Situation with GF @ Boss's wedding, may need to involve authorities, advice?


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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About 2 weeks ago I was with my gf at my boss's wedding. We had fun, everything was going good, and we ended up bar hopping after the reception.

At the end of the night me, her, my boss's wife's brother, his gf, and my boss's wife's uncle (a little creepy) were all in a hotel room.

Me and the brother were talking while our gf's were passed out on the bed behind us, around 3am. We had all been drinking a decent amount, though I don't know about the uncle. He was sitting in a corner chair by himself, not really talking. At one point it looked like he fell asleep.

The last thing I remember when passing out is the 4 of us in a bed together and the uncle on the chair.

My gf woke me up startled 4 hours later (I was still out of it), saying she woke up with his hands on her boobs, and her dress pulled up. I don't know if the dress being pulled up was him or me, because I do remember pulling it up earlier (before passing out). She had a tampon in which was still there, but still, not sure if that matters.

But still ... I remember waking up and the brother and his gf are now sleeping on the floor, and the uncle IS IN BED NEXT TO US, AT LEAST HALF NAKED (sheets were covering his lower half).

In retrospect I should have stayed and got the scoop, but she was adamant about leaving and I was still out of it so I conceded.

Boss's wife assured me that 'she's sure nothing bad happened', but that means jack sh!t in my book. They went off on their honeymoon and I tried to get a hold of them, no luck. Another employee at the company had the uncle's phone number, but as soon as I called the number it says 'this person is not currently accepting calls'. Maybe my number is blocked.

The wife was in the office today and I stopped her and called her out on it, saying that I need to talk with him. She said 'I'm not getting in the middle of this, I'm sure it was nothing bad, I'll let him know and if he wants to talk to you he will'. I told her 'I don't care if he wants to talk to me or not, and I'm not trying to get others involved, but if I can't do this the easy way I will get the authorities involved'.

I'm going to talk to my boss one more time today face to face as a last resort to explain how important it is that I talk with him.

Neither have been very keen on putting me in touch with him, which is a red flag to me.

I need to figure out what happened. This is not a minor issue.


So, I need some advice on how to proceed if I'm not put in contact with him. I'm giving it until the end of the weekend for contact. If not, further action will be taken.

Who should I contact and which authorities to involve? This is at a bare minimum a sexual harassment case.

I will not let this go.

PS. I'm not worried about my job. It has nothing to do with the situation but if the heat comes, I have a backup plan for work - so this is of no concern to me.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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You don't have much evidence that anything happened, other than your GF saying he had his hand on her boob. If your GF is adamant about filing a complaint then that's up to her. It would be her word against his. You let it be known to the boss's family your beef. I think you should let it go.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2011
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North America
Edit: Redundant message after samspade's but ... I took the time to write it ;)

Food for thought ...

What will you say if your boss says ...
"nope, not helping you get to him"

What will you do if you get an opportunity to talk with him?
"ask him if he did, if that's all he felt, did they feel real"?
No, you'll likely punch the guy and get rewarded with a criminal assault charge.

If you take it to the cops, you only have Jack Daniels as your witness.

If you found a way to be taken seriously, and you got him into court, do you think that the defense attorney would humiliate you?

The best advice you will get is to learn from this experience and not pass out where you are so vulnerable.

The guy might have been a perv, but he might have been an identity thief / salesman. You can't allow yourself to be in that position.

I'm sorry for what your girlfriend is going through, but likely nothing good will come of this.


The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Chalk it up as a lesson learned. You are all guilty of misconduct in my court.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Dear Muscles,
A Fortnight ago!!!!....Your Girl is so offended that she hasn't done a thing about it?...And you are considering complaining to the Boss?...Rather like complaining to Caesors Wife..Not smart Mate!


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
SecondHalf said:
The best advice you will get is to learn from this experience and not pass out where you are so vulnerable.
This pretty much sums it up. Agree with everyone on this thread.

Not much you can do now. At the time she could have slapped him, or you could have raised a ruckus. But now it seems petty, you were all inebriated, uncle saw an opportunity for some creepy side action.

You did your part and were concerned about it, but your obligation to stand up for your girlfriend has expired. She was upset at the time, but now the two of you should be able to laugh about it. The boss's wife's creepy uncle felt your girlfriend's boob. You now have a good story to tell.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
Authorities won't do a damned thing. They will probably rape your girlfriend more than the uncle. Tell the drama queen to forget about it and move on. Nothing happened it's all in her mind.

Don't feed the drama. I highly doubt the uncle stuck his d!ck in her p/ssy. Is that what you think might have really happened?

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
This is a cold case. The authorities will most likely do absolutely nothing.

The guy copped a feel ( don't even know for sure) because you put yourself and her in a weird situation. I would let it go.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
muscleman said:
Who should I contact and which authorities to involve? This is at a bare minimum a sexual harassment case.

I will not let this go.

PS. I'm not worried about my job. It has nothing to do with the situation but if the heat comes, I have a backup plan for work - so this is of no concern to me.
You need legal advice, not advice from a bunch of KJ's.

Contact an attorney that specializes in sexual harassment cases. If there's enough to go on (meaning if they smell money) they'll go after Uncle Fucker

That's about all you can do at this point.


Don Juan
May 25, 2013
Reaction score
Your girlfriend banged the uncle why you were passed out next to her. The next morning she felt bad and made up her story so she wouldn't feel like a slut.


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score
Calvin said:
Your girlfriend banged the uncle why you were passed out next to her. The next morning she felt bad and made up her story so she wouldn't feel like a slut.

Maybe, maybe not, cant be proven either way though, so op should let it go...

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
samspade said:
Agree with taiyuu and Scaramouche.
I don't.

taiyuu_otoko said:
You need legal advice, not advice from a bunch of KJ's.

Contact an attorney that specializes in sexual harassment cases. If there's enough to go on (meaning if they smell money) they'll go after Uncle Fucker

That's about all you can do at this point.
What's an attorney going to do? There is no evidence except 3 drunk people sleeping on a bed and her dress was "pulled up" in the morning? The attorney will laugh him out of the room. Or take his money first, and then laugh him out.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Malice said:
What's an attorney going to do? There is no evidence except 3 drunk people sleeping on a bed and her dress was "pulled up" in the morning? The attorney will laugh him out of the room. Or take his money first, and then laugh him out.
How could you quote me AND misunderstand what I wrote at the same time?

I said:


Meaning an attorney who does this kind of thing for a living would be best equipped to tell if there was ANYTHING he could do.

I didn't say "go to an attorney and they'll fix everything!"



I agree with most of the posters in this thread. You don't have much to go on. As someone who likes to get pretty drunk at times, I sympathize with your situation, but what can you prove? What could a lawyer even prove?

You have to handle this sh1t personally, or not at all. I think your boss' wife knows this, too, and that's why she gave you the answer she did. She's not going to incriminate her family.

It's a tough situation to be in. I honestly feel bad for you. If it was me, I'd be ready to throw hands. Then again, we have too much to lose at this stage in our lives.

You have to weigh it out and decide what you're willing to sacrifice.

Good luck.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
Solomon said:
I lul'd at this thread....

lol @ the guy sleeping naked next to your girl

This whole situation is uber-bizarre

I can't give advice on this but I wouldn't have put myself in that position to begin with (woulda took a cab home)
It sounds like the guy got in the bed, felt her thigh and maybe her boobs. Highly doubt he stuck his **** in. If muscleman or his girl thought that, they should have gone to police and done a rape kit to find proof, or else there is no case here, and no reason to see a lawyer.

Are there any other witnesses who saw anything? That's the last hope of pressing charges.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
Knew a girl who was supposedly raped while drunk, on her period, tampon shoved up so deep that an MD had to remove it. charge were filed. NOT convicted. When you have drunks testifying and no physical evidence of rape... You have NOTHING.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
What does your girl think? Does she want to press charges?

At first glance it seems she might have messed around with him, felt bad, and now you're going Captain Savaho.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
muscleman, it's clear you have never sued anyone in your life before.

I doubt you were ever in a court aside from a traffic violation.

These things don't work like that bro, you can't be an alpha dog "and not let this go" on your own ...


It's not even clear if your girl is telling the truth, let alone proving it in court.

If you are that rich to waste on lawyers, you wouldn't have spent such a weird night in a hotel room anyway. Couldn't you just pay 200$ bucks to get a room

on your own? Even if this was a 5-star hotel, it would have been solved in 15 minutes ..

What kind of weirdo situation is this? I would never sleep with my girl in a hotel room with strangers, let alone being wasted and incapacitated at the same time.

I think you were completely irresponsible, you have absolutely no case here, and against a skillful lawyer you may end up being counter-sued for harassment and defamation charges.

Take this as a lesson learned and don't be such a chump next time.



Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
taiyuu_otoko said:
How could you quote me AND misunderstand what I wrote at the same time?

I said:


Meaning an attorney who does this kind of thing for a living would be best equipped to tell if there was ANYTHING he could do.

I didn't say "go to an attorney and they'll fix everything!"

I don't think he misunderstood you. You did say go to an attorney for a fix before insulting the rest of the people with highly common sense opinions; read what you wrote again.