so how do u guys approach girls at the gym


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
How about if an attractive female approaches us? This happened to me just tonight. Her and her friend walked by me once after I got done do Cardio and she looked at me, smiled and said hello. I replied back. Went into my weight training and got down to my last machine. They went out of their way to walk by me as I got to my last station. The one that said hello to me asked me if the Whitesox won tonite. I smiled and said not yet, it was in the bottom of the 8th tied up. She smiled and walked away and her friend also smiled and raised her eyebrows.

Now, I normally dont try to pu anyone at a gym, mainly, Who wants to approach an attractive woman when you are hot and sweaty. These girls , I have seen as regulars before. Any thoughts?


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2003
Reaction score
If while wandering with my eyes in between sets, my eyes suddenly meet some girl's eyes and we stare at each other for about a second, then she breaks EC, should I strike a convo then? (I suck at understanding how EC works)


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by SamePendo

-If she passes by you... and you're lifting... kind of shout "A hundred!, a hundred and one, A hundred and two!", and proceed to say hi, and also say that you can bench press 150x with lots of weight... kind of making fun of the guys that only talk about weights with women. Then proceed to tell her she looks like Arnold, that you bet she can do lots of reps with lots of weight.
-If she's looking at herself in the mirror, and doesn't look stuck up-READ AGAIN-... start kind of mimicking her checking herself out, and also start flexing your muscles etc exaggerating.
-If you've been working out for a while, and she seems to be using the same machines as you.. or near you... tell her she's stalking you, and go to one of the follow ups I posted below.

SamePendo I just Love this advice!


May 6, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by bullmoose
The laid was silly easy; the girl was on a bench next to me while I was doing presses -- I was doing super-slow reps with about half my rep weight, five counts up, ten counts down. Very painful and grunt-inducing. This was at about two in the afternoon; I was allowed to grunt in there because there was usually no one else around. I think the fact that it was just the two of us led to the pick-up.

She lay down on the bench next to me and started lifting, too; she was grunting, I was grunting. Very erotic. I made my grunts louder. She made hers louder. I'm surprised the staff didn't come up to see what we were doing.

At the end of the set I asked her, "Was it beautiful for you, too?" And she smiled and said, "Let's do it again." On the next set I did regular reps (it was past my last set) and she matched me stroke for stroke, both of us grunting and groaning. I got the biggest h@rd-on I'd had in months by the end of the set. "Excuse him," I said, as she was staring at the bulge. "That's the most excitement he's had in a long time."

She said something like, "It's okay."

I said, "I'm gonna go home and take a shower. You wanna come along?"

She grabbed her towel and water bottle and said, "Let's go."
Dude I got hard just from reading that :eek:


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah I would definitely not bother a girl for long when you start a convo w/ them. Just keep it light, playful and use a time constraint (having to get back to your workout).