Situation with GF @ Boss's wedding, may need to involve authorities, advice?


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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Malice said:
Tell the drama queen to forget about it and move on. Nothing happened it's all in her mind.
Agree with the point, but I wouldn't use those words. She may be making a bigger deal out of something she could have shrugged off and/or handled on the spot. Now she's leaving the burden up to you. It's now in your hands and your responsibility, something else to carry on your shoulders. But your communication with her is key here. This is one of those delicate situations. Telling her she's imagining things is only going to make it worse.

If this is still bothering her, then, like taiyuu said, she may need to go see an attorney. Their advice to her should let her move on.

EDIT: If not, then a shrink would be the next step......
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