Small Town Sarging


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score

I love this site. I've recently relocated from a big city in Cali to a small college town in the pacific northwest. I considered myself to be a green PUA in Cali, but now that I've relocated, I'm finding my old strategies damn near useless. Everyone in my new town is very, very friendly. Lots of eye contact, lots of smiling, lots of hellos, and lots of 'welcomes' everywhere I go. Everyone seems to know on sight that I'm an out of towner who's relocated to their 'village'.

The thing is, I love it here, but the foundations of my game are being shattered. I need y'all to help me rebuild this house, my house lol. Here are my two problems. First, I relied heavily (not exclusively) upon IOI's in the big city in order to gauge a target's level of interest. In this neck of the woods, EVERYONE makes eye contact and smiles. Before, I'd take such behavior as definite signs of interest. Here, since everyone is doing it with me, including men, and since everyone gives everyone else smiles and eye contact and initiates greeting between strangers, I can't rely on my default IOI's anymore.

Second, I'm starting grad school up here. During the first week, we've been warned that while relationships between consenting adults is allowed, we should always be conscious of the fact that grad students and undergrads are potentially in a power relationship. This sort of framing makes me very nervous. I don't plan to live like a monk, but I don't want to get in trouble.

I've stumbled into a couple of numbers, one from an older lady in her mid thirties (my best guess) and the other from a college gal at a nearby school.

What do you all recommend? Anyone moved from a big city to a friendly small college town? How did you all adjust your game? Look forward to posting field reports and getting your feedback.



Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Use can use this to your advantage.

I went the other way - small town to big city.

You now do not have to worry about openers - about introductions. Freindliness is your friend.

Since you've got your in, just work as you do normally. You've overcome many peoples hardest barrier.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
i am in exactly the same boat as the op. here is the advice i got from a local pua. how small-town sarging differs from big-city sarging:

1. you can't run around doing 10 cold approaches / day like you would in the city. everybody knows everybody & you will get a bad rep fast.

2. since everybody knows everybody, people are friendlier & more connected, so use that to create openings. go out to local cafes every night, attend local events, be involved in the local scene. it's easy to meet people.

3. don't be so quick to go for the phone # close. in the city, if you don't get her # you will never see her again. in a town, you see the same people over & over. use that to create repeated contacts & generate interest (she will see you as more human if she knows you & has seen you around).


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
The Northwest

You wouldn't be living in Monmouth, Oregon, would you? I went to undergrad school there. Yes, the people are friendly. Or Corvallis? Went to grad school there. Again, people are friendly.

However, as a life-long Northwesterner, I'll give you some tips ... at least for the small towns. People are very friendly, polite, they'll open doors for you 50 feet away. When it comes to getting to know them on a personal level, it's a very icy cold place. There was a story in the Seattle Times on this called "Seattle Ice" on how people don't date, mingle, or hang out. I still live in the NW just because I have friends and family here and enjoy the scenery, but people-wise it's very tough. People are surface-friendly.

I would say there is not a dating culture here, as opposed to somewhere like SoCal. Yes, there are exceptions and players here and there who have had success. But I know some of the biggest ladies men who haven't had success in the NW after living other places. I've been doing modified boot camps the past few weeks and have been getting hellos or eye contacts about 20 percent of the time.

As for the grad student/undergrad don't date deal ... bunk. When I was in grad school all I did was date undergrads, some dramatically younger than me. All the grad students in my cohort had serious anger issues with men; the undergrads didn't.

The key to dating in the Northwest is don't let the coldness and rejections get you down. You have to keep plugging away.

Good luck!


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Three Sarges FR

I appreciate the feedback fellas.

"1. you can't run around doing 10 cold approaches day like you would in the city. everybody knows everybody & you will get a bad rep fast.
2. since everybody knows everybody, people are friendlier & more connected, so use that to create openings. go out to local cafes every night, attend local events, be involved in the local scene. it's easy to meet people."

---Booga, I definitely agree that you have to either limit the total number of approaches, or better yet, engage in stealth approaches. That is, fly below the radar by simply opening up conversations in a 'neighborly' manner, rather than spitting out David D or Mystery material designed to overcome shields in large cities.

"I would say there is not a dating culture here, as opposed to somewhere like SoCal. Yes, there are exceptions and players here and there who have had success. But I know some of the biggest ladies men who haven't had success in the NW after living other places."

---WC, it's definitely a different culture up north no doubt. The way I see it is as follows:

1. Everyone up here is very polite. That is, you will get an extremely friendly initial response, but this is no indicator whatsoever of how the conversation will go beyond that point.

2. It really, really helps to get an introduction, be a friend of a friend, or have a class or place of employment in common in order to break the ice. It seems like the rule is: 'be very polite to your neighbor, but don't get involved with your neighbor unless your friend can vouch for your neighbor.'

I've only been here a week and a half so these are just my initial impressions, which may or may not prove correct in the long run. Onto the "field report", which is a bit more sketchy and hazy than I'd like, since I'm summarizing activities over the course of two weeks.


Sarge #1 (about a week ago)

I enter the laundry room of my apartment late Monday afternoon at our apartment complex. There is a beautiful (HB9) brunette, about 5' 7" in a brown skirt and black blouse sitting at a table reading magazines with her feet on the opposite chair. I look at her intently as I enter the room. She returns my stare, without breaking eye contact. I look around and ask her if they sell small packets of laundry soap in the laundry room.

her: "I don't think so," she says looking around.

I ask if I can buy some of her soap.

me: "I should give you some money for that."

She insists I simply take some of her soap:

her: "oh no, it's ok, really!"

I start, very gingerly, with some small talk. I ask her if she's going to the local U, what her major is, etc. I try to hold eye contact with her, and she will only hold eye contact up to a point: a couple of seconds before she looks down. She asks me if I am a student, and I tell her I'm a grad student. She gives me a big smile and stares, so I guess she likes this a lot. She asks me a few other questions about myself and we chitchat for about three or four minutes as I do my laundry before leaving. I ask her if she knows anyone in the complex. She pauses for a bit, apparently slightly startled by my question.

her: "um, I have a couple of girlfriends who live here." Her tone is both enthusiastic as well as guarded.

I tell her that the complex is going to have a bbq next week and that might be a place to meet people. I tell her I'm going since there's going to be free food. She stares at me silently, with what I believe is a slight frown/pout after I mention this. She looks apprehensive at this "invitation" for whatever reason. I feel slightly embarrassed for "asking" her to the bbq at this point, in this way, as result of her apprehensive, silent stare.

I return a half hour later, she's still there. She's on her cell phone now and this time looks up at me apprehensively, or at least in a guarded fashion, rather than with a look of interest, as she talks. I just can't read her interest level or even her reaction to me quite frankly. I take my time putting my laundry into the dryer, as I'm waiting for an opening to continue my conversation with her. She finally finishes up her phone conversation:

"....say hi to mommy for me! bye!"

Wow. I thought she might be talking to a boyfriend or whatever. Instead, she's been talking to a family member all this time. I start up with the conversation again, asking about what magazines she's reading. She asks me about how to use the dryer. She says she's been waiting the whole time thinking she has to put a quarter in every ten minutes. I tell her she could've just put in a bunch of quarters at once and just left. I decide to run some C&F on this '9':

me: "are you sure you're in college?"

She looks at me blankly, with her mouth wide open. For several seconds, she just stares without saying anything. Then, she runs over to the dryer to put in another quarter:

her: "oh, I didn't know that. That's good to know for next time," she says, without a trace of anger, irony or embarrassment. She takes everything I say at face value.

I talk to her a bit more and tell her it was nice talking to her. I shake her hand goodbye as a kind of kino test, and ask her name. She's comfortable shaking my hand, but doesn't squeeze my hand, or make an issue of this initial physical contact.


This was one of my first few attempts to "sarge" in my new town. It was weird. I just could not read this girl. The orthodoxy of PUA is that a '9' is going to have her shield up since she gets hit on all the time. In this case, there was no shield. The orthodoxy is that in order to bring the girl's value down therefore, you have to run some ****y and funny on her. This girl was unfailingly polite and seemed shocked and/or uncomprehending when I ran some ****y and funny. The orthodoxy is that a girl asking questions about you might be a sign of interest. Maybe this is true, but she didn't seem terribly enthusiastic about the minor kino (although she didn't seem reluctant either). Also, she seemed 'weirded out' or seemed anxious or seemed to withdraw when I casually mentioned a social event at our (very large) apartment complex.

So, this situation was very hard to read. The '9' was very polite, perhaps a bit more than polite, but also apparently apprehensive at the prospect of further intimacy. I don't know if she wanted me to move more slowly, if she was just being polite, or what.


Sarge #2:

I go to the small gym in our apartment complex. There are two girls (I learn later they are visiting friends but go to school in another town. Both girls are freshmen at their school, I also learn later) hanging out. One girl is working out on the treadmill, the other girl is kicking back on the exercise bike watching tv. The girl on the exercise bike turns around immediately and stares at me hard as I pass through the rec room. I come back into the gym after a couple of minutes, recognizing that the girl has given me a definite IOI. I start chatting her up. She smiles as I ask her questions. Then, I get greedy and decide I want to try to close both girls, not just the one who's given me the IOI. The girl on the bike looks back when I ask a question to see if I'm asking her, or her friend the question. She looks away looking slightly miffed when I'm looking at her friend, but smiles if I'm looking at her and asking the question. I just can't help chatting up the friend of the girl giving me the IOI since her friend is wearing a sports bra and is getting sweaty. Sports bra girl is a 7.5 blonde. Bike girl is a 7 with brown hair. She's about 5 8", has a thin/athletic figure, a relatively pretty face and has wavy brown hair.

I number close the 7. I linger for a bit. Then I decide I want to number close the 7.5. I say goodbye and shake the hand of the 7. The 7 looks up at me and stares and smiles as I approach and hold her hand. The 7 then places her other hand on top of mine and stares into my eyes. In retrospect, I can tell she wants me right away, but I fail to capitalize. I shoulda Gunwitched her. Oh well.

Later, I learn the 7.5's number is no good. The 7's number is good. I only reached her today by phone. We only talked very briefly. She asked me how school was going. I told her things were very busy. She said she was extremely busy too and said she didn't have time to talk since she was on her way to a meeting (hmm, no time to talk but you had time to pick up the phone?).


Sarge 3:

I'm with a co worker at orientation at the start of the year. We chitchat and learn we have an alma mater in common. At the end of the orientation, I ask her if she wants to get lunch. She says she's busy. She volunteers her phone number however. She says she wants to get together later. She's slightly nervous as she's talking, as she is stuttering as she talks to me. She actually only writes down her email, rather than her phone. I tell her to give me her phone number too, and she writes it down immediately (only after I ask). This lady is older, perhaps mid 30's and is about a '6' or so. Fairly cute, but older.


To be continued....


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score

Field Report Conclusion:

...As you can see, sarges 2 and 3 proceed in a predictable fashion. In sarge 2, I get unambiguous IOI's, and even slight signs of jealousy and disappointment when I sarge her girlfriend. In sarge 3, the girl offers her phone number, plays hard to get, and is visibly nervous. Again, unambiguous scenario.

But sarge 1 troubles me. Of course, she's the prettiest of the three, so she's going to be more selective. But I have a hard time reading her interest level.

The plusses: she stares initially, and seems comfortable with the kino. She also asks me some personal questions, and seems pleased with the answers.

Minuses: she seems anxious when I ask her if she knows anyone in the complex, and seems to withdraw or even seems to disapprove when I suggest a later get together.

The thing is, I'm new to this area, and am "sarging" in a half hearted nervous fashion as I try to feel this place out. So I'm not sure if the girls are nervous because I'm too forward, if the girls are making me nervous, or if my nervousness is making the girls nervous, lol. I'll post more shortly.

Any feedback is appreciated.



Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Reads just like the south...

I think the first part of boot camp is silly in my neck of the woods. Everyone says hi and smiles- it doesnt mean ****.


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2005
Reaction score

i am switching universities soon, so if you get a chance to share about some in-campus sarging, i wouldnt mind hearing :)

great stuff so far, keep it up..


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
You're doing well

Actually, I'm impressed for having that much success in the Northwest. Nine out of 10 women in the NW will be leery of you, there's a huge man-hating culture up here. It takes longer than than other locales to break the ice.

You wrote this:

But sarge 1 troubles me. Of course, she's the prettiest of the three, so she's going to be more selective. But I have a hard time reading her interest level.

No need to worry, you're doing fine. Your approach, lines, confidence, etc., sounded all right on track. Let her be the worrier, it's her loss not yours. Remember the DJ principle: you're the prize.

Good attempts, you didn't come across as some desparate schmuck, you came across confident. Keep up the good work and if laundry gal or the others don't work out, move on.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Seattle & Tacoma WA have the higest concentration of single Mommies in the country.

Caveat Emptor


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
More Stealth Sarging

OK, two more brief sarges.

Sarge #1

Yesterday, I'm at the grocery store. Two beautiful, beautiful young blondes in the checkout aisle as I walk in. I have to walk by just to check them out. Man, I fall in love every single day with a new hottie here. I look around while I get my grub, but there's really no HB's worth mentioning. Actually, there are a couple of them, but both are with their MOMS. You NEVER see a 18-24 yr. old HB in SoCal with their moms. Maybe I should try opening these two sets next time lol. I look for checkout clerk hotties. I see a 20 yr. old blonde, a cute '7' with short hair. I stand in her aisle and stare at her. She checks me out in return: she looks once, twice, three times. She knows. Good. I chat her up:

her: 'hii, how are you' (standard professional greeting)
me: ' how YOU doin'?'
her: 'Good.' Faint smile.
me: 'you look hostile....for an Oregonian. haha.'
her: smiles wanly. 'Are you sure it's not that I might be spaced out instead?'
me: 'ooooh, you're tired. You go to school here (the local U)?'
her: 'Yeah, I go to school starting at 8, and then I start work at 4:30 and finish at 11 PM.' Rolls her eyes, looking for sympathy.
me: 'Oooh, I see.'
her: 'I take dance classes, so I'm on my toes all day. I get tired being on my feet all the time.'
me: 'What kinda dancing you do.'
her: 'All kinds....salsa, swing, anything that comes my way,' she says smiling now. She's finished ringing me up.
me: 'Well, it was nice chatting with you. I'll see you around.'
her: 'ok' (laughs a little).
me: 'Try not to pass out!'
her: 'I hope not.'

Well, I'm trying to take your advice and didn't try for the number close right away. I guess sometimes a girl is just wasted and tired instead of not interested. At least this girl was astute enought to read my intentions (my staring) and was able to convey her understanding of my intentions by staring back at me. She also disclosed some personal information without solicitation, so that's good.

I think I'm putting too much pressure on myself by thinking of the close. I should just start by trying to get good conversations going.

I'll definitely go for a casual date close next time with this girl, if I sense any warmth at all from her.


In fact, I overheard a guy talking to a girl the other day and this is how he asked her out, for a same day date close (not by running game, but just by being a dork in her class, I presume).

guy: fluff
gal: giggle. fluff.
guy: 'So what are you doing later this afternoon?'
gal: 'Uuuum. Nothing.'
guy: 'Well, we'
gal: 'ok.'


Is it really that easy? Guy was a casually dressed skinny dorky undergrad, but date closed with no anxiety for a same day action date. I might be overthinking the game aspect of this. I think if you have a class or work site or friend in common, you're 'in' and 'golden.'


Today, I see a really cute blonde coed. Thin, curly frizzy blonde hair, skinny butt, long legs in jeans, platform comfort sandals, face nicely made up. She was sitting with two complete dorks. One guy, the guy she walks away with, looks like the Unabomber at 18 yrs. of age: scruffy light beard, jacked up unkempt hair, sloppy Old Navy jeans and polo shirt, weird smile and a lame story about his drunk friends. The blonde was a solid '8'. These guys don't have, don't need game. They are getting in some other way: probably just by having a dorm/class/work/common friend association. It most certainly could not be his looks or his game. This is encouraging and discouraging. Looks and game don't matter, but you need an introduction.


Sarge #2

Two girls at Starbucks I stealth sarged a couple days ago:

A brunette '7' with a pretty face heavy on makeup, is sitting with her friend, a pretty black girl. The caucasian girl is slightly thick in the midsection, but acceptably so, with quite a pretty face. The brunette is giggling like crazy. I have to look in their direction. The brunette sees me and continues giggling like crazy. Now she grabs her friend's paper so she can't do any more homework.

Hb7: 'Let's go to bar X.'
(I'm thinking, damn, it's 4 in the afternoon Tuesday, you're going drinking?)
Me: (to Black girl). 'Why do you put up with that? C & F.
BG7: (Looks at me nervously, suspiciously out of the corner of her eye, without turning her body). 'Uuuum, I don't know.'

Me: 'Is she paying half your rent?'

BG7: 'Uuuum, no.' Still looking out of the corner of her eye, nervously.

Me: Now I turn to Hb7: 'Well, you two must be sisters then.'

Hb7: Stops giggling, looks away. 'No, we're not sisters.'

Me: 'Hey, I've noticed Oregonians don't like to joke around. What's up with that?'

Hb7/BG7: 'We're not from Oregon.'

Me: 'Where are you two from?'

Hb/BG: 'We're from California.'

They proceed to tell me they're from Sac and SF. I ask them what brings them to Oregon. 'I don't know....a scholarship?' We talk a bit more but then then Hb says to BG: 'Are you ready to go?'


Sarge #3

Stealth sarge this morning, immediately prior to observing Unabomber, Jr.:

A cute, tall blonde 7 with a babyface and thin bod is in line. Two ROTC types cut in front of her place in line and order a drink.

Me: 'Hey, were you in line?'
HB: 'Yeah, that's OK.'
Me: I laugh, trying to be sympathetic.
HB: She does not respond, either to the ROTC guy (anger), or to my opener (excitement). She gets her drink a minute later, pays and walks off.

Very neutral. She's just emotionally flat the entire time. No change in body language. Takes my statements at face value. Does not acknowledge the sarge. Strange. No big deal, but girls in LA understood and responded to an opener virtually every time. It was like a spark up their patootie (sp?). Here, they try to ignore it and take everything literally. Very different. They're very 'rational.'


Lastly, anyone try the night scene in Eugene or surrounding areas? Any local 'hotspots?' It seems like the undergrads drink fairly heavily during most nights of the week. It's definitely not a Monday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday scene. They drink every night.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
You wrote this:


In fact, I overheard a guy talking to a girl the other day and this is how he asked her out, for a same day date close (not by running game, but just by being a dork in her class, I presume).

guy: fluff
gal: giggle. fluff.
guy: 'So what are you doing later this afternoon?'
gal: 'Uuuum. Nothing.'
guy: 'Well, we'
gal: 'ok.'

Is it really that easy?


Yeah, it is. As much as I love this website, sometimes the over-advice is paralysis by analysis. Different gals like be asked out different ways. As long as you have basic DJ principles, you'll be fine.

I work on a campus full of hotties and say this guy the other day at the student union chatting up an extreme hottie.

He: "I liked tried to call you 100 times, but your answering machine was screwing up."
She: "Really?" Great eye contact, smile, touching him now and then."
He: "Yeah, I kept calling and calling."
She: "Darn, I gotta get that thing fixed" ... more eye contact, extreme interest.

I thought he was AFCing but I noticed she was totally into him ... not my approach but it worked for him. He, he was the one chatting up a babe, not me, more props to him.

I'm always told don't e-mail, do e-mail; call, don't call. It clutters the mind. I met a gal at an art museum recently, I had no pen and dished her my business card ... she e-mailed me the next day and we set up a date. I was told I shouldn't have done that. Really? I got the date.

One of my friends is anti-email, but sometimes it works for me, sometimes it doesn't.

Situations change for each woman, though there are DJ principles that work on most women.

I'm mostly impressed with your 100 percent efforts to get out there and meet women. Technique? I'm not into it that much. Use your own personal style ... women can smell a phoney a mile away, well at least smart women. Bimbos don't know anything.


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Mini FR

I'm continuing my practice with sarging in my new small town. I chat up a HB8 brunette receptionist who works for a property management company this afternoon. I've been there on a couple of previous occasions. When I first saw her a couple of weeks ago, her business associate gave me a complimentary coupon for food and drinks at a local bar and grill. She mentions that the bar and grill's food is only good "after 1:30 AM." Her work colleague mentions casually that that means the food is only good after you're drunk.

I saw HB8 just a couple of days ago in her office. I'm nervous about how or if to sarge her, for reasons I've already spelled out. I open with some comment about the bar and grill:


me: 'so did you say, did you say...that the bar and grill's food sucks?'

her: 'uuuh, well, it's good, but only when it's really late.'

She seems really nervous, but then again, perhaps it's because I'm so damn nervous myself. I actually stuttered. She's pretty, but it's really the awkwardness of trying to sarge in an unfamiliar environment which is throwing my game off.

her: 'cody, what do you think?' She diverts my attention to her co-worker. She's too nervous to continue the conversation with me. It's either because she's not used to being sarged or because I'm making her nervous because I'm nervous.


Today, I'm feeling a little more comfortable.

Me: "so how's my alcoholic buddy?' I say to her from about 8 feet away. She's at her desk, I'm near the office entrance.
Her: She starts laughing out loud. She still seems a little embarrassed and uptight. She's having fun, but can't loosen up for some reason.

Me: 'hey did you bake these cookies yourself?'
Her: 'yes, I woke up at 4 AM to bake them....'
Me: 'All right, you're the first person in Oregon who's lied to me! I like that.'

I walk over to shake her hand. She's laughing out loud still. I shake her hand, but she won't take my hand in hers; she'll only shake the fingers of my hand. She's still feeling uncomfortable with my sarging her.

Me: 'So how was your AA meeting?
Her: Laughing. 'I'm not an alcoholic!'
Me: 'See, your first problem is denial.'
Her: laughing.
Me: 'You have to learn to believe in a power higher than yourself.'

I'm doing some backturns to her now and talking to her colleague, who's just chilling and smiling as I joke with him. I'm trying to utilize Mystery Method by talking to other people aside from the target, doing some takeaways, negging, and so forth.

She tells me her name in the context of the convo. Again, this is supposed to be an IOI according to Mystery, but in the context of my unfamiliar environment, who knows really. But, she doesn't reach out her hand or face me directly as she tells me her name, she keeps walking about the room, going about her duties. I take some baked goods from their office, which is being left out for customers.

me: 'ok, let's put the question this way. Let's say you're NOT an alcoholic. If I were trying to avoid some of the best bars in town, which bars would I have to look out for?'

her: 'well, there's x and y....uuum, he's my boss, so I can't say too much!' She's pointing to her supervisor, the guy I've been joking with.

I tell her I'll be back for more baked goods later. More fluff for a couple of minutes. She invites me back for baked goods later. However, her tone of voice as she says this is not 'warm' or 'sexual' but tolerant and reserved, more neighborly than sensual.



Another neighborly/lukewarm reaction from a serious hottie who seems clueless about how to react to a sarge. One reason for her anxiety may be that she's at work. Again, I can't read her. I'll neg her next time about her fake tan, and maybe a few other things. Knock her down a notch.

I'm getting a little more confident with time and experience, and that's putting my targets
more at ease. Who knows if it will lead to any closes. The thing is, I accomplished my goal today, which was to do some recon on the nightspots around town, and to sarge a chick at the same time. Next mission: find a wing.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
About some of the girls. There are some girls there they just don't have a good sense of humour.

I dated a party girl last year like this, half of the **** I said went over her head. I don't know if her neurons were fried from too much pot or drinking, but she was in her late 20's and still a fricking hottie so i put up with it for a while.

So remember it's not you it's them. This is why I don't even think of it as an approach anymore. I am singling them out. Lame girls wouldn't be fun to date anyways.

We need girls that are good looking and have a good personality as well. Which is why the quest is tough.

Tell her a little about yourself, but not too much. Maintain some mystery. Give her something to think about and wonder about when she's at home.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Same Old, Same Old

Three more conversations today. One at a cafe on campus (tall HB8 dirty blonde), one at a cafe off campus (tall HB7 with cute glasses), and one at a bus stop ('6'). The girls feel most comfortable sticking to chitchat about school if they don't know you. But again, each time I sense a real reluctance to open up to someone they don't know. As you can see, the attractiveness of the girl is not the issue (essentially the same reaction from an 8, 7, and 6), but the nature of the approach itself. Therefore, I need to change my approach. Maybe night game is in store.


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score

The mystery is solved. My co worker just broke it down for me. The thing is, sarging is taboo. Period. Negs, cold approaches, sarging 'strangers' are absolute no no's. It's not me, it's not them being at their job, it's not my approach, you just don't joke around with anyone unless you are FRIENDS... as in tight friends. I had suspected this all along, but now have definite confirmation. This is not some puritanical narrow minded individual, this is not some random ****block, we were just talking about our college town in general. My co worker grew up in a town which has an even stronger taboo against rudeness and so he is able to 'go native' and speak as an insider. The co worker laid out the blueprint, the rules, the backgrounds of the people involved, everything.

In other words, I cannot live here, at least not for an extended period of time. On the bright side, I'm traveling pretty extensively for the remainder of the year. There are also some larger towns which require a bit of a drive, but this town itself is pretty much off limits for 'our thing.'

Thread closed (I think).


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
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Frustration Breeds Understanding. Understanding Breeds Patience. Patience Yields....?

I'm starting fresh with a new screenname. I'm starting to see the same girls over and over again. They are letting their guard down slowly but surely as they see me a second and third time. 'One and done' does not work in this town, at least not for day game. These girls need to see you repeatedly, and this makes them feel a lot more comfortable with you. You don't get their trust all at once, you get it bit by bit, piecemeal. I have no idea how night game goes. I still don't have a wing for that, and given how tight knit this community is, I'm not sure if going solo will help my case at all.

I finally had a sarge/cold approach which a girl liked today also (she's about 20 yrs old, a 6.5 or 7). In the sense that not only was she laughing, but she seemed 'at ease' with me. I had to adopt a style of speaking which was 'neighborly' rather than confrontational, in the C & F sense.

me: 'wow, that looks dangerous.' I say smiling. The girl has just dismounted a 15 foot ladder in a home supplies store.
her: 'yeah, i know. But they train us real well here, so I feel safe.'
me: 'I hope it's something really important up there.'
her: laughs, shoulders heaving up and down.
me: 'that reminds me of the ladders they use in those pro wrestling matches.'
her: She keeps laughing and now she's starting to blush bright red. 'yeah it does! Well, we've gone 500 days without an accident here!'
me: 'yeah, there was a sign with the number of days posted near the door.'
her: 'Really? Oh!'
me: 'I'm just kidding!' She actually doesn't get that I'm joking even after I tell her. Again, everyone takes everyone else at face value here.

So this is a small step forward. She laughed but felt comfortable. Blushing too. I just have to speak differently, I don't have to stop speaking to chicks.

Patience, my friends.


PS: I'm not using my pacwolves account anymore so y'all can pm me at my new screenname. Peac
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Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
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Hate to tell you, it's the Northwest

I lived in the town you currently live in and it's the coldest town people-wise in which I've ever lived.

I've lived in the Northwest my entire life, and women here are very uptight, most in Oregon do NOT have senses of humor. Cold approaches? In the Northwest you might as well be streaking down the street, you get the same response.

People are "polite" in the Northwest, they are not friendly ... and I'm a native Northwesterner and may never leave the region.

The only semi-decent place to date in the NW is Seattle, and it's not even decent. It's bad as in the people are not date-friendly.

Wait till the winter rains set in, where people bundle up so you can't see their faces and they get in bad moods. No eye contact, no hellos, you'll think you're on Mars.

I'm warning you, it's not date friendly.

If you can find minorities or out-of-region women, that's the key.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
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I just drove around town trying to run into a 'scene', i.e., a place swarming with people, buzzing with energy. The frat houses are like that, but even areas people have told me might be promising seem very sedate. It looks like lots of diners from the outside. Who knows. It was raining and I didn't really want to get out unless the scene looked pretty good. Also, the no wing thing is discouraging me. Hey, I guess Mystery and Style and the greats worked on their games solo so I guess I might have to for a little while anyway.

WC, let's sarge! Shoot me a PM.