Simple advice that will serve you well


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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David DeAngelo refers to it as "calling her out on her sh!t", Mystery refers to it as "the freeze out" and many DJs and PUAs promote this idea of standing up to a girl when she shows any signs of disrespect, disinterest or cool behaviour.

The problem is, many of us can't differentiate between addressing the problem in a mature fashion and throwing a tantrum.

In the former instance, you would just say "Look, I think we need to talk about a few things" and then you address what's bothering you and say how disrespectful you find it. You can even add that you're disappointed in her or that you won't stand for it if it continues.

In the latter instance, a guy will go into spoilt brat mode. He'll ignore her and hope she comes chasing, asking him what's wrong. He'll play mind games, pretend he's into someone else, cancel plans or even call her bluff and dump her when he doesn't get his own way.

Another thing many guys do is get touchy and defensive. If a girl cancels plans or doesn't reply to texts etc, he feels this need to defend his ego and will react by saying something sarcastic or making ultimatums.

A guy who does this will often convince himself he's standing his ground and taking no sh!t. He claims he is the prize and women should bow down to him, but what she sees is pathetic attention seeking behaviour and a guy who is deeply insecure.

Unfortunately, I've been guilty of throwing these tantrums many times before and it has cost me big! In one instance a girl I was seeing "liked" another guys Facebook photo, so I deleted her from Facebook and told her I won't stand for it. That girl was really into me until that point, but I just showed her a jealous and posessive side that put her off for good. More recently, my (now ex) girlfriend asked me for some space while she dealt with some genuine issues in her life. Instead of granting her the space and being cool with it, I overreacted and dumped her. Of course, I was hoping she'd chase me and reassure me, but she called my bluff and I lost someone I cared about deeply. Worse still, I left her with a last impression of me as a sulky brat.

Just heed this advice and know the difference between addressing disrespectful behaviour calmly and directly and throwing a tantrum.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
jariel i agree with you on this matter, but it also depends on how mature the female is, whom you are dealing with!

sometimes talking in a mature adult manner is not possible... in my case, if i tried bringing up issues with my ex

she would complain that i am starting on her, or bullying her, or repeating myself

the communication totaly broke down, infact i dont think it really existed in the first place,

i would let certain problems just build up inside me, till i just walked out on her!

also in my case i noticed... if i tried talking to her about relationship problems, she would flip that into me acting needy, or bieng a weak man..


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
Just tell her straight and leave it as that. If she doesn't like it she can find someone else stupid enough to put up with her.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
kartofel said:
a simple advice that will serve you well in your life

What have those links and your post got to do with what I'm saying? Seems you missed the point.

soulforge said:
also in my case i noticed... if i tried talking to her about relationship problems, she would flip that into me acting needy, or bieng a weak man..
In that case, she is the one throwing the tantrum and getting defensive. So you know just how destructive that can be on a relationship.

The obvious solution is to ditch somebody who behaves like this. And that applies to both men and women.


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2013
Reaction score
Jariel said:
What have those links and your post got to do with what I'm saying? Seems you missed the point.
it does, women don't care about acting mature or solving problems and neither are they fair or rational and will never be

you are wasting your time, if she's stupid move on

and your advice came from mixing social conditioning with untested pua material, which is basically a mental masturbation, Eben Pagan crying on his own wedding while he got that woman from his marketing seminars should tell you all about the pua's and the legitness of their advice

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
soulforge said:
jariel i agree with you on this matter, but it also depends on how mature the female is, whom you are dealing with!

sometimes talking in a mature adult manner is not possible... in my case, if i tried bringing up issues with my ex

she would complain that i am starting on her, or bullying her, or repeating myself

the communication totaly broke down, infact i dont think it really existed in the first place,

i would let certain problems just build up inside me, till i just walked out on her!

also in my case i noticed... if i tried talking to her about relationship problems, she would flip that into me acting needy, or bieng a weak man..
Good job, Jariel, it sounds like you've learned some important lessons.

Soulforge, the thing is that speaking to her in a mature way is more about you and what you internalize about yourself than it is about her. Stooping to a woman's level is bad on two fronts... One, it erodes one's own self-respect (even if one is not aware of this). Two, she will invariably turn your behavior around on you and walk away feeling justified.

A cold, steady hand is what's needed. Speak softly and carry a big stick, I always say. There's tremendous power in correcting a woman in a detached way.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Men are meant to be straight shooters --> Tell it like it is and smash your nose in if you get too disrespectful.

In 2013 giving a slap across the face to anyone without a c0ck will hand you in jail and on the "scum of the earth" list. So all you can do now is be blunt about what you want and expect. Give her the option to either behave herself or f*ck off. Those are her only options if she wants continued association with you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
kartofel said:
and your advice came from mixing social conditioning with untested pua material, which is basically a mental masturbation...
No, my advice comes from personal experience. I wouldn't give any other kind.


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Unfortunately, I've been guilty of throwing these tantrums many times before and it has cost me big! In one instance a girl I was seeing "liked" another guys Facebook photo, so I deleted her from Facebook and told her I won't stand for it. That girl was really into me until that point, but I just showed her a jealous and posessive side that put her off for good. More recently, my (now ex) girlfriend asked me for some space while she dealt with some genuine issues in her life. Instead of granting her the space and being cool with it, I overreacted and dumped her. Of course, I was hoping she'd chase me and reassure me, but she called my bluff and I lost someone I cared about deeply. Worse still, I left her with a last impression of me as a sulky brat.
I feel for you Jariel.

I think there are two different types of lessons being learned by guys on these boards.

On the one hand, guys want to learn self-respect. Not to be a slavish bore, walking around hitched to another's approval, and quivering with her every Yay and Nay. It helps them learn this lesson if they take a woman's value very, very lightly. The careless generalizations and discarding of anyone who inconveniences them help them to focus on developing themselves, which is a righteous aim. Guys learning to appreciate themselves, maybe for the first time. It helps not to appreciate anyone else too much when you're still learning to appreciate yourself.

After that lesson, though, you want to go with girls you really, really like. That lesson is about appreciating other people besides yourself. And its dangerous because, like becoming a parent, you enter a world where its not all about 'Me' anymore.

These two different sets of lessons conflict both in theory and practice, as I guess we both are discovering.

We can talk all day about HBs and whatnot, but the girls that are really special to you or me are not a dime a dozen. The right woman is a blessing and a miracle, I'm not afraid to say it. You do not give ultimatums to the woman of your dreams when she walks into your life and says "Hello." Because she is also the woman who is mature and balanced enough to see that sh1t and tell you to fvck off.

Sad, difficult realizations.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
I guess what you're saying is don't overreact. My usual reaction to something I don't like is to just ignore it or act like it never happened.

If I want to still pursue the girl I just call her up and ask her out and continue like nothing bothered me - because it usually didn't.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
MidnightCity said:
I agree with the OP.

guys will never seem to realize that the less you truly give a fukc the easier it is to maintain the upperhand without coming off as a sulking loser.

being angry and "putting women in their place" is just ego assauging bullsh*t. sure it might make you feel good, but you are basically confirming to her that she was right to act the way she did.

once again, having options is the best way to avoid caring so much about what one particular chick does.

how do you not care so much, when your planning to live with the girl, move in together, marry etc????


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
I thought the trusted wisdom on this site is to never discuss your feelings (i.e. feeling disrespected) and to punish bad behavior by withdrawing your attention?


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
MidnightCity said:
I agree with the OP.

guys will never seem to realize that the less you truly give a fukc the easier it is to maintain the upperhand without coming off as a sulking loser.

being angry and "putting women in their place" is just ego assauging bullsh*t. sure it might make you feel good, but you are basically confirming to her that she was right to act the way she did.

once again, having options is the best way to avoid caring so much about what one particular chick does.

i agree with you on this, but sometimes a girl pushes you too far & you can't help but flip... i think that was the case for me

looking back... i should have quietly walked out of her house & not said a word & just dumped her


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
TheCWord said:
I thought the trusted wisdom on this site is to never discuss your feelings (i.e. feeling disrespected) and to punish bad behavior by withdrawing your attention?
I tried that about 15 times now and it always backfires. Whereas the direct approach seems to work much better.

Experience is a valuable teacher.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Jariel said:
I tried that about 15 times now and it always backfires. Whereas the direct approach seems to work much better.

Experience is a valuable teacher.
What's your tone of voice in that situation? I have trouble picturing a middle ground - I can only hear, in my head, it coming off as very feminine (listen, when you do this it hurts my feelers) or too hot headed (listen, this is how you have to behave or you're gone)


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
South Africa
Jariel why are you trying to hide your jealous nature in hopes it will keep a women around?

One way or another its going to come out, why not sooner than later.

I think your problem is that

And I believe that's why all ltr end because there true nature is revealed in bits and pieces.

Women can do whatever the fvck they want and they expect men to bow to them.

Fvck that.