signs she loves you


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
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belleville, il
well here are some signs she is falling in love with u or is in love with u:

1. Cant get enuf of you- she will see you as much as you want. and seem to be available for you when she wouldnt be for her friends or anyone else.

2. will talk to you on the phone......for long periods of time..and you seem to always have something to talk about.(while not affecting any other part of the relationship, as the idea that talking on the phone for more than 10 min will ruin it.(thats crap)

3. acts differnt around you then her friends and family(this mean she has a super high level of trust in you to expose her self in her most vulnerable form)

4. has names for you, nicknames..ussually the basic words like angel, baby, hunny, sweetheart...then after sometime moves into more personal things.

5. exposes things, like wanting to take a shower together, using the bathroom together, talking to you about her period in depth, keeping you updated on her personal women shyt, telling u about her most useless parts of her day, like shopping and what she got, who she ran into, like telling u boring useless stories, for some reason ur actually half way interested.

I will think of more and add them...if u want to add something feel free. I realize some guys will probably act hard and say this is bs to talk about...but since most guys here cant read them well...these are generic signs she loves u, which is importnat if u dont want to get f'ed over.


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
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frivolousz21: You might call me a wuss for this, but your post actually brought me to tears man...

... All i can say, is that I miss love.... a lot.

Oh well... on the other hand, I'm happy that you're going good with your love life, and I really hope it works out well for you:)



Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
everyguy here would want the women they like to feel that way about them....thats why its addicting like crack.

I think scientists say it releses seratonin and oxycoton in the brain to be with the girl u love.

thats why people risk there entire emotional state to have it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
love is great, until about 6-12 months in and reality sets in and she drops the facade and starts acting like a 5 year old child half the time.

but ya never know... never say never when it comes to love i guess.



Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by joekerr31
love is great, until about 6-12 months in and reality sets in and she drops the facade and starts acting like a 5 year old child half the time.
I'm sure that has a lot to do with the girl that you are with as an individual, and her level of maturity (relationship-wise)



Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
You're right, frivolous...those are all signs that a woman loves you. The phone comment you made reminds me very much of my phone conversations with my best friend, a guy I happen to love very much. We once talked for hours about his garlic press...and not once did we get bored or did we run out of things to say.

It's so nice to see a guy on here have so much positive things to say about their interactions with a woman. It's refreshing and it's something I really needed to see in light of all the hate I've been seen spewed towards women lately. Thank you for reminding me that there's still some hope left for the guys here...and congrats on being in love. It's a great thing when you find someone who loves you too.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2005
Reaction score
You see a lot of "hate" here because it is a men's website to help people who have trouble getting women, so it is easy to see how frustration with women is expressed quite often. If a women's site exists like this I bet they speak a lot of bad stuff about us, but we don't care, and we don't go there. The "positive" side of the story is never spoken here because there is no point. I, sadly, have never really been in love, but I hope one day I will find the right girl who is actually capable of love and devotion.

But, I have another one I think might be true: She agrees to do anal..... I think this should be the new test. Before you go getting married, aside from your prenuptial agreement, give her the test to see how much she loves you.


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2005
Reaction score
Behind a wall of shame
7. you say stupid things like... oh I just love hubbabubba. and next day she'll buy one for you without you even asking for it. she'll just be sitting with you and out of blue, "wanna bubba?" :D


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
Originally posted by Sasha
7. you say stupid things like... oh I just love hubbabubba. and next day she'll buy one for you without you even asking for it. she'll just be sitting with you and out of blue, "wanna bubba?" :D
hahahaha thats so true !!!

or she drinks dr pepper but you drink mtn dew and she finds out and secretly switches to do the dew all the time and its something you would never notice but she will assume that you would notice because she would notice.

or she listens to pop music and then finds out you listen to a different kind of music and not only that, but you have mentioned your favorite band and then suddenly shes their newest groupie and buys all their tshirts and cds and memorizes all their songs and starts reciting them when she thinks someone needs advise.

wow i know girl stuff haha


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by penkitten
hahahaha thats so true !!!

or she drinks dr pepper but you drink mtn dew and she finds out and secretly switches to do the dew all the time and its something you would never notice but she will assume that you would notice because she would notice.

or she listens to pop music and then finds out you listen to a different kind of music and not only that, but you have mentioned your favorite band and then suddenly shes their newest groupie and buys all their tshirts and cds and memorizes all their songs and starts reciting them when she thinks someone needs advise.

wow i know girl stuff haha
wow. you write about women so well, like you've been inside a woman's head... it's almost as if...
oh wait!


What's the deal with changing your preferences to match the guy's?

Do you ACTUALLY start liking the same stuff. Or do you just do it to show affection?

I've been there. Just curious.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
Originally posted by Flogger

What's the deal with changing your preferences to match the guy's?

Do you ACTUALLY start liking the same stuff. Or do you just do it to show affection?

well sometimes change is good.
if you never tried something before and then someone introduces you to it and you like it , then change could be good and useful to you. ( for example a new hobby or food or something)

however, sometimes chicks take things to extremes. when i was a younger gal, a teenager, i was easily changed like this.
i dont even think alot of people know they change.

now that i am older, i realize that i may like dr pepper the most, and mtn dew the next most. gio may like diet pepsi, which is fine. i know i dont like diet pepsi, so i will buy him some for just him. i will buy my dr pepper. ten years ago, id just buy lots of whatever he liked to make him happy and save money at the same time. now i realise its just a dang soda who cares for crying out loud, we dont have to have the same exact thing.


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by penkitten
well sometimes change is good.
if you never tried something before and then someone introduces you to it and you like it , then change could be good and useful to you. ( for example a new hobby or food or something)

however, sometimes chicks take things to extremes. when i was a younger gal, a teenager, i was easily changed like this.
i dont even think alot of people know they change.

now that i am older, i realize that i may like dr pepper the most, and mtn dew the next most. gio may like diet pepsi, which is fine. i know i dont like diet pepsi, so i will buy him some for just him. i will buy my dr pepper. ten years ago, id just buy lots of whatever he liked to make him happy and save money at the same time. now i realise its just a dang soda who cares for crying out loud, we dont have to have the same exact thing.

You just learn to like new stuff (which happens to be what your boyfriend likes). K. Sure.

But it's the going overboard part. The buying the t-shirts, the excitement about the upcoming concert.

Women have an ability to absorb the minds of their lovers that's just... amazing...


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Flogger

You just learn to like new stuff (which happens to be what your boyfriend likes). K. Sure.

But it's the going overboard part. The buying the t-shirts, the excitement about the upcoming concert.

Women have an ability to absorb the minds of their lovers that's just... amazing...
I think what penkitten is trying to say is that when you love someone you want to at least try to like what they, music, beverages...little things like that. I've only done this once, and it was with football. I didn't grow to love it just because my fiance did...but I learned how to enjoy watching it with him. Of course, he had to explain the game to me because initially it just looked like a bunch of big guys running in circles piling on top of each other.

I think you are talking more about how people try to portray themselves as something or someone they really aren't. Both men and women do this. Once I figured this out, I stopped answering that awful question "What are you looking for in a person?" I seriously refuse to answer that one, lol. What typically happens if you DO answer it is the person who asked suddenly acquires all those traits and qualities you want in a person...overnight. Because you really want to find that in someone, you tend to fall for it. Then 3 or 4 months down the road you wake up and wonder what happened to that perfect person you were with who used to have all those traits you wanted. Suddenly those traits are all gone. So you think they have "changed". They didn't change...they just couldn't keep pretending to have all those traits they know you are looking for. They are back to who they really were to begin with...the person you never were really compatible with in the first place. :D


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
I think what penkitten is trying to say is that when you love someone you want to at least try to like what they, music, beverages...little things like that. I've only done this once, and it was with football. I didn't grow to love it just because my fiance did...but I learned how to enjoy watching it with him. Of course, he had to explain the game to me because initially it just looked like a bunch of big guys running in circles piling on top of each other.

I think you are talking more about how people try to portray themselves as something or someone they really aren't. Both men and women do this. Once I figured this out, I stopped answering that awful question "What are you looking for in a person?" I seriously refuse to answer that one, lol. What typically happens if you DO answer it is the person who asked suddenly acquires all those traits and qualities you want in a person...overnight. Because you really want to find that in someone, you tend to fall for it. Then 3 or 4 months down the road you wake up and wonder what happened to that perfect person you were with who used to have all those traits you wanted. Suddenly those traits are all gone. So you think they have "changed". They didn't change...they just couldn't keep pretending to have all those traits they know you are looking for. They are back to who they really were to begin with...the person you never were really compatible with in the first place. :D
The odds that Wyldfire is an attractive woman, given this post, seem very low to me.

(That's TECHNICALLY a compliment, depending on how you read between the lines.)


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Alphathree
The odds that Wyldfire is an attractive woman, given this post, seem very low to me.

(That's TECHNICALLY a compliment, depending on how you read between the lines.)
And why do you say that?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
And why do you say that?
Your post didn't have a lot of ******** in it, despite being on the topic of relationships; it made sense to me.

This level of logic usually isn't seen in attractive women who, by and large, are run primarily by their emotions, even when they're trying to be logical.

I do know girls who are smart/logical and butt ugly. :D I also know a FEW attractive girls who are also smart/logical, but they are few and far between.

So my answer is based on probability, given my own personal experience as a sample space.

(And no I don't use the phrase 'sample space' when I'm talking to women normally, heh.)


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Ah...okay, makes sense. Click on the link in my signature...I'm not butt ugly, lol.