so how do u guys approach girls at the gym


Don Juan
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
So how do you guys approach girls at the gym.......I know all of you have answers to that that are common.....however, lets think of some good unique ones in approaching and in opening :) I'm stil a noob, but it wuold be interesting to c what we can pull out...


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, Florida
You dont.

No one wants to be bothered by some skinny punk who thinks they have game in the gym. Do us all a favor and keep ur mind on the weights.

After ur sweaty ass is finished with your exercise, pick up the cardio bunnies in the steamroom ;)



Don Juan
Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
hes right. only losers try to pick up women at a gym.

and the women that do want to get picked up at the gym.... arent worth a damn thing.

theres a bunch at my gym that all they do is walk around looking pretty around 6PM they even have fresh makeup on, lol

and its always the stupid meat heads talking to them, lol


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by xiola
hes right. only losers try to pick up women at a gym.

and the women that do want to get picked up at the gym.... arent worth a damn thing.

theres a bunch at my gym that all they do is walk around looking pretty around 6PM they even have fresh makeup on, lol

and its always the stupid meat heads talking to them, lol
So if youre lifting and some girl is checking you out, smiling and winking at you, you wouldnt do sh*t?? Are you gay?


Don Juan
Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
lol, thats not trying to pick up a girl. picking up a girl is trying to pick up a girl. some girl checks you out and starts a convo thats one thing.

i got the feeling working out wasnt his main objective


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
Originally posted by xiola
hes right. only losers try to pick up women at a gym.

and the women that do want to get picked up at the gym.... arent worth a damn thing.

theres a bunch at my gym that all they do is walk around looking pretty around 6PM they even have fresh makeup on, lol

and its always the stupid meat heads talking to them, lol
haha ... I've seen the stupids usually pull off some line like "Hey, you come here often?" or "Need someone to spot me, I gotta do the bench press"

Id just burn up a good sweat, work out hardcore, and dont even worry about the pu$$y in the gym

Another thing too is all these h0s in the gym have on headphones anyways and couldnt hear a nuclear explosion if it went off :D


Don Juan
Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
^ you are probably one of the meat heads that has to walk around the club shirtless and slick hair, lol


Don Juan
Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
I try not to do a lot of approaching at the gym because my main reason is to get a good workout and I like to stay focused on the workout. But I do notice some of the hotties around the gym.

A couple approaches that I've thought of, but haven't field tested yet.

If she has an ipod, after she finishes a set on some machine, just walk up and ask her: "Hey, I'm looking to get an mp3 player. How do you like the ipod?" And maybe ask what her workout music is, just be sure to keep it quick to not interrupt her workout too much.

One idea for a possible neg if she has one of the other mp3 players, "Are you too cheap to buy an iPod?" or "Aren't you cool enough to have an iPod?"

One situational approach is, sometimes on the machines that you put weight on (i.e. leg press, seated calf raise), the person who uses it before leaves a bunch of weight on it. And then if a girl is wanting to use it, she'll start taking off some of the weight. I just walk by and I make it seem like she was putting on more weight, and said, "That's pretty impressive. Where do you get your steroids?"

After my workout, I'm one of the few guys that likes to stretch out and so I go into my gym's aerobic room. Every now and then girls will come in and stretch out, do yoga or ab work. I'm not very flexible, but the girls tend to be. A couple openers could be, "You must be a dancer. I'm thinking polka or clogging."

Or if a girl is doing ab work, you can ask her if she's ever tried the two-person ab exercise or ask her to help you do it. One person lays on the ground and the other person is standing, straddling the person's head. The person laying on the ground lifts his legs up and the person standing up pushes the feet down. It's a pretty grueling exercise, so be sure you can do it before you ask a girl to help you.

Another idea is that if you're working out next to a girl, turn to her and ask her: "Can you please stop it? Can you please stop staring at me? It's bothering me. If I knew I that you were going to be gawking at me, I would have put on a less revealing shirt. Girls say that if a guy doesn't want to be stared at, he shouldn't dress like this, but this is just who I am. Should I grab my sweatshirt from the locker room? Will that make it easier to stop looking at my chiseled body?"

Another thing is, I play a lot of sports with my friends (girls & guys) like volleyball, basketball and football. So if a girl seems like she's athletic (not just has a good body, but a sporty type), I'll just ask if she likes to play football and mention how we usually have a friendly pick-up game every week.

I also live in a college town but people in the gym will sometimes wear t-shirts of other big name colleges (i.e. Georgetown, Duke, UCLA) and I'll just ask them wear their school spirit is. And maybe tease them about being a traitor.

Those are some ideas I've come up with. Like I said, I haven't had a chance to field test them. So any feedback would be appreciated.



Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Northern New Jersey
I've done gym pickups more than once. The very first thing to come out of your mouth must either be a neg, ****y and funny, or interesting/mysterious.

Why? Because a gym is as competitive an environment as you could ever possibly get, and B*tch shields are at maximum strength.

Generic openers like "Hi!" will not work unless the woman you have in mind was sending signals first, in which case you could just as easily say "sweaty ballsack" and she will smile at you.

My most successful gym pickup began with this line when a girl was resting during a set: I walked right up to her and looked straight into her eyes and smiled while speaking-

"now your body language suggests either one of two things..."
Take it from there. Incite mystery.

Here's another of my openers:
"...Hey!" (like if you are calling a guy friend, a little rough)
"I've noticed something very interesting about you that I don't think anybody every noticed before, and I think you want to know what it is."
Never fails. When she asks, I usually say:

"Your features you have (East) European ancestry."
America is an immigrant country. If she is caucasian, chances are her family came from somewhere within the past few generations. This is a kinda cold read, but I actually developed it from real observation. Romanians and Bulgarians tend to share certain features, I know because I know a LOT of them.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
I guess if you want to approach her, then go for it! Doesn't matter if your a skinny bloke, just go for it!

Get in there! Have a dip ! :cheer:


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by oakraiderz2
So if youre lifting and some girl is checking you out, smiling and winking at you, you wouldnt do sh*t?? Are you gay?
Of course I'd approach her if she gave off the right signals, but I would not approach chick that were actually working out and not giving off signals.


Don Juan
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
I picked up a pretty hot girl a few months ago in the gym and Im a friggin' AFC going through bootcamp. ;)

Didnt intrude her workout, she happenned to have two pairs of socks on on a very hot day. And these socks were THICK. Outside pair was yellow and insice was white. Damn did she have an ass btw doing those heavy squats.

When she took a break, told her that she had a good taste in fashion, how even the little details from her socks to her shorts matched. I did tell her she was nuts wearing those socks on such a hot day (of course with a grin. :))

She went back to her workout. I did too. I timed my workout set in conjunction with hers, so that when we finished our set it would be a 30 second break time.

Talked a bit more, said she was finished for the day....looked her deep in the eye, and told her that I thought she was interesting like how she pics her outfit...and I wanted to get to know her. Grabbed her hand, walked over to a table that had pen-paper (desk where people store their workout records). Grabbed a pen, kinda slammed it on the desk...told her to give me digits on top part of paper. She put hers as well as her home (IOI..haha). I put my cell on bottom. Ripped paper in half. Before giving to her, told her I would call certain time since I wanted to see The Island (which kinda sucked btw).


Don Juan
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score

Hey wow, wahts with the animosity.....and I'm not skinny I am 190 pounds with 15 percent body fat you should get to work and start lifting heavy, fool, before you open your mouth, think......and besides, I know im still an AFC but I think any place is an ideal place to do practice or have a challenge....... And thanks for the other responses guys, "what roiidz are u on" lol that was funny, but il have to field test the ipod one because I always see a whole bumch of chicks on the IPODS.


Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
Well, since I'm usually drenched in sweat from running 2 miles and haven't taken a shower previous to that, I make a conscious effort not to.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
If you can afford it, get into 3 gyms on January, and maybe even February. Chicks everywhere. Not the especially fit ones... but chicks none the less.

The basics have been said...

telling her she's freaking arnold...
asking her to help you out.

You can also:

-If she's the very lean type.. ask her if she ate at all this week/month.
-As it was said, ask her if she has European roots... but if she looks latin.. latin... and so on.
-If she's lifting lots of weight.. stare at her with a WTF! expression, although smiling at the same time... if she hopefuly finishes at that time (you shouldnt hang on longer than... say, 5 seconds).. say hi... and do the arnold thing.
-If she passes by you... and you're lifting... kind of shout "A hundred!, a hundred and one, A hundred and two!", and proceed to say hi, and also say that you can bench press 150x with lots of weight... kind of making fun of the guys that only talk about weights with women. Then proceed to tell her she looks like Arnold, that you bet she can do lots of reps with lots of weight.
-If she's looking at herself in the mirror, and doesn't look stuck up-READ AGAIN-... start kind of mimicking her checking herself out, and also start flexing your muscles etc exaggerating.
-If you've been working out for a while, and she seems to be using the same machines as you.. or near you... tell her she's stalking you, and go to one of the follow ups I posted below.

*Dont do the arnold thing if she's the type of woman who probably does do steroids.

Follow ups:
-How long has she done excercise/sports.
-How you are considering to stop working out because since you did, women only treat you as a toy.
-Touch her hands... and tell her she won't fool you.. the (marks that develop from weightlifting without gloves... hard skin in the hands) are because of the weights, not because she is a good woman and does the dishes.
-You are required to work out because of your contract with Calvin Klein underwear... and tell her you are a butt model. That it's killing you, and you can't get any sleep etc..
-If there's lame music... point it out. If you like to go clubbin.. point out that you like that type of music. If she agrees... you're a fool if you dont go and ask her out to go to a club some time. That applies if you like rodeo music... rock concerts, Backstreet Boys reunion tour.. whatever.
-You have a busy schedule today, because you are doing such and such, and going to the movies at the end to see ___ movie. Ask her if she's seen it., if she hasn't, ask her what was the last movie she saw... and move on from there so that you like the same type of movies, and ask her out so you go and see some movie some day.
-If she recognizes you, because she's seen you but you hadn't talked... tell her you wouldn't expect that stalking behaviour from such a nice lady etc... talk about your butt, and do the CK thingy.

You want to just get along with some of the women. Because every gym has their mob of women, old and young.. that live criticizing you at the bathrooms. So if they like you.. when your lady friend goes there.. she'll get good comments. Give off the gentleman vybe that gets along with people, not the player one. Have women friends which you ONLY are friends. If you can get along with the instructor, even better, if not, just be respectful and say hi etc. Even if he doesn't know **** about excercise. Don't try to be a hotshot infornt of the other guys by being a showoff. Be like them, and go all macho power and stuff. but dont ever criticize women... especially one woman in particular.

Lots of these pickups can be used outside of the gym... but work especially well in the gym.

The gym is a perfect place, especially for newbs.. because they are getting off their nervousness when doing excercise. And they don't talk too much, unless they are fools following her around. They talk a bit, in between sets. Just as the DJ bible says to... the bad thing is she talks a bit too.. but once you get her going, she'll start working out just to talk to you.

MindOM got it right, it has a lot to do with your physique. But with the calvin klein comments etc.. she gets her defences down if you are not very fit etc.

Be aware.. some women are very shy. They can only communicate in the gym and work environment. You will see them as normal, but they're not, they're kind of antisocial even.

Sorry if it didn't come up very much in order...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Use common sense:

1) don't hit on every girl there like a loser

2) workout foremost, then focus on chatting between sets (as a smart fellow above stated)

3) wear a jock - some girls might grind your balls :)

4) If they seem aloof, let them go fast. As a DJ, you probably recognize IOI's.

5) People are there to get away from wherever they're coming from -- work, home, school, etc. Respect them and they'll respect you back.


Don Juan
May 18, 2005
Reaction score
I've gotten laid from the gym ONCE. I've gotten zero numbers on the floor, and two numbers outside the gym. Not a target-rich environment.

The laid was silly easy; the girl was on a bench next to me while I was doing presses -- I was doing super-slow reps with about half my rep weight, five counts up, ten counts down. Very painful and grunt-inducing. This was at about two in the afternoon; I was allowed to grunt in there because there was usually no one else around. I think the fact that it was just the two of us led to the pick-up.

She lay down on the bench next to me and started lifting, too; she was grunting, I was grunting. Very erotic. I made my grunts louder. She made hers louder. I'm surprised the staff didn't come up to see what we were doing.

At the end of the set I asked her, "Was it beautiful for you, too?" And she smiled and said, "Let's do it again." On the next set I did regular reps (it was past my last set) and she matched me stroke for stroke, both of us grunting and groaning. I got the biggest h@rd-on I'd had in months by the end of the set. "Excuse him," I said, as she was staring at the bulge. "That's the most excitement he's had in a long time."

She said something like, "It's okay."

I said, "I'm gonna go home and take a shower. You wanna come along?"

She grabbed her towel and water bottle and said, "Let's go."
She was my FB for a few months, before she left to go to school. Britney, spelled with a heart over the "i."

Here's the clincher:

1.) SHE came up to me.
2.) There was no one else around. In a packed gym, there's the I Am Not a Slut Defense -- a hundred times moreso, because imagine the musclehead d1psh1ts who'd mob her if they saw her giving out her number at six o'clock on a Wednesday night. She'd have to join another gym.
3.) She wanted to get laid.
3a.) By me.
3b.) Right then.

I have gotten many numbers while running; the I Am Not a Slut Defense isn't in full Shields-Up mode when there's no one else around. Jogging paths are great places to meet girls.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Great to see Don Juans being so charming and witty with each other by posting their schedules and comparing their accomplishments.

"No man, you should see MY glow-in-the-dark penis first!" :p

Aaron B

Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
If there is a Curves or other women's only gym in the area, 9 out of 10 attractive women are at a co-ed gym to meet someone.

If they didn't want male attention they would be working out at Curves.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
Another thing to hit up is the yoga and aerobics classes and get some digits in there too.

Get the chicks to play a sport with you in the gym - racquetball, tennis, swimming, etc...

Notice stupid sh1t that girls will do in gyms people ! If a chick at random just walks up next to you and starts lifting weights or jogging on the treadmill to your side and she could have gone anywhere else in the gym .... go figure