Seventh Day of Chaos PT1
What a day, I tweaked my game HARD and drastically. Choded a bit but Summa pushed me. Also slipped into a BAR so got to open two sets there would've been longer but then I would've risked getting locked out. Now that I'm home I realized I could've stayed, Summa needed a wing.
Things I learned
- My Game = Screening + The Now: After tweaking back and forth today my great sets was a result of this.
- Also learned when I should Offer Value, because like Saad said I was spinning my wheels, now I'm less talky talky. Usually I offer value when I'm going to lose the set or about to do something (Disengage logic, bounce, # close, escalate further, etc)
- Calibrate, Calibrate, Calibrate. After I realized what works for me I started doing it uncalibrated and a set blew up in my face, I was cracking up because it was one of the funniest blowouts.
- The Now: With the whole not thinking when going in set and not thinking ahead, I notice I do a lot of sub-communication. I just look at these chicks saying nothing and there...laughing, kinoing, qualifying themselves, keeping the conversation going, etc. Also stuff just comes to my head and I say it.
So now off to the sets, while walking to Barnes & Noble I see a corporate chick who has a HOT BODY, I want to see the face so I open her which I then realize has a HOT FACE...did I mention it's freezing cold.
- I can't see her face but she is wearing a short skirt no stockings so I say "OMG I know you have to be ****ing cold." She replies I joke about sitting at her fire place she's loving it...wind hits me and I literally just walk off and hurry to Barnes and Noble
Get to Barnes and Noble I find Summa at the top floor, I see Saad, say Hi and then me and Summa head outside. Which I get blown out a set, he opens a few and then we go to whole foods.
We do that gauntlet as there aren't too many sets. So after Summa opens a set I open right after. (We do this twice in a row)
- I open her about some organic cereal that had a funny name, then I ask her about the Peanut butter panda puffs, which she actually tried before, she was looking for them but couldn't find them, so she showed me this other cereal. I eject
Second Gauntlet...
- I ask her something about a "friendship" card that I seen and read it to her. She asks if I was with the last guy that just spoke to her (Summa) I play dumb and say "What guy" She says nevermind and we talk abit. I'm joking around she's talking about looking for a lotion for her face. Eventually I eject
Summa opens a few more sets, I get blownout twice more we head to forever 21. I open a 3 set which ended rather quickly. Summa gets in two sets for a bit. We head outside and see two guys approaching people so we assume there in the community. Summa asks them, there working.
It's funny because at this point me and Summa are saying guys like them are killing our sets and there complaining that guys like us are killing there jobs because everyone thinks there getting hit on. So we battle to see who can stop who, me and Summa ended up stopping a chick lol. (We Win!!) I went direct and then told her to keep going, meanwhile I watched Summa who # closed despite her wondering what was going on between us and the two guys. Heck Summa even said we were picking up chicks and I introduced myself to her.
The two guys were trying to analyze Summa's approaching saying he's scared and just doing this because of an audience, then saying how he shouldn't touch her lol. (They must not know us) We head back to Barnes and Noble and he pushes me into a set.
- I opened direct and since we were in the traveling section I talked about traveling. She's french, she starts telling me about where she's been. I'm loving it...yes I like people who travel a lot. We vibe for a good 5-10mins. I'm joking around here and there. Eventually she walks off and I don't plow. When she spoke about Miami I asked about nude beaches which she said she loved it there. Talked about india and the spicy food, which is hotter than the wasabi that hazepua introduced me to.
This is where it started clicking, I realized when I got blown out of the set in forever 21 it was because I was coming off reaction seeking. Like now I can feel and see when I'm reaction seeking. So I had cut that off.
HbTraveler #2
- This chick I opened who was also in the traveling area, she was going to walk off but I plowed and she stopped for a bit. Talked for a bit and then she walked off. We basically talked about traveling she was the opposite of the first traveler chick. The other one traveled in all sorts of countries as the other one just been in the states.
Later on I start choding a bit, looking at some books and Summa pushes me into another set. Which I remember how before I used to always Assume everything. I assumed this would open and...
Textbook #1
- I go in direct. I do the things I mentioned that I learned and this set went GOOD. This chick was cracking up when I did nothing, she was qualifying herself, reacting to me. It was going well. I was screening her about being adventurous, cooking, traveling, how fun she is, what she does. Eventually her phone rings and I think it's time to go for the close or else she'll leave. While she is on the phone I look at some stuff and she's trying to get off the phone quick to continue the interaction. She says "Call me back in 2mins" I tell her we should hang out sometime, she wants to do e-mail, I say "I don't do e-mail" I plow, pump her up a bit and go for the #, I put the phone in her hand, and I call her right in front of me. As her ring tone comes on I spin her then give her a hug.
Forget trying to be in state all the time, being indifferent also works and so longs I don't think about state then I'm good to go. I finally realized my game after this set which I then try it on another set not realizing she is with a little girl.
- I open direct, I turn my head and look towards Summa because I thought he said something, then I just ask if thats her kid lol. Right after that I force qualification it felt forced/hesistated. This chick just frame controlled me saying how you come up to someone and ask a screening question. (She didn't say screening question) She then starts saying you said Hi, I said hi and now we go on our ways. I'm so thrown off that I just look at her and I'm clearly taken back. I'm cracking up like crazy and just stand there. She then says "That's it?" and I basically eject cracking up.
That put me in state because that was the funniest thing ever to happen. Summa opens a few sets I sit by the window and we bump into upsetmidget. He said he opened some sets, he wanted to try a mixed set. I was going to wing with him but we ended up not doing it. We basically talked for a bit. He had to go.
Me and Summa head downstairs about to leave but he opens a set and I open a set in the journal area. It went ok but it was nothing serious...
Journal Section
- I open about writing my darkest secrets in my journal. The chick sends me to a section far away from them, so I go and come right back and then pick my own journal and do a future adventure projection about my first entry involving them. Then I eject.
Summa is still in set so I look at the cooking section, this older lady is setting up books and then opens me...
Pro Chef
- This was my type of chick personality wise. I wish she was hot, I really wanted to # close her as a friend because she's been cooking for 10 years and was telling me about a cook book, she showed me something she cooked that she loved so much that she got pissed when she gave the left overs to someone else. I was really fascinated with this chick, real, real, real awesome. She even searched up a beginner book that might be good for me. When I get real good at this I want to meet a chick who is a real good chef. This was my first pro chef I've ever met/interacted with. I really think I should've # closed despite her being old.