does not make things wrong either. Every female I have ever meet has claimed to not be like the other ones. Funny but the ones who say that are actually worse than the other ones. What makes your response more rational than those of the guys who are saying next her? The fact that you are female?
The ones who are reacting as if this girl has commited a sin against humanity for having the audacity of actually having sex with a guy prior to getting involved with Will are the ones making assumptions and behaving irrationally.
Alright or they are the ones who have dealt with the girls who act like this girl is. Seriously knowing these types of girls qualifies us to post our experiences. If people want to listen or not is up to them. Like Will said I dont expect my girl to be a virgin, but he has problems that are more of his own than hers. Go back a week or so ago and he posted asking why isn't this girl sleeping with me after a week. His problems are now more apparent than he will wish to believe or at least accept.
Now this is silly. If she were still having sex with the other guy the LAST thing she would do would be to tell the new boyfriend. No one is that much of an idiot...especially not someone who is devious and underhanded enough to cheat in the first place.
Have had it happened. Girls in my experience are competitive. Seeing two guys fight over her makes her feel way to important. Back to my argument that she is telling the half-truth. Seriously the whole point in saying anything like that is moronic (which you agreed with Wyldfire). The only reason that anyone (guy or girl) would do this is to incite jealousy.
He was actually over it and felt better about it and had said that other than this one thing she had shown herself to be a "good girl" who had been very honest, open and respectful to him.
Okay I must have missed this. She was a good girl who hadn't slept with him and came out and said this. Given the time frame, "good gir, honest, open and respectfull", seems to be a bit pre-mature. Especially for a girl that he meet at a bar/club.
This is one of the worst things that happens at this site. There are too many guys on here who personalize minor issues other guys have that are actually trivial and easily resolved. Because they personalize things, are emotional, bitter and can't let go of their own past hurts they end up giving really sh*tty advice to other guys based on totally irrational and twisted perceptions. If someone can't give objective advice to others based ONLY on that person's particular situation they probably should refrain from giving advice at all
I would like to see you describe
any objective advice that you have given. If you can back it up with an explanation that explains why it is objective rather than subjective I will back down and agree with you. So far everything you have said is the exact same personalized, beyond sh*tty, objective advice that you complained about.
If someone can't give objective advice to others based ONLY on that person's particular situation they probably should refrain from giving advice at all
Maybe realize that you cannot relate to a particular situation so well even though you are female and refrain from giving advice yourself.